Saving people is the most important thing, although the two are strong, but they are seriously injured, they will be in trouble if they encounter a divine beast, and they will be torn to pieces.

Ye Yun took out some spiritual liquid that he had just obtained, fused it into the pill, fed it into the mouths of the two, and then absorbed the surrounding spiritual energy, turning it into true energy and injecting it into their bodies.

Qing Ming and Chi Yun were secretly on guard, on the one hand to prevent the blood-red Shura, on the other hand they were also worried that the two injured monks would kill people if they woke up.


The young goddess only opened her eyes and looked at Ye Yun wearily. Seeing Ye Yun's infusion of true energy, she realized that she was helping, so she calmed down and waited with her teeth gritted.

The man next to him also moved. It seems that the spiritual liquid and true energy played a key role in the timely rain.

The woman slowly stood up, leaning on the sacred tree, and stared at the three hoarsely: "Who are you? Thank you for saving me!"

"You saved the members of my Lei family, and your benefits are indispensable!"

The men also sat up one after another, took out a few magical pills and swallowed them.

Ye Yun secretly moved his eyes to Qing Ming and Chi Yun.

Under the curious eyes of the woman and the sharp eyes of the man, Ji replied: "We are the natives here, just the three of us hide in this forest, or practice in the desert world, and make a living by collecting divine fruits. There were many people in the past. , but they were all eaten by divine beasts, I heard from the elders that we escaped to this nameless world!"

Everyone understands this truth when you meet people and say three points, and Ye Yun has long been familiar with it.

After the man heard this, his eyes were somewhat suspicious: "This is Mingwu Star. Millions of years ago, it was still a human habitat in the Tiankui Starfield, but it was later killed by the beast race in the chaos, such as The Shura clan caused a large number of humans to be beheaded by Shura, or taken away as slaves, so Mingwu Star also began to decline, almost becoming a deserted planet!"

Ming Wuxing!

It turns out that this planet, which is covered in a large area by desert, once had such a dreamlike name.

Ye Yun asked again: "Are you from the Thunder Cloud Chamber of Commerce?"

"You know?" The man suddenly looked cold and arrogant.

"Heard of it before, but never seen it!"

The man grinned and said, "We are foreign monks from the Lei family. You aboriginals probably don't know that my Lei family is already the owner of a dozen or so planets in this star field, right?"

Ray family?

The owner of a dozen planets?

What concept?

Back then, there were many planets in Hell, Nine Layers of Immortals, and God Realm, but no one had ever become the owner of a planet, let alone a large number of planets.

Seeing Ye Yun's astonishment, the man swallowed a pill and said, "According to the code promulgated by the Supreme Lord of the Tiankui Starfield, all materials, everything, all wealth, Life, that is the private property of my Lei family's supreme giant, 'Lei Yun Zhizun', in other words, the three of you, as well as this Mingwu star, are all the property of my Lei family!"

"His grandfather's, Thunder Cloud Supreme? In such a large star field, more than a dozen planets are his private property?" Chi Yun was secretly unconvinced.

Ye Yun hurriedly gave a warning, so that Chi Yun, a stubborn donkey, would not have any troubles again.

The woman on one side recovered a lot of expressions, and she couldn't help being moved when she saw the three of them: "My cousin is right at all. Millions of years ago, my ancestor Lei Yun became a strong man under the Supreme Ruler. The ruler of the world conferred the supreme power of this star field and controlled more than a dozen planets, all of which are the property of my Lei family, but the real power is the royal family of my Lei family, not us foreigners!"

"Sister Wei..." The man suddenly winked at the woman.

The woman hurriedly added: "Although we are not the royal family, we are also responsible for patrolling and controlling the order of the planet, and escorting monks and all forces!"

"That kid pretends that we have never seen the world!" In the dark, Chi Yun smiled coldly.

Ye Yun acted with the shock and politeness that an ordinary monk should have: "We natives have never left the Mingwu Star since we were born, and there are chaotic beasts everywhere, as well as those terrifying beast races like Bone Shura. Follow this star field!"

The man nodded: "Those who don't know are innocent. From today onwards, the three of you are the private property of my 'Raymond', and of course the property of my cousin 'Lei Xinwei'. We are your masters!"

Lei Xinwei snorted softly: "Cousin, the three of them have made great contributions to saving lives, so let them have free identities for now, so as not to spread it, you and my Lei family are only petty!"

"All right, I'll listen to you. It will take a long time for me to recover. I have to recover my full strength before I can leave. If I encounter Scarlet Shura again, you and I will have the power to save our lives!"

Lei Meng didn't bother to say anything, and left it to Lei Xinwei.

He went to the forest on the other side, quickly released a divine formation, and practiced in it.

Lei Xinwei also formed a seal and created a formation that easily covered the forest within a kilometer. For Ye Yun and the others, this formation was indestructible and could completely resist those chaotic beasts.

She asked the names of the three of them one by one, and asked Qing Ming to be her maid by name.

People have to bow their heads under the roof.

Ye Yun and Chi Yun gritted their teeth and endured it.

"Wuwu, you have to hide your identity from the Dark Clan and advance to the Great Thousand God Map!" Before Lei Xinwei noticed Wuwu Beast, she hurriedly let it enter the Great Thousand God Map.

Dark Race!

I heard that Bone Shura mentioned that he is also the king of the beast clan of the Great Chaos, if people know the identity of the Wuwu Beast, they will not attack it.

While Lei Xinwei was practicing, she also secretly paid attention to the movement of several people.

He suddenly said: "Why are you guys so weak in cultivation? Each of you is the four transformations of the Primordial Realm? You haven't even reached the Supreme Realm!"

"Miss, we are all natives, and we don't have the resources for cultivation, so we are naturally weak!" Ye Yun immediately explained: "We even have a half-knowledge about cultivation, and we have no way of knowing the cultivation, strength, etc. of Miss and Young Master!"

Poor, Ye Yun's appearance is too pitiful.

Lei Xinwei seemed to feel pity: "The Hunyuan Realm is also called the Hunyuan Change. In this chaotic world, it is the most basic state. There are nine changes in total. From one change to nine changes, the cultivation base reaches nine changes." After that, after passing through the catastrophe, you will be in the Supreme Realm. Only the Supreme Realm has the strength to fight against the Beast Race, and I am just an ordinary Beast Race. I am now a high-level cultivation base in the Supreme Realm, and I am preparing to break through the Star God Realm and become the Star God Realm I’m considered a strong one, able to deal with most of the monster clans, if I were a star god, I wouldn’t be attacked by Blood Shura this time, and I’d also lose the collected treasures, so I won’t be able to do business with my clansmen when I go back!”

Hunyuan Realm!

too classy!

Star God Realm!

It seemed that after Lei Xinwei's intentional or unintentional introduction, Ye Yun, Chi Yun, and Qing Ming were not very moved, but there was already a turmoil in their hearts.

Unexpectedly, the God of Creation is also the Hunyuan Realm, and above the God of Creation, there are also the Realm of the Supreme and the Realm of Star Gods!


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