While Ye Yun was astonished, that huge body had already set sail, like an ancient giant hand, suppressing it with overwhelming momentum.

"Purgatory Absolute Yin Tower!"

Ye Yun cast his magical hand, faced with the terrifying power of Xuanyuan Xiaojian, he was already self-cultivated, and couldn't resist at all, so he ignored the hundreds of immortal artifacts left in the hall, and directly grabbed the one who had suppressed more than 1000 immortal artifacts. The Tower of Absolute Yin in Purgatory was captured in an instant, and with the momentum of sealing countless immortal artifacts, it directly blasted towards the **** above its head.

"This kid..."

Seeing the Tower of Absolute Yin in Purgatory, Xuanyuan Xiaojian immediately knew Ye Yun's intentions. He wanted to use the power of the celestial artifact in the Tower of Absolute Yin in Purgatory to combine with the Tower of Absolute Yin in Purgatory to deal with the **** together. , for Xuanyuan Xiaojian, another attack was in vain.

boom boom boom…

The Tower of Absolute Yin in Purgatory, which contains thousands of celestial artifacts, came from the suppression of the sky, directly pressing on the ****, and in an instant, it collided violently with the ****, and the two forces attacked each other like a flood of beasts. Although the Yin Tower contains the power of a fairy weapon, it is not a **** opponent, just to prevent the **** from attacking Ye Yun.

"Xuanyuanxiao sword is really powerful. The Tower of Purgatory Absolute Yin contains countless celestial powers, and it still can't break his attack... Take it!"

Ye Yun didn't want the Purgatory Absolute Yin Tower to be completely destroyed, and the thousands of immortal weapons sealed inside would fly away in a riot. Before the Purgatory Absolute Yin Tower disappeared, Ye Yun grabbed it with his big hand and sucked the Purgatory Absolute Yin Tower into his body , then he turned around and flew towards the other two palaces.

"Where to escape, Ye Yun... the three servants obey the order, without delay, kill this person!"

Xuanyuan Xiaojian was treacherous and cunning, how could he tolerate Ye Yun taking advantage of him, so he immediately waved his hand to command the three attendants, and the three immediately chased after him ferociously.

"This kid will definitely not be able to escape the pursuit of the three major servants. There are countless fairy treasures in this treasure hall. If the venerable gets the dojo, I will naturally get some fairy treasures alone..."

There are three great attendants chasing and killing Ye Yun, more than enough, Xuanyuan Xiaojian doesn't need to care about Ye Yun, now the entire dojo is in the hands of Qiu Qianshang, no one can escape his palm, Xuanyuan Xiaojian knows this best , begging for Qianshang's strength, that's not a star.


Xuanyuan Xiaojian smiled sinisterly, flew into the main hall, began to suppress the remaining Bailai immortal artifacts in the hall, and then took all the treasures of the hall into his pocket.


Between the three palaces, the void exploded one after another, and it was the three attendants who were chasing and killing Ye Yun non-stop. The three were originally high-level powerhouses in the Tongtian Realm, and their strength was several times that of Ye Yun. With Ye Yun's ability, they were his opponents at all. However, the three of them had no thoughts at all, they were just puppets, they couldn't keep up with Ye Yun's pace after a lot of chasing and beating, chasing and killing Ye Yun's residual breath.


At this time, behind Xuanyuan Taoist Temple, above the high void, in an ancient formation, there was the sound of air pressure like water bubbles, and I saw Tai Dayan sitting in the center of the formation, frantically absorbing portions of ancient breath, every time he absorbed Every minute, his aura becomes stronger, and when he fights against Modihai, the consumed power is fully recovered at this moment.

"Sure enough, this dojo is about to gain consciousness and become a spiritual object in the dojo. Although this pure power is not comparable to the fairy world, it is unique in the lower realm!"

"It's a pity that there is not enough time, otherwise, absorbing and refining it all, this eternal power will allow me to break through the fairyland and restore most of the power of the avatar!"

Tai Dayan seized the time and crazily absorbed the real power of Xuanyuan Dojo, which is the original essence of the Dojo, which is the Dao power left by the ancestor Xuanyuan all his life.

"Tedayen, it really is you..."

Suddenly, a deep, ancient voice sounded in the huge Xuanyuan Daoist Temple, and then Qiu Qianshang, who was wearing a black robe and could not see his face, slowly stepped out from the sky step by step, and the surrounding space turned into stairs, paving the way for him , this kind of supernatural power has surpassed the mortal world.

"Could it be?"

Tai Dayan's pupils closed suddenly, his expression changed suddenly, and he was extremely serious. With a wave of his hand, the formation disappeared without a trace. He turned and looked up at the sky. Seeing Qiu Qianshang's one-third face, Tai Dayan sighed in amazement: "Please Qianshang... I didn't expect that the person behind the Xuanyuan Clan is you!"

"In this Taixing plane, the Xuanyuan clan is older than your Tai family. Using the Xuanyuan clan to control the Taixing plane for me and conquer countless lower planes has great advantages!"

Begging Qianshang to pull down his turban, revealing that domineering big face, his eyes fell to Tai Dayan: "Your ancestor, the master, died at the hands of the strong of our sect, and your Tai family was exterminated by my Yan sect. Now that the Tai family exists in name only, and they want to fight against the Yan Sect, they are overwhelmed, Tai Dayan, the Yan Sect will become the number one sect in the fairy world sooner or later, you still have a choice now, otherwise..."

"I beg you Qianshang, your Yanjiao's minions are quite deep and they are everywhere. My family's feud will always be resolved one day. I want to conquer the lower realms, just dreaming..." Tai Dayan was not threatened at all, as if Qiu Qianshang understood very well and did not dare to neglect in the slightest.

"Until now, you still don't know how to be interesting, so you should have killed your real body completely, but now you can't escape from your real body. I, a member of the Yan Sect, will chase you all the way. You, in front of this deity, Nothing!"

Asking Qianshang to show his true colors and unable to win Tai Dayan, then, for the enemy, he can only be beheaded without any threat.

Tai Dayan was murderous, clenched his fists, his eyes were full of resentment, he only wanted to kill the clan, and he didn't lose his mind: "This is the plane of Taixing, not the fairy world. Here, my fate is beyond your control. I will Use the resources to completely kill you!"



As soon as he said it, Qiu Qianshang was unceremonious and made a move against Tai Dayan. Although this move was simple, it completely surpassed the original power of Xuanyuan Taoist Temple. It was like an irresistible law, and life and death were under his control .


Tai Dayan turned around and flew into the void. However, Qiu Qianshang would not let him leave in vain. His eyes suddenly swept away, and the divine light shot into the void. Suddenly, an explosion sounded in the void, shaking Xuanyuan Daoist Trembling for it, it shows how earth-shattering Qiu Qianshang's move is.

"I don't have time to entangle with you, Tai Dayan, even if you are a student of Shenzhou Xianyuan, I will use Shenzhou Xianyuan to deal with you. You will not live long. In the fairy world, you are not my opponent. In the lower realm, you still can't get rid of reincarnation Fallen fate!"

Begging Qianshang shouted, regardless of the life and death of Tai Dayan in the void, turned around and flew into the void of the dojo, and began to arrange a large formation with both hands, preparing to absorb all the power of the entire Xuanyuan Dojo, refining the dojo, such a method, only he can do it Even if it is Taidayan, he is unwilling to have such a superb method.

"Tedayen actually fought against that mysterious venerable, was seriously injured, and escaped alone..."

He was trying to avoid the possession of the three great waiters, when Tai Dayan's voice suddenly came from Yuanshen, only then did he know that Tai Dayan had actually fought against the invincible powerhouse in the Immortal Realm, and was seriously injured. A mysterious place to heal the wounded.

"At first I wanted to get some benefits...Even Ted Dayan can't protect himself, it seems that I'd better go first..."

Ye Yun crossed the void, planning in his heart, if he stayed in the dojo to snatch the fairy treasure, he might escape when he encountered Xuanyuan Xiaojian, but Ye Yun didn't dare to take risks when facing the strong man who broke the fairyland. You can still get a life back, if you are unlucky, you will die.

"Xuanyuan Poxin, let's see where you flee, stop the reincarnation formation quickly, otherwise, you will die without a place to bury you!"

Suddenly, not far from Ye Yun, a beautiful figure flew over in embarrassment, it was Xuanyuan Poxin who was all wounded, and behind him, Xuanyuan Wuzui was frantically chasing and killing him. It is not difficult for Xuanyuan Poxin of the first rank of Tongtian.

If Xuanyuan Poxin hadn't possessed the ability to control the Great Formation of Reincarnation and used Xuanyuan Dojo to protect herself, then she would have been no longer Xuanyuan's innocent opponent.

The Tongtian Realm is not as easy to leapfrog and kill as in the Human Immortal Realm. Unless it is a genius against the sky, ordinary geniuses can at most use the first level of Tongtian against the fifth level of Tongtian. They are all first-class supreme figures, such as Di Tian.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

At this time, the three waiters finally caught up, swung their spears, and released a series of killing intent towards Ye Yun in the void hundreds of meters away.

"If Xuanyuan Poxin is allowed to die here, then this escort mission will be a complete failure, and it will not be easy to stabilize in Nitianyuan. Now I can't deal with Ditian, and I must need the backing of Shenzhou Xianyuan! "

He was about to use the power of the Daqian Shentu to escape, but Ye Yun still hesitated. Seeing Xuanyuan Poxin being chased and killed by Xuanyuan Wuzui all the way, he knew that if this continues, Xuanyuan Poxin can only die. Once she dies, Xuanyuan cannot be guaranteed. Everyone is sure that the escort mission was successful. For mission failure, Shenzhou Xianyuan will severely punish them, and they may even be expelled from Shenzhou Xianyuan. Students with no background like Ye Yun have been expelled by Shenzhou Xianyuan.

Once he does not have the identity of a Shenzhou student, then Ditian will one day track down Ye Yun's whereabouts. With his personality, he will definitely kill Ye Yun at any cost. This crisis cannot be resolved at all. With Ye Yun's current cultivation base , Resolving the crisis is a fool's dream.

"Xuanyuan is innocent..."

Changing her body into blood, Xuanyuan Poxin's true energy has been exhausted, she can't die now, she wants to watch the reincarnation formation launch, and kill Xuanyuan Wuzui, Xuanyuan Xiaojian and other traitorous enemies one by one, in this way, Only then can she die in peace.

"let's go!"

Suddenly, Ye Yun stepped out from Xuanyuan Poxin's face, and was almost caught by Xuanyuan Poxin's murderous aura. Ye Yun released his power to roll up Xuanyuan Poxin, and immediately cast the power of the Great Thousand Gods Map Turing, and began to travel through space. The coordinates are Hungu Continent Yinyigu, before he came, he had already expected this day, so he had already left the coordinates.

"Why are you here?"

Suddenly seeing Ye Yun rushing out of thin air, Xuanyuan Poxin couldn't believe what he saw. This is the Xuanyuan Dojo, and only she knows how to enter it. Moreover, it is very difficult to enter the dojo even if it is a strong person in the Immortal Realm. There was almost no hope, but Ye Yun actually appeared here alive and well.

"Why did they come, why did I come... Oops!"

Ye Yun had just released the Turing power of the Great Thousand Gods to break through the void. The moment he stepped in, three terrifying forces followed him into the void. With a higher level of power, he bombarded Ye Yun.

Boom boom boom!

At the moment before they started to travel, the void where Ye Yun and Xuanyuan Poxin were located exploded violently, instantly annihilating the mysterious Turing power that controlled the space, and fell into the abyss of void. There were three puppets of servants, who were helplessly compressed by the void, and retreated to Xuanyuan Daochang again.

However, they were no longer in the Xuanyuan Taoist field, but outside the cave, above the blood pool where the demonic flames were burning, they suddenly appeared, unable to resist the demonic flames at all, they sizzled and burned, attacked, Ye Yun and Xuanyuan Poxin fell at the same time Entering the pool of blood, there were two thuds, and the two fell into the depths of the endless pool of blood.

boom boom boom

Compared with Ye Yun and Xuanyuan Poxin who had Taiyi's divine light protection, the three puppets of the three attendants were not so lucky. The blood pool magic flame can kill the powerhouse who broke the fairyland, not to mention they are only in the heaven-reaching realm. Struggling in pain, after less than ten breaths, the three of them were entered by the magic flame and fell into the pool of blood in an instant.

"The waiter puppet... why did it fall outside the cave?"

Above Xuanyuan Taoist Temple, Qiu Qianshang, who was absorbing the essence of Xuanyuan Taoist horror, three black shadows flew out of his body, and as soon as they came out, they turned into flames and disappeared.

"The Xuanyuan Clan's Immortal Breaker has been beheaded by me, and Tai Dayan is not dead or alive. Who killed the three servants? Could it be that Xuanyuan Poxin?"

"Sure enough, Xuanyuan Poxin's aura is not in Xuanyuan Dojo. Xuanyuan is innocent. You really deserve to die. You can't even kill a mere first-order ant in the Heaven-reaching Realm. What's the use of keeping you? Damn it, Xuanyuan Poxin escaped. It will speed up the reincarnation river, and this is troublesome!"

Qiu Qianshang didn't understand what happened, but he was so angry that he pointed at the palace below, and suddenly pointed at the air, and a void force immediately rushed towards the palace.


"why why!"

This finger force came directly through the air, defiant of any dojo restrictions, all of them were scattered, smashing the palace into a big hole, and the finger force just hit Xuanyuan Wuzui who was collecting the immortal artifacts, and his whole body instantly He was as dumb as a log, his whole body was motionless, and he just yelled a few words in disbelief, and immediately turned into a ball of flesh and blood and fell.

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