The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 262 Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable

The lump of flesh and blood was still wriggling on the ground, it seemed that Xuanyuan Wuzui was dying and was still struggling with the lingering spirit of injustice, it was shocking.

"This kind of waste, if it dies, it will die!"

Looking at the squirming flesh and blood, begging Qianshang to show no mercy, he raised his eyebrows and gave a disdainful smile, then kept his composure and continued to absorb the essence of the dojo crazily, with a sneer: "Soon, this deity will send down the powerful Xuanyuan clan from the upper realm one by one. , establish the Xuanyuan Dynasty, take advantage of the prestige of the Xuanyuan clan, and slowly establish sub-altars, so as to unify the Taixing plane, and then all the planes in the lower realm, must become the deity's pocket. Once completed, the deity will have the opportunity to be directly interviewed by the supreme leader , when the time comes, this deity will be able to call the wind and call the rain in Yanjiao, and become the overlord of the fairy world!"

"Tai Dayan... Your Tai family's three major treasuries, the deity also wants to get it, hmph, that brat Tai Dou doesn't know what to do, he doesn't hand over the 'Zhu Xian Helmet', and he also took the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in the entire Tai family, hmph, Tai Dou, what do you think? If you hide the helmet in the lower realm, this religion will not know!"

"Tai Dayan, you want to use the 'Zhu Xian Helmet' to contain the sect, you are looking for death, I will crush your bones and ashes, refine your soul, and drive it for me! Haha!"

Qiu Qianshang laughed wildly, while sitting cross-legged in the big formation, while absorbing the origin of the dojo, his strength continued to grow, this speed, even Ye Yun was amazed.


The source of the sea of ​​blood, the bottom of the pool of blood.

"Cough cough..."

Under the huge clusters of bubbles, on the blood-stained rock, Ye Yun and Xuanyuan Poxin lay together and fell into the pool of blood. The ancient magic power, which was a hundred times stronger than the sea of ​​blood, invaded their bodies in an instant. However, Ye Yun Yun's body contained the supreme Taiyi divine light, enveloping Xuanyuan Poxin, the two of them were not in danger for the time being, but Ye Yun's power was consumed very badly.

Originally, Ye Yun was seriously injured once by Xuanyuan Xiaojian, and then by the three attendants. Now his body is on the verge of the most dangerous situation, and now he is deep in the pool of blood. Misfortunes never come singly.

"Miss Poxin, you should have a certain understanding of this blood pool, is there a way to leave!"

Ye Yun stood up with great effort, released the Taiyi Divine Stove, created Taiyi True Qi, and lifted the seal of Dantian. The majestic power immediately swept through his body, but the blood pool contained infinite ancient magic power, allowing almost all the Taiyi Divine Light in Ye Yun's body to disappear. They are all consumed, and Taiyi's true energy is no better than Taiyi's divine light, and cannot compete with the magic power of the blood pool.

The key point is that the confinement in the blood pool is too terrifying, even the power of the Daqian Shentu is sealed in Ye Yun's body and cannot be activated. If this continues, Ye Yun can only float up to the blood pool and find a way to escape.

"This... is simply impossible!"

Xuanyuan Poxin's injuries were worse than Ye Yun's. She stood beside Ye Yun tremblingly. It wasn't for Ye Yun's Taiyi True Qi and Taiyi Divine Light to protect her. In the world of the boiling blood pool, Xuanyuan Poxin said helplessly: "The magic power of this blood pool cannot be refined even by the ancestors. This place is not controlled by the Great Formation of Reincarnation, and I have no choice. We should float up, otherwise, once the blood pool When Chi Demon wakes up, even an immortal will be beheaded!"

Ye Yun was startled: "Flesh and blood?"

"According to the records left by the ancestors, under the blood pool, part of the flesh and blood of the ancient demon immortals was sealed. This flesh and blood formed a sea of ​​blood, and in this blood pool, the magic power could demonize and kill even immortals, but the old ancestor When I found this place, I was almost beheaded by the awakened demon, so go!"

Xuanyuan Poxin is not as curious as Ye Yun, and she still has time to ask questions. As the heir of the Xuanyuan clan, she knows more about the blood pool than anyone else, and with the inheritance from her ancestors, she is even more aware of what monsters exist in the blood pool. , even if the immortal came here, it would be a dead end.


Unleashing Taiyi Zhenqi, under the powerful magic power, Ye Yun lifted Xuanyuan Poxin to leave, and with a loud cry, Taiyi Zhenqi could still block the blood pool power from the body-protecting Zhenqi.

"Crack, crack..."

Suddenly, the blood-red rocks in the blood pool began to crack, trampled on, and ancient iron chains appeared. A fierce and evil magic power erupted from the cracks, turned into a magic hand, and grabbed Ye Yun and Xuanyuan Poxin.

"you go first!"

Facing the sudden change, Ye Yun didn't have any extra strength to leave quickly with Xuanyuan Poxin, he could only condense all his strength to wrap Xuanyuan Poxin and push her into the supreme void of blood. As a string of bubbles rise towards the pool surface.


At this time, a demonized iron chain suddenly shot out like a snake, and immediately wrapped around Ye Yun's waist, directly locking Ye Yun, and at the same time, the evil force began to wrap Ye Yun.

"It's so evil and demonic, it's too bad..."

Ye Yun never expected to fall into the pool of blood. He felt that the magic on the iron lock was too huge and unbelievable. With Ye Yun's current state, he was willing to resist. He could only think of other ways to get out. However, the iron lock released Buddha. There is an invisible suction that firmly sucks and locks Ye Yun.

"Jie Jie..."

The Broken Blood Pool began to collapse again. Then, eight huge iron locks exploded from all directions, so the rocks collapsed one by one, and an ancient altar rose from the bottom of the pool. The eight iron locks actually locked a ball with a diameter of one Rice's blood-black flesh and blood, the flesh and blood reveals infinite magic, and it is still wriggling, just like a heart.

"The heart of this demon fairy was actually sealed by the ancient altar, but the altar has been completely demonized, and the demonic nature cannot be suppressed. It won't be long before this demon will be resurrected!"

At this moment, Ye Yun finally realized that the demon immortals under the blood pool did not come from land at all, but were sealed here by the ancient method of great immortals. Resurrection, the devil's heart is ready to be revived. This blood pool is its dojo. In tens of thousands of years, the devil will reappear. At that time, not to mention the Taixing plane, even the entire mortal world will be destroyed by the devil. change.

"Damn it, this iron lock must be made of an ancient fairy treasure..."

Seeing the devil's heart, Ye Yun finally knew that Patriarch Xuanyuan wasn't joking. Even a fairy couldn't fight against such a ferocious devil. This devil must have been an invincible powerhouse among the gods before he was alive. It's ridiculous to understand this point, not to mention the current Ye Yun, even Ye Yun who was not injured, is not an opponent of the devil.

Ye Yun is regretful now, all dangers are predicted, but he did not expect such an unexpected situation to occur.

"How many years... I, who am I!"

Suddenly, in the center of the altar, the magic fairy's heart, which was locked by the eight great iron chains, actually started to speak. The voice was very deep and hoarse, as if he had just woken up and had not fully recovered.


Seeing that the demon's heart began to wake up, Ye Yun's heart beat faster and he broke out in a cold sweat. If there is no way to deal with the demon, he will definitely be reborn by the demon, or he will be suppressed in the altar with the demon's heart forever , with Ye Yun's ability, although he can't get out of the iron chains, he still has a certain degree of confidence in guaranteeing that he will not be demonized.

"By the way, I remembered, I am a demon, I am the Supreme True Demon, I am the 'Chiyun Demon Lord'!"

"I, Chi Yun, am a demon. I was born a demon. I am a great demon. Why am I here? Why am I in this lower plane?"

"Why, I will be sealed here, my body? No, my demon heart is still there. Where is my real body? Where is the demon body of my Chi Chiyun demon?"

The wriggling magic fairy heart began to talk to itself crazily, and gradually, a vertical eye appeared in the heart of the magic fairy. This vertical eye was very chaotic, without divine light!

"I remembered, the abominable 'Desolate Heaven Taishi' destroyed my demon body, but couldn't obliterate my demon eyes, sealed me in this low-level plane, and wanted to refine my power with the Great Formation of Reincarnation, Lose your magic, and disappear forever..."

"Huangtian Taishi, I, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, will kill you with my own hands one day, refine you into a mount, and be driven by this demon forever, haha!"

"Samsara Eight Desolation Formation, it's a pity that the spirit of the lower world can't kill my demonic nature at all, instead it wakes up my demonic nature and restores my consciousness. Haha, I want to be resurrected, I want to seize my home, and I want to seek revenge from Huangtian Taishi!"

The demon fairy's heart swelled wildly, and the vertical eyes finally became clear. There was no evil in the imagination, but it was very clean. The erect eyeballs suddenly looked at Ye Yun who was struggling, "Chi Yun Demon Venerable The voice went crazy: "God helped me, on the day I woke up, a living sacrifice appeared, allowing this demon to be reincarnated!"

While speaking, the vertical eye began to release infinite magic power, and began to absorb the power of the blood pool. All the power was absorbed by the magic eye, and his heart became bigger and bigger: "Humble human beings, obediently act as this demon!" Resurrected sacrifice, don't struggle, no pain!"

"The Fist of Creation!"

Facing the naked threat of Chiyun Demon Venerable, and constantly moving towards Ye Yun, this made Ye Yun completely give up all distracting thoughts. So far, he has not let go, and exerted the most powerful power to restrain demons, Taiyi Divine Light. Fortunately, In the bone marrow, meridians, and golden elixir in Ye Yun's body, there is still some Taiyi divine light left, which is used to perform the Good Fortune Fist. Although it is not as powerful as usual, it can be suppressed to a certain extent when combined with Taiyi true energy.

Ye Yun hoped that even if he couldn't kill Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable with this move, he would still be able to fool and frighten him.


Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, who was approaching Ye Yun, suddenly saw the sacred light released from Ye Yun's body, and his eyes raised up, and began to shake uncomfortably, and then, a blow that contained Taiyi True Qi and Taiyi Divine Light Shangshen Fist, from the top of Scarlet Cloud Demon Lord, began to transform towards Chiyun Demon Lord.

"This is... such pure power, this, this is not the power of the mortal world, this is, this is god-level qigong! How is it possible, how can god-level qigong appear in such a low plane!"


While Chiyun Demon Venerable was amazed, his surroundings had turned into light. The first form of the Good Fortune God Fist was born, and came to suppress him sacredly. All the blood color turned into holy light, all evil, and ancient magic power. They were all scattered at the moment of birth and release of light.

"It's not dead yet, this is too bad!"

His face was pale and his breath was messy. Before the light disappeared, Ye Yun knew the result. He felt that although most of his demonic nature had been cured, there was still some demonic nature, which was very ancient. It must be that Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable hadn't died yet.

"Damn human... But thank you too. I didn't expect you to receive the inheritance of the gods and possess such a sacred and rare power. It is thousands of times more powerful than ordinary god-level qigong. I really didn't expect that when I was resurrected, I would give it to you. I have such an amazing gift, your physical body, your god-level qigong, will be mine from now on!"

After the birth disappeared, the heart just became smaller. The Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable opened his vertical eyes here. This time, a ferocious demonic flame was burning, which was exactly the same as the blood pool demonic flame. Voice: "It's mine, everything is mine, it seems that you are also a rare genius in the universe, suitable for this devil's taste!"

After finishing speaking, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable's vertical eyes directly shot out magical light, which instantly wrapped around Ye Yun's body. Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable's eyeballs trembled slightly, and Ye Yun moved closer to him, no matter how much Ye Yun struggled, it was useless.

"This magic eye actually made me lose my mind. His magic power began to invade his body... Did I just die like this?"

When the magic power entered his body, Ye Yun couldn't resist it at all, Taiyi's true energy couldn't do it at all, Taiyi's divine light was also very weak, he couldn't resist the majestic magic power of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, who is Chiyun Demon Venerable, a majestic demon fairy, to deal with a mortal , easily, if it wasn't for Ye Yun's body possessing the divinity of Taiyi Shenguang, he would have been taken away by Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable long ago.

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable said with a sneer: "You? If you can't resist this demon's supernatural powers, go to sleep quietly. From now on, this demon is you, and you are this demon. All your last wishes, this deity will fulfill for you!"


Just when Ye Yun's consciousness completely disappeared and he came to Chiyun Demon Venerable, suddenly, Ye Yun opened his eyes, and a majestic life force appeared in his dantian, and, green sacred rays of light, It began to be released from the body, this green breath, with a faint golden light.


Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable was shocked, because the sudden change made him at a loss, the strange golden green aura that contained exuberant vitality actually swallowed his magic power, instead of resisting, on the contrary, he was compatible and helped each other, Chi Yun Mozun felt the magic power in his body, as if he had found his mother, it continuously entered Ye Yun's body.

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