That green and vigorous aura full of vitality is simply the nemesis of ancient magic power. It happened to suppress the terrifying power of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, and it was able to fuse ancient magic power. It is unbelievable. It kept shaking.

"This is... the breath of rotten wood buds!"

The whole body was like an electric shock, Ye Yun instantly had a spiritual head, and in the dantian, there was a strong life force, and at the same time, he felt all the ancient magic power of Chiyun Demon Venerable, which was transformed into Tiangang spiritual energy by the rotten wood buds, which flowed endlessly The breath poured into the tendons, dantian, and bones, and absorbed the strong vitality at the same time. Ye Yun recovered from his injuries one by one, and the true energy in his whole body was stronger than ever, ready to come out.

"Sure enough, this rotten wood is an extraordinary thing from ancient times. It can not only compete with Taiyi's divine light, but also absorb ancient magic power. It seems that rotten wood can not only fight against gods, but also suppress evil spirits..."

At this moment, Ye Yun was both surprised and delighted, seeing that he was about to be taken away by the terrifying magic power of the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, but the dead wood showed his power, and it happened to restrain the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable.

"Boy, what's the secret behind you? You have extraordinary god-level qigong and the existence of suppressing magic power... You are simply a freak, gods and demons, how can you fit together..."

Although the domineering and evil ancient magic power was dissolved by the rotten wood, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable didn't seem to be worried at all after being shocked. It seems that he still has more powerful power.

"Chiyun Demon Venerable... It seems that you are also a peerless figure. If you want to take me away, it is absolutely impossible. Now, I will let you see!"

"The human immortal catastrophe... is coming!"

Ye Yun suddenly became full of self-confidence and perseverance. Facing Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, he couldn't take a step back. Now he has the magical power of rotten wood to entangle with Chiyun Demon Venerable. Now he only needs to find a way to break free from the iron chains, and he can leave the blood. Chi, completely escaped from such a perverted demon as Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable.

There is only one way, and that is to use the human immortal catastrophe to destroy the iron lock and the ancient magic power space, so as to find the right opportunity to leave.

Even if he used the rotten wood to restore his injuries and strength, Ye Yun was very calm and knew that even if he broke through the Tribulation of Human Immortals, he would not be able to fight against Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, so... he had to find a way to escape.

Who is Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable? An invincible existence that cannot be completely killed by the ancient immortals who can personally suppress him. Based on this, there are probably not many people who can kill Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable in the entire lower world or even the fairy world. One, and Ye Yun is the Heavenly Immortal Realm, dealing with Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable is simply a joke.

Heavenly Tribulation, the eternal and unchanging law of the universe, no one will fight against the law.

chi chi...

In an instant, Ye Yun spread his arms, Dantian Taiyi zhenqi rushed out of his body crazily, surpassing the power of the gods, and began to activate the laws of heaven and earth, and a wave of immortal will slowly descended.

"Stinky boy, you actually want to use the Heavenly Tribulation to deal with me... Hmph, the laws of the Heavenly Tribulation cannot be changed, but there are so many Demon Lords, such low-level laws are nothing!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Zun Jie Jie sneered, he suddenly stepped back, looked at Ye Yun with great interest, as if watching a gluttonous feast, and rushed to enjoy it at any time.


The huge furnace started to burn around Ye Yun again, and the aura of human and immortal catastrophe power descended from the sea of ​​blood, and the sky descended on the sea of ​​blood. The bottom, the bottom, turned out to be the pool of blood, and Ye Yun was now facing the destructive void rolling in from the sky, feeling a breath of baptism and transformation.

What this breath brings is not fear and destruction, but new life.

"Flesh fairyland, breaking the ordinary; earth fairyland, earth evil calamity; heavenly fairyland, sky gang calamity; human immortal calamity, nirvana immortal calamity... nirvana immortal calamity, after passing through this calamity, you can cast golden core and achieve immortal quality..."

Looking at the sky of the great catastrophe, Ye Yun sighed softly, excited and looking forward to it, but the human immortal catastrophe is not as difficult as the previous catastrophes, the most important key of the human immortal catastrophe is to condense the golden core.

The Heavenly Immortal Realm was originally for cultivating life elixir, but Ye Yun successfully built the foundation and condensed the golden elixir in the celestial fairyland. Therefore, only the body can contain infinite immortality, and only when he becomes the golden elixir can he be considered a true cultivator. In ancient times, monks referred to the human fairyland as the alchemy stage, and only when one breaks through the alchemy stage and possesses the golden elixir can one enter the immortal way.

And Ye Yun is a wonderful thing, he cultivated the Golden Elixir in the Heavenly Immortal Realm, and now, the Golden Elixir in his body is stronger than the Human Immortal Realm or even the Heavenly Realm, so for Ye Yun, he already has the Golden Elixir in his body, which contains immortality, so the Human Immortal Although the Great Tribulation and Nirvana Tribulation pose a great threat to Ye Yun, Ye Yun is fully confident that he will succeed in breaking the Tribulation.


Seeing the sky and the earth, the aura of catastrophe is getting stronger and stronger, and this power of catastrophe spreads all over the sky, making Hungu Continent tremble, and any creature on the road can feel the ferocious and destructive aura at this moment.

"Could it be Ye Yun who wants to break through the Human Immortal Tribulation..."

In the ancient continent, in the void far away, there is a large formation. Tai Dayan is sitting cross-legged in the center, with a large golden pen floating in front of him. He is absorbing the powerful and mysterious power in the large golden pen. Shenguang swept away: "It should be his catastrophe, it is really extraordinary, comparable to the breath of transcending catastrophe in the sky, no wonder Ye Yun will have an unimaginable transformation..."

Above the blood pool, the sky is full of ancient magic flames.

Xuanyuan Poxin was casting ancient seals one after another, entering the river of reincarnation, she looked down at the blood pool, although she couldn't see through, but her eyes were very bright: "Could it be that he is crossing the catastrophe... I thought he died at the bottom of the blood pool , was refined by the ancient devil, I never thought I could still live till now..."

A hint of surprise suddenly appeared on Xuanyuan Poxin's brow.

"Boy, you are also a ruthless person. You used so many corpses in the sky-reaching realm to create an altar. Yes, your personality is suitable for falling into the devil's way, haha!"

Below the blood pool, the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable saw Ye Yun sacrifice the altar, and when he saw the heaven-reaching corpses sealed above the altar, the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable laughed sinisterly, his vertical eyes jumped up and down, He was very proud, but he didn't have the slightest worry about Ye Yun's heaven-defying altar, like an old man who has gone through countless years, looking at a newborn child.

"This kid... is probably unique in the mortal world. His body contains high-level qigong and mysterious power to suppress magic power. Moreover, the two powers of gods and demons have the same source and fusion in him. Weather, how is this possible... If it is true, then the deity insists on getting him, gods and demons have the same origin, haha, since ancient times, no one can do it, gods are gods, demons are demons... take him away... I Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable is no longer a demon, but a god and demon!"

At this moment, Demon Venerable Scarlet Cloud's strange eyes showed extremely greedy eyes, looking at Ye Yun coldly, wishing to swallow it in one gulp.

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable is indeed a tyrannical existence in the fairy world, with extraordinary knowledge. He has survived for an unknown number of years, so he naturally understands Ye Yun's extraordinaryness. In the physical body, Chiyun Demon Venerable can not only restore the previous state, but also create brilliance again. The gods and demons have the same origin, and there will be no one before or after.

Gods and demons have the same origin, an existence that has never appeared in ancient legends.

"Nirvana Tribulation, come on!"

Ye Yun sat cross-legged in the altar, turned the altar, and the three black stone veins released countless spiritual energy, together with the power of seventy corpses in the heaven-reaching realm, they released together and blessed Ye Yun's body. At this moment, Ye Yun had never I have felt so crazy and powerful, as if I could destroy the world with just a flip of my hand. This feeling of having invincible power is really comfortable.

The spirit veins of the earth grade, together with the corpses of [-] strong men in the sky-reaching realm, this power can be compared to the peak level of the sky-reaching mirror. Of course, it is full of confidence to fight against the human and immortal robbery in this state.

boom boom boom

One after another thunderbolt fell from the void in an instant, a total of eight thunderbolts, thousands of lightning bolts erupted from these eight thunderbolts, and the chichichi piercing the air was deafening.

"The Nirvana Tribulation, the Eight Desolation Thunder Tribulation, they really came. There are ten stages in total. After ten stages, you will step into the human fairyland..."

Staring at the eight thunder tribulations, Ye Yun knew that they were the eight desolation thunder tribulations, very domineering, with a total of ten levels, one level was defeated by the other level, symbolizing the ten levels of human immortality.

Ye Yun overlooked the ancient iron locks that locked his body, looked at the crazy devil energy around the blood pool, and the ancient altar that suppressed the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable. It is the demon who controls the blood pool. If he wants to leave, he can only have a chance to struggle out if he destroys the endless ancient magic power in the blood pool.

"bring it on!"

The first stage of the Eight Desolation Thunder Tribulation came whistling like eight giant pythons, trying to devour and destroy Ye Yun's small body. Raising his right hand, a powerful force grabbed at the Eight Desolation Thunder Tribulation.

Boom... chi chi!

The Eight Desolation Thunder Tribulation was not polite, and hit Ye Yun's palm bang bang, and the thunder current swept Ye Yun's whole body, and then entered the body. At this moment, bones, meridians, cells, skin, dantian, organs... everything was destroyed. Being attacked by the Eight Desolation Thunder Tribulation.

If it were an ordinary person who dared to directly let the Eight Desolation Thunder Tribulation enter the physical body, then there is only one dead end, and there is absolutely no way out. Since ancient times, Ye Yun must have been the only one who dared to do this.


Immediately, from the body, there was the non-stop explosion of bones, meridians, cells, etc. Although the business was not big, it was turbulent in the body, and some dirty blood energy gradually overflowed from the pores of Ye Yun's body.

"This is the Eight Desolation Thunder Tribulation, it is really overbearing... break it for me!"

Just let the Eight Desolation Thunder Tribulation wantonly destroy in the body, and the meridians, bones, etc. that are destroyed every time are constantly recovering. Whoever made Ye Yun's physical body is too strong, it has already surpassed the human fairyland, comparable to Tongtian Street, so only the human fairyland For Ye Yun, the mighty Eight Desolation Thunder Calamity is extremely painful, but it is not dangerous. Once there is danger, Ye Yun will use Taiyi Divine Light to suppress it, and there is also the infinite vitality of rotten wood, which provides a steady stream of vitality Reorganize the physical body.

Ye Yun suddenly grabbed with five fingers, and most of the eight-legged thunder that didn't enter the body was actually caught by Ye Yun. Ye Yun's whole face became distorted, and he hit the eight-legged eight-legged thunder towards the blood pool.

"Boy, you dare to destroy the essence dojo of this deity..."

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable was shocked suddenly, seeing Ye Yun attacking the blood pool, the blood pool was formed by his flesh and blood, formed over countless years, once Chi Yun Demon Venerable was fused, he could recover a certain strength, At least in the lower realm, there is an invincible existence. Now that Ye Yun wants to destroy the blood pool, Demon Lord Scarlet Cloud is of course in a hurry.

But he was also in a hurry, Chiyun Demon Venerable couldn't break free from the eight iron chains at all, and watched the blood pool being attacked by the Eight Desolation Thunder Tribulation, the blood pool shook violently, a large amount of ancient magic power was destroyed, and the blood pool's magic power weakened immediately point.

"Stinky boy, stop now. If you continue like this, I will have countless demon attacks to torture you!" Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable moved his true form at this moment, returning to his true colors, but he still couldn't show his power.

If Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable attacks Ye Yun now, it will trigger the Law of Tribulation of Immortals, and the law will be more powerful in the future to kill Chi Yun Demon Venerable. Although Chi Yun Demon Venerable is not afraid of the law, he does not want to hurt him If you lose your origin, it will be even more impossible to get out.

"Haha, I can't kill you, but I will continue to suppress you!"

Ye Yun didn't care about the clamor of the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, and let the Eight Desolation Thunder Tribulation destroy his body, and then looked into the void, the second eight desolation thunder calamity, as expected, came. The explosion doubled, containing the destructive energy, coming towards Ye Yun with a bang.


Still did not make any resistance, let the second level of Eight Desolation Thunder Tribulation attack the body, enter the body, and explode in the body, Ye Yun was in great pain, but after the pain, Ye Yun's body will become more different once it is reorganized , indestructible, Ye Yun grabbed the Eight Desolation Thunder Calamity with his big hand, and without saying a word, he shot towards the blood pool.


Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable jumped like a thunder. It was originally a meat ball, but at first glance, it looked like a ball, bouncing around, shaking the eight iron chains rattling.

Then, the third level, the fourth level... the ninth level and the eight wild thunder disasters came one after another. Ye Yun still let the first level and the eight wild thunder disasters bombard the body, each time was more painful than the previous one, and the dirty blood flowed all over the ground , It was really shocking, but Ye Yun didn't snort at all, and let the thunder and calamity exercise his body.

And the nine levels and eight wild thunders all attacked the blood pool.

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