The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 264 The Vision of the Divine Chapter, the Gate of the Chapter

Under the nine-level and eight-level thunder attack, the entire blood pool was in a mess and turned into ruins. From the ruins, there was a faint black flame.

"Damn it... Brat, this deity will never let you go... My origin!"

This time, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable lost the ferocity just now, instead, he looked pitifully like a beggar looking at the blood pond in distress, he couldn't bear to live, tears fell from that vertical eye, if it wasn't a heart, if it was a person, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable will definitely cry on the ground and kick the ground with his feet, howling and crying.

It is conceivable that Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable has been sealed for many years. In this bloody abyss, how much he looks forward to the day when he leaves. The blood pool is his hope, but now, the blood pool is almost destroyed by Ye Yun's hands. Why doesn't Zun feel sad, with no hope, he doesn't know when he will be able to leave.

"Chiyun Demon Venerable, who told you to deal with me and want to take me away, you treat me as a bully, you have to pay the price, and next, when you cry, the tenth thunder tribulation!"

Strike while the iron is hot, Ye Yun doesn't want to give Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable a chance, he wants to beat him until he can't stand up.

But now, Ye Yun is an electric man, with dense electric currents flickering all over his body, hissing and chirping non-stop. , Ye Yun's physical body was broken nine times and reassembled nine times, which is equal to Nirvana nine times.

For ordinary people, nine times of Nirvana will definitely bring unimaginable power, but for Ye Yun, needless to say, nine times of Nirvana will make Ye Yun's physical body hard and vitality reach heights that even he has never imagined.


In the void of the sky, an unusually violent thunder suddenly erupted, and the thunder actually spread throughout the ancient continent, and finally the ten layers of eight wild thunder calamities finally took shape. , eight of them gathered together, occupying a space of one kilometer.

"The last Eight Desolation Thunder Tribulation, the most ferocious, using the altar, the last nirvana..."

Looking at the Eight Desolation Thunder Tribulation occupying the heaven and earth, Ye Yun gasped. It is very easy to survive the Eight Desolation Thunder Tribulation, but it is not only painful but also extremely dangerous to endure the Eight Desolation Thunder Tribulation with the body.

At this time, the aura of the dharma altar completely poured into Ye Yun's body, and some of the corpses of the seventy powerful men in the heaven-reaching realm had already turned into mummies. The corpses of the Heaven-reaching Realm were sucked away, so the seventy powers of the Heaven-reaching Realm were almost consumed by the Tribulation of Human Immortals. Now there is still the last major calamity, and the corpses of the seventy strong men may survive the last catastrophe. Not much left.

"Boy... I'm going to eat you alive!!!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable was so angry that he was smoldering, but he was afraid that both sides would be harmed by the law. He had to wait for Ye Yun to successfully pass through the Tribulation of the Immortal Immortal.

"After this great catastrophe, don't say what the Tongtian Realm wants to do to me, just break the fairyland, don't even think about doing anything to me..."

Completely release the true energy in the dantian, let the pores open, and welcome the tenth level and eighth wild thunder calamity. At this time, the moment Ye Yun raised his head, the tenth level and eight wilderness thunder disasters landed, as terrifying as the sky collapsed, with a terrifying momentum , shocked the world.



The Eight Desolation Thunder Calamity hit Ye Yun's body with lightning speed and the momentum of Mount Tai. In an instant, the Thunder Calamity poured into Ye Yun's body frantically and began to destroy everything. At this moment, the body was almost paralyzed. The bones were shattered, and then the meridians were shattered inch by inch. This kind of pain is like countless people holding small knives in the flesh, one knife after another, you knife, I cut the flesh raw with one knife, and it is like being cut into pieces by a knife. The man took a hammer and smashed the bones.


Ye Yun suddenly raised his head high and roared into the sky, his pupils released the divine light of Taiyi, blasting and killing the terrifying power of immortality in the sky, his whole body was covered with countless electric shocks, even his pupils were covered with pore oozing Dirty liquid, dripping out continuously.


Seeing the Eight Desolation Thunder Tribulations tortured Ye Yun alive and destroyed his physical body, this kind of pain, as a Demon Lord, Scarlet Cloud Demon Lord knows this kind of pain better than anyone else, he has also experienced it like Ye Yun, so he can bear it , It can survive smoothly, it is even more likely than the devil.

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable is very clear now that he wants to threaten Ye Yun, this move may not work.

"Altar, bless me..."

After waiting for a breath, when Ye Yun felt that his whole body was broken, he began to crazily absorb the power of the altar. The last power of the seventy heaven-reaching powerhouses was all sucked into Ye Yun's body, and then Ye Yun also absorbed the rotten wood tender The infinite and mysterious vitality of the eyes.

creak creak...

At this moment, the sound of bone growth came from Ye Yun's body, and then the meridians were also reorganized, cells and blood merged, and life began to be created. The infinite vitality brought endless life genes, which made Ye Yun's body reorganize crazily. Growth, this feeling, is also painful, but compared to being broken, it is not worth mentioning.

"Finally stepped into the human fairyland... My golden elixir has stronger fairy nature and is more indestructible. The ordinary people's fairyland can't compare with my golden elixir. Compare……"

"Di Tian, ​​it's you who personally kill me now, and I'm not afraid of you, what are you, from now on, who can stop my steps!"

Ye Yun waved his hand and grabbed a large amount of the power of the Eight Desolation Thunder Tribulation, ignoring the man-eating eyes of the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, and directly hit all the power of the Thunder Tribulation towards the blood pool.


This move made Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable so angry that he only wanted to eat people. He knew that this thunderstorm was powerful. The blood pool had already been destroyed by Ye Yun. If he tried again, the blood pool might be destroyed. Of course, Chi Yun Demon Venerable was anxious , red-eyed anxiously, wanting to kill, revealing the nature of a devil.


Suddenly, in the sky above the sky, the aura of the great catastrophe of everyone in the fairyland disappeared. In other words, it was a force of nothingness that gradually appeared. This force of nothingness formed a heaven-reaching portal, and that portal had a total of six portals , every portal seems to be able to fit into the world.


Tai Dayan, who was cultivating in the great formation in the ancient continent, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the void in shock. The six portals exclaimed in shock: "It seems that Ye Yun not only successfully broke through the Great Tribulation of Human Immortals , and also has ancient visions, why does he have visions... Even in the fairy world, that peerless genius rarely has visions!"

"What is this vision..."

Tai Dayan looked at the Six-Path Gate with doubts and shock. At this moment, he had countless experiences in the fairy world, and there was no record of the Six-Path Gate in ancient books. He is an immortal, and he couldn't recognize him. No wonder he was so shocked.

"Who is it... Where did the genius come from, the ancient vision... Six sects, what kind of vision is this? In the ancient records of the fairy world, there are countless visions, but there is no such vision..."

Inside the Xuanyuan Taoist Temple, Qiu Qianshang, who was frantically absorbing the essence of the Taoist Temple, seemed to use his supernatural powers to see through the Taoist Temple, and the divine light penetrated directly to the heaven and earth, and saw the six portals descending slowly from heaven.

Both Qiu Qianshang and Tai Dayan came from the fairy world. Although there are countless planes in the fairy world, they are also very small and have no status in the fairy world. However, as a fairy, this kind of common sense should be understood, but he did not. Any image is enough to prove that the six portals must be unusual.

"In the Great Tribulation of the Meat Immortals, the vision of the Heavenly Tribulation is the floating cold rain in the sky; the Great Tribulation of the Earth Immortals is the vitality of auspicious light; "

Seeing the Six Paths Gate approaching him slowly, Ye Yun was also stunned. Looking at the Six Paths Gate, he was at a loss. He had never heard of this kind of catastrophic phenomenon, and now he has more knowledge than ordinary people. There are a lot of catastrophic visions in my mind, but I have never seen this kind of six portals.

"how is this possible……"

When Ye Yun was at a loss, suddenly, the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable looked away from the blood pool, looked at the six portals that were slowly descending from the void, and sighed inconceivably: "The gate of reincarnation... how could it be the gate of reincarnation? , the legendary Gate of Reincarnation..."

"The gate of reincarnation?"

Hearing that Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable was so shocked, Ye Yun guessed that this six-door sect must be extraordinary, who is Chi Yun Demon Venerable, he has never seen anything before, and the six-door sect made him so hysterical, it must be extraordinary.

"The legendary reincarnation, the gate of reincarnation, how could it appear on you, no, you don't have the breath of reincarnation, you are not a reincarnation..."

"The Gate of Reincarnation, this is the peerless supernatural power created by the first reincarnation person in ancient times. Later, he imprinted this supernatural power into the way of reincarnation, and his successor, that is, the reincarnation person, will be inherited and have The gate of reincarnation, but not every reincarnation will have the gate of reincarnation... You are not a reincarnation, why do you have such an incredible vision of heavenly catastrophe!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable looked at the six portals and muttered to himself, it is not difficult to see how incredible this gate of reincarnation is.

"The gate of reincarnation... the person of is rumored that reincarnation can control life and death..." Ye Yun was very surprised. The gate of reincarnation seemed to contain reincarnation in his luck, and he might touch reincarnation in the future.


The gate of reincarnation descended above Ye Yun, each portal opened with a bang, and then began to spin crazily. Countless breaths of nothingness began to descend on Ye Yun's body. Ye Yun felt that the divine light of Taiyi was boiling. Ya is also frantically absorbing the power of the gate of reincarnation.

It shows how rare and sacred the power of this gate of reincarnation is.

Reincarnation, the real reincarnation, no one knows whether it exists, but there are indeed reincarnation people in the world, and they have been passed down from generation to generation to pursue the true meaning of reincarnation. So far, no one knows whether the door of reincarnation can lead to reincarnation.

"The gate of reincarnation, the myth in the myth, and the gate of the immortals... the gate of the god of death, etc. are all myths in ancient legends... Miaozai, this kid is too mysterious. He gets the breath of reincarnation. Once he is taken away by me, the future , I can kill the reincarnation and get the gate of reincarnation, who else is my opponent in the world..."

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable laughed sinisterly and complacently, and laughed so hard: "Samsara... I must get it, this kid... is a treasure!"

Whoosh whoosh….

After another hour, the gates of the Six Paths of Reincarnation suddenly stopped, and the gates were closed one by one, but the gates shot into the sky one after another, and then, the signs of calamity that shrouded Ye Yun's body also disappeared one after another.

The Great Tribulation of Human Immortals is over.

"Haha, boy, you destroyed my blood pool and wasted countless years of my essence. Now, I will take you away, refine you, and achieve your great luck!"

Seeing that Heavenly Tribulation disappeared and Ye Yun was no longer protected by Heavenly Tribulation, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable became demonic, with vertical eyes, eyeballs spinning in circles, dragging eight iron chains, slowly drifting towards Ye Yun.

"Chiyun Demon Venerable, even if the fish dies and the net is broken, I will not let you take it away!!"

Breaking through the Human Immortal Realm, Ye Yun is completely different from before, especially his strength, which has increased a hundred times compared to the Celestial Immortal Realm. He is invincible in the Human Immortal Realm. Ye Yun knew that he was still not sure, but he wanted to give it a try. He began to punch out mysterious punches with both hands, and then, his whole body condensed the mysterious light of Taiyi!

"Holy Beast Scepter, kill me!"

With lightning speed, Ye Yun summoned the Holy Beast Scepter, his other hand had already sealed the Good Fortune Fist, ready to explode at any time, while his right hand was holding the Sacred Beast Scepter, facing the iron chain that locked him, he swung the magical scepter. The stick slammed against the chain.


The iron chain left by the ancient immortal to suppress Chiyun Demon Venerable actually cracked under the blow of the holy beast's staff, but it didn't break completely. On the contrary, the holy beast's staff also showed cracks .

"Not bad fairy weapon... But it's a pity, don't use it to deal with this demon, die!"

The vertical eye of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable suddenly turned, and strands of strange magic light shot towards Ye Yun.

"The Divine Fist of Creation, born!"

Ye Yun had been prepared for a long time, and immediately struck the God of Good Fortune Fist sealed with his left hand towards Chiyun Demon Venerable. Immediately, the sacred light shone on the ancient altar, and countless ancient magic powers were dispelled by the light.

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