The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2614 Great Chaos Pattern

What he didn't understand was why there were two Ye Yuns, who seemed to be doubles, but felt like two people.

"Then I'll ask you, and your answer is yes!"

The psychic asked: "Is the great chaos in the Tiankui Starfield ruled by humans, or by the beast race?"

Lei Meng replied truthfully: "Of course I am a human race, but the orcs are aggressively attacking, the number and reproduction speed are too amazing, they are stronger than most of my human monks at birth, and their vitality is tenacious. They continue to fight out of chaos and invade our human territory. Today, one-third of the star field in the Kuixing region also fell into the hands of the orcs. The orcs vowed to destroy our human race, unify the human race, step on our heads, and treat us as slaves. The number of our human race is constantly increasing. The number is decreasing rapidly, and the powerful monks of human beings need countless years of practice to fight against the strong beast race, and the beast race breeds, that is, they feed on us humans. Their number is too amazing. If this continues, my Lei family This small star field under my control will eventually be invaded by the orcs and slaughter my human race!"

"Why doesn't the strong man of the human race make a move? Sweep the orc race?"

"Human race supremes will not be taken lightly. It is not easy for each of them to be born. If one supreme dies, there will be one less. Unless it is an extraordinary period, those supremes will stand up. The supremes take on the important task of revitalizing the human race. They are the hope of mankind. For example, when Ming Wuxing was occupied by Shura back then, my Patriarch Lei Yun did not stop it, just to preserve his strength!"

"Do you know that a Chaos Ascendant has come here recently? It's still a woman, a silver-eyed woman, not very old!"

"Chaos Ascendant? No, I haven't heard of it recently, at least not in the Tiankui Starfield. Let's see if there is any Chaos Ascendant in the Taizu Starfield of Great Chaos!"

"Could you be...chaos ascenders!"

Lei Xinwei suddenly noticed and asked.

"What do you think?" Ye Yun responded lightly.



Lei Xinwei had the answer, her pupils were full of shock.

Even Raymond thought of this, and the pain disappeared.

Qingming comforted Ye Yun, and said: "Taizu Starfield! It seems that the Great Chaos World is different. It is not only bigger than our world, but also more dangerous!"

"Continue to tell us everything we need to know!" The psychic asked indifferently.

It seemed that after learning that the three were Chaos Ascenders, Lei Meng answered any questions immediately, and understood why the three natives dared to attack him.

Are they indigenous?

of course not.

After some interrogation by the psychic, the three of them had a general understanding of the Tiankui Starfield, this great chaotic world.

It turns out that this is a world where humans and beasts coexist. Humans and beasts are opposed to each other, and among the beasts there are many races, including Shura and Darkness.

Of course, among the human races, there are demon races, monster races, fairy races, and even god races.

The demons are demon monks who live in darkness and chaos.

The monster race is the beast race born in the human world. Their strength and ability are not comparable to the beast race living in the chaos. For example, the Shura and the dark race are powerful life forms that can survive in the chaos.

The immortal clan, that is, monks like Ye Yun, Chi Yun, and Qing Ming, who were ascended from different chaotic worlds by mortals, are called immortal clans, and they are the backbone of the great chaotic world.

The protoss, that is, the overlords of the galaxy such as Lei Meng and Lei Xinwei, they have a proud identity, they are born of chaos, and their bodies have a natural physique of chaos.

All the overlords of the Great Chaos are Protoss.

It took a while for the three of them to digest the world structure.

Then let the minder and Wuwu beast watch the two of them.

The three of them practiced around and took the Condensing Yuan Divine Pill, and their bodies were broken again and again.

"Boss, when we were in the Great Zhoutian, the final state was the three-element heaven of Hunyuan Transformation, lower, middle, and upper. In comparison, the Lower Yuantian is actually the Hunyuan Realm of the Great Chaos World. When we reach the extreme Shangyuantian, that is, the three transformations of Hunyuan!"

After practicing for a while, Chi Yun suddenly said with amazement, his eyes brightened.

"That's true. I just thought of this level. It seems that our practice in the Great Zhoutian is just the beginning..."

God of Creation!

The Creator God back then did not pass on the true realm completely, which would lead to his cultivation reaching the Shangyuan Heaven, and he would no longer have the heart of defying the sky.


a few years later!

Chi Yun was the first to burst out with calamity, and his body was shattered.

After the astonishing explosion, the demonic energy flew, and Chi Yun's sky eyes also appeared. The whole person was burning with crazy momentum, and the breakthrough breath was released from the dantian, forming 33 layers of divine light around the lower abdomen.

Hunyuan five changes!

In just a few years, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable directly crossed over.

Then came Ye Yun's breakthrough!

The process is the same, but the changes bring big differences. Various chaotic physiques are constantly promoted, and the body is once again profound.

In the end, Qing Ming was promoted!

The three of them stepped into the Hunyuan Five Changes together, and their strength has improved a lot.

But the three of them couldn't show any ease, so what are the Hunyuan Five Changes?You have to step into the Supreme Realm quickly, so that you can roam freely in the chaos, and you can go wherever you want.

"Asura's blood, it's much easier to fuse directly now. I feel that the power of the Condensing Spirit Pill is amazing, but the physical changes brought about by Shura's blood are incomparable to the pill!"

After the breakthrough, in order to continue to advance!

He took out the flesh and blood of General Shura, and began to release Taiyi's chaotic qi to fuse.

"You guys also killed Bone Shura!" Lei Xinwei was taken aback.

"Haha, do you think we are really weak chickens?"

Chi Yun got excited: "You stinky bitch, secretly discussed with that kid how to torture the three of us, especially you bastard, if you dare to attack my sister-in-law, it's okay if you don't, we won't do it either, color words A knife on the head, you don't even understand this?"

"It's careless!"

Hearing Raymond burst into tears, he regretted his mistakes.

"Look at me merging with your magic knife!"

Chi Yun sacrificed the crescent moon sword he had obtained from Lei Mengna before, released the magic flame, and started to burn, wanting to fuse this magic weapon of supreme quality.

"Ming'er, this defensive bracelet is not bad, and its quality is also high. The key point is that it has not been integrated by Lei Xinwei. It will be very easy for you to cultivate!"

Fusion Artifact!

This is inevitable, so Ye Yun took out a silver bracelet and put it on for Qing Ming himself.

And he himself took out an attacking sword.

He understands the quality of these artifacts. Although they are not simple and very powerful now, in fact, when their cultivation base reaches the upper level, these artifacts will become ordinary.

After experiencing the practice of the Four Realms in the past, Ye Yun's Taoist heart and state of mind have already reached a very high level.

The three of them fused the artifact together, and it was obvious that the aura of the artifact surpassed them by a hundred times. With the artifact, the three of them actually had the power to protect themselves in the great chaotic world.

As for Lei Xinwei and Lei Meng, seeing that the three of them are growing stronger and merging the artifacts, they had some hope at first, but now they are disheartened.


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