In order to improve his combat power, Ye Yun also let the Tongxinren fuse a divine weapon, so that his strength has absolutely surpassed that of Qing Ming and Chi Yun.

With the blood of Shura and various elixirs, the strength of the three of them continued to change, and after another few years, the three of them almost began to vacate.

"The Chaos Ascendant doesn't have such a terrifying ability. It can actually devour Shura's blood. If we get a little contaminated and enter the body, it will immediately repel it and form a big explosion!"

"Yeah, they are too mysterious. In just ten years, it seems that they will break through the five changes of Hunyuan and enter the sixth change of Hunyuan!"

"Don't be discouraged, we can make a promise to them in the future and listen to their words for the time being. Once they go to our Lei family's territory, it will be their death!"

"This is absolute. If you don't avenge this revenge, you will never be a human being!"

Lei Meng secretly gritted his teeth, and was secretly communicating with Lei Xinwei.



It was still Chi Yun's first breakthrough, his body was shaken, and he stepped from the five transformations to the six transformations of Hunyuan, and the 33 layers of aura around his body became more clear.

After the breakthrough, Ling Chiyun perfectly fused the divine weapon very quickly, and continued to practice after a long time of complacency. With this divine weapon, he can be arrogant enough.

Not long after, Ye Yun and Qing Ming broke through consecutively!

The three of them don't seem to have any intention of leaving Ming Wuxing. In fact, it's not that they don't want to leave to find Wanhai, but they deeply understand the survival law of survival of the fittest, and they must be strong. Otherwise, let alone looking for Wanhai, they will also become beasts. food.

Unknowingly, decades have passed!


Chi Yun suddenly stopped practicing, looked at Ye Yun, and began to gear up, eager to try: "Boss, our sect has broken through to the Nine Transformations of Hunyuan, and to break through to the Supreme Realm, it takes a certain amount of time to practice and find more resources. We have taken more than half of the resources, and there are no resources in this chaotic world, so we can't survive at all, and Shura's corpse has been eaten up by Wuwu!"

"Forget it, now you and I have enough strength to reach a certain stage of the Supreme Realm. Using various abilities, we already have the power to protect ourselves!"

Ye Yun and Qing Ming also stopped practicing!

After the meeting between the three, Chi Yun stared at Lei Meng secretly: "That guy must not be kept, if you keep it, just look at it, and you will be full of anger!"

"I will kill his consciousness, Chi Yun, and you will take him away and transform his appearance. In addition, we control Lei Xinwei, so that we can inquire about Wanwan in the Tiankui Starfield by pretending to be members of the Lei family. Whereabouts, if not, we will go to the Taizu star field!"

"Hey, I've wanted to kill that bastard for a long time!"

"Isn't it simple?"

Kill Raymond!

I'm afraid Ye Yun wants to make a move more than Chi Yun, but now that he has strength and can activate various abilities, Lei Meng is no longer needed.


Suddenly a thought!



In a blink of an eye, the heart-to-heart flashed above Lei Meng, and hit Lei Meng's forehead with a palm.

Poor Lei Meng didn't even react. Countless shattered primordial spirits erupted in his mind, and he cried out in an instant, losing his life.

As for Lei Xinwei!

Pale and lifeless with fright, desperate and furious: "You guys! How dare you kill members of my Lei family!"

Ye Yun looked at Lei Xinwei indifferently: "In front of us, your Lei family is not alone. As long as you give us time, we can definitely go against the sky and change everything!"

"The mighty eyes of the sky are supreme!"

Suddenly, blood-colored flames were burning.

A strange scene happened, and for Ye Yun, it was as if he had returned to the way he saw Chi Yun for the first time.

At this time, Chi Yun suddenly turned into a pool of blood, and in the pool of blood, only the Eye of Heaven was floating.

The blood boiled and burned, and rolled toward the living dead Raymond like life.

After wrapping Lei Meng, blood poured into Lei Meng's body from the seven orifices, and the sky eyes were directly branded between the eyebrows.

This scene was so disgusting that even Qing Ming couldn't help but take a deep breath.


Lei Xinwei was so frightened that she was incoherent.

She had never seen this scene before.

After about half a stick of incense, not only did all the blood flow into Lei Meng's body, but Lei Meng's body also burned with magic flames, and began to turn into a bloody state.

In the end, the blood congealed, exploded in a crackling explosion, and turned into a living scarlet cloud.

In Chi Yun's first words, he sneered proudly at Ye Yun: "Boss, now your strength is not as good as mine!"

"Okay..." Ye Yun also knew that the strength of Chi Yun, who devoured and captured Lei Meng, was already close to the height of Lei Meng's own strength.

In other words, Chi Yun's strength at this time is also close to the high level of the Supreme Realm.


It must have come too easily!

Ye Yun was like a god of death, and the next words drove Lei Xinwei into the boundless abyss: "This is your end, of course, if you are obedient, you will be honest in the future, and don't think about going back to your Lei family and dealing with us again." And so on, then you won’t end up like this, I won’t mind taking away your flesh and blood, so your hard work in cultivation has actually fulfilled me!”

"You, how do you know what I'm thinking?" Lei Xinwei's face turned pale, and cold sweat penetrated layer by layer.

"Hmph, that's because you don't know about my boss' supernatural powers, haha!" Chi Yun was very proud.

"Don't, don't treat me like this, don't take me away!"

Lei Xinwei was completely frightened, and curled up there, without the slightest air before.

Ye Yun looked at Qing Ming: "Ming'er, Lei Xinwei will be your maid from now on!"

"Okay!" Qing Ming was very happy, melting like an ice lotus.

The world is impermanent!

Before Lei Xinwei was arrogant and wanted Qing Ming to be her maid, but now?She became a real maid beside Qingming.

Ye Yun said again: "But you are still a member of the Lei family, so Chi Yun pretended to be Lei Meng. No, you have to be Chi Yun as Lei Meng. If you are dishonest and show your flaws, I'm sure you will get the same as Lei Meng." You will end up like a fool!"

"I, I understand!" Lei Xinwei honestly came to Chi Yun's side.

"Take us to the world of human cultivation now, you can continue to treat us as your servants on the surface, and show your previous momentum!"


It took a while for Lei Xinwei to return from the role change, restore the Lei family strongman, confront Chi Yun for a few words, and then clear the way with Chi Yun.

Ye Yun and Qing Mingfei were in the rear, and they left the forest quickly, and saw the vast desert world, and one of the deserts was full of bones.

After Lei Xinwei's explanation, I realized that it was a million years ago, and the human monks living here were all eaten or tortured to death by Shura.

The white bones in the desert can be called a mass grave, but soon a big storm rolled up, and the exposed bones were buried by the wind in an instant. It seemed that Ming Wuxing's past and civilization were also buried under the yellow sand.

Flying out of the bright mist star, I flew towards the nearest planet. It was said to be the closest, but it would take several years to get there.


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