The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2616 Arrogant in front of Chiyun

Lei Xinwei led the way honestly, zigzagging through many layers of chaotic space, some galaxy is filled with various interstellar air currents, and there are explosions from time to time.

Although these chaotic forces are terrifying, they can still be avoided.

But some spaces are different. There are a large number of beasts entrenched. If you encounter a herd of beasts, you will have no escape.

From time to time, the three of them could see groups of hundreds of monsters running wild in the galaxy air current, staring at some defeated planets, and a few monsters flying away from the planets ahead.

"That's Tianleixing. After being ruled by my supreme ancestor Leiyun, the name of the world will be changed together. There are tens of thousands of monks inside!"

After several years of careful flying in deep space, the planet finally grew bigger. Lei Xinwei introduced: "Thousands of monks sound like a lot, but they are nothing among the orc clan. Even the Shura clan and a regular army have Millions, thousands of small teams, once an attack is launched, it will be difficult for Tian Leixing to parry!"

In Lei Xinwei's introduction, apart from the tens of millions of monks, there are even more gods at the bottom. Once the beasts attack, these gods at the bottom will have no power to resist.

The lower-level gods also have no status in the entire Tiankui Starfield. As the Lei family's private property, the Lei family's royal family can do whatever they want in private.

As a result, even closer to the Sky Thunder Star, there were actually some flying winged monsters, at least thousands of them, circling around the huge Sky Thunder Star, as if they wanted to sneak into the barrier and capture humans.

Such a movement was naturally discovered by the human race. In the enchantment, many monks were preparing.

As a result, the four of them also waited for half a year. After the monsters left, the four of them were able to enter the Sky Thunder Star.

"Raymond, Lei Xinwei, what about the resources you collected?"

In the middle of the sky, there were a lot of monks fighting against the monsters before, and many of them flew over. They looked like members of the Lei family in terms of appearance and temperament.

They were not polite either, and yelled at Chi Yun and Lei Xinwei.

Lei Xinwei said: "When we came back, we encountered a sneak attack by Blood Shura, and all our resources were taken away. We managed to get back a life!"

"is it?"

One of the young men walked from there, and everyone respected him.

It is extraordinary at first glance, and the nobleness is like a dragon descending from heaven.

Lei Xinwei secretly sent a voice transmission to several people: "This person is the grandson of an elder from a foreign clan, Lei Zhensheng, whose status in the foreign clan is much higher than ours, our parents are both of average status in the foreign clan, and his grandfather, That clan elder is very powerful. Although there are many clan elders in the foreign clan, his grandfather is also very powerful. This person cannot be offended. We have always bowed our heads and made room for it. This is a dandy, let him be arrogant for a while , it's over!"

Say it!

Lei Zhensheng noticed Ye Yun and Qing Ming.

Fortunately, Qing Ming covered his face, otherwise troubles would arise again.

Lei Zhensheng asked curiously: "Who are these two people?"

"The aborigines we found on Mingwu Star are already the private property of Raymond and me, but we are about to take them back and hand them over to the higher-ups for record. We will not do anything that violates the family law!" Lei Meng Xin Wei explained.

"Alright, get out!" Lei Zhensheng scolded disdainfully.


The four left quickly.

"Master, aboriginal, that's aboriginal!"

"What about the natives?"

"Ming Wuxing hasn't found the aborigines for many years, look at that female aborigine, she is probably a virgin!"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!"


"Hmph, the virgin is used to practice both kung fu and improve strength, let's talk about it when we go back!"

Several strong men surrounded Lei Zhensheng, who was yelled at by him until he stared at the four people's backs embarrassingly, and he flew to the ground with thousands of strong men.

Finally saw the familiar city!

In order to avoid Lei Zhensheng, the four immediately fled into the city.


Gods are everywhere!

To Ye Yun, Chi Yun, and Qing Ming, they felt very cordial and touched the prosperity of the human race. After many years of stumbles, they finally came to the human world.

Most of them are even Hunyuan Realm cultivators, while only a small part of them are in the Supreme Realm, and the gods of the Supreme Realm are dressed differently.

The city is very large, and various palaces and pavilions are also towering into the sky.

In the center of the city is a huge round, three-storey tower built with solid sacred stones. Ordinary gods can only bypass this tower.

"This is one of the dojos of foreign races. It is called Tianwai Tianlou. It is the place where my Lei family is responsible for some affairs of Tianleixing. We usually practice here, waiting for tasks, and waiting for missions to come back to receive credit. The credit is the pill. !"

"Pillions are very scarce here. Generally, we only have a hundred pills a year as the basis for our practice. If we want more pills, we must complete tasks. The medicine is simply not enough!"

After Lei Xinwei's introduction, Lei Meng, who was disguised by Chi Yun, formally entered Tianwai Tianlou, Ye Yun and Qing Ming bowed their heads and entered accordingly.

In fact, there are countless independent god formations inside, which are blended with huge god formations to form a god formation dojo. The outside looks like a castle, but there is a cave inside.

"This place is divided into three layers. The first layer is not belonging to the Lei family. It is the place where the monks of the Lei family's army live. The second layer is the cave for the children of the Lei family's foreign clan. The third layer is the high-level, and some practice space!"

"Don't look at these spaces, the internal area is astonishing. Most of the army, senior monks, and Lei family members of Tianleixing live in several skyscrapers. In this one place, there are probably no fewer than a hundred monks on record. Ten thousand!"

With some pride, Lei Xinwei introduced to the three of them.

Passing through one formation after another, each formation has many passages extending in all directions. Of course, there are also strong men patrolling at intervals.

"Just to master these formations and countless seals, it takes many years of repeated practice. If the seals are wrongly condensed, you will not be able to pass the formation!"

Lei Xinwei led the three of them through the ladder formation to the second floor.

The space on the second floor is larger, and there is a lot of aura, and there are many forests, rivers, and even mountains inside.

Get to the top!

The human monks of the Great Chaos have brought the cultivation civilization to the extreme.

Even the three of Ye Yun don't have the ability to develop the worlds within such a huge formation one by one, and then create natural laws everywhere, making countless formations look like green mountains and green waters.

It takes a lot of supernatural power, mana, and supernatural powers to do this, and even one ten thousandth of the huge project here cannot be completed in the upper realm.

"Hey, the two of you are back? It seems that the task has not been completed, don't even think about this year's pill!"

Passing through the natural world in the big formation, you come to another mountain and river, and there are palaces everywhere on this mountain and river.

As soon as the four of them flew towards two of the palaces, they encountered more than a dozen people who happened to appear from other directions. When they saw Lei Xinwei and Chi Yun, those men and women put on ugly faces.

Lei Xinwei motioned to ignore them.


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