The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2629 Blood Battle Wing Clan



More winged monsters spiraled down from the depths of the clouds.

They spread their wings, together with their fangs, big ferocious eyes, and distorted faces, they rushed like living demons.


In the end, Ye Yun and Chi Yun saw more monsters from the Yi clan killing them, and they knew they couldn't love to fight, so they shouted at all the masters.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Everyone also saw the situation clearly and had to evacuate.

"Zhenshan Qi Prison Judgment!"

The four of Ye Yun gathered together.

Wuwu Beast stared at a large number of Winged Monsters.

Several people teamed up to inject true qi into Ye Yun's body, and he displayed the peerless supernatural power from the Heart Sutra of Reincarnation, suppressing mountain qi prison sentence.

Chu Chu Chu!

The huge mountains with the aura of reincarnation, driven by Ye Yun based on the ability of reincarnation, plus the true energy of the other three, suddenly turned into mighty mountains, suppressing from above the Yi clan.


The mountain of reincarnation caused the Yi clan to lose their formation, and many were crushed to death.

But the Wing Clan is still too many.

At this time, those masters also fled away, Ye Yun immediately released his thoughts towards Wuwu Beast, it flicked its tail, and threw out a dark hollow force, engulfing the four of them, and fled towards the ground below.

Although the speed was very fast, the weight brought by four people made Wuwu Beast's speed at least twice as slow.

Seeing the four fleeing for their lives from a distance, the Winged Monster screamed ferociously, rolled up its wings in large numbers, and chased them viciously.


Almost, the four of them were about to escape into the sinkholes deep in the ruins under the control of Wuwu Beast's speed.


A huge black-winged shadow suddenly spiraled past the four people, and intercepted the four people and the Wuwu Beast in the midair of the thousand-meter ruins.

"Woooo!" Wuwu Beast stared at the black shadow coldly.


A gigantic Winged Monster five feet high was obviously different from those Winged Monsters, and the Winged Monster was wearing golden armor, so it looked like it had a very high status among the Winged Clan.

Lei Xinwei's face turned pale with fright: "This, this is... the little commander of the Wing Clan, who controls an army of thousand Wing Monsters, and his strength has reached the peak of the Star God Realm!"

"Little Commander!"

Ye Yun, Chi Yun, and Qing Ming all changed their expressions, because the strength of the Winged Monster in front of them was too terrifying, definitely surpassing them all.

"I killed a lot of soldiers and horses, you four humans, do you want to escape?" The winged monster was about to kill the four of them with a cold and yin chill.


As soon as the Yuanshen moved, Wuwu Beast fled towards the other side.


The wing monster's reaction exceeded Ye Yun's imagination, and it flew out almost at the same time. Its speed surpassed several people, comparable to the Wuwu beast.

"Wu Wu Wu Yuan Kung Fu!"

Ye Yun was not polite, and made palm prints all over the sky.

"Clap clap clap!"

The palm print quickly and accurately hit the little commander of the wing monster, but it didn't hurt it at all, but it also formed some stars around its body.

The little wing monster leader stared at Ye Yun slightly: "You have a chaotic physique? Only the power of the chaotic world can make you, an ordinary star god monk, have a little influence on this commander!"

"I still care about your commander-in-chief?"

Chi Yun suddenly flashed, turned into a phantom, grabbed the artifact that had reached the Star God Realm, and was driven by the magic energy, rolling the magic artifact, and suddenly burst out evil power and rushed towards the winged monster.

"Another human being with a chaotic physique?"

I don't know!

The opponent also saw that Chi Yun had a chaotic physique, and found that Chi Yun's strength surpassed Ye Yun's. It spit out a storm and overturned Chi Yun's offensive easily.

"The Fist of Creation!"

It came suddenly, but it was Ye Yun's Good Fortune Fist.

Birth, Ascension, Overbearing, Invincible, Breaking Heaven, True Self, Reincarnation, Nirvana, Opening Heaven, Creation.

Ten punches have long been integrated into the divine way of the sky.

In addition to the Void One, Ye Yunqi rushed over quickly, blasting out with punches and punches.

"Clap clap clap!"

The wing monster leader didn't expect Ye Yun's speed to be so fast. He lost his sight, and just as the scarlet cloud attack was shaken away, it raised its giant wings, and directly used its giant wings to strike the shadow of the god's light fist formed by ten punches one after another. broken.

"Demon Spirit Fire!"

The other party spewed out a billowing flame of magic flame.

After the magic flame, there was Chi Yun who danced the artifact and launched a series of offensives.

If he wants to kill someone, he won't be polite!

There is Ye Yun in front, and Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable in the back.

This scene of the two masters teaming up has not been seen for many years.

But the little commander of the winged monster is too powerful, and his body is also indestructible. With the wind blowing with his huge wings, he can block the attack of the two of them by ten feet.

The two formed a flanking attack, and the attack was fierce, but they were not strong enough to break through the defense of the little commander's wing monster, and set off bursts of explosions around it, leaving a vacuum around it.

Ye Yun saw that the situation was not good, especially when a large number of Winged Monsters were coming from above, he immediately sent a voice transmission: "Ming'er, you and Wuwu Beast should leave first!"

"I won't go!" Qing Ming was very resolute.

Chi Yun also oozes worry: "Sister-in-law, hurry up, we can't hurt a single hair of it together!"

"Come on!"

Ye Yun felt very powerless now.

"You can't escape, and this commander wants to take you human beings with chaotic physiques back and treat them well, especially those two women, but they are the best hosts for my Yi clan to reproduce their offspring!"

The little commander Yiguai stared at the four of them in embarrassment.


I can't escape even if I want to.


The winged monsters above formed an army to suppress the situation, but...

Suddenly, they felt some kind of terrifying aura, and they frantically fled towards the other side of the sky.

"Is she chasing you?"

The little commander-in-chief also panicked.

"Boss, it seems to have discovered the power to make it fear!"

"It seems to want to escape, it can't just leave like this, when it is afraid of power, get rid of it!"

Chi Yun and Ye Yun noticed the change in the commander-in-chief's expression.


Stimulate the divine orifice, stimulate the ability of the Linglong body, activate the ability of the reincarnation, and release the great Pisces. The countless chaotic-colored Pisces immediately form a package, preventing the winged monster from escaping.

"Wind Wing!"

The little commander wing monster is angry!

It really wants to escape!


The two wings gathered unexpectedly, and suddenly turned towards the surrounding Dao Pisces, as well as the power of magic energy, like a huge force cutting Ye Yun and Chi Yun's offensive.


It was just about to fly out, but the Pisces formed again, hitting its body and blocking its way.

"I didn't expect you to be so tough!" The Winged Monster stared at Ye Yun, as if he didn't know Ye Yun had such strength: "If I knew it, I would have killed you before!"


A piece of divine light transformed from a divine weapon in the rear pushed the magic energy, and took the opportunity to hit the little leader's winged monster.


The little commander suddenly spread his wings, and a fierce light shot out from his body.

Pom Pom!

Dao Dao Pisces and Demon Qi were shattered, and Ye Yun and Chi Yun were also hit by the light. There were blood holes all over their bodies, but they didn't care at all, and released the attack again.


The little commander-in-chief wing monster has already flown out of the encirclement of two people, and fled rapidly towards the mid-air.

"It's fine to leave, but if we really fight, we are not opponents!" Ye Yun didn't chase after him, and let Chi Yun calm down.


this moment!

The little commander who flew a certain distance was suddenly bumped by a woman in black armor who appeared out of nowhere, and the little commander screamed and fell from the sky.

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