Soon a cloud of catastrophe rose, but in the depths of the canyon, as long as you were a hundred miles away, it would not be too obvious, and the forest and canyon were deep in the ruins, without extraordinary induction, it was impossible to detect the catastrophe in a short time.

It was Lei Xinwei who was crossing the catastrophe.

Wuwu Beast came back soon, and it found hundreds of divine fruits.

Ye Yun and Chi Yun came back after Lei Xinwei succeeded in crossing the catastrophe, and they each got some divine fruits, but not as many as Wuwu Beast.

For the time being, it is enough for a few people to overcome the tribulation and practice after stepping into the Star God Realm.

It was Qingming's turn to cross the catastrophe again.

Ye Yun personally took care of it this time, while Chi Yun made preparations for crossing the catastrophe.

In fact, there is no need to worry about Qingming crossing the catastrophe. It seems that the catastrophe is extremely terrifying. After the day, he successfully crossed the catastrophe and achieved the Star God Realm.

Another half year passed.

During this period of time, Lei Xinwei and Qing Ming accumulated their cultivation, devoured the divine fruit, and the last remaining divine pill, and their strength reached a certain height in the Star God Realm.

Also started to look around for resources!

Chi Yun soon began to cross the catastrophe!

Tian Jie is obviously much bigger than Lei Xinwei, but Chi Yun's strength has already surpassed the Supreme Realm, so after several fierce attacks, he smashed Tian Jie with his strength.

It's Ye Yun!

The momentum of crossing the catastrophe is even greater, and it is one-third more terrifying than Chi Yun, but for him, it is now completely possible to use various special physiques, perform small divine movement, and other laws to transfer and dissolve the thunder catastrophe one by one .

Only the last terrifying catastrophe was crushed with strength.

That's it!

Less than three years!

All four of them stepped into the Star God Realm from the Supreme Realm, and became true monks and powerhouses of the Great Chaos, able to survive in the Great Chaos World.

After practicing for six full years, and after their strength reached the normal state of Star God Yichang, the four were ready to leave.

"Lei Xinwei, your Lei family rules this galaxy, is there really no Chaos Ascendant?"

At this moment, the three of them, led by Lei Xinwei, wanted to inquire about Wanhai's news.

"No, I haven't heard any news about Chaos Ascensioners for a long time recently. There used to be, but since more and more beast races occupied the infinite chaotic space near the Great Chaos, no Chaos Ascensioners appeared again. The ones who were born will be regarded as honored guests by the Lei family, and even sent to the big powers in the Central Galaxy!"

"Send it to the center of Tiankui Xinghe?"

"The Lord promulgated the law at the beginning, saying that the chaos ascenders are the future of the human race, and any chaos ascenders must be sent to the central galaxy to be cultivated by those great forces. Hear some movement!"

"So, the Tiankui galaxy is so big, you can't know the movement of those galaxies outside Lei's house?"

"That's true. If we really want to find someone, we can leave the Lei Family Galaxy and go to the Central Star Field. It is easy to find information from those larger chambers of commerce!"

"Boss, let's do it this way, let's go to the central star field of Tiankui Galaxy first, maybe my sister-in-law is already practicing in that big power!"

"Okay, Lei Xinwei will lead the way, we will fly in the chaotic starry sky!"

With strength, become a star god!

Ye Yun, Chi Yun, and Qing Ming have different ideas, they don't want to stay here and become strong.

Instead, continue to look for Wanhai.

And Lei Xinwei didn't expect that a few people would go to such a distant place to find them. Now that she has become a star god, she is eligible to become a member of the inner clan when she returns to Lei's family, and her future prospects are limitless.

Finally, she figured it out, and flew away from the ruins with the three of them.


Just left the forest and came to the ruins in the middle of the sky.

Wuwu Beast turned around suddenly, as if facing a formidable enemy.

A few people turned around and saw that there were hundreds of winged monsters in the air behind them, chasing and killing more than 100 gods, killing the gods so that they threw away their helmets and armor, and fled. Being reduced to the food of the Winged Clan, even if they could resist, it would not be able to withstand a large number of Winged Monsters.

Among them, the strong star gods can kill the winged monsters, but there are too many winged monsters, and each of the strong star gods has to die.

Lei Xinwei stared at the front in shock: "Something is wrong, why did thousands of winged monsters appear suddenly? It looks like an army, and this is still rare in the Lei Zhenxing world!"

"We have to save people, we can't watch gods continue to fall, we are all human race, we can't just ignore death!" Qing Ming looked at Ye Yun and Chi Yun.

Chi Yun agreed: "No problem, anyway, if we kill the Winged Monster and take the corpse, we can also use it for cultivation. The Winged Monster's corpse is also a resource for us!"

"Wuwu Beast, you cover us. There are too many wing monsters, and we will inevitably be surrounded and killed. We have to rely on your space advantage!"

Ye Yun conveyed his thoughts to Wuwu Beast, and the four of them immediately flew up without any hesitation.

At this moment, Lei Xinwei suddenly pointed deeper: "A large group of Winged Monsters entered the depths of the ruins again. What's wrong, why are there so many Winged Monsters all of a sudden?"

At this time, I can't think so much, saving people is the first thought.

"Still running for your life?"

In the end, they were about to meet the fleeing gods, and several powerful star gods shouted at them hurriedly, motioning them to run for their lives.

The four of them surpassed how many people!


Ye Yun burst out a large amount of reincarnation sword energy, combined with Wu Wuxu Yuan Gong, and rushed towards more than a dozen winged monsters.

Chi Yun also erupted a large amount of fingerprints transformed by demonic energy, and grabbed the winged monster viciously.

Qing Ming and Lei Xinwei are at the rear ready to go.

Bang bang bang!

After an attack, more than a dozen pterosaurs were killed.

"Those four are amazing!"

"One by one is the change of the Star God, who can kill the Winged Monster so easily!"

"We can't escape either. The winged monsters have killed so many of us. We can't let them go. In fact, we can unite and kill them!"

The four resolutely stopped the army of wing monsters, and this scene shocked many gods who were fleeing for their lives.

More than 20 people turned back and followed the four of them to kill the Wing Monster.

Most people took the opportunity to escape.

Ye Yun turned around and looked at the crowd, his eyes were pierced, and the king's air burst out: "You run away quickly, we hold back the winged monster for you, and we are sure to escape!"


Every strong man was shocked.

"Boss, it's too late, let's kill the wing monsters first!" Chi Yun was in a hurry in front, because he was alone, facing the army of wing monsters, and summoned a magic weapon, like a little flea, which was inseparable from the wing monsters .

Ye Yun didn't say anything anymore, he resolutely returned to Chiyun's side, unleashed his reincarnation power, and huge towers of nothingness soared down from the sky.

"Revenge, kill!"

More than 20 strong men killed them without hesitation.

Except for Qing Ming and Lei Xinwei, everyone's eyes were burning.

Chi Chi!

Ye Yun and Chi Yun were at the forefront, the Winged Monster kept charging, its sharp claws tore through their defenses, leaving bloodstains on their arms and bodies.

What is this little injury?

The two showed their supernatural power, using both hands and feet, and Chi Yun even started to swallow the winged monster alive.

Although the Wing Monsters had an advantage in numbers, they were defeated by Chi Yun and Ye Yun, and with the desperate fight of the masters behind, they gained the advantage.

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