In the depths of the ruins, from time to time, the sound of the body being broken and promoted.

Looking at the huge stone man again, the body has gradually turned from earthy yellow to earthy gray, and there are cracks in some places.

And in the depths of the ruins where the giant lay, the underground space directly above.

"The divinity here is suddenly decreasing!"

"what happened?"

"Whatever it is, leave early, in case something unexpected happens, don't be buried here!"

Some Supreme Realm and Star God Realm powerhouses were resting in the ruins, when suddenly many divinities were disappearing, causing the dust to become more and more violent.

Seeing this subtle change, more than a dozen gods hurriedly left.


The layer of ruins thousands of feet deep also loosened at this time, and some small gravels were crushed, as if the whole ruins were about to collapse.

The stone man transformed by the star master seemed to be burning.


It was because all the divinity, after countless years of precipitation from the body, gushed out frantically, and was forcibly poured into the bodies of the four people in the form of empowerment by the Chaos Void Purification God Wheel.

It seems that the will of the star master is also helping the four of them, sucking all the divinity and chaotic aura around the god wheel in the entire ruined world, and then being refined by the god wheel.

Although he has fallen!

But today, after all ages, all that he can do in his life is left to the four descendants through the way of inheritance.

The star master stone man also seemed to evaporate, struggling to rise from the ruins like a resurrection, reappearing the supreme power of the year.

Among the Divine Wheels, apart from Lei Xinwei, Ye Yun, Chi Yun, and Qing Ming have been breaking through after a while, and the three of them have reached the realm of the seven transformations of the Supreme Realm.

The ruined space has more divinity and denser, which is not something that Ye Yun's cultivation and supernatural powers can do. It secretly came from the last idea of ​​the star master, and turned it into a supreme gift for the three of them.

Lei Xinwei's normal physique is obviously very different from the three of them.

Ye Yun, Qing Ming, and Chi Yun all have special physiques, and also absorb a lot of power from the world. In their physical essence, they already have the power to become star masters.


Another few years passed.

With a new round of promotions and breakthroughs, suddenly, the star master stone man turned into lime gray as a whole, and it was completely broken and collapsed at this time.

It turned into a humanoid ruin condensed from ruins.

The chakra also disappeared at this moment.


Chi Yun turned into magic smoke: "Haha, we have all reached the Nine Transformations of the Supreme Realm, and we can overcome the calamity immediately and become a strong star god, but we can only overcome the calamity by going out!"

"You are all evildoers, it's only been a few years... your cultivation level is the same as mine..." Lei Xinwei, who had undergone the least transformation, had also reached the peak of the Supreme Realm at this time.

But it was too late for her to get excited, because the three people next to her were also in the same realm as her.

The pinnacle of the Nine Transformations of the Supreme Realm!

The momentum of the four people is the same.

Chi Yun raised his devilish energy: "Haha, Boss, we should get out of here. Looking at the movement of this ruin layer, it seems that it will collapse at any time!"

Ye Yun nodded: "Okay, if it really collapses, then we will be in big trouble. Even if I am a member of the Five Elements, I can only penetrate the rock temporarily, but cannot break the collapsed layer of ruins!"

The four immediately adjusted their breathing and hid their breath.

Then he cast the Great Thousand Gods Map and sucked the three of them into it.

"Whoa, let's go!"

Ye Yun released a thought towards Wuwu Beast!


Wuwu Beast followed him to the top of the ruins layer, and immediately cast Five Elements, combined with Reincarnation and Void, and began to turn into a transparent state, merged with the ruins, and disappeared immediately.

As for the ruined space, the divinity has disappeared, and some fragments keep falling. It is estimated that it will not take long for a large area to collapse.

In the end, the past history was buried again.

"When you reach the peak of the Supreme Realm, it is easier to mobilize the Five Elements. Compared with when you came here before, you are like two different people, and you don't feel oppressed at all..."

Traveling hundreds of feet, Ye Yun is still refreshed. In this forbidden place for human beings, he can still breathe normally and shuttle among the ruins.

Five elements!

It really is different.

If the Tianshu back then could make it to this day, he would probably have such extraordinary skills.


A few days later, it was about to leave the ruins layer.

The Wuwu Beast following behind suddenly sensed something.

"Have a lot of blood?"

After the exchange, Ye Yun's expression changed.

He slowed down, and after a while, he finally came to the surface of the ruins, hid a large rock, and immediately found a lot of torn flesh and blood on the ground.


Several gods frantically escaped from one end in mid-air, desperate.

Behind them was a humanoid monster with red wings three times its size. They were so fast that they trapped several gods in the middle of the road.

"That's one of the most powerful beast races in the Great Chaos, the Wing Race!"

At this moment, under Ye Yun's ability, Lei Xinwei is seeing everything he can see: "The Yi tribe is about the same size as a human being, and they claim to be us humans they created, and they want the human race to be the king of the Yi tribe, and the Yi tribe They are all blood-sucking monsters, and their speed is extremely fast, and ordinary monks in the upper realm cannot compare with them!"

"You can't ignore death!"

After hearing this, Ye Yun decided to save people.

Those gods were trapped and would be killed soon. Looking at the Wing Clan again, they were all bald with dry skin, like the skin of an old man.


Chi Yun also agreed!

That being the case!

Under the power of the Five Elements, he took the Wuwu Beast to separate from the big stone, sneaked along the stone wall, and went around behind a few winged monsters.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Chi Yun, Qing Ming, and Lei Xinwei appeared together.


The four of them sneaked up at the same time, and under the magical ability of the Five Elements, they cast the artifact silently and hit the body of a cephalopod.


The Wing Monsters let out human screams. They were split open by the artifact, and turned around to stare at them fiercely. However, Ye Yun urged the Void, coupled with the strange speed of the Daqian Shen Tu, to drag the Wing Monsters into the magic weapon. middle.

Ye Yun looked at the gods who were seriously injured: "Aren't you leaving quickly?"

"Many, thank you!" Several people were still in shock, and immediately ran for their lives when they came back to their senses.

"Let's find a place to cross the tribulation first, and step into the Star God Realm. Once we have strength, we don't have to worry about these winged monsters!"

The four of them immediately flew in the other direction, cautiously.

The air is filled with amazing blood, and I also encountered some winged monsters. It seems that this journey to the ruins is really as dangerous as the legend.

Flying secretly towards the periphery of Zhiya of Guixu, gradually moving away from the central area, the four of them didn't want to get other treasures anymore, let's talk about crossing the catastrophe and becoming a strong star god.

After a few days!

After finally flying out of the central area, I rarely encountered winged monsters or other beast races.

Going away again, I came to a vast forest and deep in the ruins of countless grand canyons. I chose a canyon and immediately set up a formation.

The four of them acted separately, let Lei Xinwei go through the tribulation first, and Qing Ming took care of them.

Ye Yun, Chi Yun, and Wuwu Beast moved separately, and began to search for the divine fruit and other spiritual objects around the canyon.

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