The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2632 Empress Kindness

The female general said directly: "Are you looking for that friend of yours?"

Ye Yun showed surprise: "Yes, I hope the general can pass on a message, I hope that your army will let my friend go, we have not offended you, nor have we betrayed the human race!"

The general froze suddenly: "The Empress asked me to tell you, by the way, the Empress is the one who took your friend away, she is the supreme leader of my Empress Legion, commanding an army of one hundred thousand, she has revealed to me before that you will come here , and let me tell you, that friend of yours will stay in my Empress Legion from now on!"

"Is she the Heavenly Demon Empress?"

Ye Yun gasped in fright.

He really guessed it right, that woman in black armor is the world-famous Heavenly Demon Empress.

"It's an honor for your friend to follow the empress. How many people do you think can be valued by the empress in the star field controlled by the Lei family? And your friend seems to be a monk of the sorcerer's way. That's right. , Our empress is also from the devil way, she is a genius in the devil way, you can rest assured that she will not hurt your friend!"

"This embarrasses me..."

"I have never said so much to an outsider!"


"As long as you know!"

"But I can't just leave my friend like this. Please, the general, communicate with the Empress again. Can you let me meet with my friend once, so I can rest assured!"

"You are really troublesome, and you don't know what to do!"

Seeing Ye Yun stretching out a finger with a serious and persistent expression, the female general was angry and angry, as if she was going to get angry.

But at this moment, she turned into normal, and immediately released a thought to break through the formation.

This primordial spirit's mind broke through the formation and disappeared, making Ye Yun know that the powerful and mysterious Heavenly Demon Empress would instantly sense the mind.

The female general in front of her looked Ye Yun up and down: "I don't know why the Empress is interested in your demon cultivator!"

"We just want to practice quietly, and don't want to get involved in right and wrong!" Although he couldn't understand what the female general meant, he still expressed his thoughts.

"Right or wrong?"

"What you said is right and wrong, do you think that our army, like those forces, is involved in the human race's struggle for power?"

"Then you are wrong. What you do right and wrong does not exist in our army. We follow the call of the Lord Tiankui, join the army for the future of the human race, kill the orc race, and never fight for power!"

The female general was furious.

Ye Yun cupped his fists: "I'm just apologizing!"

"The empress has a decree!"

The female general suddenly burst out starlight from her pupils, and she nodded in surprise: "The empress promises you to meet your friend and the two female monks outside you!"

"Thank you!"

Unexpectedly, the Heavenly Demon Empress agreed.

Ye Yun was really unpredictable, and thought that the Empress would not be willing at all.

He can only fight for one side of Chi Yun, but if the Heavenly Witch Empress is unwilling, he has nothing to do.

After a while, some soldiers brought Qing Ming and Lei Xinwei.

When the female general saw Qing Ming, she was obviously attracted by her stunning appearance, and of course also because of the extraordinary aura emanating from Qing Ming's body.

"The three of you don't want to stir up your true energy!"

The female general is sealed suddenly!

A force of shuttle envelops the three of them.



As before, the three of them left the Lei Zhen Star Realm in an instant by using the speed of the Great Thousand God Map in the Great Zhoutian, and appeared in the Great Chaos Galaxy.

And it is very far away from the Lei Zhenxing Realm.

The three of them followed the female general floating in the galaxy, and some Shuras appeared in front of them. They flashed from time to time in the galaxy, eyeing the deep planet.

And in the depths of the chaos, there must be a Shura army.

Suddenly, I don't know whether it was a supernatural power or what, a black armor woman appeared from the chaos miraculously, she looked into the depths of the chaos, her back was turned to the four people.

The female general bowed: "My lord, my subordinates have brought the three of you!"

"It's her..." Ye Yun and Qing Ming became vigilant in their hearts.

"Don't take this emperor as an enemy. The only enemies of this emperor are the orcs in the depths of chaos!"

Unbelievably, it seemed that the Heavenly Demon Empress had sensed the thoughts in Ye Yun and Qing Ming's hearts, and these words made them feel cold.

Could it be that the Heavenly Demon Empress also has a chaotic physique?

Absolutely, how can one become a peerless war saint without special means, serve the Lord of Heaven, protect mankind and fight in all directions?

The empress seemed to be muttering to herself: "Your friend named Chi Yun, and this emperor are both magic monks. This person is still a rare sky-eyed person with unimaginable potential. This emperor wants to keep him by his side and train him." come out!"

Ye Yun saluted: "I hope that the empress can let Chi Yun return to our camp, and let the inferiors practice on their own. One day in the future, this junior has confidence that our growth will not disappoint the empress!"


Just after finishing speaking, a phantom came out of nowhere from beside the empress.

I don't know how to be supernatural.

"Chi Yun!" Ye Yun had never thought about Chi Yun this way.

Chi Yun struggled to get out, but strangely, he was not real.

It seems to be a phantom, but also a soul.

too indescribable.

Chi Yun couldn't leave for half a step, and said helplessly: "Boss, you can go to your sister-in-law first, and leave me alone. I am now at 'Tianmo Villa'. It is not bad here, where I live comfortably and eat well!"

Qing Ming wanted to teach him a lesson: "We worry about you so much, but you are living a good life!"

"Sister-in-law, I can't do anything about it. Who would have thought that when I encounter this thorn, I must avenge my shame in the future and pull out the thorn!"

Chi Yun waited gloomily for the Heavenly Demon Empress from the side.



The Heavenly Demon Empress raised her right arm slightly, and an invisible force caused Chi Yun to scream, and then disappeared out of thin air.

Obviously Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable suffered a great loss in the hands of the Heavenly Demon Empress.

Even so, Chi Yun remained stubborn and arrogant.

The empress said again: "Except for the girl from Lei's family, you two are Chaos Ascendants. It has been many years since a genius like you has appeared in the Tiankui Starfield. I hope you two can also stay with this emperor and practice in Tianmo Villa! "

"The next two have to find friends, and there is no reason to stop it!" Ye Yun was determined, and he would not change his mind.

"You have to think about it. It is your good luck that you met this emperor. You can practice directly in Tianmo Villa and achieve great success. This emperor will directly recommend the three of you to Supreme Heavenly Chief!"

"Thank you Empress for your kindness!"

"It seems that this emperor can't persuade you. The little devil named Chi Yun agreed to stay in Tianmo Villa and practice in my ashram, because this emperor agreed to his request!"



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