"Okay, this junior and others will stay in the temple for now!" Ye Yun replied immediately.

"As expected of a Chaos Ascendant, he has such a meticulous mind. To survive in the Great Chaos World, there should be a city like you. Don't worry, even if you are not in a hurry, we are also in a hurry to find your friends. Any Chaos Ascendant, Undertaking the mission of strengthening our human race in the future, come and take the three of them down to rest!"

"Thank you senior!"

The three saluted together, and then left the temple with others.

"Chaos Ascendant..."

"It's two at once!"

"It should be three people. It has been a long time since there have been any ascenders in my star field!"

All the strong men opened their eyes at this moment.

Golden cloud sky.

The three of them, led by several masters, came to a temple on the edge.

This temple is obviously different, with three floors.

The temple is the place where the three of them practice and rest, and there are strong men patrolling around, and the space of the temple is as quiet as a chaotic galaxy, and there is no movement for a long time.

"Brother Yun, it won't be bad for us if the temple keeps us?"

"No, the existence of the temple will not play tricks on the weak like us, we will use the temple to practice hard, especially what they said is right, with their help, we can find Wanwan's whereabouts in a short time! "

After walking around the temple, Lei Xinwei was asked to rest on the third floor.

Qingming was on the second floor, and Qingming was settled, and the two chatted for a while.

Come to the main hall on the first floor, there are also several side halls inside, which are enough for practice and rest.

On the third day, an old man came to the hall.

It was the old man who spoke to him earlier.

After chatting for a while, I learned that the old man's name is 'Song Yuetian', and he is one of the special envoys of this temple, in charge of all affairs.

Song Yuetian came here fulfilling his promise and brought many treasures.

The temple's move is naturally extraordinary.

First of all, there are three artifacts, which have fully reached the quality of star masters. Not to mention three, even one of them is terrifying.

"The quality of these three artifacts is average among Star Lords, because the three of you are the ones who have changed the Star God, so the craftsman who forged the artifacts will specially create these three Star Lord artifacts for you until you step on the stage. Entering the star master, you can also use it for a while!"

"There are thousands of divine pills, all of which have reached the Star God Realm. These spiritual objects can cleanse the body. The important thing is a few exercises, which are one of the most profound magical powers in my Tiankui Starfield!"

"The last treasure is the three talismans. Don't underestimate these three talismans. This is the original power refined from the origin of the Tiankui Starfield. You come from the distant small chaotic space. The first thing you have to do when you come to the great chaotic world is to adapt to it. Strength, after the three of you fuse your source, you will not encounter trouble in your practice!"

Song Yuetian took out storage rings one after another.

Ye Yun was shocked by the treasures inside.

The cultivation of the temple, I thought it was a polite word before, but now it seems...

"I know what you are thinking at this time, but you don't need to think too much. The strength of our human race requires you Chaos Ascendants. When the master promulgated the code, there were clear regulations. Any star master who met a Chaos Ascendant had to give up. Power cultivation, not to mention my temple? You practice hard, and when the original power is integrated, the old man will let you enter the Xiushen Pavilion to practice. It is a practice artifact from the Tiankui Starfield, which will make you stronger in a short time! "

After leaving the treasures behind, Song Yuetian left after a few more instructions.

Xiushen Pavilion?

It should be some kind of artifact like a practice space.

He immediately divided the treasures he got into three equal parts, and brought them to Lei Xinwei, Qing Ming, the Star Lord artifact, and various treasures in the Star God Realm.

Even the members of the Lei family cannot enjoy such resources.

"Woooo, you swallow these magic pills quickly!"

Sitting cross-legged in the room, Ye Yun immediately gave most of the pills to Wuwu Beast.

In fact, Wuwu Beast has almost recovered, but it needs resources to be strong.

Wuwu Beast was naturally happy to obtain so many divine elixirs, and devoured them one by one in the Daqian Shentu.

"Original talisman?"

Ye Yun also devoured a divine pill, and a golden talisman appeared in his hand.

After being crushed, the empty essence, like a great chaos, turned into a huge mass and was released in the room.

"A good thing is indeed the essence. Only after absorbing it can it truly merge with the Great Chaos!" Immediately cast the Chaos Purification God Wheel and start refining the original power.

After the body began to fuse to a certain extent, the changes were very obvious, and the speed of Taiyi's chaotic true energy continued to increase.

About five years!

Start to break through the Star God Yichang.

Lei Xinwei and Qing Ming also started to be promoted at about the same time, from Star God Transformation [-] to Star God Transformation [-], it is estimated that they devoured a lot more resources than Ye Yun.

"Breakthrough? It really is a Chaos Ascendant!"

All the movements of the temple were actually sensed by the strong outsiders.

And outside the Tiankui Temple.

Lei main city!

A lot of sensitive eyes stared at the golden cloud above from the city.

"There is no movement yet!"

"Has it gone already?"

"Impossible, if those three people leave, we will also receive the wind, and now the elders let us continue to sense, which means that the three people are still in the temple!"

"It seems that there is a real background. If you can stay in the temple for a few years, the elder will kill that kid to avenge the camp?"

"I can't see it anymore. No matter how powerful the elder is, he can't go to the temple!"

The primordial spirits of many strong men are hidden in the clouds and mist in the sky.

They were discussing in secret, interweaving the sensing power together, any movement of the golden cloud would be sensed by them.

Before you know it, decades have passed.

Tiankui Temple.

"The Eight Changes of the Star God, I feel pretty good. With my current strength, combined with the divine weapon, and the special physique, I should have the strength of a star master, especially the ability to explode with a special physique, which makes my speed and sensitivity reach the level of a star master." territory!"

in the room!

A breakthrough breath disappeared.

Ye Yun broke through again, reaching the Eight Transformations of the Star God.

It is really appalling to have such a practice speed for decades.

Qingming's primordial spirit appeared: "Brother Yun, your speed is too fast, I am only the fifth star god transformation, and Lei Xinwei has only been promoted to the third star god transformation!"

"Because of merging the source from the Tiankui Temple, I can truly integrate into the great chaotic world, and my practice speed has naturally increased. I think that Chi Yun's practice in Tianmo Villa is about the same breakthrough speed!"

"Don't say you really miss Chi Yun, when he's around, I can't understand his appearance!"

"He is no worse in the Tianmo Villa than in the Temple, and the Heavenly Demon Empress also knows that he is a Chaos Ascendant, and will do her best to help him become stronger!"

After the exchange, Qingming's primordial spirit dispersed.

Ye Yun continued to practice, and in his golden elixir, there was a galaxy of breath, most of the breath came from the origin of the 33 heavens, and some of the breath came from the essence of the great chaos.

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