The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2641 Tiankui Emperor Star

"Don't worry, although this star field is very far away from the central star field, there are teleportation formations between the temples. It is estimated that we will reach Tiankui Emperor Star in a short while!"

After Song Yuetian nodded, the outside masters simultaneously cast the seal.

There was a buzzing sound, and the formation disappeared from the temple.

A dozen people suddenly came to the Great Chaos Galaxy, and Song Yuetian looked at the planet behind: "There has been an elder from the Lei family all these years, who released the Yuanshen around the temple. Did you offend this person?"

"I just killed the elder's grandson!" Ye Yunyun said calmly.

"It's okay, it's nothing but the elders of one family. In the future, when you come out of the Heavenly Secret Holy Land, your status will be different. He won't dare to touch you!"


More than a dozen people seemed to be floating in the great chaos out of thin air.

The power of the shuttle suddenly accelerated, and in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen people flew towards the deep star field and disappeared in the huge chaotic galaxy.

One planet after another, almost a dozen people passed by.

Leaving the Lei family star field, there are few beasts and monsters in the chaotic galaxy, about half a stick of incense, the power of the shuttle formation directly brought everyone into the central star field.

The central star field is different. The planet's enchantment is solid, and the aura turns into various rays of light to wrap the planet, and there is no shadow of monsters in every galaxy.

The power of the shuttle drew everyone into the largest planet in the center.

emperor star.

Tiankui Emperor Star, this is the planet where the master of this great chaos resides.

Coming to Emperor Star, the sky and earth are deep, the land is vast, and the infinite waters and land are intertwined, extending continuously toward the depths. The aura of heaven and earth is also ten times that of Thunder Master Star.

What a great land and resources of Emperor Star.

The power of shuttle disappeared, Song Yuetian and the strong men led the three of them to fly in mid-air, passed through several continents, and saw many cities.

There are also comprehension forces!

Tiankui Dixing is not the only holy land of secrets.

Song Yuetian introduced that in this Emperor Star, there are a lot of forces established by powerful people, and the Heavenly Mystery Holy Land is just one of them.

Ye Yun and Qing Ming thought that since Tiankui is the ruler here, the Holy Land of Heavenly Secrets should also be Emperor Star, the only power.

Unexpectedly, the ruler is so open-minded, allowing countless forces to exist and develop together.

It can also be seen that the master is indeed different, and there is no difference that surpasses the public, so why is it one of the few masters among the human race?

"Hehe, the master is an existence that surpasses all human beings. He established the holy land of heavenly secrets without any selfish thoughts. He just wanted to build a place where human elites practice and cultivate the future of the human race!"

It is estimated that Song Yuetian felt that Ye Yun thought of the Juggernaut as an ordinary god with selfish desires.

After a day of continuous flying, we finally arrived at our destination.

Passing through countless forests, all matter gradually moved away from the ground and floated in mid-air.

Finally entering the depths of the sky where all matter floats, a large floating mountain range appears spectacularly in front of everyone.

Heavenly sanctuary.

All mountains are protected by barriers. It seems that there is no special place, but there is no way to sense what is in those mountains.

Before everyone came to the enchantment, the envoys of the temple had to wait for the permission of the patrollers.

A few disciples of the Holy Land of Heavenly Mystery flashed out, all of them heroic and extraordinary, all of them were star masters in cultivation, but they were not as good as those supreme star masters in the low realm.

When the disciples saw that they were the envoys of the temple, they politely welcomed everyone into the holy land of heavenly secrets.

Passing through the enchantment, there are not floating mountains in front of you, but an entire continent.

Miraculously, outside the barrier, what I saw were floating mountains.

But in the Holy Land, what you see is a continent of comprehension boiling with divinity.

This is the extraordinary of the formation.

The Holy Land of Heavenly Mystery is a whole continent, with many majestic mountains and many palaces among them.

After passing through some palaces, I didn't see many disciples, and they seemed to be practicing.

But I still saw a disciple on the way.

It was a red-haired man. In front of the mountain palace, a flame of fire was burning from the pupils of his eyes. The flame connected to the sky, and he directly absorbed the essence of the sky with the flame.

"Special physique, amazing cultivation, star master five transformations!"

"Messenger, that's a genius in the Holy Land. He has a pair of red eyes that can see through the essence of chaos and absorb it directly with the power of his pupils. In ten thousand years, this junior has stepped from the first transformation of the star master to the five transformations of the star master. It is estimated that after 10 years, he will become a peerless star master!"

"If I can stand at the peak of the Star Lord, then my Tiankui Starfield will have another peerless powerhouse!"

The disciple chatted with Song Yuetian about that extraordinary disciple.

When Ye Yun saw the long-haired man, he thought of Chi Yun.

Red eyes.

This is somewhat similar to Chi Yun's Sky Eye, but the ability seems to be different. Chi Eye can absorb the supreme essence from the sky, which is a strange ability.

"If people know that I have various chaotic physiques, won't it cause shocks?"

A person can only have one special constitution.

But Ye Yun possesses many physiques, once it gets out, no one will dissect him to find the secrets.

"Ahead is the main hall of the Holy Land!"

Several disciples introduced.

In the center of the mountains in front, there is a silver river hovering above the mountains, and there are temples in the center.

Unbelievable, it is estimated that the Milky Way is not formed naturally.

The crowd followed several disciples across the Milky Way, and in front of them was one of the temples, which was also the highest temple.

"What are you guys doing?"


The silver mist of the temple suddenly turned into a big man.

This big man is simply a monster. He actually has two bodies, and they look exactly the same.

A disciple introduced: "This is the guardian of the temple, the 'Twin God King'. Anyone who enters the temple must first report to him!"

Twin God King.

Not to mention Ye Yun, Qing Ming, and Lei Xinwei, even the envoys from the temple nearby also felt the terrifying aura emanating from the twin god kings.

This is a peerless powerhouse.

"The king of gods is like a thunderbolt, and his reputation spreads far and wide!"

Song Yuetian obviously knew the twin god king, and after saluting, he took out a talisman: "Please trouble the god king and hand it to the inner adults!"

"Waiting here!"

The twin god king looked like a punisher, with a cold face like Lei Guang, and he didn't seem to give Song Yuetian and other temple envoys any face, so he gave a cold drink and left the hall with a talisman.

Several disciples explained in a low voice: "You don't need to take offense, the double-body god king guards the hall, it is the same for anyone, any disciple, he never smiles, this person acts in accordance with the laws of the Holy Land, in our eyes unreasonable!"

"Twin God King..."

"If there are more monks like him among human beings who concentrate on cultivating the Tao and rectifying the law, then the mere beast race can still threaten our human race?"

Maybe other people feel that the twin god king is unreasonable.

But in Ye Yun's eyes, the human race lacks such an upright and strong man like a twin god king.

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