Twin God King!

Ye Yun has been watching this person secretly in his eyes. This is a peerless master with a domineering aura, but his body is deeper, like a piece of heaven and earth, which cannot be penetrated.

It is certain that this twin god king also has a chaotic physique. Otherwise, how could a normal human have such a physique?

The Heavenly Mystery Holy Land is really extraordinary. From the moment I stepped into the dojo, almost all the disciples I saw were in the star-lord realm, and there were also disciples in the star-god realm like him, but there were star masters who were not usually seen everywhere here, making Ye Yun, Qing Ming and Lei Xinwei felt that they were too small.

Even Song Yuetian was like an ant in front of the double-bodied god king, who could only bow down.

Probably not long after, a strong man in divine robe flew out and saluted the twin divine king before agreeing to let several people enter the hall.

Song Yuetian led the three of them towards the temple step by step along with the disciples in the divine robe.

And the twin god king is like a statue, standing there motionless.

When you come to the main hall, apart from the divinity, there is an oppressive momentum like Mount Tai.

At this time, a middle-aged man walked out of the temple, much younger than Song Yuetian, just about 40 years old, but his cultivation base was much stronger than Song Yuetian's.

As soon as this person came out, he chatted with Song Yuetian.

Song Yuetian is the envoy of the temple, so he is naturally connected with the Holy Land of Heaven and Earth. After chatting for a while, through Song Yuetian's introduction, the three of them knew that this middle-aged man was called 'Fatian Zhenjun', and he was a high-level figure in this Holy Land of Heaven and Earth, comparable to an elder.

Fatian Zhenjun clasped his fists to Song Yuetian: "Brother Song, go back, we already know the matter internally, we will take good care of these three Chaos Ascensioners, the Holy Land of Heavenly Secrets is the truly powerful place for Chaos Ascensioners, as for you guarding it all year round Temple, pay more attention to the movements of the orcs, and now the orcs are coming to attack my Galaxy more and more frequently!"


Song Yuetian saluted Fatian Zhenjun, glanced at the three of them again, and then left the temple surrounded by the Yinhe Waterfall.

"Three ascenders, come in with me!"

Fatian Zhenjun swept away the three of them majestically, turned around and entered the temple first.

Ye Yun protected Qing Ming, then nodded to Lei Xinwei, and then followed Fatian Zhenjun's footsteps into the temple.

And the temple is a huge main hall, surrounded by many talismans, full of divine light, but there are few other people here. Although the divine formation is complicated, it makes the temple look extraordinarily vast.

Coming to the side of the main hall, after Fatian Zhenjun sat down, he asked the three of them to wait for a while, without being cautious, and the three of them also sat down below.

After waiting for a while, several gods suddenly appeared, including old people and middle-aged people, about a dozen of them, all of them are peerless masters, not in the realm of star masters.

As soon as they appeared, their eyes immediately fell on Ye Yun and Qing Ming. As for Lei Xinwei, they could tell at a glance that she was not an ascendant.

Fatian Zhenjun went up to meet them and talked to a few elders. The others almost came to the front of Ye Yun and Qing Ming, looking at them up and down.

"Chaos Ascendant..."

"Yes, this aura indeed comes from the chaotic world in the depths outside the domain!"

"For many years, there have been no ascenders in our star field. Unexpectedly, there are three ascenders appearing this time!"

"Three respects?"

"There is another one who went to practice with the Heavenly Demon Empress!"

One by one, peerless powerhouses, high-level officials from the Heavenly Mystery Holy Land, kept praising them in front of the three of them.

At the same time, Ye Yun also knew that the news that Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable practiced with the Heavenly Demon Empress had already spread in this holy land of heavenly secrets.

That's good too, it shows that Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable had a good life in Tianmo Villa.

At this time, Fatian Zhenjun took the oldest elder, and after everyone got out of the way, he introduced in front of the three of them: "This is the elder of our Holy Land of Heavenly Secrets, you can just call Elder Yin, and you come to our Holy Land of Heavenly Secrets , when you come to our star field, Elder Yin is in charge of you most of the time."

"I've seen Elder Yin!"

Ye Yun, Qing Ming and Lei Xinwei looked at the old man and immediately saluted.

This is indeed an unimaginable master. Fatian Zhenjun is already invincible, and in front of the three of them, the surrounding masters are also invincible, but this old Yin, that is the existence of this great chaos, standing at the pinnacle.

After Yin Lao nodded, with majesty, under the respect of everyone, he sat down alone.

Under Fatian Zhenjun's signal, Ye Yun, Qing Ming, and Lei Xinwei also came to the center and stood in front of Yin Lao, waiting for the next arrangement.

Elder Yin sized it up for a while, and first looked at Qingming: "Your junior is not simple, you have cultivated a dark power from great chaos to yin to cold, that is the power in the dark chaos, and you have cultivated the power of dark life. In those little chaos, there are also such exercises."

Qingming Wanrou replied: "Senior, junior Qingming, I have lived in darkness and chaos since I was a child. We call it hell there. I have merged with the source of hell since I was a child, so the true energy in my body is dominated by darkness!"

"It's not easy for you to hear it. The power of darkness and chaos, even our great chaotic world, dare not practice lightly. Often only the orcs can control that kind of power, such as the Winged Clan, Shura, etc.!"

The old general Yin nodded his head, and then fell on Ye Yun: "What's your name?"

"Junior Ye Yun!" Su Fang replied calmly.

"As expected of an Ascendant, I can see the calmness of an Ascended from you. Usually, only an Ascended who has experienced countless cultivations can innately possess this aura in his body!"

"The junior came to this great chaos and felt that he was too small, too insignificant, and had to start from scratch!"

"The Great Chaos is not like the Little Chaos World. The Little Chaos is just the time and space that was born in a certain space in the Chaos outside the Territory. It is less than one ten-thousandth of the vastness of the Great Chaos, and the practice skills of the Little Chaos are also relatively incomplete. Most of the Little Chaos World, They are all practiced by the strong in the big chaotic world, break into those barbaric small chaotic worlds, and pass on the cultivation techniques."

"The junior hopes to come to the Holy Land of Heavenly Secrets and become stronger."

"I have sensed an astonishing and pure power of chaos in you. You already have a chaotic spirit body with amazing aptitude. Once you enter the holy land of heavenly secrets, you will gradually become stronger. After some training, you will adapt to the great chaos soon! "

Elder Yin appreciated it very much: "It is not easy for you to live in the chaos since childhood, pass through countless chaotic voids, and come to our world of great chaos. It is also a practice. In short, there is no danger. The most powerful sect in this star field was established by the Supreme Master himself, and the power of the Supreme Master also exists in the holy land here, and this place is suitable for you Ascended to practice."

Fatian Zhenjun said: "Old Yin, we can arrange a dojo for them to practice!"

"For dojos, this is more difficult. We have quite a few dojos in the Holy Land of Mystery..." After hearing this, Elder Yin stroked his beard: "Look, everyone, there are so many dojos, how can three people be suitable for them? Chaos ascenders are not ordinary disciples. The overall aspect surpasses all the disciples, the Chaos Ascendant is the future of our galaxy, if human beings want to fight against the beast race, make their home in the Great Chaos, and protect the human race, then the Chaos Ascendant is the backbone."

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