The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2647 Phoenix Feather Divine Armor



The two most powerful beasts in heaven and earth, Ye Yun was inherited from the God of Light in the 33 Heavenly Realm of the Great Zhou Dynasty in the past, and possessed the power of the dragon clan, and knew the dragon clan very well, but he had never met the Phoenix clan.

Suddenly, it was an accident, he never expected to come across a treasure related to the Phoenix clan when he came to this great chaotic world.

If they got any closer, they were all attracted by the Divine Phoenix Armor, wishing to collect it immediately.

Finally coming to the front of the Divine Phoenix Armor, seeing a large number of seals still locking the corpse of the giant elephant below, such amazing seals are too terrifying.

The seals seemed to be cast into steel, tightly entangled in the corpse of the sacred elephant monster, even after the death of the giant elephant.

This is the astonishing artifact left by the former ascendant, Xing Xiaoyao.

Use all your energy to look at the seal and artifact, as well as the corpse of the giant elephant...

Although the ancient times have passed, the seal still deeply seals the bones of the giant elephant, coupled with the suppression of the artifact, it is difficult for anyone to break the seal.

Have to find a way!

Suddenly, he looked at the Divine Phoenix Armor again, and saw that his true energy was wrapped around the Divine Armor and was being slowly absorbed by the Divine Armor.

For some reason, how could my true energy be absorbed by the divine armor?

But at this point, Ye Yun suddenly felt enlightened.

"The seal is suppressed by the divine armor, it is too powerful...there is only one way, this divine armor is just absorbing my true energy, why can't I inject more true energy, and then let the true energy be injected into the seal power, and then collect the divine energy? Armor and breaking the sealing formation?"

In a flash, Ye Yun's heart suddenly became clear.

To this day, he still doesn't understand why the Divine Phoenix Armor absorbs his true energy.

If you can't figure it out, then collect the god armor and fuse the god armor.

Right now, I hope one thing... The Divine Phoenix Armor must not be the magic weapon of Xing Xiaoyao's fusion, if it is his fusion, Ye Yun can't collect it and fuse it at all.

He began to inject his own zhenqi into the Divine Phoenix Armor, and the speed was very fast. With just a whimper, the zhenqi immediately covered the Divine Phoenix Armor.

The special zhenqi from Ye Yun, combined with the 33 Taoist formulas, Taiyi zhenqi, and the power of hell, turned into the special zhenqi of the Heavenly Dao, and wrapped it in the Phoenix Divine Armor.

And under Ye Yun's control, true energy was forcibly poured into the Phoenix Divine Armor.

He even succeeded, he danced all of a sudden: "Haha, this Divine Phoenix Armor is something that has no owner. It's so cool, it's so cool, and it can absorb my true energy. Isn't it tailor-made for me?"

True Qi can be forcibly poured into the Divine Phoenix Armor, which means that the Divine Armor is an ownerless thing.

If it is something with an owner, the Divine Armor seals itself, and the external forces will be sealed. After the divine weapon is self-sealed, it is impossible for external forces to enter the inner world.


Ye Yun was in a good mood, since he came to the Great Chaos World, it was the first time he had such a good mood, he injected more qi of the divine way of the sky into the Divine Armor, and he hoped to get more recognition from the Divine Armor.

After persisting for three days.

Ye Yun was a little bit exhausted, he never thought that the Divine Phoenix Armor could absorb so much qi.

Either way, it would be easier for him to integrate.

After thinking about it, he immediately flew into the air and floated next to the Divine Phoenix Armor. He didn't dare to get too close before, fearing that the defensive power of the Divine Phoenix Armor would shock him.

It's different now, since the Divine Armor is absorbing one's true qi, and absorbing so much, it won't reject it.

The phoenix divine armor is golden, with a large number of bright red divine symbols, it is extremely domineering.


Congealing a drop of blood, he wanted to fuse the Divine Phoenix Armor on the spot.

Chi Chi!

Drops of blood fell on the Divine Phoenix Armor, like cold water falling on coals, and an astonishing white smoke came out.

It almost made Ye Yun take a few steps back, this divine armor is more powerful than the eighteen divine hairs he got that time.

After a while, the Divine Phoenix Armor quieted down. It was sleeping at first, but now the Divine Armor emits faint flames, like flame phoenixes dancing and burning.

Then there seemed to be a lot of golden-red liquid on the surface of the divine armor, which was constantly flowing, causing the divine armor to wake up a large number of golden-red engravings.

Hearing another clap, the armor changed shape. The armor stood up suddenly, and gradually unfolded, and the helmet, boots, and gloves flew out from inside.

They are all golden and golden red.

So majestic.

When the helmet, boots, and gloves were unfolded one by one to surround the armor, a complete and perfect set of armor was displayed in front of Ye Yun.

Ye Yun hurriedly wanted to put on the divine armor, not only to get the divine armor, but also to break the seal below and get the spirit beads in the giant elephant's bones.

It seemed that the Divine Armor had life all of a sudden, when Ye Yun got closer, a burst of flame suddenly burst out from a phoenix totem in the center of the armor.

Ye Yun was so startled that he stopped, the flame was a terrifying divine fire, and it turned into a phoenix.

This phoenix seems...Ye Yun could see what was there, it should be the phoenix divine armor weapon spirit.

It turns out that this divine armor has a weapon spirit, no wonder it has been able to suppress giant elephants here for so many years.

The flame phoenix slowly floated in front of the armor, and when he opened his eyes, it looked like a pair of human eyes, and said in a majestic and ancient voice: "The old master said, once you can take the initiative to obtain the power that I approve, then the person who has the power , is my new master, starting today, you are my new master, my name is Fengyu Shenjia, you can call me Fengyu."

"Feng Yu!"

A good name, Ye Yun was sure of it, but fortunately there was no accident, when he looked at Ling Fengyu, Ye Yun suddenly had many questions in his heart: "Feng Yu, who is the old master you are talking about? Is it...Xing Xiaoyao?"

"The old master is Xing Xiaoyao. He used a phoenix feather and fresh blood to refine Feng Yu, and let Feng Yu stay here, saying that one day in the future, someone will come here and wake Feng Yu up. Man is Feng Yu's new master, and also the real master."

"The real master?"

"The old master refined me. He never used me, nor fused me. He just successfully refined me, using special substances and adding the power of the phoenix."

Ye Yun couldn't believe it.

Xing Xiaoyao is too mysterious, does he have the ability to see the future?

After contemplating for a while, still full of doubts, he looked at the Phoenix Feather Armor again: "Phoenix... is there really a Phoenix in this world?"

Qi Ling Fengyu replied truthfully, the flames were infinitely terrifying: "I didn't know before that I was nothingness, a life bestowed by the old master. After the refining was successful and the Phoenix Yu was born, it was confirmed that there really was a Phoenix in this world, and The old master has the immortality of the Phoenix family, and his blood also has the immortal blood of the Phoenix family!"

"Phoenix really exists... I have another question, and it is also a question that I must know the answer to. Xing Xiaoyao knows that I will come here? Why did you let you wait for me here?"


Phoenix Feather Divine Armor immediately responded: "Old master, my future master is also a peerless person with talent and intelligence. He will ask many questions, which are the questions you are asking now, master."

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