The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2648 Xing Xiaoyao is a senior brother

Although the heart is full of waves, the treasure is right in front of you, how can there be any reason to miss it in vain?Ye Yun's eyes were hot, "Feng Yu, now I am the master of this Phoenix Feather Armor?" He couldn't wait to put on this set of armor!

"Yes Master!"

"Then how do I take out the armor?"

The Phoenix Feather Divine Armor sealed the Holy Elephant, absorbing the true energy and blood from his body, but the Divine Armor still tightly sealed the Holy Elephant below.

"Master, the divine armor has absorbed your blood, and you only need one thought to take back the divine armor." Feng Yu immediately replied to Ye Yun.


After merging with his blood, Ye Yun channeled the true energy in his body, and the phoenix-feathered divine armor flew towards him. Helmet, boxing gloves, combat boots...all were put on him.


"A curious divine armor!"

According to Ye Yun's body, the armor fit perfectly on his body.The seemingly heavy divine armor, at this moment, can't feel its existence like a light feather.

"Of course, the Phoenix Feather Divine Armor can withstand the master's full blow power, and the general Star Master Realm can't break through the defense of the Divine Armor! Not only that, but the Divine Armor can be changed at will according to the master's needs!"

Feng Yu faintly drilled out of the divine armor, its whole body was wrapped in flames.

Ye Yun glanced at the phoenix feather divine armor on his body with his thoughts, and all he saw were formations one after another, densely packed, with mysterious divine characters engraved on the formations.These formations and divine writings are too mysterious, and with his current cultivation base, he can't see through them at all.

There is a dense layer of flames on the outside of the armor... Now, as the owner of the armor, he only feels that the flames are very kind. If it is an ordinary star god cultivator, even a little bit of it will be enough to turn them into ashes !


In the middle of all the formations, there is actually something like an altar?The mind instantly passed through the formation and came to the front of the altar.

"This breath...a very familiar feeling..."

Ye Yun's aura from the altar was very familiar, but he couldn't put it into words.

When he tried to look at the altar with his mind... an overwhelming aura rushed towards him like a flood.

"You're finally here...I've been waiting for you for a long time..."

This voice was ethereal and without a trace, but it really resounded through my ears!

The owner of the voice seemed to be a young man, Ye Yun's tense nerves suddenly increased, and he looked at the altar vigilantly.

Suddenly, Feng Yu appeared beside Ye Yun.

"This is the voice of the old master."

"Xing Xiaoyao?"

Thinking of Xing Xiaoyao's Unpredictable Prophet knowing that he was coming here, and giving him such a precious Phoenix Feather Divine Armor... He was also very curious about him!

The sound continues...

"I think you must be very curious about why I knew you would come here and let Feng Yu wait for you here...Your realm is too low now, you just need to know that I am your senior brother is enough...Feng Yu This is a meeting gift from senior brother, I hope you like it..."

"Cultivate well in the Holy Land of Heaven's Mystery. One day, we will meet... we will definitely meet..."

After the voice finished speaking, the altar seemed to have lost its life, and fell into a deathly silence.No matter how Ye Yun looked at it, the altar was just an altar!


Ye Yun couldn't believe that he actually had an extra senior brother, and it was out of thin air?

"Feng Yu, is Xing Xiaoyao my senior brother?" The voice disappeared, and Ye Yun could only ask Feng Yu.

"Master, I don't know very well... The old master left after creating me..."

Ye Yun was helpless, he thought of the giant python outside who asked him to find the treasure at the bottom of the lake, turned his head and looked at Feng Yu sinisterly. The beauties are average.

"There's a giant python outside, it's the one who asked me to come to the bottom of the lake to look for you know about it?" With the lesson learned from the past, Ye Yun dare not put his hope on Feng Yu!

"Master said it?" Feng Yu immediately flew around Ye Yun, "It was just a little beast in the old master's former dojo. Later, the master saw that it was quite talented in cultivation, so I mentioned it a little bit. ...However, there is a price for this, the old master let it guard the Lingxutian, and put a seal in its body, so that it can never leave the Lingxutian!"

"It told its master to come down to the bottom of the lake, it must have said that it only needs the inner alchemy of the holy elephant, right?"

Ye Yun nodded, "The holy elephant's weird inner alchemy is the spirit pearl that unlocks the seal in its body!"

The cunning beast!

"Master, don't worry, without the spirit orb, it will never be able to leave the Lingxutian!" Feng Yu said quietly, as it danced, the flames covering it flickered.

"Feng Yu, do you know what kind of cultivation it is?"

"Before the old master left, it was still in the Star God Realm... Now that so many years have passed, it should be at the peak of the Star Master Realm!"

Ye Yun, who originally wanted to teach the giant python a lesson, was choked, the peak of the Star Master Realm, how could he be shaken by the Star God Realm?Even though he has extraordinary abilities and possesses various methods such as Linglong Divine Body, he is definitely not its opponent!

After thinking about it, Ye Yun decided to find the weird inner alchemy of the holy elephant first.

Without the seal of the Phoenix Feather Divine Armor, the pressure from the Holy Elephant suddenly increased, and Ye Yun, who was only in the Star God Realm, struggled to get close to the Holy Elephant.

The half-rotten flesh and blood mixed with this huge white bone. I didn't expect that after so many years, the corpse of this giant elephant has not completely rotted.

The dense white bones are like towering giant trees, and the rotting flesh and fur penetrate deeply into the ground. There is a large smell of rot in the surrounding area, so that people can't wait to turn off their sense of smell!

Looking at this corpse the size of a hill, one can see how powerful the icon monster must have been in life. After so many years in its corpse, its vitality has long been annihilated, and only a faint wisp of supernatural power lingers!

Although there is only a ray of supernatural power, Ye Yun doesn't want to give up!

"The Divine Wheel of Confusion and Purification!"

Extract that ray of divinity from the holy elephant monster's body and integrate it into itself!

"What a majestic divinity!" Even though there is only a ray, after integrating, his cultivation level will be promoted to the perfection of the Eight Transformations of the Star God. As long as the timing is right, he can immediately be promoted to the Nine Transformations of the Star God!

"This sacred elephant was probably a strong man in the Star Sacred Realm during his lifetime!"

"found it!"

Among the rotten flesh and blood, he finally found the inner alchemy of the icon!

A glistening ball the size of a basketball slowly floated towards Ye Yun from the holy elephant monster's body. This is the crystallization of the holy elephant monster's lifelong cultivation.


In the map of the Great Thousand Gods, Wuwu Beast ran out restlessly and circled around the inner alchemy!

Ye Yun raised his hand and patted Wuwu Beast's head. This little guy ran out when he saw something to eat.This inner alchemy is of little use to him, he might as well give it to Wuwu to eat!

Throw the inner alchemy to Wuwu, and Wuwu sucks the inner alchemy into his body with one big mouthful!

Thinking of that cunning beast, Ye Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, he had to think of a way, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to get out of this barrier!

With Feng Yu by his side, Ye Yun found many divine stones and elixir at the bottom of the lake... all of these were included in the Daqian Shentu.

At the bottom of the lake, in the middle, he also saw a deep blue tree emitting a faint blue light. Feng Yu said that this is a rare sacred tree at the bottom of the lake, called Wannian Ruyue Ginseng!Just like its name, it takes several 10 years to grow, another 10 years to bloom, and several 10 years to bear fruit. Such a spiritual thing is hard to come by!Although it cannot be compared with the Phoenix Feather Divine Armor, it is still a very precious treasure of heaven and earth!

Ye Yun flicked his long sleeves, and put the ten-thousand-year moon ginseng into the Great Thousand God Map.

The Holy Elephant was also a Giant Mac during his lifetime, and it will take time to fully absorb its inner alchemy.

Taking advantage of this time, the aura at the bottom of the lake was abundant, and Ye Yun also started to practice.

Five years later, Wuwu woke up from a deep sleep...

This Phoenix Feather Divine Armor is really astonishing. After the fusion, his cultivation base has gone directly up a small step from the perfection of the Eight Star God Transformations. Now, he has already reached the Nine Star God Realm Transformations!

Let him go up a level in just five years!

If people outside know about this, their jaws will drop in amazement!

In the Great Chaos, it took a long time to cultivate every small step... But he only spent five years. For them, five years is like closing and opening their eyes for such a short period of time!

The biggest function of the Phoenix Feather Divine Armor is not to improve cultivation, but to defend!

Now, the Phoenix Feather Divine Armor is like adding an indestructible tortoise shell to him. Unless the master makes a move, he is safe!

Ye Yun also opened his eyes, and Wuwu Beast immediately flew towards him, rubbing his cheek affectionately.

After absorbing the inner alchemy of the sacred elephant, Wuwu gave him a different feeling. Ye Yun patted it on the head, and asked it with his thoughts, is he sure about dealing with the giant python outside?

Wuwu nodded vigorously, "Woooo, I can, I can!" In order to prove that it can, Wuwu opened his mouth and sucked vigorously, Feng Yu almost got sucked into his stomach without checking!

Feng Yu is the weapon spirit of the Phoenix Feather Divine Armor. The Phoenix Feather Divine Armor is so powerful that Feng Yu was almost sucked in. It can be seen that this time, Wu Wu who absorbed the inner alchemy of the Holy Elephant Monster has gained a lot!

Ye Yun smiled sinisterly, trying to trick him?If you are sure, then you must abuse it well. In this world, the one who dares to cheat Ye Yun has not yet been born!Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, let alone they only have five years!

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