The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2649 Conquering the Giant Python

Wu Wu revolved around Feng Yu, and moved closer to Feng Yu without fear of death.

Feng Yu looked at the Wuwu Beast curiously, and the two of them just circled around each other.

Wuwu suddenly felt aggrieved and moved to Ye Yun's side, Ye Yun chuckled and explained to it, "Wuwu, this is Feng Yu, from now on we will be a family!"

Wu Wu Beast seemed to be very aggrieved, and kept rubbing against Ye Yun. Ye Yun had to take some sacred stones from the Great Thousand Gods Map and throw them to Wu Wu, and the little guy calmed down!

Ye Yun was about to leave the barrier, when the phoenix feather condensed from the phoenix armor that had turned into a black robe, and turned into a little phoenix, swallowing flames all over his body, "Master, there has been a divine thought outside the barrier for the past five years, it should It is undoubtedly the giant python!"

"It must be him!" This Lingxutian has been closed for so many years, except for it, don't think about it! "Go, let's go out and meet it!"

Wu Wu quickly digested those god stones, excitedly circled around Ye Yun, and then rushed towards the barrier with a "whoosh".

Ye Yun dodges to stop Wuwu, Wuwu's speed is very fast, but fortunately Ye Yun reacts quickly, otherwise he would not be able to catch up to it! "Little thing, be safe, let's plan first!"

After all, the giant python is at the peak of the Star Master Realm, and he can't see Wuwu's current strength clearly. Even if he is sure to fight it, he must be careful.

"Wu Wu, wait for you to hide in Xiaoqian, I will hide my strength first... I will give it a surprise later!" Ye Yun only knew Feng Yu's defensive function, after discussing with Wu Wu, he flew towards the edge of the barrier go.

Go out along the gap in the barrier... Sure enough, I felt a divine sense sweeping across the bottom of the lake from time to time.That poisonous "fish school" swims over from time to time, Ye Yun intentionally diffused his breath!

Sure enough, just as Ye Yun emerged from the lake, a black shadow like a hill pressed down on him!

"Boy, where's the weird inner alchemy of the mascot?"

The giant sealed python at the bottom of the lake went in more than once, and it couldn't be more clear about what's inside!Seeing Ye Yun come out safely from the bottom of the lake, he asked with a fluke mentality!

At this moment, it released the strength from the peak of the Star Master Realm, and Ye Yuncai was suppressed by the giant python, and fell back into the lake from the sky in an instant, very embarrassed!

Fortunately, he has the physique of the Five Elements, otherwise the giant python's hand would be enough to hurt him!

"The holy elephant's weird inner alchemy has long since disappeared, so how can there be any inner alchemy!"

"No, it's impossible. The inner alchemy of the holy elephant monster or even the monster race of the Star Saint Realm, it is reasonable to say that it will not dissipate for hundreds of millions of years! Boy, are you lying to me?" The giant python bounced black like a small hill With a head as big and small as it was spit out a snake letter as black as ink, its big tail hit the lake, and Ye Yun was sent flying by the tail again! "Boy, I'll give you another chance. Hand over the inner alchemy of the holy elephant, and I'll give you a whole body, otherwise..."

Fortunately, he was wearing the Phoenix Feather Divine Armor. Although he was in a mess, he was fine!

In order to confuse the giant python, Ye Yun forced out a mouthful of blood, causing himself to be seriously injured!

"Boy, can you take out the inner alchemy of the holy elephant?" The giant python was condescending, and he didn't expect this human being to be so unbearable, seriously injuring him with one blow!


"Okay... boy, there are many treasures at the bottom of the lake, don't think I don't know! I don't want anything else, as long as you give me the weird inner alchemy of the holy elephant... Otherwise, hum!"

The giant python didn't take Ye Yun seriously at all, but for a kid in the Star God Realm, even a small difference is a big difference, let alone a big one!If you want to crush him to death, it's as simple as crushing an ant!


Before the giant python finished speaking, the crow that suddenly sprang out from behind it hit it seven inches away solidly, and the giant python's huge body fell to the ground, smashing the flowers and plants all over the ground!It spat a mouthful of black blood into the lake... the whole lake was black in an instant!

Enduring the severe pain, Ye Yun quickly jumped up from the lake!

Exquisite divine body, four rounds of exquisite heart!In an instant, his strength increased by four times, and his physical body burned rapidly!

The person who merged Wuwu Xuyuan Kung Fu with Void appeared behind the giant python in a flash!

Take advantage of your illness to kill you!

"The Heavenly Fist!"


"Boy, you dare!"

The giant python was beaten by Ye Yun and rolled twice on the ground, Wuwu took the opportunity to hit the giant python from the side again!

Ye Yun didn't dare to relax either!

"Samsara Sword Qi!"

With a sound of "嗤!", the sword energy entered the body, and the giant python let out an "ahhhhh" in pain!

A bloodstain was drawn on its pitch-black skin, and the pitch-black blood seeped down bit by bit!

"For countless years, no one has ever hurt me, boy, how dare you hurt me? I want you to die!"

Ye Yun didn't expect that with his full blow and Wuwu Beast's cooperation, he only scratched a little bit of its flesh!

"That's because Lingxutian was sealed, otherwise, there would be more people who deal with you! A frog at the bottom of a well dares to speak wild words!"

Realm is flawed, as expected!

The giant python is in the Star Saint Realm, and he is only in the Star God Realm. Being able to hurt it proves that his strength has also greatly increased!

"Whales devour the world!"

The giant python raised its head and spit out a black mist from its mouth!

The mist contaminates the nearby trees, and in one breath, as if all the vitality has been emptied, it withers away, and soon annihilates, shatters and dissipates in the world!

"It's nothing more than a four-legged snake. I want to imitate a whale swallowing the world. It's wishful thinking!" But his heart is awe-inspiring!

The giant python was furious and sucked them vigorously!

Ye Yun and Wuwu Beast kept retreating, and Ye Yun was involved.

Being sucked into the black mist, all five senses were lost immediately!

"Taiyi Chaos True Qi!"

Feeling that the vitality in his body was disappearing, Ye Yun was shocked, and hurriedly wrapped his whole body with Taiyi Chaos True Qi.

"The Divine Wheel of Confusion and Purification!"

"Woooo, I'm coming, I'm coming!"

Just as Ye Yun wanted to try the chakra of chaotic world purification, the voice of Wu Wu Beast sounded in his mind!He and Wuwu are in harmony with each other, and they only need to communicate with each other with their thoughts!

Thinking that Wu Wu had absorbed the strange inner alchemy of the holy elephant at the bottom of the lake, Ye Yun was not worried anymore!

Two breaths passed, and his eyes gradually became clearer.

Wuwu on the other side opened his mouth and sucked in all the black mist!He took the opportunity to lean down towards the giant python and fly down!

"The Heavenly Fist!"

Find the seven inches of the giant python, and hit it with a fist!

The Sky God Fist evolved from his Sky Divine Dao, after so many years of supplementation and perfection, it has his indestructible Dao heart and firm will!It also contains Wuwuxu Yuangong, Fortune God Fist, hell cold air, reincarnation power, etc., penetrating into the giant python's body inch by inch!

Wuwu Beast absorbed the black mist of the giant python, and stared covetously at the inner alchemy seven inches away from the giant python, and pouted its mouth.

This scene looks very scary!Ye Yun couldn't help laughing, he wondered if it was because he stayed with Chi Yun for too long, and Wu Wu Beast also got into his bad habit of eating people at every turn!But Wuwu Beast doesn't eat people, it eats inner alchemy!But for the giant python, losing the inner alchemy is tantamount to losing his life. In this way, there is really no difference between the two of them!

After a while, the giant python suddenly soared into the air, "Boy, you are dead!"

Ye Yun lost his mind for a moment, but he quickly realized it!The gap between two great realms is an insurmountable gap!

And the Wuwu Beast, which had been staring at it all the time, flew up, and its body suddenly became bigger as if the air was blown in, and opened its mouth to suck in the mysterious light thrown by the giant python!

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the giant python turned around and ran away!

A monster that can absorb even its strongest moves, it can only choose to stay in the green hills, and it is not afraid that there will be no firewood to burn this way!

"Woo, I want to eat it, I want to eat it!"

The Wuwu Beast also instantly turned into a bolt of lightning and followed it away!

Ye Yun also followed quickly!

"Stinky boy, what is this?" As a monster that has existed for countless years and can absorb even moves, what exactly is this?It can sense that Wuwu Beast is probably only in the Star Master Realm, a small thing in the Star Master Realm, since it can absorb the powerful moves from the Star Saint Realm!

Ye Yunneng snorted, "You'll know when it swallows you!"

"Boy, don't force me!"

Wuwu Beast and Ye Yun attacked back and forth, the giant python had nowhere to escape!

"The Divine Wheel of Confusion and Purification!"

"Master!" Feng Yu emerged from the Phoenix Feather Divine Armor and floated in front of Ye Yun.

The movements of Ye Yun's hands stopped, "Why?"

"Master, the strength of this giant python is at the peak of the Star Master Realm, and now the master is in the Holy Land of Heavenly Secrets, entering and exiting the Lingxu Heaven, how about using this beast instead?"

The sudden appearance of Feng Yu at this moment gave the giant python a feeling of facing a formidable enemy, and the aura of Feng Yu made it dare not move even though it was a snake!This is not the oppression brought to it by cultivation, but the obedience that emerges from the blood and bones!

Ye Yun thought about it carefully, and then looked at this giant python!Star Saint Realm, if he wanted its life, he really didn't have much confidence.It is indeed the best to be able to accept it!


Wu Wu was not satisfied, it wanted to eat the giant python, but now that Feng Yu said so, this guy can't eat it!

Wu Wu was unhappy, and circled around Ye Yun.

Ye Yun shook his head and patted it on the head, "Okay, woohoo, I'll find something delicious for you to eat later, okay?"

After comforting Wuwu, Ye Yun looked at the motionless giant python on the ground!

"Be my transportation, would you like to?"

Feng Yu flashed past the giant python, and saw that giant python nodded honestly immediately!

Under the condition of the giant python's willingness, Ye Yun planted a divine thought in its deep divine sea!In the future, as long as it doesn't betray him, nothing will happen. Once it wants to hurt him, this divine sense will explode in its divine sea. No matter how high its cultivation is, it will turn into nothingness!

Ye Yun brought the giant python back to the cave, which really shocked Qing Ming!

The powerhouse at the peak of the Star Master Realm is also a powerhouse in the Holy Land of Heavenly Secrets!Ye Yun asked the giant python to guard the cave, and told Qing Ming about his going to the bottom of the lake.

"Ming'er, why did Xing Xiaoyao let me call him Senior Brother?" Ye Yun couldn't figure this out anyway, he and Xing Xiaoyao didn't know each other, so he could predict that he would come to the Holy Land of Heaven's Mystery in tens of millions of years , and will go to the bottom of the lake to hunt for treasure!

Qingming gently stroked away the worry between his brows, and comforted softly: "Brother Yun, don't think so much, since he left you such treasures as the Phoenix Feather Armor, he wouldn't have any other thoughts! "

"I know, I'm only in the Star God Realm now, what is there for him to look at?" It's just that the trace of doubt in my heart can't dissipate no matter what!

There was also the familiar aura emanating from the altar in the Phoenix Feather Divine Armor. He always felt that this matter was not that simple, and he didn't tell Qing Ming about this.

"Maybe it's because you are both Chaos Ascenders?" Qing Ming said softly, tilting his head.

Ye Yun nodded, it seems that only this statement can explain it.

"Brother Yun, since Xing Xiaoyao knows that you will come here, no matter how much we worry about it, it won't help. If he wants to plot against us, it will be too easy!"

Ye Yun nodded, Qing Ming made sense!

Two days later, a loud voice resounded from outside the Lingxu Heaven!

Ye Yun, who was practicing, immediately opened his eyes, and in a flash, he arrived at the barrier of Lingxutian!

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