The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2650 9 Turn Emperor Star Art

"Brother Fatian, why are you here?"

This person is none other than Fatian Zhenjun who came to Lingxutian from them!

"You are now a member of the Holy Land of Heavenly Secrets, and even more so, the hope of our human race in the future! I came here this time to teach you the cultivation formula and some cultivation resources!"

Fatian Zhenjun waved his hand, and Ye Yun had an extra storage ring on his hand.

"Thank you, Brother Fatian!"

Fatian Zhenjun smiled slightly, "Small things, nothing to worry about! It's you, practice hard, and break through the Star Saint Realm as soon as possible, so that you can survive in the big bastard!"

Ye Yun knew that if he had changed someone else today, he definitely wouldn't have told him that!Therefore, he bowed gratefully to Lord Fatianzhen, "Thank you, brother, I understand!"

"Okay, since that's the case, I won't bother you anymore, goodbye!"

"Nine-turn Emperor Star Art?"

Open the storage ring, and a set of god-level exercises appears in front of you!

Qing Ming also came over to take a look, Ye Lei Xinwei, who had arranged the training place, heard Ye Yun's words, her face changed drastically, she was very shocked, "Nine Turns Emperor Star Art?"

Ye Yun looked at her puzzled, it's this set of exercises, is there any problem?

"This is the number one cultivation method in Tiankui Starfield!" Lei Xinwei stared at the exercise in Ye Yun's hands with fiery eyes, "I've only heard about it before, but never seen it before!"

Ye Yun read all the "Jiuzhuan Emperor Xing Jue" from the beginning to the end. There are exercises from the Hunyuan realm to the master's cultivation. holy place!If you want to obtain a complete or higher skill, you can only get it by doing tasks non-stop!

It's just that he has practiced Dao Shen Jue for 33 days, and this practice method is a bit tasteless to him. However, since Lei Xinwei said that this method is the number one in their Tiankui Star Region, then it must be There is something extraordinary about it!

"Legends say that the Nine-Revolution Emperor Star Art is a skill created by the master of our Tiankui Starfield. Only the most outstanding geniuses in the Tiankui Starfield will be given the Nine-Revolution Emperor Star Art by the master to practice!" Having said that, Lei Xinwei took a deep look at Ye Yun, that is to say, in the eyes of Juggernaut, Ye Yun is the most outstanding genius!

Ye Yun hummed lightly, and slowly flipped through the Nine Revolutions Emperor Star Art!

Flipping through the "Jiuzhuan Emperor Xing Jue", I suddenly saw a very good exercise, and I couldn't help but look at Qing Ming who also saw this place!

Qingming's face turned red in an instant, and that peerless face was immediately stained with a thin layer of blush, even the most beautiful rouge in the world can't draw such a beauty!

If Lei Xinwei wasn't here, she would definitely spit on Ye Yun's face!How shameless, what kind of skill is this?

Qing Ming shyly walked away and left, Ye Yun's heart moved slightly, Qing Ming is the snow lotus on the top of the snow mountain that is as bright as the cloud and the moon, it blooms in an instant, such a beauty, he hasn't seen it for a long time!

Lei Xinwei didn't know why Qing Ming left, so when Ye Yun looked at her, she was still at a loss!

"You go out first!"

Lei Xinwei didn't dare to disobey Ye Yun's intention, her gaze was always on the "Nine Heavens Emperor Star Art", and she reluctantly left!

Lei Xinwei left, Ye Yun quickly chased after Qing Ming!


Seeing Ye Yun approaching, Qing Ming immediately turned her face to the other side, the shyness on her face hadn't faded away, not only that, when Ye Yun's voice sounded in her ears, the blush spread all the way to her neck and ears!


"Ming'er, although this Jiuzhuan Emperor's Star Art is a bit weak, the above set of 'Dragon and Phoenix Hundred Alchemy God's Manual' is still very good!" Ye Yun cheerfully took out this set of exercises, and handed it to Qing Ming!

That's right, the "Dragon and Phoenix Hundred Alchemy Divine Canon" is exactly a set of dual cultivation skills!The Jiuzhuan Emperor Star Art is the most powerful exercise in Tiankui Starfield, so the above set of double cultivation exercises is naturally not ordinary!

Qing Ming gently pushed Ye Yun, "Didn't you have the 33-day Dao Shen Jue, why do you need this?"

"Practice!" Ye Yun replied as it should be, "Ming'er, look, I think this set of exercises is very suitable for us, why don't we try it?"

This set of Dragon and Phoenix Hundred Alchemy Divine Code requires that both cultivators must devote themselves wholeheartedly to each other, without the slightest selfishness!And the object must be a man and a woman, both of them can practice together in order to be successful!

After cultivating to great success, the two parties can communicate with each other, which is equivalent to having an extra clone!

"I don't want it!" Qing Ming's face turned even redder, and her slender hands kept twisting the corners of her clothes. Although this exercise does not require real dual cultivation, it is still embarrassing!

"Ming'er, if we achieve great success in cultivation, we won't even need to communicate with our spiritual thoughts, and we can improve our cultivation, let's try!" Ye Yun grabbed Qing Ming's hand.

He has a special physique, he has the physique of a telepath, he has no shortage of clones!But Qing Ming is not, if there is danger in the future or they are forced to separate, after practicing this set of exercises, they will be able to sense each other!The most important thing is that they can also improve their cultivation, which is very important to them!

Qing Ming also knew it very well, so she finally nodded shyly!

Ye Yun happily leaned over and kissed Qing Ming's face, and was patted by Qing Ming!

The two of them were going to practice in secluded cultivation "The Canon of Refinement of Dragon and Phoenix and Hundred Refinements of Immortals", and told Lei Xinwei to let her practice hard by herself, and let the giant python guard the cave well, and then they started to practice!

This set of exercises does not seem to be as powerful as the Jiuzhuan Emperor's Star Art, and the requirements are also very strict. Just because both parties must not have a little selfishness, this will stump more than half of the people!He and Qing Ming have been together for so many years, from the little chaos to the big chaos, and then to the Holy Land of Heavenly Secrets, the relationship between the two has long surpassed that of ordinary lovers, for each other, they can give!

Secondly, the realms of the two sides should not be too far apart, he and Qingming are not much different, just right!

The two sat opposite each other, Ye Yun held Qing Ming's hand, palm to palm.

Open the sea of ​​gods and let each other enter!

At this moment, the two of them have no secrets, no concealment, and their minds blend at this moment!

The divine power swam around from the veins all over her body, flowed from the intercourse palms to Qing Ming's body, and then circulated back in her body...

The divine power that came back from Qing Ming's body returned to Ye Yun's body with a chilly aura of hell, and he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief!

He had a deeper understanding of the dark underworld through Qingming.

They sit like this for 500 years!


Breathing out a mouthful of turbid air, Ye Yun and Qing Ming leisurely opened their eyes!

After these 500 years of practice, the two are closer than before, and they can know each other's thoughts with just one look.

Qing Ming was still a little shy, when Ye Yun looked over, he couldn't help lowering his head.Ye Yun chuckled a few times, stepped forward and took her hand, "Ming'er, how do you feel?"


Qingming's face instantly turned red, like a ripe apple!Seeing Ye Yun's heart agitated for a while, and noticing Ye Yun's change, Qing Ming immediately glared at him.

It's just that this look has no deterrent effect at all, on the contrary, it's more of reproach!

The strength in his hands increased slightly, and Qing Ming fell into Ye Yun's arms all at once!


"Ming'er, although I haven't broken through to the Star God Realm, but as long as the time is right, I can break through to the Star God Realm and become a peerless Star Lord! What about you?" Ye Yun couldn't help but feel emotional, they had never been so excited like this moment Closely, he is now at the peak of the Star God Realm, and he still needs precipitation and timing if he wants to break through the Star God Realm.

"Brother Yun, thanks to you, I broke through two small realms one after another."

Ye Yun's cultivation base is higher than Qing Ming's, and they both cultivated together, so Ye Yun brought Qing Ming a greater change.Both of them have made breakthroughs, and when Ye Yun breaks through the Star God Realm and reaches the Star Master Realm, and then practice double cultivation together, the changes brought to Qing Ming will be even greater.

"It would be great if Wanwan was with us!" Hearing this, Qing Ming leaned against Ye Yun's arms and couldn't help but let out an exclamation!

"Don't worry, we will definitely find her!" Surely, this is an explanation from him to himself, and even more an explanation to Wanhai!

"I believe you!"

Just like she once believed that he could overthrow the Tiangong Temple, at that time, he was only in the realm of the Immortal Emperor, so he dared to confront the Tiangong Temple!

It's rare for the two of them to have this moment of tenderness. Even if they don't speak, they have the same heart and no reservations about each other. He understands her just as she understands him!

The tender time always passes quickly!

Wuwu Beast couldn't stay still for a long time. When they left the customs, the little guy couldn't wait to run out, and Qing Ming played with it.

Ye Yun recruited a giant python.

"During our retreat, did Lei Xinwei come here?"

Now the giant python is under the control of Ye Yun, and his wealth and life are in his hands, so he had to lie on the ground obediently, and replied to Ye Yun, "I have been here twice, and then I saw that the master and wife are in retreat, so I left! The last time It was 100 years ago, and he said he went out to get the sacred stone, but he never came back!"

The giant python is an expert in the Star Master Realm, how could it not know if anyone came into Little Chaos Lingxutian?Lei Xinwei has been away for 100 years and has not come back. Ye Yun ordered her to wait here and dare not leave without permission!

"100 years ago?"

Ye Yun remembered that 500 years ago, Fatian Zhenjun brought a storage ring of training resources, most of them were put away by him, and a small part was also given to Lei Xinwei!Unexpectedly, her cultivation speed is not slow, and in just a few hundred years, she has used up all the resources given to her!

"Could something happen?" Qing Ming walked to Ye Yun's side and asked!

Although something unpleasant happened when they met, Lei Xinwei was used by them later, so she was obedient.Now he is practicing in his dojo, and he has not come back for more than 100 years, so something must have happened.

They just came to the Heavenly Mystery Holy Land, and they didn't know anything about it, so Ye Yun took Qing Ming and flew directly to the barrier of Lingxutian!

After leaving Lingxutian, Ye Yun sensed Lei Xinwei's location, just as he thought, Lei Xinwei's aura was as if nothing had disappeared.

There are only two situations like this, either Lei Xinwei is dead, or she is not in the Holy Land of Heavenly Secrets!

No matter what, these two situations made Ye Yun angry!

As soon as he got out of Lingxutian, he saw two people from the Star God Realm guarding outside the barrier of Lingxutian, and seeing Ye Yun and Qing Ming coming out, they ran away in a flash!

"Brother Yun, something is wrong!"

Those two ran very fast, Ye Yun chased them out in a flash!

In the Star God Realm, no one could outrun him yet, and now that he has gone through double cultivation, his cultivation level has risen, and in just one breath, he has an extra Star God Realm master in his hands!

Throwing the man to the ground, Ye Yun looked at him coldly, "Who are you? What are you doing outside my Spirit Void Heaven barrier?"

The person who came here never thought that the master of this Lingxutian was only in the Star God Realm?Why at the same time, in the Star God Realm, he is like an ant in the hands of others!

This person was still a bit stupid, he didn't seem to have recovered, Ye Yun kicked him, "I'm asking you, who are you, and what are you doing sneaking around outside the barrier of my Lingxu Heaven?"

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