Yao Miao's face turned pale with fright. He really didn't expect that a weak person in the fairyland would possess means that even he could not compare with. It's really hard to deal with, since Utona appeared here, it shows that the adults don't trust me at all, and it proves that Ye Yun has some tricks, well, since Utona wants to deal with him, let him fight Ye Yun to the death, and when necessary , I will kill Utona again, and dedicate Ye Yun to the Lord..."

With a scheming mind, Yao Miao released icy cold air all over his body, and that cold air went towards Utona's body like a sword's edge.


The strange and sharp cold air made Utona feel bad, and he turned around immediately, but saw Yao Miao facing the void, bursting with murderous aura. Seeing this, Utona stepped forward and said, "Brother Yao, how do we cooperate in the future?"

"Okay, this is also my brother's idea. You and I cooperate to deal with Ye Yun. This person is too arrogant!"

Yao Miao readily agreed, that enthusiastic appearance was completely different from before, and he was really fickle. He asked again: "But brother, do you know why your lord wants to deal with Ye Yun?"

"How can I know this, brother is not ignorant, what was my identity in the past, how did I know such a confidential matter, ha ha!"

With a mocking smile, Utona showed a lifeless smile like a ghost king, but he was thinking in his heart: "It seems that in the eyes of adults, he is just a pawn... I can rest assured!"

The enmity between Ditian and Ye Yun, Utona knows best, it started because of Utona, and later Ye Yun blatantly provoked Ditian's majesty on Mantu Island, which really aroused Ditian's murderous spirit, and he did not hesitate to Killing Ye Yun himself, Ditian's temperament, Utona deeply felt, if he didn't kill Ye Yun, Ditian would definitely not let it go, but Ye Yun was too insignificant, Ditian didn't bother to personally kill Ye Yun.

If it were a supreme figure, Di Tian would have done it himself.

Although Yao Miao is a respectable student with a seven-level cultivation base, he doesn't know any details, which is enough to show that Ditian doesn't treat him as the core at all.

The two of them together are simply seeking skin from a tiger, but it is unknown who is the tiger.

"Junior Brother Ye, why are you back again!?"

Inside the city, outside the teleportation array, Ye Yun strode towards the gate of the castle, and the throne student who had troubled Ye Yun before was chatting with many students, when he suddenly saw Ye Yun appearing, it really shocked the throne student .


Ye Yun didn't say a word, just punched this person in the void, the invisible force hit the student on the throne, and sent him flying a hundred meters away, and then fell to the ground hard, groaning in pain.


In an instant, the surrounding area of ​​the castle, which was bustling just now, was suddenly silent. Everyone was rubbing their eyes. They couldn't believe that this scene was real. Someone directly attacked the seniors of the same academy in the teleportation array. There were all students from Shenzhou College around, all witnessing , all took a breath, and all marveled at who Ye Yun was.

Immediately, many people secretly checked the tokens, hoping to obtain Ye Yun's identity, but these people are all students of the holy throne, the throne, or even the emperor's throne. It is not an easy task to find out Ye Yun's identity from the billion mark .

"I don't want to say it again. I will return to the academy in the next teleportation formation. If any of you are embarrassing me, then don't blame me for being rude. Everything is done according to the school's rules. No one can use power for personal gain in the teleportation formation!"

Ye Yun was imposing, looking down at the groaning student on the throne, and shouted loudly: "Zhang Kaiguang, you asked for this. You made it difficult for me once before, so I won't argue with you. Now you want to use power for personal gain. Believe it or not, I'll take you directly to the Hall of Law Enforcement, if no one cares, I'll see if the elders of the college will care!"

But when everyone was checking Ye Yun's imprint and wanted to know his identity, Ye Yun instantly found out the identity of that embarrassing student of the throne.

"You, you...you are talking nonsense, when did I use power for personal gain? Brothers here can all witness that I have never seen you before, and you, the first time we met, shot at me. Hurry up and inform the senior brother of the emperor to arrest you!" Ye Yun!"

Zhang Kaiguang, who was lying on the ground in a panic, turned over suddenly, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes were stern, bloody, and unexpectedly bit Ye Yun back, and he was unscrupulous.

"Okay, today I will take you to the Hall of Law Enforcement and meet the elders!"

Ye Yun suddenly narrowed his eyes, like a thousand sword qi, closing his pupils, and immediately moved his body, like a phantom, he directly grabbed Zhang Kaiguang.


Just when Zhang Kaiguang waited to be beaten without any response in fear, suddenly, a figure in gold robes suddenly flashed from the castle, turned into a bolt of lightning, pierced directly in front of Ye Yun, intercepted it across the air, and collided with Ye Yun head-on , a violent impact occurred, and Ye Yun flashed back to the original place, but the opponent did not move at all.

Regardless of whether it is the holy throne, the throne, or the emperor's students, when they see the strong man in the golden robe, they all bow and salute: "See Senior Brother Hua!"

"Oh, surnamed!?"

Hearing everyone saluting, Ye Yun did not move at all. No matter what the reason was, this kind of person was Ye Yun's enemy. He could ignore the court rules.

"you are welcome!"

The aura of the strong man in the golden robe spread slightly, revealing a burly young man. Although he was wearing a golden robe, there were gold patterned battle patterns on his wrists and around the collar. With a big face and a burly figure, it is enough to make people feel frightened physically and mentally.

"This person...is called Hua Shancen, a student of the throne, the fourth rank of Tongtian, a general of the Hualong Empire, and he is considered a figure in the Hua family, but he is just as despicable as Hua Hongwu who was taught by Tai Dayan!"

In a short while, Ye Yun found out the imprint of this person from the token, and remembered Hua Hongwu who was severely taught by Tai Dayan the day he first entered the Guardian Academy, and he smiled strangely.

Zhang Kaiguang changed his body and strode to Hua Shancen's side. How could he have the pitiful appearance just now? Holding a grudge, he pointed at Ye Yun and said domineeringly: "Brother Hua, this person's name is Ye Yun, a new disciple of the Heaven-Defying Academy. Relying on his own strength and tyranny, he despised the rules of the school, and shot me, and asked the senior brother to stand up for the younger brother!"

"Hua Shancen..."

Ye Yun remained calm and watched the changes quietly, but he was thinking in his heart: "Last time in Shayuan Star, Modi Hai led so many strong men to surround and kill me and Tai Dayan, then Modi Hai was under the influence of the Hua family." I mean, this Hua Shancen is also a member of the Hua family, so he should know about this, and maybe he also participated in Hua Hongwu's instigation of Mo Dihai's plan to frame him!"


Hua Shancen cast a sharp glance at Ye Yun, and directly released his divine light to attack Ye Yun. Like a sharp sword, the divine light pierced straight into Ye Yun's pupils.

"Small tricks! Laughing so hard!"

Facing Huashan Cen's strange and sudden divine light attack, Ye Yun's eyes immediately opened his eyes, and a divine light directly greeted him, and he heard a bang, and the two divine lights shook in the void.

Neither of them took half a step, which made Hua Shancen frowned, staring at Ye Yun secretly and said: "This kid... I heard from Hong Wu that Tai Dayan is only at the fifth level of Tongtian, and the other person is the person in front of me. , but only the first rank of Immortal, why can you fight against me?"

Zhang Kaiguang added fuel to the fire, saw the signs, knew that Huashan Cen was going to deal with Ye Yun, so he cried to his father and mother: "Senior brother, stand up for me!"

"Don't worry, whoever dares to make trouble, I won't sit idly by. Ye Yun, you have violated the rules of the school by taking action to hurt your fellow disciples. Follow me to the Law Enforcement Hall!" uniform.

Ye Yun suddenly laughed: "Haha, if you want me to go to the Law Enforcement Hall, of course you can, but I have evidence that Zhang Kaiguang can't help me, Zhang Kaiguang, I'm afraid you would never have imagined that when you and I first met , I will imprint the conversation between you and me with true energy, and go to the Hall of Law Enforcement to see who will be punished by the court rules!"

After Zhang Kaiguang heard this, he was very imposing and broke out in cold sweat: "How dare you lie to me?"

"Whether I lied to you, you can try it, anyway, go to the Law Enforcement Hall, and you will know if I am cheating you!"

In front of everyone, Ye Yun faced the emperor's students without fear, and the other students saw it. As for who is right and who is wrong, outsiders have long known.

"Okay, it's really a second. I didn't expect that I, the Heaven-Defying Academy, would have such a courageous junior..."

Just when the two sides were at odds, a dozen figures walked in from the gate. The leader was a middle-aged woman who was nearly 40 years old. She was wearing a golden cloud Taoist robe, showing her supreme status as a respected student, and Behind her, there are also the emperor's students in golden robes.

Although these emperor students are all wearing the same Taoist robes, they all have different auras, which are extremely weird. Some of them directly release the aura of the devil.

"Yan Shiniang... Senior Sister Yan!"

The middle-aged woman appeared in an instant, and countless students showed fear expressions. Even Hua Shancen was very reluctant to salute her when he saw her, and called out senior sister.

"Yan Shiniang... a student of Nitian Academy, the eighth level of Tongtian, who has been in Shenzhou Xianyuan for 5000 years..."

Almost at the same time, Ye Yun found out the imprint of the middle-aged woman through the token from the appearance of the middle-aged woman. It turned out to be a respected student of Nitian Academy, and her aura was very strange, both good and evil.

The eighth-ranked students of Tongtian are already above ten thousand people in Shenzhou Xianyuan, possessing supreme status and supreme strength, so even if Yan Shiniang is a student of Nitianyuan, these people have to salute, otherwise, with Yan Shiniang's temper, they will be arrested directly. People who go to the Hall of Law Enforcement and hand it over to the elders are charged with not following the rules of the court.

"Okay, okay, junior brothers, you are welcome, get up!"

Yan Shiniang was actually not polite, she accepted everyone's salutes like a palace empress, and she didn't look outside at all. Moreover, she didn't treat everyone like that, evil, and her aura gradually restrained.

"Brother, could it be that you are one of the two new disciples who were refined in the dojo a while ago?" Yan Shiniang came to Ye Yun with a graceful figure, glanced up and down, and asked.

"Ye Yun met Senior Sister Yan!"

Ye Yun also felt Yan Shiniang's tyranny, her aura was too huge, she reached eighth rank, and she was about to become a half-immortal figure. With one finger, she could kill Ye Yun, so Ye Yun restrained his sharpness and saluted politely.

"The aptitude is really good. As a first-level human immortal, you can fight against people of the fourth-level Tongtian. It seems that I need another genius in the Heaven-Defying Academy!"

Yan Shiniang said approvingly to the more than a dozen imperial students behind her, these imperial students also looked at Ye Yun curiously, because Ye Yun and Tai Dayan just entered the Nitian Academy, they overturned the Nitian Academy and refined the Nirvana Dojo, This is something that even the strongest of the Immortal Realm cannot do.

Immediately, the lady's face changed, she was no longer graceful, but evil, she looked at Hua Shancen: "Junior Brother Hua, if you still want to meet the Law Enforcement Hall, then I will go with you, but I believe that Junior Brother Ye If so, he must have some evidence, and then I will ask the elder for an explanation, and kill the prestige of your family!"

"Brother, how dare you!"

Huashan Cen had no choice but to let go of his identity as a Hua family before Yan Shiniang, who was feared by everyone, because Yan Shiniang in front of him, everyone in Shenzhou Xianyuan knew that he was a hot character and difficult to deal with. Dare to offend, isn't it afraid of a Hua family?

"Okay, Junior Brother Ye, you did the right thing. You fought hard for my Heaven-Defying Academy. Let's go!"

Regardless of the others, Yan Shiniang let out a loud cry, took Ye Yun and others, and swaggered away in front of everyone. No one dared to say a word, the eighth level of Tongtian, who dared to offend, it was the sixth level of Tongtian, which already made these students tremble with fear.

Hua Shancen stared at Ye Yun's group unwillingly, stepped into the teleportation array, shuttled away, and shouted: "This group of people from the Heaven-Defying Academy, let's see how long you can be proud. When you meet a student from the Heaven-Defying Academy in the future, you will be embarrassed , today's shame, I must ask Ye Yun to get it back, you boy wait, I will crush you to ashes!"

"Senior brother, don't worry, after this time, I will definitely help you keep an eye on the gang of Guardians!"

Zhang Kaiguang didn't expect Huashan Cen to hate Nitianyuan so much, he secretly planned for a while, wanted to use Hua Shancen to vent his anger for himself, and also found a backer, so he leaned on him like a pug, begging for mercy.

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