"Senior brother, I am a student of the Guards Academy!"

Ye Yun came to a teleportation formation, entered it, took out his identity token, and handed it to the students who guarded the formation. There are one billion students in Shenzhou Xianyuan, and not every disciple knows each other. From entering to leaving, even most of the students in the same college have never met.

"Ye Yun!?"

Suddenly, a student on the throne, through the token, instantly displayed all the information about Ye Yun. With an inexplicable smile on his face, he glanced at Ye Yun: "So it's Junior Brother Ye from the Heaven-Defying Academy. What a coincidence, you came too late. I'm afraid it won't be your turn today, so it's better for junior brother to come tomorrow!"

Ye Yun remained calm, but he had already seen the deceit from the other party's expression, but Ye Yun was very puzzled, he had never met this person before, why the other party was deceitful to him, and he couldn't be forceful in the face of the court rules, just can give up.

"I made a lot of money this time... Hurry up and notify the higher-ups!"

The student on the throne had deceitful eyes. After Ye Yun left, he immediately came to a corner, shot out streams of true energy to form a colorful bird, and then shot into the void. Then, he looked at the teleportation array as if nothing had happened. , and said with a sneer: "Although I don't know why the higher-ups are looking for this new student who has just stepped into the Heaven-Defying Academy, but the benefits this time..."

Longyuan Star is indeed the most prosperous planet in the Shenzhou Starfield. The teleportation array extends in all directions. Almost every city has several teleportation arrays. It is the hub center of the entire Starfield. The huge Shenzhou Starfield is covered by the teleportation array like a spider web. One after another, one planet after another, it is very convenient.

Not only is it a teleportation center, the trade on Longyuan Star is extremely developed, and there are all kinds of shops. All the stores on the Thai Star Plane have branches in Longyuan Star. Most of the people who come here are mainly for trading, and most of the rest are , I came here to witness the Shenzhou Xianyuan.

Immediately teleporting, Ye Yun went shopping in various stores and saw a lot of dazzling products, but the things that worried Ye Yun came one after another. Wherever you go, these people can always keep up.

Ye Yunquan pretended not to notice, he didn't know what these people wanted to do, why they came here, to deal with these little people, it was only a blink of an eye for Ye Yun, Ye Yun wanted to catch the people behind them, a big fish, only to catch this Fish, all problems will be solved naturally.


On the street, hundreds of masked men in white suddenly appeared on both sides of the street. Then, a masked figure in white came out from the crowd.

Pedestrians around didn't dare to speak when they saw these white-clothed people. Being able to hide their faces in Longyuan Star in broad daylight and ignore Shenzhou Xianyuan is enough to prove that their identities are not simple.

Moreover, there are too many people like this who hide their identities and come and go freely in Longyuan Star, no one will ask, and it will not cause any riots.

A white-clothed masked man shaking his fan, Sensen asked a few people around him: "Are you sure, is it Ye Yun, a student who has just been promoted from the Heaven-Defying Academy?"

A masked man replied: "It's been decided, it's indeed the person the leader is looking for!"

"Okay, order, catch this person alive by surprise, so as not to attract the attention of the academy guards, so as not to waste words!"

Pfft... The masked man in white suddenly waved his fan and fanned it lightly, and the masked people around him immediately scattered towards the streets without a trace.

"Ye Yun...I have fully grasped your information. Although the throne student has the sixth-level strength of human immortality, this kind of cultivation is too weak. Reaching the heaven-reaching level can still make me feel refreshed..."

"It's so strange, a mere student of the throne, why did my lord deal with him? Moreover, with my lord's power, I can easily deal with Ye Yun by just picking someone up... Now the master is retreating and breaking through the sky-reaching mirror... But with me It seems that the Master's real body might be breaking through the Immortal Realm..."

The fan-masked man was followed by four people. He was walking along a secret path, his brows were dark, his pupils were glowing with stars, and his whole body showed an aura of emptiness, disappearing in the blink of an eye in the vast crowd.

"This is an ancient spiritual tool that I have undoubtedly obtained in an ancient continent. If you like it, I can consider lowering the price!"

In the inconspicuous streets, there are quite a few individual merchants or caravans selling all kinds of strange things along the street, most of them are slaves. A middle-aged man was talking about a spiritual weapon, while Ye Yun Yuanshen was paying attention to every move around him.When the middle-aged man sees that Ye Yun is in the Taoist robe of Huang Yun, he understands that Ye Yun is a student of the throne of Shenzhou Xianyuan. I strongly recommend the aura in my hand, thinking that it can be sold at a good price.

Ye Yun was distracted, he didn't really want to buy something at all, but led the follower all the way, Ye Yun turned and left, walking towards the gate of the central city.

In the blink of an eye, masked men in white clothes followed, but Ye Yun had already walked out of the city gate, and then, looking out, there were vast and majestic mountains, one after another, and many monks were shuttled back and forth in the sky with.

Although Longyuan Star is the central planet, there are also a large number of undeveloped primitive territories on the planet. From the perspective of Shenzhou Xianyuan, these barbaric territories are actually greenery and landscapes. Once they are all developed into cities, the entire planet will be dull , the planet's spiritual quality will also be changed, and even Misty Star has a large amount of undeveloped territory, which is used as a student practice dojo.

As for the vast and barren territory of Longyuan Star, there are naturally a large number of monks practicing. Most of these monks are casual cultivators from various remote star fields, and there are also disciples of big families. Longyuan Star is also a sacred place for cultivation, and trading commodities is very convenient. Practice has huge benefits.

However, although these barbaric lands are controlled by the Shenzhou Xianyuan, they will not manage these casual cultivators. Any killings will not be interfered with by the Shenzhou Xianyuan, unless it involves the normal laws of the planet, such as someone robbing a caravan, or Committing crimes in the city, killing people, robbing wealth, etc., these people will be chased and killed by the disciples of the Shenzhou Xianyuan, and at the same time, they will also be chased and killed by some employers. After killing them, they will be handed over to the Shenzhou Xianyuan to receive bonuses.

Without the tiger, the monkey is called the king. In these barbaric lands, some powerful monks will also form their own forces, such as caravans, killer groups, hiring groups, etc. These barbaric lands seem to be peaceful, but they are hidden Murderous.

"Sure enough, the grievances are still lingering, okay, let's see who wants to deal with me today..."

Leaving the city, Ye Yun immediately soared into the sky, flying to the barbaric land with the strength that a human fairyland should have, and then, one after another, ghostly figures quickly chased after them, and after about three breaths, one after another, masked men in white clothes followed suit. Appearing, chasing and killing the mark of true energy that was intentionally left in the air.

All of them were so aggressive that many monks who entered the city did not dare to take a breath, and the students guarding the city did not order to stop these people. Fangfo had already known it well.

"It's not bad here, suitable for killing!"

Entering a barbaric land, there are swamps, moss-covered ancient forests with intertwined roots, and various ferocious monsters shuttle in the forest. Some monsters have the terrifying power to kill the heaven-reaching realm, and some monsters are not as good as monsters. Incarnate in human form, these are even more powerful, and it is rumored that there are even strong monsters entrenched in these barbaric territories.

Ye Yun suddenly stopped, stood on the green vine with a diameter of one meter, turned around, and saw a dozen ghostly figures hiding in the bushes under his nose, Ye Yun smiled coldly, and raised his hand: "Come out, everyone!" Well, following here, you have worked hard for a long time, don't be shy and cowering, hiding your head and showing your tail!"

Brush brush!

A total of twelve black-clothed men flew out one after another from the bushes, tree trunks, and wild grass. Their figures were as fast as lightning, and they were as ghostly as ghosts, and all of them had heavy breaths. They were not ordinary monks, and all of them were in the realm of heaven From the first to the third level of the realm, they can be regarded as holy disciples in Shenzhou Xianyuan, but in the Taixing plane, low-level monks in the heaven-reaching realm are nothing.


Then, the real black hand appeared, and masked men in white clothes flew in aggressively and mightily. There were more than seventy people in total, and all the monsters in the surrounding dense forests were shocked and fled in panic.

"The lord is coming!!"

After only a few breaths, another group of white-clothed masked men appeared. These people, whose cultivation base is in the first to fifth ranks of the Heaven-reaching Realm, have extraordinary strength. They are like stars holding the moon. Appeared, everyone saluted him and shouted the lord.

"Alliance leader!?"

Ye Yun smiled disdainfully, the other party's cultivation was at the seventh level of the sky, and Ye Yun could tell at a glance that this kind of person is indeed a master, and he is also a unique person in the Taixing plane. Ye Yun, who has not yet broken through the fairyland, must Will choose to escape, but now, Ye Yun not only breaks through the human fairyland, but also gets the second copy of the Great Thousand Gods Map Turing Fragment, the power of the Gods Map has increased several times, which makes Ye Yun feel helpless in the face of any powerhouse in the Heaven Realm. fear.

Before breaking through the Human Immortal Realm, Ye Yun had the strength to compete with the first level of the Heaven-reaching Realm. Now that he has broken through the Human Wonderland and obtained the second power of the Great Thousand Gods Map, it is no longer difficult to deal with the general powerhouses of the Heaven-reaching Realm.

"Ye Yun, accept the admonition, face it and suffer!"

Fan masked man, divine light swept over Ye Yun, the snow-white fan in his hand trembled slightly, a pattern condensed by zhenqi appeared, Ye Yun was impressively on it, and even the imprint of zhenqi was very clear, shaking After the masked man was confirmed, those masked men in white began to surround Ye Yun.

"You actually know my name, and you have my information. It seems that you are either a student of Shenzhou Xianyuan, or you are connected with Shenzhou Xianyuan. You want me to die. Show your true face. I want to see it." , who wants to put me to death!"

When Ye Yun saw the zhenqi imprint, he had a rough idea in his heart, but he was still not sure about the enemy.

"It's not easy!"

The fan-masked man tore off the black scarf and found Yao Miao.


When Ye Yun saw Yao Miao, he had no impression at all. He didn't have this enemy. However, Ye Yun moved his mind and immediately released the student token of Shenzhou Xianyuan, which contained the imprints of all the disciples except the fairyland. Yuanshen finally found the answer among one billion students.

"Yao Miao, senior brother Yao, honored student, with a cultivation level of the seventh level of the sky, admitted to the hospital for [-] years..."

Ye Yun said calmly, all the imprints about Yao Miao appeared in Yuanshen, including appearance, true aura, etc. Although the expression did not change, Ye Yun still stirred up waves in his heart: "A dignified student, how dare you deal with me, I I don't seem to have any problems with Yao Miao..."

"It seems that you also have some means. In such a short time, you can find my mark from the sect token. It is not easy... If you make a move, you will see people and corpses!"

Yao Miao's fans suddenly joined together, and with a wave of his hands, masked men in white clothes flew towards Ye Yun.

"Yao Miao... You made an enemy of me. It was a big mistake. You will have a long time in the future. If you want to deal with me in the future, if you have the courage, go to the Nirvana Dojo of the Guardian Academy to find me... Haha!"


More than [-] masked men in white clothes came to attack Ye Yun, like an eagle catching chickens. As a result, Ye Yun suddenly jumped upwards and punched the void below. The void suddenly split open, a mysterious force Released from Ye Yun's hand, a big hand stretched out towards these white-clothed masked people, with a whoosh, the mysterious force carried these people and disappeared into the void together with Ye Yun.


In an instant, Ye Yun and dozens of white-clothed masked men disappeared in the blink of an eye, and disappeared before his eyes. Yao Miao's face was extremely ugly, and his eyes were full of anger: "How could it be possible... a fairyland kid, how could it be possible to disappear strangely? "

The other masked men in white were also stunned. Suddenly, they didn't understand what happened. How could a living person take away a large group of people? Moreover, he was still a human immortal, while the others were all human. A high-level immortal and a low-level powerhouse in the Heavenly Realm.

"Brother Yao, this Ye Yun is not as easy to deal with as you imagined!"

Suddenly, several figures flew over from a high altitude, the leader was actually Utona who released the powerful aura of the Heaven-reaching Realm, and around him, more than a dozen people were also of the Heaven-reaching Realm.

Yao Miao calmed down slightly, and his eyes fell on Utona who had changed his face. He was not unfamiliar at all, on the contrary, he was very familiar, and smiled with a touch of disdain: "Peng Wang's subordinates, Utona, I didn't expect you to turn around this day! "

As one of Ditian's subordinates, Yao Miao naturally knew Utona, but in Yao Miao's memory, Utona was just a follower, with a low-level human cultivation, and in front of him, he was not even an ant, but now, He actually turned into a high-level aura of the Heaven-reaching Realm, and all the people around him were guards from the Emperor Planet, and there were even strong men who were more advanced than him.

After Utona landed, Sensen smiled and said: "People have their luck sometimes, Brother Yao, since you and I are here for this Ye Yun, from now on you and I will be grasshoppers on the same rope, and you also know what adults mean, If you can’t complete the mission, you and I don’t even have a chance to survive!”

"A weak person in the fairyland, I can easily catch him!" Yao Miao still looked down on Utona from the bottom of his heart.

"Ha ha!"

Utona laughed a few times, making Utona confused.

"It's actually Utona... He actually appeared here. It seems that the person controlling Yao Miao to deal with me is Ditian, Utona..."

Ye Yun, who was hiding in the depths of the space, saw this scene in his eyes, he immediately used the power of the Great Thousand Gods Map, and shuttled away, but left a sentence: "Utona, you and I are really close..."


Utona and Yao Miao were startled at the same time. They were extremely surprised. They released powerful body-protecting qi and instinctively protected the space. The two of them didn't notice Ye Yun's existence. Fortunately, Ye Yun's cultivation was not high, otherwise, it would be easy to kill the two of them, especially Yao Miao was so frightened that his whole body trembled, his hairs stood on end.

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