"Miss Poxin, all the members of the Xuanyuan Clan have left the Hungu Continent with the elders, and now they are protected by the throne students of the Heaven-Defying Academy!"

In the Ancient Continent, there was a village without people. Two figures flew over from the void. They were Ye Yun and Xuanyuan Poxin. Seeing that there was no aura in the village, Xuanyuan Poxin finally felt relieved.

"Our escort mission is considered complete. As long as we send you to the destination, we will return to the Shenzhou Starfield immediately. Miss Poxin, you rush to meet everyone first!"

Ye Yun simply exhorted, and the whole person disappeared. In a blink of an eye, he appeared in a vast mountain range. Suddenly, a figure flashed from the depths of the mountain range, and instantly appeared in front of Ye Yun. It was Taida who was all wounded. Yan, his breath is still very slow now.

"Brother Tai, it looks like you're seriously injured..." Ye Yun's mind moved, and he saw Tai Dayan's body in disarray. Now his true energy has been exhausted very badly, and his whole body is seriously injured. His strength is not as good as before. One-tenth, almost only human fairyland strength.

If Ye Yun wanted to kill him now, it would be easy.

The two of them were floating in the void of the Silent Mountain Range, and gusts of wind from all directions roared in, oppressing Cangshan Mountain.


Tai Dayan breathed a sigh of relief helplessly, and said: "Brother Ye, do you know that this time, the person who secretly controls Xuanyuan's rebel forces is a venerable from the lower realm of the Yan Sect, please Qianshang!"

When Ye Yun heard it suddenly, his face was full of astonishment. This time, he not only saw the Yan Sect, but also a fairy from the lower world. It seems that he is several times stronger than Tai Dayan. Ye Yun took a deep breath and said: " Oh? The mysterious venerable is a member of the Yan Sect?"

"Qiu Qianshang is one of the many venerables of the Yan Sect. From the lower realm, it is necessary to establish a branch altar on the Taixing plane, with the Taixing plane as the camp, so as to win the entire lower realm, absorb the energy of the lower realm, and create faith. , transmitted to the fairy world, and cultivated one by one peerless powerhouses, so that countless planes in the lower world will become the offerings of Yanjiao!"

Tai Dayan continued: "I didn't expect that Qiu Qianshang would cooperate with the Xuanyuan family. Presumably, the Xuanyuan family in the fairy world has been subdued by the Yan Sect and surrendered to the Yan Sect. Qiu Qianshang wants to use the Xuanyuan family's reputation to gradually dominate the plane. Brother Ye, now that Qiu Qianshang knows that I am living in Shenzhou Xianyuan, it seems that I can’t go back to Xianyuan. Moreover, I want to avoid Qiu Qianshang immediately, find a hidden place to recuperate, meditate for a while, and fight for it. Only by recovering the power of breaking the fairyland can we have the capital to deal with Qiu Qianshang, I am afraid you have also seen his strength..."

"No problem, since he is an immortal, with your current state, you really can't deal with him, but he can deal with you, even Shenzhou Xianyuan can't stop his pace!"

An immortal, in the lower realm, must be calling the wind and calling the rain, standing at the top, dominating everything, Ye Yun deeply understands this, moreover, he is thousands of times more powerful than Tai Dayan and Qiu Qianshang in suppressing Chiyun Demon Venerable The giant, for Ye Yun, there is no need to compromise with TEDA from now on, but it is not the best policy to tear the face directly.

Ye Yun always felt that Tai Dayan must have a conspiracy, such things as the destruction of the Tai family, Yanjiao's invasion of the lower realm and so on. The key point is that the Yan Sect is so powerful that he did not hesitate to come to the lower realm, there must be some reason.

Getting too close to Tai Dayan has both advantages and disadvantages for Ye Yun, but the other party is a real fairy, so it cannot be ruled out that Tai Dayan will give Ye Yun some sweetness first, and when he achieves his goal, he will immediately turn his face and be ruthless.

Tai Dayan rolled his eyes and said hastily: "In order to avoid trouble, just now, I have destroyed the Shenzhou Student Token in Xuanyuan Dojo. In this way, it can be said that I fell during the mission. To you Say, harm is harmless, and then you will practice in Shenzhou Xianyuan, and I will find you when I recover my strength to break the fairyland!"

"Let me try!"

Immediately, he sacrificed the Shenzhou Token, swept away his divine sense, and Ye Yun did not have Tai Dayan's aura, and disappeared cleanly, which proved that Tai Dayan had fallen. I am afraid that the senior management of the Heaven-Defying Academy has also grasped the news.

It's normal for a Shenzhou student to fall during a mission. Tai Dayan completely wiped out his aura by doing this, so that Shenzhou Xianyuan can never track his aura and clear the relationship.

"Brother Tai, that brother will rush to join them first, take care!"

After exchanging pleasantries, Ye Yun pushed with all his strength and disappeared in front of Tai Dayan in an instant.

"I beg you Qianshang... You want to get the 'Jade Immortal Helmet', wishful thinking, it is mine, I want to use it, not only to kill you, but also to destroy Yanjiao, and seize other Jade Immortal artifacts, once I get them all, hum , I don’t have to be intimidated anymore!”

"For me, killing Ye Yun can save me from worrying about the future. However, it is better to keep this person. When he grows up, he can be used by me to restrain Qiu Qianshang..."

"The Hengjing Immortal Jade from the Hungu Continent... Refining you, not only will my skill greatly increase, but I will also be able to integrate the origin of the Taixing plane as soon as possible, as well as this heavenly spirit vein from the Xuanyuan Dojo...haha!"

Tai Dayan had a ferocious face, and grabbed it with his big hand. A piece of constant crystal immortal jade with a diameter of one foot high and a crystal vein with a length of thousands of meters appeared in the crack of the void in an instant. Tai Dayan turned into a rainbow and flew into the crack Disappear.



In the void, above the sea of ​​blood, surging demonic energy was flowing freely, and Demon Venerable Scarlet Cloud was opening his mouth wide to swallow a large amount of magical energy. The bloody sea of ​​demonic energy was sucked into his mouth like a mushroom cloud. At this moment, Ye Yun Coming through the void, seeing Ye Yun, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable laughed embarrassingly.

Ye Yun grabbed it with his hands, and threw a set of interstellar coordinates to Chiyun Mozun: "Chiyun, you have been suppressed for so long, and you don't know anything about the lower realm. This is the star field map of the Thai star plane. Let's go!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable sucked the coordinates into his mouth in one breath, and then said with a grin: "I am too weak now, I must devour the power of hell demons, recover my strength quickly, and strive to return to the fairyland as soon as possible, and seek revenge from the desolate immortal Taishi... ..."

"Then you are lucky!"

Ye Yun smiled mysteriously, which made Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable confused. Ye Yun immediately grabbed a piece of constant crystal immortal jade that contained demonic energy but had a holy crystal luster, and threw it to Chiyun Demon Venerable, "Take it, This is a constant crystal immortal jade named 'Keming Continent'. Keming Continent should be a land of demonic ways. I obtained it unintentionally in a demonic realm. The magic power has been absorbed by me so much that I will give it to you. , once you find the location of the Keming Continent, you can refine the continent and use it as a dojo, which will do twice the result with half the effort for your practice!"

chug chu...

Grasping the Hengjing Immortal Jade, the third eye of the Scarlet Cloud Demon Lord appeared again, the divine light frightened the Hengjing Immortal Jade, and the vertical eye slowly disappeared, while the Hengjing Immortal Jade was beating restlessly, as if afraid of the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable.

"Although the devilish energy is very mixed, the Keming Continent is an ancient continent with the aura of ancient demonic ways... Yes, when I improve my skills a little bit, I can set off to find this continent! Haha!"

Chiyun Demon Venerable seemed to have found the coordinates, and was very satisfied with Keming Continent. He laughed a few times, and opened his mouth to inhale the Hengjing Immortal Jade into his stomach, giving people a creepy feeling, as if he was a living devil, and everything could be taken by him. eat up.

"A very deep cultivation base..."

Although Ye Yun wasn't very surprised on the surface, he was extremely shocked in his heart. If he wanted to use a piece of constant crystal jade to find the Keming Continent, Ye Yun couldn't do it at all. He is a strong man who broke the fairyland. An unknown continent whether drifting or sinking is very difficult, it can be said to be impossible.

But this kind of problem was solved by Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable in minutes. This kind of method is rare in the world. This is enough to show that Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable has the ability to reach the sky and destroy the earth.

Ye Yun said: "During this time, you will temporarily go on the road together as my friend, and when you arrive in the Shenzhou Starfield, you will occupy a good place to practice!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable suddenly waved his hand, and the demonic energy that had become a sea of ​​blood below disappeared instantly. Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable licked his lower lip: "No problem, it's better to be in a place with sufficient energy, or to find some ancient ruins , directly devouring the power of the relic, the effect is the best..."


Raising a fist to shatter the void, Ye Yun rolled up the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable and entered the plane instantly, and began to shuttle.

This is an ancient planet, separated by dozens of planets from the Ancient Continent, facing the central star field of the Thai star plane. And the family is distributed among large and small planets.

The Xuanyuan family established a city on this planet ten thousand years ago. This is another foundation for the Xuanyuan family in other star regions besides the ancient continent.

Xuanyuan Poxin led the people and finally arrived at the city, and Ye Yun and all the disciples of the throne finally completed the mission. , instantly driving the teleportation array to leave the planet, and continuously teleport towards Shenzhou Xianyuan.

"Breaking heart, it's a pity that this plan not only failed to be completed, but also lost the family treasure house!"

"Grandpa Yun, this is irrelevant, because Poxin is already in the dojo and has obtained the real treasure 'Dao Heart' left by the ancestors. With this 'Dao Heart', Poxin will not only break through the Poxian Realm, but also A genius with outstanding aptitude can be promoted step by step, cutting hair and washing marrow, and creating a fairy body!"

In an independent space in the city, there is an ancient formation floating. More than 30 elders of the Xuanyuan clan are releasing the power of the formation, but the space is full of mysterious and simple power. Yun fought side by side, watching calmly as the formation continued to merge with space, creating a mysterious defense.

At this time, Xuanyuan Yun's aura was different than before. This aura was extremely powerful. It seemed that there was supreme power in her body. She looked at Xuanyuan Yun and said, "Poxin intends to provoke some people with extraordinary aptitude. Enter the Shenzhou Xianyuan, broaden your knowledge, and make friends with many forces!"

Xuanyuan Yun agreed: "That's no problem. When Shenzhou Xianyuan was first established, it was assisted by the strong elders of our clan to achieve today's brilliance. It is not a problem for my Xuanyuan clan to enter Shenzhou Xianyuan!"

"Then it's up to me to personally take people to the Shenzhou Starfield..." Xuanyuan Poxin turned around, and with the approval of the Xuanyuan Clan, she turned into a slender figure and disappeared.

A month later, Ye Yun and other students from the Heaven-defying Academy passed through more than ten times of teleportation, and finally successfully teleported to the Shenzhou Starfield. This journey has not encountered any disturbances, which is unexpected.

After arriving in the Shenzhou Starfield, Ye Yun found an excuse to leave with Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, and the rest of the students rushed back to Misty Star Academy to report happily.

"Chi Yun, how about this 'Black Flame Star'?"

At this moment, in the black hole starry sky between the Shenzhou star field and the Gutuo star field, amidst a majestic and misty light, Ye Yunzheng and Chiyun Demon Venerable are standing inside, facing densely packed planets, among them is a jet-black, countless black flame-like The strange crystal wall planet formed deeply attracted Ye Yun's attention.

To find a place for Chiyun Demon Venerable to practice, Shenzhou Xianyuan is definitely not good. With his personality, entering it must be unscrupulous and will cause unexpected troubles. As soon as the higher-ups in Shenzhou find out, they will definitely deal with Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable with all their strength, which is even more unfavorable for Ye Yun.

Although Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable is a Demon Immortal, but now, his strength is less than one ten-thousandth of his heyday. It is still somewhat unrealistic to face the behemoth of Shenzhou Xianyuan.

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable shook his head helplessly, thinking that Mo Yanxing didn't like him: "It's okay... Boss, then I will sneak into the planet and steal the source of devouring. If you encounter any difficulties, call me directly without taking three breaths." , I will definitely show up!"

"it is good!"

Ye Yun nodded, and then heard a sudden sound, Chiyun Mozun turned into a phantom, twisted and rushed towards the magic flame star, completely treating the magic flame star as prey, and Ye Yun also used the Turing power of the great thousand gods to open the hole directly. In the void, one step in, one step out, and a planet with powerful aura has appeared next to Piao Miao Xing.

This planet, named Longyuan Star, together with several planets such as Nine Dragons Spewing Beads, lifted Piao Miao Star high and became the most sacred planet in the Shenzhou Star Field.The reason why Ye Yun didn't directly enter the Piaomiao Star Shenzhou Xianyuan was because he was afraid of the seal of the Piaomiao Star. It was a large formation arranged by countless fairylands. It is through the teleportation array on several big planets around Piao Miao Star to enter and leave the fairy courtyard and star field.

Finding an uninhabited place, Ye Yun immediately burst out of the sky and appeared in a city alley in Longyuan Star. Longyuan Star is huge, one-third of the area of ​​Piaomiao Star, and Longyuan Star has no imperial establishment. This is under the direct jurisdiction of Shenzhou Xianyuan, and the defenders of each city are disciples of Shenzhou Xianyuan.

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