The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 267 The Threat Appears

"The pool of blood is about to shatter, she is really there..."

As a burst of bubbles spewed out a bottomless pool of strange blood, Ye Yun looked up and saw Xuanyuan Poxin sitting cross-legged in the center of an ancient formation, offering a Dao Heart, releasing the power of Dao Heart to destroy The ancient formation controlled by her below.

This ancient large formation contains the atmosphere of the Great Formation of the Reincarnation River, in which everything emerges endlessly, such as fierce and rushing rivers, falling meteorites, burning seas of fire, unmelting snowfields, and huge seas of blood. Released, continuously spewing out strange shapes of power, shooting into Xuanyuan Cave Mansion.

The formation began to shatter, and outside Xuanyuan Cave, a huge sealed sphere filled with the mottled luster of ancient times gradually became more and more densely cracked. As Xuanyuan Poxin continued to cast mysterious spells, various strange forces continued to surge from all directions. Entering the sealed sphere, the entire Xuanyuan Taoist Temple will be shattered, explode, and disappear forever.

Xuanyuan Poxin inherited Xuanyuan Ancestor Dojo, and has the method to control the dojo. Unfortunately, her cultivation base is too weak. Now, in order to prevent the family treasure house from being taken away by outsiders, she has to destroy it. I am extremely reluctant to give up, and feel more uncomfortable than anyone else. Losing the treasure house, it is almost impossible to revitalize the family.

"You...can actually escape from the hands of the devil?"

Xuanyuan Poxin's eyes were cold, and a few drops of sweat protruded from her brows, as if she was about to be destroyed together with Xuanyuan Taoist Temple. Suddenly, she felt a strange movement around her, and she turned her head to look, both surprised and delighted.

"Under the blood pool, there is no demon at all, but an ancient magical power is sealed!"

Ye Yun didn't want outsiders to know the existence of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable. Chiyun Demon Venerable was Ye Yun's winning weapon. He just made an excuse and briefly mentioned the matter of the blood pool. Then he stretched out his hand and pressed Xuanyuan Poxin's shoulder. Persuading: "Leave here, you have changed history, the people there are extremely powerful, if you don't hesitate to consume your origin, it will cause irreparable damage to your practice."

In fact, Ye Yun saw her dharma seals, and the power she sacrificed has already surpassed her own power. Now she is burning the golden core, burning the source, and she will burn her life and fall with Xuanyuan Daochang.

It's not worth it to fight the enemy like this. Moreover, it may not be able to kill the mysterious venerable. In the end, what he did was impulsive and confused his mind.

"To hell together, so what?"

Xuanyuan Poxin glanced coldly, without luster. At this moment, no one could know how she felt. The loneliness and helplessness made her deny her existence.

"Since you are determined to destroy this place, I will help you..."

Ye Yun suddenly took a step forward, urging the Taiyi Divine Furnace, and it started to burn, and the Great Qiantu Turing began to release power, pouring into Ye Yun's body, Ye Yun separated his hands, and immediately grabbed Void, and shot a blow towards Void Dao Dharma Seal, a breath of nothingness out of the plane, was released from Ye Yun's body.

Xuanyuan Poxin was trembling with the mysterious and cold plane atmosphere around him: "What are you going to do? Hmph, this place is completely sealed by the Great Formation of the Samsara River. You are not the one who controls it and cannot be destroyed. You..."

"Planar storm, let's all enter!"

Utilizing the power of Daqian Shentu Turing, a crack in space was torn above Xuanyuan Daochang, and then, using the power of Shentu, began to capture storms. , the interstellar storm can destroy any meteorite, matter.

Many immortals, even immortals, dare not travel through the plane at will, because they are afraid of the terrifying storm that exists in the plane. Once they encounter it, they will instantly turn into dust and fall into the plane.

Continents and planets are nothing but constant sand in the planes, and there are countless planes in the interstellar world, and there are vast star fields in the planes. In the planes and star fields, the storms of the planes are violent and can destroy A continent, a planet, or even a huge storm can destroy a small plane.

"Storm, astral plane storm... how can you control this kind of power!"

Xuanyuan Poxin saw storms pouring into Xuanyuan Taoist field, and immediately shocked Ye Yun as a heavenly man. Ye Yun's deeds, his supernatural powers, completely let Xuanyuan Poxin know that there are people outside the human world. It is impossible to do it, and the legendary immortal is also impossible.

Dominating the plane storm is unheard of.


Suddenly, more than a dozen plane storms entered Xuanyuan Dojo, just a dojo, and it can’t compare with your meteorites, continents, and planets in the plane. Plane storms can destroy even planets, and a dojo is nothing to worry about Suddenly, the plane storm began to spread in Xuanyuan Taoist Temple, spinning rapidly, expanding continuously, like a whirlpool, swallowing Xuanyuan Taoist Temple bit by bit, and all substances, including immortal stones and immortal artifacts, were turned into powder under the force of the storm.

"Go, the power of the plane is about to explode, and this sea of ​​blood will be destroyed by the power of the storm of the plane..."

At a glance, a black galaxy vortex appeared in Xuanyuan Taoist Temple. The storm dominated the vortex. It started from the center of the Taoist temple and continued to expand. All matter, including many immortal artifacts, were being smashed into pieces, let alone a weak mortal.

With a whoosh, Ye Yun dragged the astonished Xuanyuan Poxin, and once again cast the power of the Great Thousand Gods Map Turing, broke through the space, entered the void, shuttled and disappeared.

"Plane storm... He actually has the ability to break through the crystal wall of the planet. In this lower realm, although the crystal wall of the planet is very fragile, it still needs the strength of a fairy to shuttle..."

Suddenly, the entire blood pool sank into the black void, and an astonishing black shadow came from the abyss to the void where Ye Yun disappeared. Blooming hair, but the eyes are gloomy and gloomy, just one look makes people hairy.

With a sweep of the magic light, a look of disdain appeared on Leng Sensen's face, and his eyes fell on Xuanyuan Taoist Temple, which was torn apart by the storm in the plane, and the power of the storm seeped out from the cracks in the seal. The cultivation base has not recovered even one ten-thousandth of what it used to be, otherwise, this ruined dojo and the mainland will be swallowed alive in one breath, and refined... Jie Jie!"


Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable had an icy air of nothingness all over his body, turned around and stepped into the void, disappearing.


After ten breaths, Xuanyuan Dojo became a black planet that existed like a star field. The destructive power of the plane directly broke through the cracks in the sealed dojo, and the light of destruction shot out one after another. Then, the whole dojo stopped suddenly, and then, with a click, The dojo was instantly shattered, and a huge explosion exploded from the inside. The dojo was instantly turned into powder in the flames of the explosion, and the sea of ​​blood was swallowed up one by one by the force of the explosion, turning the world upside down.

The explosive power of the plane forms a huge tornado, which rises continuously from the bottom, and all substances, whether it is sea water, reincarnation rivers, or rocks, are all swallowed by the tornado.

Above the sea of ​​blood, a destructive tornado suddenly rushed out of the calm sea, and the terrifying force evaporated the blood-red sea water, turning it into demonic energy, soaring into the sky.

"Cough cough... hateful Xuanyuan Poxin, Venerable, don't worry, I will definitely kill her!"

Suddenly... two figures appeared on the ground, they were Qiu Qianshang and Xuanyuan Xiaojian.

On the surface, Qiu Qianshang looked nothing out of the ordinary, but the palm of his hand had bloody holes, which shows that it took a lot of effort to escape from the storm in the plane, and when Xuanyuan Xiaojian appeared, he was full of anger , He was covered in wounds, deep bones were visible, and blood flowed horizontally.

"A woman, forget it, don't waste your energy... I didn't expect that Patriarch Xuanyuan really had the means to control the storm in the plane. This time, he almost capsized in the gutter!"

Qiu Qianshang's breathing gradually calmed down, and the bloody mouth on the palm was also fused with true energy, and the bloody mouth began to grow and heal. As expected of a fairy, the recovery power of the fairy body is so amazing.

Xuanyuan Xiaojian looked at the sea of ​​blood being destroyed by the power of the tornado with horrified eyes, looked at Qiu Qianshang, and asked respectfully: "My lord, you have obtained the entire dojo, what should we do next?"

"The deity will use the resources of the dojo to start building sub-altars, but the most important thing is to deal with Tai Dayan. If this person is not eliminated, he will always be a serious problem!"

Qiu Qianshang flashed a killing intent, which made Xuanyuan Xiaojian tremble. As expected of an immortal, the Tongtian Realm couldn't resist at all. Qiu Qianshang pondered for a moment and said: "From now on, your task is to lead the people who are lurking in Shenzhou Xianyuan believers, deal with Tedayan..."

"Tedayen... who the hell is he!?"

After listening for a long time, Xuanyuan Xiaojian didn't hear the truth at all, and he probably knew that the person Qiu Qianshang was determined to kill must be extraordinary.

Qiu Qianshang said: "This person is a descendant of the Tai family, the descendant of the great ancestor. When the Tai family was destroyed by the sect, he was escaped by this kid, and even came to the lower realm, trying to destroy the plan of the deity. If this person is not eliminated, It is always a ticking time bomb, but you don’t have to worry, Tai Dayan’s deity was seriously injured by me in the fairy world. Now he is just a clone with the strength of Tongtianjing. The deity will bestow you with many magic weapons, and let the disciples cooperate with you. They are all taller than you, killing a Tai Dayan should not be a problem, if you do this well, then the deity will personally take you up to the fairy world, reshape the fairy body for you, and attain the Tao!"

"As long as it is an enemy of our sect... the subordinates will definitely try their best to destroy it!" Xuanyuan Xiaojian said solemnly, not afraid of Tai Dayan from the fairy world at all.

"Among the many latent believers, there is also an emissary with the same status as you. This person has a special physique and is unknown. He has a deep scheming and great potential. I will inform him to contact you. It is very difficult to deal with Tedayan , the two of you cooperate to have a chance to kill him!"

After finishing speaking, Qiu Qianshang grasped Xuanyuan Xiaojian like a chick like an invincible ancient giant, and grabbed Xuanyuan Xiaojian in the palm of his hand. Xuanyuan Xiaojian was so frightened that Xuanyuan Xiaojian trembled, and Qiu Qianshang hooked five fingers to release the invincible The edge, the martial arts pointing edge hooked out five ancient and heavy forces, like a viper burrowing into Xuanyuan Xiaojian's head.

" body is about to explode!!"

Instilled with the power of the heavy five fingers, Xuanyuan Xiaojian screamed, his eyeballs were so protruding that they were about to explode, filled with streaks of blood, a large amount of blood oozed from his pupils, mouth, nose, and ears, and his body trembled violently , waving his hands helplessly towards the void.

Qiu Qianshang, no matter how painful he was, his five fingers continued to expand and close, and the five fingers released a force that surpassed the mortal aura, continuously pouring into Xuanyuan Xiaojian's head, and then directly reaching the physical body, dantian, from the inside to the outside, began to crackle and explode The sound, inch by inch of blood overflowed from the pores, shocking to the eye, the pain made Xuanyuan Xiaojian howl and cry.

Qiu Qianshang suddenly withdrew his hand: "This deity personally cuts your hair and washes your marrow, transforms your body, and improves your cultivation. You now have the peak strength of the Heavenly Realm, and you will be able to break through the Immortal Realm within a thousand years!"

"Thank you, my lord!!"

Xuanyuan Xiaojian's excitement is beyond words. His cultivation level goes directly from the seventh level of the sky to the tenth level of the sky. It takes only ten breaths. If it depends on practice, it will take at least thousands or tens of thousands of years to reach it. Xuanyuan Xiaojian is like a beggar. Putting on the emperor's new clothes, the whole person is full of air.

And not only is his cultivation skyrocketing, the most important thing is that Xuanyuan Xiaojian absorbs Qiu Qianshang's spirit energy in his body, and uses the spirit energy to cut his hair and wash his marrow, which is equivalent to directly helping him build a foundation and achieve a fairy body. He is still at the Heaven-reaching Realm, but his physique is already at the level of the Immortal-shattering realm. Once he steps into the Immortal-shattering realm, he will be several times stronger than the average Immortal-shattering powerhouse.

"When you can successfully kill Tai Dayan, the deity will take you into the fairy world and worship religion!" Qiu Qianshang smiled coldly, with the corners of his mouth curled up in disdain.

It is easy for Qiu Qianshang to transform a mortal's physique. However, a person like him will not give benefits in vain. Once he gives something but does not get what he wants, Xuanyuan Xiaojian will end up miserable.

Xuanyuan Xiaojian didn't get cheap and good-looking, and still stood honestly beside Qiu Qianshang. He was very clear that Qiu Qianshang could change him and destroy him. Knowing this, Xuanyuan Xiaojian kept silent and asked: " Venerable Sir, who is the emissary you asked me to meet? Is he also a student of Shenzhou Immortal Academy?"

Qiu Qianshang smiled mysteriously: "He comes from a low-level continent called Shenzhou. Thousands of years ago, he became the emperor's student of Shenzhou Xianyuan. He has special aptitude, and he will break through the Immortal Realm at any time..."

"Could it be Ditian..."

Xuanyuan Xiaojian was startled suddenly, and blurted out, from the mainland of China, a peerless genius, a distinguished student of the Shenzhou Xianyuan, who ruled the emperor star, possessed the demeanor of a king, possessed all strength, bottomless, and unknown genius, Ditian.

However, facing Xuanyuan Xiaojian's question, Qiu Qianshang smiled and said nothing, grabbed Xuanyuan Xiaojian and stepped into the crystal wall of the ancient continent.

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