The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 274 Goodbye Xue Mengyao

Xue Mengyao stepped into the Shenzhou Xianyuan in a fairyland, and was hand-picked by the Shenzhou Xianyuan, and her income was exceptional, even in the Shenzhou Xianyuan, which is full of talents, it is very rare.

In just a few short years, Xue Mengyao has become a student of the throne, her cultivation has skyrocketed, she has stepped from the first level of human immortality to the high level of human immortality, and she is also a key student trained by Shenzhou Xianyuan.

After several years of polishing, time did not leave age marks on Xue Mengyao's face. On the contrary, it gave her more calmness and spirituality. In a few years, Yao has become a well-known beauty in Shenzhou Xianyuan.

"The spring and autumn in the world are like dreams, and when you wake up from the dream, people are right and wrong..."

On Xue Mengyao's glamorous face, there was a faint brilliance, like a thousand years of shock, calm, but full of amazement everywhere, the brilliance scattered the momentum like ice and snow.

"Junior Sister Mengyao, hurry up and gather, the new disciples of Nitian Academy have also rushed over."

Suddenly, at some point in the corridor, a young woman in golden cloud Taoist robe appeared. This woman was about 25 years old. She approached from a distance, seemingly slowly, but between parts, it was downsized, and a snow dream appeared in the blink of an eye. Yao's side.


Xue Mengyao stepped forward step by step, walking side by side with the honorable woman, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

In Jietian Temple Square, more than 30 newly promoted students gathered together. Each student has a different expression, some are excited, some are jealous, some are crazy, some are indifferent, and all kinds of characters. All of them are arrogant.

Soon the high-level officials of Shenzhou Xianyuan finally appeared. These high-level people were all high-level or even consummated figures in the sky-reaching realm, and each student was a famous figure. Almost tens of thousands of people gathered together, and the momentum was like a rainbow.


Suddenly, all the high-ranking disciples gave way from the center, and ten students wearing white cloud star robes came directly from the void. This is not a leap, but a shuttle through the void. Inside Misty Star, there is only a tunnel built by the supreme powerhouse of Shenzhou Xianyuan.

These void tunnels are actually similar to the teleportation array tunnels, and in Misty Star, there are dense void passages everywhere. These passages can only be mastered by students who break the fairyland.

"Breaking the Immortal Realm... Immortal student!"

In the sea of ​​people, in an inconspicuous corner on the edge, Ye Yun stood at the end, unlike other people who were silent, but directly released his spiritual thoughts, felt every move of the higher-ups, and did not worry about being discovered by the powerhouse who broke the fairyland. Entering the fairyland, he has surpassed ordinary people in all aspects and reached indescribable heights.

"As expected of a fairy student..."

Within a short time of familiarity, ten Poxian students, the supremely strong, walked out of the tunnel, and waves of Poxian aura were released like mountains and seas, overwhelming tens of thousands of students, and the 30 new students in the square below were also Due to the huge impact, many students were almost suffocated, their heartbeats were about to explode, and they were extremely uncomfortable.

"This momentum is nothing to me..."

With a light grasp, the ferocious immortal aura was sucked into the Shenluo domain, and then instantly suppressed by the powerful force of the Shenluo domain, and then refined, and took it as his own. In an instant, an energy approaching the immortal stone aura spread throughout Ye Yun Flesh body: "The power of breaking the fairyland is really extraordinary. If I can get a broken fairyland corpse, it can directly let me break through the fifth level of human immortality..."

Looking at the ten students who broke the fairyland, Ye Yun actually felt greedy, that spiritual thought was like a hungry wolf, and the ten students who broke the fairyland were like chickens.

Next, the respected student representatives read out the detailed rules of the new students' experience and exchange event. After that, a beam of rainbow light suddenly came from the sky, and then a student who broke the fairyland grabbed it in his hand, and then announced the start of the event.

Ten students who broke the fairyland joined hands to cast the ancient magic seal. Immediately afterwards, a huge ancient formation appeared in the sky above the square, and a whirlpool began to descend, and the distinguished disciple took the lead to fly into the whirlpool. 30 disciples immediately flew up, one after another. A large vortex formation flying into the endless abyss.

As for the ten students who broke the fairyland, they summoned the passage directly like a horse watching flowers, and they didn't know where they went, but the Jietian Temple suddenly became empty, empty, and a full 30 students left Piao Miao in an instant. star.

Yunfu Star is located in the center of the three star fields of Shenzhou, Tianjun, and Gutuo. This central star field is actually gloomy and dull. Dozens of planets are floating in the star field. Among them, there is one star that is releasing dazzling brilliance at this moment. , the three rays of light are respectively connected to the three star fields of Shenzhou, Tianjun, and Gutuo.

And from the three major radiances, one by one students can be seen entering Yunfu Star from the three major star domains. After about ten breaths, the three radiances will dim.

"What a big formation, this Yunfuxing actually arranges such a big formation..."

Just stepped into Yunfuxing, and as soon as his feet touched the ground, Ye Yun felt the breath of the entire Yunfuxing. The aura is not enough, and three huge void forces extend from the three star fields of Shenzhou, Tianjun, and Gutuo, and directly control it. The clouds and floating stars form a star array that cannot be penetrated by the naked eye.

"Look, that's a student from Gutuo Xianyuan..."

"There are also students from Tianjunxianyuan, damn it, they are all our enemies!"

In the ancient void, 30 new students from Shenzhou had just arrived at Yunfuxing through the tunnel, and before taking a few breaths, they found that the dark clouds and mist had dispersed, and a group of people appeared on the left and right sides.

On the left is a student of Tianjun Immortal Academy wearing a bright red Taoist robe.

On the right is a student of Gutuo Xianyuan wearing a dark green Taoist robe.

The people from the two sides were densely packed, and the clouds and sky were broken. The new students of Tianjun and Gutuo, the two great fairy schools, were unexpectedly much more than the new students of the Shenzhou fairy school.

"Gutuo Immortal Academy... Tianjun Immortal Academy..."

In Yunfuxing, there is no fairyland-breaking powerhouse at all, only the distinguished students of the three great fairy schools hidden in the crystal wall formation of the planet, so Ye Yun has no scruples, releases the divine light, and sweeps the two big fairy schools: "Tianjun Immortal Courtyard... Hmph, I once beheaded a female student in Tianmangxing, and today I don't know how many strong people will die at my hands..."

Swish swish!

At the time of the meeting, all the new disciples of the three great immortals wanted to be one step ahead, to find the masters of the three great immortals, hidden in the depths of Yunfuxing, and to win a copy of the decree, which would be considered as completing the task.

The main task of this new student experience and exchange event is to find the [-] dharma decrees hidden by the masters of the three immortal courtyards on Yunfuxing. Whoever gets the most dharma decrees will be the first. No one knows that those masters who hide the decree have their memories wiped out, so no one knows where the Ten Thousand Dao decrees are.

In addition, there is a time requirement for finding the decree. For three years, each student only has three years of opportunity. As long as he obtains a decree within three years, he can come out in advance. And within these three years, no one can count how many people were killed and how many people survived.

Boom boom boom...

Suddenly, a piece of Tongtian Lingshi slowly descended from the void of Yunfuxing. Millions of names were written on the Tongtian Lingshi. The name will disappear, and whoever gets a decree, the name will take the initiative to rise to the top, and the person who has won more decrees will be ranked higher.

"I don't know what kind of genius will emerge this time!"

In the Yunfu Star Crystal Wall, there are three camps. In each camp, there are tens of thousands of disciples sitting in the town, and there is even a breath of breaking the fairyland. There are also some spirits that break the fairyland and put them in the crystal wall array, in order to wait for the birth of genius seedlings, and the three major fairy houses are waiting for the results.

I don't know which disciple from the Three Immortal Academy will win No. 1 in this grand training event.

"Sure enough, the aura of corpses is overwhelming, and the corpses are like mountains..."

Turning into a phantom from the void, it fell straight down to the ancient earth from the nine heavens. As soon as it landed, it was discovered that there were bones everywhere. They were all disciples of the three great immortals. It seemed that countless new disciples fell here and turned into bones.

"It's a pity that they are all turned into bones. Otherwise, if so many corpses are absorbed and refined by me, I don't know how much my cultivation will be improved!"

Ye Yun shook his head in disappointment. Facing the corpses scattered all over the place, Ye Yun didn't even blink his eyes. That's how cultivation works, if you don't succeed, you will turn into bones.


Just when Ye Yun was about to release the powerful primordial spirit, and sensed where the hundred thousand decrees were, suddenly, a burst of true energy flew towards Ye Yun from the void behind, and that true energy turned into a starlight. This starlight, extremely holy, released the angel In the holy light, the figure of Xue Mengyao gradually appeared.

"Junior Sister Xue, I haven't seen you for a long time..."

Ye Yun raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, turned around, and saw Xue Mengyao walking out of the holy light and falling silently onto the dead ground.

"Indeed, I haven't seen you in a few years. I didn't expect you to join the Shenzhou Xianyuan and become a disciple of the throne!"

Seeing Ye Yun wearing the same yellow cloud Taoist robe as herself, Xue Mengyao was only slightly startled, as if everything was within her expectations, even so, now that Ye Yun's identity was confirmed, Xue Mengyao's heart still stirred up layers of waves.

A sneer flashed across Ye Yun's face, and when he saw Xue Mengyao again, he didn't feel the slightest disturbance: "In your eyes, you probably didn't expect that I would become a student of Shenzhou Xianyuan, right?"

"I don't want to argue with you. The purpose of coming to you today is to hope that you don't fight against Ditian. I know your character well. You joined Shenzhou Xianyuan mainly because you want to use the identity of Shenzhou Xianyuan as a talisman. Di Tian can't openly deal with you!"

Blasts of cold air flashed like Huaguang in Xue Mengyao's eyes, Xue Mengyao said indifferently: "This plan is indeed very clever, but you underestimate Ditian, how many minions he has in this Shenzhou fairy courtyard, You and Ditian, you can't beat him at all, I hope you leave now, don't provoke Ditian again, and seek your own death!"

"Seek your own way!"

With a disdainful smile, he saw through the sky, and slowly looked at Xue Mengyao: "My life and death are none of your business, and my life and death are in my own hands, not anyone who wants to take it away, even the emperor God, it’s not good, come to me for such a thing, Junior Sister Xue, it’s too worthless!"

" are really arrogant. In short, this is the last time I see you. Also, Ditian's minions have infiltrated into Yunfuxing. If you want to deal with you, be careful!"

Xue Mengyao glared, scolded Ye Yun, turned her head and flew away in anger, and quickly disappeared into the depths of the clouds, not knowing where she went.

"Oh... It's a little surprising that Yao Miao and Utona actually want to use the new students to deal with me in Yunfuxing. It really is a good way to kill me openly here without taking responsibility. It is really cruel and merciless. They are powerful people in the Heaven-reaching Realm, so they will be embedded in the Shenluo Domain and be nailed to it forever, knowing that they will be refined by me!"

For the enemy, Ye Yun is never merciless, he comes to kill as many as possible, and also refines all the corpses of the enemy to become a great tonic for stepping into a high realm. Thinking of this, Ye Yun smiled secretly, and then looked towards the endless Go wild.


A few days later, Ye Yun came to a desert. This desert could not be seen to the end. The grains of sand were not yellow, but black. It was an ancient black sand desert.

"Under this desert, there are ten decrees, but there are many traps, and many traps have been secretly laid by high-level powerhouses in the Heaven-reaching Realm..."

Standing in the desert, I felt an invisible evil energy devouring the rare spiritual energy of the world. Under the desert, there seemed to be some terrifying existence.

"Well, the students from Gutuo Fairy Academy are here!"

With a snort, Ye Yun immediately escaped into the desert, a hundred meters deep from the ground, and then released his divine light, seeing hundreds of Gutuo Xianyuan students wearing dark green Taoist robes flying from the west. Overbearing, all of them are students of the Holy Throne, the Throne, and a few students of the Throne.

Falling into the desert, the leader is a dark green Taoist robe. This person has two more belts than others, a total of three belts, which means that he is a student of the emperor.

"I have already received the information, and I can sense the aura of the decree. There must be a decree hidden under this black sand desert. Fortunately, Tianjun and the students of Shenzhou Xianyuan did not get it first. Junior brothers, let's go!"

With a big wave of his hand, the imperial student led hundreds of students from Gutuo Xianyuan, piercing into the Heisha Desert like sword lights, stirring up streams of sand.

"There are so many monks in the fairyland, plus a few low-level monks in the sky-reaching realm, and they can save a lot of power in the Shenluo domain..."

Turning into a shadow, Ye Yun quietly followed the students of Gutuo Xianyuan and descended towards the abyss of the desert.

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