The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 273 The Eve of the Grand Event


When the purple thunder dragon was shattered by the golden silk rain sword energy, everyone immediately felt the powerful aura from Gong Jiantongtian's third-order, collapsed and disappeared, and there was a low humming in the void, shaking many holy students. It is the Tongtian mirror that dissipates the momentum, and it also makes people feel uncomfortable in the fairyland.

The aura of a high realm is often like the law of catastrophe, oppressing low-level monks. If Gong Jian's aura is stronger, it can even directly crush the monks in the fairyland.


Gong Jian, who had been in constant shock, felt Ye Yun's bottomless depth at the moment when the purple thunder light dissipated. It was impossible for him to break through his evolution of powerful qigong so easily, even if he was at the first or second level of Tongtian. Jian was so confident in himself that at this moment, he disappeared without a trace.

Taking a breath, Gong Jian was extremely surprised, but his face remained calm. As a student of the Tongtian Realm Emperor, he could not be wronged by others, so he could only bear with it, and said to Ye Yun: "Junior Brother Ye, good job!" So, please make a move!"

"Ni Tian Yuan has always been united with the outside world, but there are also minor disputes, but it does not hurt the fundamentals. If the Ni Tian Yuan is too tyrannical, I am afraid that it will be excluded and isolated..."

In an instant, Ye Yun's thoughts were very deep. After thinking twice, Ye Yun first bowed his hands to Gong Jian, and then began to make a series of mysterious seals with both hands, which dazzled everyone, especially Gong Jian and some of the emperor's students. Unexpectedly, Ye Yun had mastered such a mysterious seal.

"Purgatory Absolute Yin Tower, knot!"

In less than three breaths, Ye Yun raised his hand to the sky, and a ten-foot-high Purgatory Tower of Absolute Yin came roaring to crush the void. Ancient, revealing a sacred atmosphere.

"It's also a set of extraordinary qigong..."

Many imperial students also released their divine light and looked over. They were very surprised when they saw the Tower of Absolute Yin in Purgatory. But it can make the ordinary qigong of the Purgatory Absolute Yin Tower become extraordinary, which is not something ordinary people can do.

The other saint and throne students were also surprised and speechless. Ye Yun's methods have surpassed the realm of human fairyland, and he is approaching the realm of heaven. It seems that becoming a student of the throne is easy.

"Lei Jun's way of the sword!"

With a big wave of his sleeves, Gong Jian took a step back, pushed his hands violently, and bursts of fierce, aggressive thunder and light sword energy shot out from the void, heading towards the Purgatory Yin Tower, one after another. In an instant, the sky was filled with the tyrannical aura of the Tongtian Realm.

Dangdang Dangdang!

A series of lightning swords slammed into the Purgatory's Absolute Yin Tower, but it was as if it was on a solid metal, and there was a deafening impact. More than a dozen thunders and swords slammed down one after another, shaking the Purgatory's Absolute Yin Tower to roar and vibrate. Sigh, a streak of thunder and light sword energy hit the Tower of Absolute Yin in Purgatory, and instantly bounced in all directions, making the Tower of Absolute Yin in Purgatory a round of holy days in the void, which was extremely generous.


Under the bombardment of more than a dozen thunderbolts and sword qi, the Purgatory Absolute Yin Tower finally couldn't resist. It roared and shook a few times, and then there was a shattering sound. Before everyone's eyes, countless cracks appeared on the surface of the Purgatory Absolute Yin Tower, and suddenly... Another fierce thunder and sword energy shot straight at the Tower of Absolute Yin in Purgatory.


The tip of the Lei Guang Jian Qi sword is extremely sharp, releasing the chaotic sharp edge, inserting it straight into a crack, and then like a watermelon falling to the ground, the Purgatory Tower of Absolute Yin exploded, reduced to fragments, sparks shot out, and shot into the void, The lightning sword cyclone immediately exploded, crushing all the fragments.

Hissing... One by one, the crumbs began to fall like raindrops, making a rustling sound, all over the sky, as if the sky was full of stars shining dazzlingly.

clang clang...

After the Purgatory Absolute Yin Tower exploded and disappeared, Ye Yun seemed unable to bear it. He backed up three steps, swayed a few times, and then stopped, barely holding on, and saluted Gong Jian: "Senior Brother, you are not an opponent!" !"

"Junior brother is not easy. It seems that promotion to the throne disciple is a sure thing. Senior brother congratulates junior brother in advance..." Gong Jian smiled slightly, raising his hands and feet to show the demeanor of a student of the throne.

"Just now, everyone saw that although the two evolved qigong, they were both broken by the other party, but Junior Brother Ye let Junior Brother Gong make two shots in turn before they were broken. It seems that Junior Brother Ye is the one who is superior!"

"I didn't expect one Tai Dayan to disappear, and another Ye Yun to appear. From now on, the Guardian Academy will be full of excitement!"

Those emperor students who had been as quiet as the pine trees had never moved, but at this moment, everyone was communicating in secret.

Compared with these unpredictable emperor students, those who witnessed Ye Yun and Gong Jian's astonishing methods all shocked Ye Yun as a celestial being. In Shenzhou Xianyuan, there has never been such a pervert leapfrogging against a genius of more than ten levels.

Undoubtedly, Ye Yun let the world witness this impossible thing.


Suddenly, a crashing sound of an immemorial bell rang out from the sky above Jiushi Peak. Hundreds of thousands of students quieted down instantly, and all of them raised their heads to look at the easternmost palace of Jiushi Peak. All of them are respected and powerful members of the Heaven-Defying Academy.

So many high-ranking powerhouses of the Heaven-reaching Realm appeared together, and their aura was so powerful that a hundred thousand students didn't dare to come out, and they stayed in place like mice.

The leader is Hong Sheng who is in charge of daily affairs, and there are dozens of honorable students of the same status. Behind them are people of the seventh, eighth or even ninth ranks of the sky, and the powerful and frightening Yan Shiniang. Among them, although she is at the eighth level of Tongtian, her aura is very empty. It can be seen that Yan Shiniang's cultivation base has approached the peak of Tongtian.

"Ten Niang, this year's new disciples are all in good spirits!"

In the center surrounded by Yan Shiniang and all the strong men, an old man wearing a golden robe inlaid with a white cloud pattern, with just a slight sweep of the divine light, seemed to see through the [-] disciples in the square, and then said to Yan Shiniang.

This old man, with a dignified and calm appearance, released an astonishing aura like a rainbow. His cultivation was actually the highest level of the tenth level of the Tongtian Realm.

The tenth level of the Tongtian Realm is only one step away from the Immortal Realm. He is already standing in front of the gate of mortals and immortals.

Yan Shiniang said very politely: "Senior Brother Wan, this group of students is really good, and many of them are talented!"

A wrinkle suddenly appeared in the corner of Senior Brother Wan's eyes, and he looked towards the square below: "I heard that a while ago, two new students who were admitted to the hospital actually refined the Nirvana Dojo. A genius who fell during the mission, what a pity..."

"The matter of that disciple's demise has been investigated clearly. It is rumored that it was a strong man from the Tsar's Starfield who joined forces to kill him. The abominable Tsar, he is a strong man who broke the fairyland. Immortal Court will not suppress him for a new disciple. We It was not easy for the Nitian Academy to produce a seedling, but it was caught by the supreme master..."

Yan Shiniang shook her head and sighed, she seemed to be very clear about Tai Dayan's fall, but although her face was full of murderous intent, she was very helpless.

"People are dead, forget it!"

Senior Brother Wan flicked his sleeves lightly, and hundreds of respected experts from the Nitian Academy immediately landed in the sky above the thousand-meter-high floating square. Facing hundreds of thousands of students, Hongsheng took the lead in introducing each of the respected experts one by one. Finally, he introduced to Senior Brother Wan very respectfully: "This is one of the principals of our Nitian Academy, Mr. Wan Yuntong Wan, and Senior Brother Wan and Senior Sister Yan will be in charge of the experience exchange competition of the Three Great Immortal Academy. , I invite Senior Brother Wan to speak!"

Taking a big step forward, in the eyes of countless people, Wan Yuntong's step almost crossed the gap between heaven and earth, making the sky bow his head and ears, and Wan Yuntong overlooked a hundred thousand students: "Dear new students, this year's new student experience exchange event , It was an unprecedented grand occasion. There were more than 20 students from the Nitian Academy and 30 students from the General Academy. This time, a total of [-] new students from the Academy joined the grand event, which was more than ever before. The number of newly recruited students from the two major immortal academies, Gutuo and Gutuo, is also the largest in history, and millions of students from the three major immortal academies gather together to experience in the "Yunfuxing" in the three major star fields!"

"Millions of people attended..."

In the square, one hundred thousand students uttered shocking sounds almost at the same time, all of them looked terrified and excited, as if they were rushing for the new students' experience exchange event.

Of course, everyone understands that the new students experience and exchange event is a once-in-a-lifetime shortcut to a blockbuster.


The aloof Wan Yuntong seemed to see through the eyes and small actions of a hundred thousand disciples, and he said in a cold voice: "Don't be too ambitious, the experience and exchange event is not a chance to become famous in one fell swoop. , as a senior, as a senior, as an elder, I have to warn you that in all the new student experience and exchange events in the past, less than one percent of the total number of people can leave alive. There are only 10 people who come down, and the rest of the students will all perish, and among your [-] students, there are only a few thousand of them..."


Almost at the same moment, one hundred thousand students were silent like cicadas, shivering all over their bodies, their hearts were cold to the bottom, their bodies were icy cold, their hairs stood on end, and even their breathing was frozen.

Cruel, this is too cruel, it is a living elimination, survival of the fittest, this is the law of survival.

It seems that every student did not expect that the new student experience and exchange event would be so tragic and ruthless. This is not a grand event, it is just like endless death.

"very good……"

Wan Yuntong nodded lightly, and continued: "It seems that you all understand. As a senior, I want to tell you ruthlessly that in fact, the new student experience and exchange event is a competition for the survival of the fittest, but the result is not you being eliminated, but It is ruthless to be assassinated by other immortals or even by their companions. However, those who can survive are the elites among the elites, who will be vigorously cultivated by the academy and rewarded with various magic weapons. Get a fairy artifact, and countless spirit stones, and as for the top three, there will also be fairy-level qigong!"

Immortal Artifact, Immortal Qigong!

For a moment, all the students who had lost their fighting spirit and confidence regained their vitality and ignited their passion. Immortal artifacts and immortal qigong are the treasures that every monk dreams of.

Immortal Artifacts and Immortal-level qigong are infinitely attractive, which made hundreds of thousands of students, who were frightened at first, but now they are all eager to try, flocking to them. This is the greed of human nature. Apart from greed, there is no choice but to take the initiative. Abstaining from voting, you don't need to participate in the experience exchange event, but leave Shenzhou Xianyuan directly.

If you do this, all the hard work you did to get into the Shenzhou Xianyuan will be in vain.

"We honorable students have come here step by step, and I don't need to explain anything else, let's go, go to the Holy Land of Heretics, meet Tianfeng and meet other students!"

With a swipe of his hand, Wan Yuntong took hundreds of students and flew towards Jietian Peak, the holy place of heretics. One hundred thousand new disciples in the square flew out of the Manggu Mountains with the honored legion, aiming at Jietian Peak, the holy place of heretics.

Connect to Tianfeng, connect to Tiandian.

At this moment, 20 new disciples gathered from all directions in the square of the main hall, and countless students of the throne and honor were presiding over the order. Xuan Shaoming led Huang Yike and other students to take charge of one side of the square.

Here, you can meet people who are difficult to see in normal times, and a small number of them are honored students of the Holy Land of the Inside Way. The Holy Land of the Inside Way is completely different from the Holy Land of the Outer Way. Dozens of times as many as outsider holy places, insider holy place students, all of them are elites among the elites.

Compared with Nitianyuan, the same is the honorable student of the sixth-level cultivation of Tongtian, while the honorable student of the Holy Land of the Inside Dao is several times stronger than the sixth-level student of the Holy Land of the Outer Way. There are many reasons. The bottom line is, It is also because the Holy Land of the Inner Dao is the real core dojo of Shenzhou Xianyuan, from the throne to the honorable position, every student is comparable to the students of the Heaven-Defying Academy.

Moreover, students from the Holy Land of the Outer Way are not allowed to enter the Holy Land Dojo of the Inner Way without permission. Once they enter at will, they will be punished by the Hall of Law Enforcement, and even their cultivation base will be abolished, and they will be kicked out of the fairy courtyard.

The sacred place of the outsider is the earth, and the holy place of the insider is the sky.

Many students of the throne and honor who would not come to the Holy Land of Heretics on weekdays came to Jietian Peak today to watch the excitement. After all, the grand event held every 3000 years is still very attractive. Moreover, many students came for the sake of the same clan. Cheering is very lively.

"I didn't expect Ye Yun to join Shenzhou Xianyuan..."

In a pavilion in the back hall of Jietian Peak, a woman wearing a yellow cloud Taoist robe was standing alone in the pavilion, looking at the fish playing and snatching food on the lake and sighing. The talented beauty of Shenzhou Xianyuan, Xue Mengyao.

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