The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 272 The Gathering of Newcomers

This practice was nearly a year, and it was the first time for Ye Yun to practice in seclusion in Shenzhou Xianyuan. Counting the time, Ye Yun has been in the Taixing plane for a few years. From the time he reached the troll star, he has walked all the way. I haven't experienced many hardships, but as my cultivation continues to improve, I will encounter more hardships in the future.

After this practice, the Shenluo domain was blessed by the Dharma altar and became as stable as a mountain and river. The domain and the Dharma altar merged into one, creating an indestructible and indestructible solid domain. Once triggered, any low-level cultivator in the Heaven-reaching Realm will perish. If the great formation of immortal artifacts hidden deep in the realm is activated, let alone the low-level Heaven-reaching Realm, even high-ranking cultivators will be capsized.

Only half of the more than 1000 pieces of immortal artifacts were refined within a year. Only when all of them are refined can they form a large array of immortal artifacts, which will be invincible by then.

"All the students who have been admitted within 3000 years, please gather at Jiushifeng in one month, and prepare to participate in the new Three Great Immortal Academy of Taixing Plane, a grand exchange event for new students. Please report on time within the specified time. Latecomers will be expelled from the students!"

In the eternity of the deep void, suddenly, a thunderous sound rolled in, overwhelming and majestic, resounding in every corner of the Manggu Mountain Range. Almost at the same time, all the students of Nitian Academy heard the voice of the decree.


Ye Yun suddenly opened his eyes, his robe rattled, his eyes looked towards the void, and pointed directly at the sky, he saw a strong man of the ninth rank of Heaven-reaching Realm, releasing powerful sound skills in the void.

Also at this time, an informant of the decree appeared in the sacred place of the heretics of Shenzhou Xianyuan, and then the whole holy place of heretics exploded, and the students talked a lot.

In the plane of Taixing, the three major fairy schools, Shenzhou, Tianjun, and Gutuo, are the three major alliances. They have been fighting openly and secretly. The new student experience and exchange event held every 3000 years was born in this embryonic state. I don’t know how many times it has been held. How many geniuses have been born in the event.

For example, Ditian was the first genius born in the new student experience exchange event. Since then, the name Ditian has been known by the world.

It can be said that the new students from the Three Great Immortal Academy’s experience and exchange event is the best opportunity to become a genius. I don’t know how many talented students from the Three Great Immortal Academy are sharpening their knives and aiming for the first place, especially some new students with outstanding talents. From the very beginning, he was under the key training of the college, hoping to make a big splash at the new student experience exchange event and make a name for the college.

The new students' experience and exchange event is actually a competition for fame and fortune, and it is the best shortcut to become a genius. However, this experience event is also a tragic knockout match. On the surface, it is a new student's experience and exchange event. knockout.

This is because a large number of students will be killed or injured every time the new students experience and exchange event, and these students are often students with relatively mediocre aptitude. The outstanding students you can imagine.

Those who survived the experience and exchange event are elites and mediocre talents, and they can only fall, which is very cruel. This kind of cruel event is the result most wanted by the three great immortals. New students grow up through tempering, and forge their perseverance through killing. Mind, then, the academy will become stronger.

This explains why Shenzhou Xianyuan has not a small number of new students, but in the end, there are so few students who are actually promoted to the throne, because most of the new students have fallen in the new students' experience exchange event, or Died or disappeared in mission after mission.

Therefore, all the monks on the Taixing plane are proud to join the three great fairy houses, and want to become an eternal elite.

"The grand event for new students to practice, is also recorded in the laws of the fairy courtyard..."

Sitting cross-legged in the center of Shenluo Domain, Ye Yun concentrated on refining the remaining hundreds of immortal artifacts. Under the support of powerful spiritual energy, Taiyi's true energy surged continuously, so that Ye Yun's power was never interrupted, so that he could, within a year, Refining astonishing celestial artifacts is absolutely impossible for a strong person who breaks the celestial realm.

Ye Yun thought about it in his heart, regarding the event of the new students from the Three Immortal Academy's exchanging experience, his eyes let out a bottomless light of astonishment, and quietly analyzed: "The Shenzhou Immortal Academy is a springboard for me. Only after being reborn from the ashes can he stand in the forest of the strong. Ditian is so powerful that even a high-ranking student like Yao Miao listens to him. Moreover, because Utona has long been suppressed in the low-level evil plane, But he was rescued by Ditian tyrannically, this Ditian's strength is beyond my expectation, I am afraid that the entire Taixing plane does not know that Ditian is so powerful, hiding his true strength..."

Entering a plane lower than the Taixing plane is equivalent to transcending the plane. Only immortals can travel between planes, Chiyun Mozun and Ye Yun can do it, and there are also immortals like Tai Dayan and Qiu Qianshang. And Di Tian, ​​who is only an eighth-level cultivator, is far from being able to travel between planes, even planets, it is impossible.

But he rescued Utona from the lower time and space, which is enough to show how terrifying Ditian's strength is.

Ditian's forbearance has deceived the people of the world. Everyone knows that Ditian is indeed a genius against the sky. After entering the Shenzhou Immortal Academy for less than [-] years, he cultivated to the highest level of the eighth level of heaven, and became a respected student of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy. In ten thousand years, he cultivated from the Immortal Realm to reach the eighth level of Heaven-reaching. This is already a legend, a legend that the world cannot surpass. However, Ditian's real strength has already surpassed the Heaven-reaching Realm.

If this news spreads in the Taixing plane, then Di Tian will become the most dazzling peerless figure in the Taixing plane, a supreme being, who is thriving, and no dark clouds or torrential clouds can cover up his dazzling light.

"Ditian is just a respectable student right now. Although he has unlimited potential, he has no reason to let the Shenzhou Xianyuan indulge him. Once the senior officials of the Xianyuan know his true strength, I am afraid that he will focus on training Ditian as the successor of the Xianyuan. At that time, whoever Ditian wanted to kill, who dared to resist, had to be killed alive, and the high-level students would just turn a blind eye and let Ditian cover the sky with one hand..."

Thinking of this, Ye Yun's hair trembled. This is not unfounded worry, nor is it mediocre, but something that may indeed happen. Although Ditian is building the Emperor Star outside, once the senior officials of the Immortal Academy see Ditian's real strength, they will focus on cultivating it. This kind of genius, not to mention rare in the Three Great Immortals, even the entire Tai Xing plane can't find a single person.

How could Shenzhou Xianyuan miss this opportunity.

The strongest person in the Shenzhou Immortal Academy is the leader of the academy. As a leader, he will definitely cultivate peerless figures and try his best to win over Ditian. Moreover, in the Taixing plane, the three major immortal academies are all competing for the first place. If the Shenzhou Immortal Academy really wins Di Tian Tian's loyalty, then, Ditian definitely has the potential to make Shenzhou Xianyuan a king above Tianjun and Gutuo, and achieve the myth that all the leaders of Shenzhou Xianyuan wanted to achieve but were unable to achieve.

"I can't wait for others to kill me. I want to become a blockbuster, become a seedling that surpasses Ditian, and be valued by the Shenzhou Immortal Academy. The higher-ups of the Immortal Academy will not allow Ditian to attack me, and use the Shenzhou Immortal Academy to contain Ditian. This move, as expected, has been done every step of the way. Up to now, everything is being calculated. Ditian, you underestimate me. It was your biggest mistake that failed and caused you to die, and when you realize that, that day is when you perish..."

Ye Yun smiled grimly, and suddenly looked towards the void, held his breath, and restrained his divine light: "We must become the number one... famous in the world in the new student experience and exchange event!"


"Shinra Domain, accept!"

Suddenly, like a thunderbolt piercing through the void, he opened his mouth and sucked in suddenly, instantly inhaling the entire Shenluo Domain into his stomach, revealing the nirvana dojo with a compelling aura. The aura rolled in, releasing a domineering aura. This kind of holy land of cultivation, if people really see through it, they will definitely be surprised, and it is not much better than the core area of ​​Shenzhou Xianyuan.

In the blink of an eye, a month flew by. Ye Yun pinpointed the timing, turned into a wisp of green smoke, flew out of the Nirvana Dojo, and flew towards the Nine Stone Peak in the center of the Manggu Mountain Range.

Nine mountain peaks stand in the void like Optimus Prime, and nine palaces are resplendent like nine stars, shining dazzling golden light in the ethereal sky and earth. This is the Holy Land of Nitianyuan, Nine Stone Peaks.

In the center of the nine peaks is a square floating in the void, with a diameter of ten kilometers. It is huge and rectangular in shape, like a spiritual box floating in the void in the center of the nine peaks.

A large number of students from the Guarding Academy occupy the central square. Most of these students are wearing yellow robes and yellow cloud robes. They are disciples of the Holy Throne and the Throne. Among the crowd, he stands out from the crowd like a chicken, aloof and outstanding.

At a glance, the sea of ​​people is densely packed. Counting it, there are about 3000 students. These students are all new students who have entered the Shenzhou Immortal Academy within [-] years. Gathering, and the emperor's students in golden robes, motionless like a rock, with intermittent breaths, all of them are outstanding among the new students of Nitian Academy.

"There are really all kinds of characters..."

Ye Yun flew down to the central square inconspicuously, and when he saw the vast crowd, he was stunned for a moment. His arrival did not attract the attention of others, but there were some people who recognized Ye Yun's identity and started to make a lot of comments.

"Everyone, seniors, he is Ye Yun who fought against the emperor's senior brother Hua Shancen on Longyuan Star a while ago, and he was not the one who lost the wind. He is also the junior who opened the Nirvana Dojo together with Taidayan senior brother!"

"It really is him..."

"The strength is unfathomable. Sure enough, he is a strong man who can compete with the people in the Tongtian Realm, but he is the first level in the Immortal Realm. It seems that Ye Yun must have performed well in this grand exchange event for new students!"

"It's a pity that Tedayan, who was admitted to the hospital with him, died during the mission... What a pity!"

Waves and waves appeared one after another in the sea of ​​people, and they continued to expand. For a moment, Ye Yun's eyes were all focused, and everyone regarded him as a monster, because everyone knew that Ye Yun's ability to compete against Hua Shancen meant that Ye Yun could fight against Hua Shancen. Ye Yun has the strength to reach the sky, so he is a student of the throne, and his status is far above them.

Moreover, Nitianyuan is a place where there are strong people like a forest, and everyone admires the strong.

"You are Ye Yun, Junior Brother Ye. You really have extraordinary aura. My servant, Gong Jian, is a student of the emperor who was admitted to the hospital a thousand years before you. I heard that you can catch Huashan Cen's move. This really makes me tickle. Junior Brother Ye, it's not as good as you and me." Is this a deduction?"

Just as the crowd was chasing each other, a golden figure suddenly flashed out of the crowd like a comet, and all the students gave way one after another. For the arrival of the emperor students, they, the students of the holy and throne, had no choice but to give way.

The golden figure stopped a hundred meters away from Ye Yun. It was a thin, long-haired young man with dark skin, and his pupils were like lightning, with several electric currents flickering.

"The emperor's student, Gong Jian, has a third-level cultivation of the Heaven-reaching Realm. He has been admitted to the hospital for more than a thousand years. He majored in Thunder Qigong. In just 1000 years, he has broken through from the first-level Heaven-reaching Realm to the third level. Now he is the key training object of the Heaven-Defying Academy... ..."

As soon as his spiritual thoughts moved, Ye Yun found out all the information about Gong Jian from the Shenzhou Token, and it was impressively in his eyes. Ye Yun swept his divine light away, and lightly cupped his fists and said: "Since senior brother Gong is so interested, then junior brother will go with senior brother." How about the previous move, how about we each evolve a move, whoever can’t break the opponent’s qigong will lose, how?”

"Okay, Junior Brother Ye is really refreshing. Okay, please brothers and sisters to be a witness, and let everyone see Junior Brother Ye's magical skills, then I will come first!"

Gong Jian was full of arrogance, waved his sleeves, released a thunder from his pupils, parted his hands, and suddenly closed them in the void, making several mysterious spells back and forth. Stretch out your index finger against the void, and tap lightly.

chi chi...

A purple sky thunder suddenly pierced through the sky, like a giant purple dragon tearing through the void, coming through the sky, appearing in the sky above Ye Yun and Gong Jian, and the purple giant Fang Buddha has spiritual consciousness, and its two pupils are straight. Staring at Ye Yun, he shook the lightning.

"It's such a profound technique, this level of lightning-type qigong should be close to the existence of immortal-level qigong..."

A student of the emperor whose cultivation base was at the second level of the Heaven-reaching Realm saw the purple thunder dragon in the void, his face was startled, and he seemed to be able to see the power in it.

"Using such means, Junior Brother Ye actually let Junior Brother Ye crack it. This Senior Brother Gong is a bit too much. After all, everyone has not witnessed Junior Brother Ye fighting with Huashan Cen. With Junior Brother Ye's cultivation in the fairyland, how can he fight against the third level of Tongtian?" strength?"

In the crowd, one after another surprised eyes were shot, and then there were various discussions.


Ye Yun was like an ancient well with no waves, but he raised his hand lightly, and suddenly with five fingers, he shot five golden silk rain sword qi from the fingertips of the rootless finger, directly shooting at the purple thunder dragon, pierce the momentum around the thunder dragon, and then Like making dumplings, instantly entangle the purple thunder dragon.

Everyone looked at this scene in amazement, and then only heard a pop, and the purple thunder dragon was destroyed by the golden silk rain in an instant, turned into nothing, and disappeared among tens of thousands of eyes.

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