The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 276 Genius vs. Genius


As Chiyun Demon Venerable sucked the magic well into his belly, and looked up, the entire ancient magic path disintegrated inch by inch like an earthen jar, with countless cracks, and the ground bulged or sank in the blink of an eye. The ruins of the ancient magic way collapsed in an instant, turning into a cloud of dust.

After countless years of evolution, the vicissitudes of life have long been rotten. In addition, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable took away the core of the relic's power, which directly caused the relics of the ancient magic way to be turned into ruins and disappeared forever.

"This demonic thought is too weak. It seems that in the lower realms, the power of demonic power is very weak!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable suddenly flipped his hands over and opened his palms, a cloud of gas as dark as a star appeared on the palm of his hand, and the gas released monstrous demonic energy, even Ye Yun would have to back away, but in front of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, he was like a child passing by. Jiajia, don't care at all.The Powerful Man Emerging from the Miracle 276

"Chi Yun, you'd better leave quickly, if you find anything else, I will tell you!" Ye Yun shook his head, looked at the demonic face of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, and beckoned him to leave.

"Then boss, thank you very much, haha!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Lord laughed at Fengyun, swished his sleeves, turned around and turned into a black shadow of the demonic way, flew into the void whizzingly, opened his mouth and sprayed, a stream of demonic energy was involved in the void, he stepped into it, and disappeared like a bubble.

"The recovery of Demon Lord Chiyun's strength is astonishing. From the looks of it, it doesn't take much effort to deal with ordinary masters of breaking the fairyland. However, it is still a little bit worse to deal with real immortals like Qiu Qianshang!"

Seeing that Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable is so powerful, Ye Yun burst into laughter, extremely cunning, calculating the enemy, the abacus in his heart began to move again, and then continued to search for the edict.


"Oh, it's only been a month or so. Did you see that a student from Shenzhou Xianyuan was promoted to No. 1..."

In the depths of the Yunfu Star Crystal Wall, among the three camps, the students of the Tianjun Immortal Academy pointed to the sky-reaching spirit stone and talked about it. Among the countless names of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy, a name is slowly rising.

"Xue Mengyao, I have heard about this girl. It is rumored that her body has the inheritance of an ancient great immortal, and she will achieve extraordinary things in the future. She really joined the Shenzhou Immortal Academy..."

"No, Xue Mengyao has been surpassed. Please see, everyone, 'Chang Wuxun' from Gutuo Immortal Academy surpassed Xue Mengyao and became No.1. The speed is really fast!"

"Chang Wuxun has also been surpassed. Now No.1 is the talented student of Tianjun Immortal Academy 'Li Moran'. This person inherits an extremely out-of-the-box immortal-level dojo. Chang Wuxun surpassed!"

In the ancient crystal wall system of Yunfuxing, the strong students of the three immortal academies of Shenzhou, Tianjun, and Gutuo are frantically discussing the name of the rapidly rising person on the Tongtian Lingshi, the two immortal academies of Tianjun and Gutuo completely surpassed Shenzhou Xianyuan, Shenzhou Xianyuan was suppressed by the two great Xianyuan with absolute advantage.

Gu Tuo and the disciples of Tianjun Immortal Academy were all very happy. This time they can finally suppress the momentum of Shenzhou Immortal Academy. This kind of opportunity is really rare.

In the past grand gatherings for new students, most of them were disciples of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy who won the first place. Tianjun and Gu Tuo, the two major Immortal Academy opportunities, were always robbed of the limelight by the Shenzhou Immortal Academy and became a laughing stock.

"Hmph, this time, we must let those arrogant guys in Shenzhou Xianyuan have a good taste of being humiliated!"

Among the crystal walls of the Gutuo Immortal Academy, a student who was wearing a dark green Taoist robe and five white belts, and whose cultivation had reached the fairyland, suddenly came to the cloud-floating star crystal wall from the void. When he was left at the last place in the Shenzhou Immortal Academy, the immortal student came out of nowhere, talking and laughing happily.

Then, more immortal powers descended one after another, and the immortal students of Tianjun Immortal Academy also descended one by one, all of them came to see the jokes of Shenzhou Immortal Academy.

In the center of Yunfuxing Void, the sky-reaching spirit stone is emitting a dazzling luster. There are countless names densely packed on it, and most of the names have not moved at the low end. Only a few names are rising like the rising sun.

"Yunfuxing is not small, how long will it take to find ten thousand decrees one by one..." The strong man who came out of the miracle 276

In a wonderful world of towering stalagmites, Ye Yun stands on a sword-shaped stalagmite, releases divine light to look at the world, and then raises his head to look at the void sky: "The breath of breaking the fairyland is getting more and more. These so-called fairy students are arrogant Complacent, thinking that the new students can't sense their existence, in front of me, I can see clearly every move of you fairy students!"

"Chang Wuxiong...Li Moran...Since these talented students have won many decrees, it seems that they may become the top three people who have won the most decrees. If this is the case, I don't have to work hard to find decrees. Follow the breath of the first few students, kill them one by one, and plunder the decree!"

Laughing a few times, he released his divine thoughts and slowly ascended, approaching the Tongtian Lingshi. Suddenly, a vast aura began to appear around the Tongtian Lingshi. The sky suppresses the eternal world, making it impossible for Ye Yun's spiritual thoughts to approach.

"This heaven-reaching spirit stone is carved from a whole piece of top-quality spirit stone. Among them, the powerhouses of the three great fairy schools jointly laid out formations, sealed them, and sealed all the true energy of millions of disciples. Only the supreme powers of the three great fairy schools Only those who can enter it!"

"The seal of the fairy artifact will also fall apart in front of me, how strong can the seal of the monk who broke the fairyland be broken!"

Stand still, and slowly release the primordial spirit. The primordial spirit came out of the body. It looks exactly like Ye Yun, with the same height, size, and figure. Ye Yun grabbed it vigorously, and a mysterious breath overflowed from the dantian, slowly blessing the primordial spirit. .

This force is exactly Taiyi Divine Light. Yuanshen absorbs Taiyi Divine Light, and with a wave of his hand, he shatters the defensive aura of the Heaven-reaching Spirit Stone, and then enters the thousands of formations of the Spirit Stone.

At this time, Ye Yun felt that he had entered the ocean of nothingness. Countless characters, names, and true qi drifted in the ocean of nothingness. They were divided into three camps, representing the three great fairy houses of Shenzhou, Tianjun, and Gutuo. There are hundreds of thousands of names in each camp, and each name is surrounded by a cloud of true energy and impression.

"In the Gutuo Immortal Academy's sealing formation, there is indeed the Great Zhou Taiji Formation. This formation is indeed advanced, but it is a pity that it is the secret of the Gutuo Immortal Academy. If you can get this formation, you can become the leader of the Taiyi Empire. The main defensive formation!"

The primordial spirit released divine light to sweep across the Gutuo Immortal Academy, sweeping across the clusters of true qi forms, suddenly, several names attracted Ye Yun's attention, and those names were all talented students who had obtained many edicts from the Gutuo Immortal Academy, Ye Yun immediately inhaled the Qi of these people into his belly, and then came to Tianjun Immortal Courtyard.

"Well, what a powerful atmosphere..."

As soon as he came to Tianjun Immortal Courtyard, Ye Yun felt that among the countless names, there was a name that was jumping slightly, and the release of true energy was about to break the catastrophe. Ye Yun was surprised. It seems that in Tianjun Among the hundreds of thousands of new disciples in Xianyuan, there is a new disciple who is extremely talented and possesses great luck.

Among the millions of disciples, Ye Yun has not yet found a character who is ready to be a great fortune. This kind of character is really rare. Among the millions of elites, there is only such a person.

Then, if this person grows up, what a terrifying character he will become.

"Li Moran... the new disciple of Tianjun Immortal Academy, this person must be beheaded to seize the edict in his hands. Even if this kind of person is not for the edict, he must be killed. I don't want to have another strong man in the future! "

Stretch out your hand to catch the jumping true energy, and inhale a wave of true energy into your body. Immediately, you can feel that there is indeed such a void swimming in the vast clouds and floating stars. .

"I didn't expect that among the 30 new disciples of Shenzhou Xianyuan, there is also an unknown person who possesses a unique true energy... Lian Zhanxin, this person's true energy is also strange..."

After controlling the true energy of Tianjun and Gutuo's major genius students, Ye Yun came to Shenzhou Xianyuan, and with a movement of his mind, he sensed an unknown person among the 30 students, not a genius like Xue Mengyao, It was a character that even he had never heard of, Lian Zhan Xin.

"Lian Zhanxin... This person deliberately hides his aura. There must be some secrets in his body. This person has also obtained a lot of decrees. It seems that he wants to stand out. Hmph, I will start with you!"

Opening his mouth and inhaling, he inhaled Lian Zhan's heart's true energy into his abdomen, and Ye Yun was leaving. Suddenly, the rotten wood bud in the dantian, which had not moved for a long time, suddenly moved slightly, and released a force, directly entangled Lian Zhan's heart's true energy, Suddenly, a monstrous devilish energy came out against the sky, fleeing crazily in Ye Yun's body, but the rotten wood sprout released a more evil force again, sucking that sky-defying devilish energy into it, and everything returned to calm.

Although this change was just a flick of a finger, it caused a huge storm in Ye Yun's body. If it wasn't for the rotten wood buds, the heaven-defying devilish energy might continue to pretend. Only then did Shen Guang realize that if Lian Zhan Xin's heaven-defying demonic energy escaped, it would definitely alarm Lian Zhan Xin, and Ye Yun would probably never be able to trace his whereabouts again, and besides, there would be such a powerful enemy.

"Lian Zhanxin... You have hidden it deep enough. If this is the case, then you will undoubtedly die. The demonic energy against the sky... The rotten wood and tender buds can even fight against the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable. What kind of character is Lian Zhanxin? Can he compare with the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable? ” The strong man who came out of the miracle 276

"But this person is so powerful in the city, he is definitely not a small person, and he will definitely become a big worry for me in the future..."

Thinking of this, Yuanshen left and flew out from the Tongtian Lingshi, without touching any restrictions at all, and the countless experts who broke the fairyland from the three great fairy houses did not notice the slightest clue.

Ye Yun slowly sank into the sky, fell into the earth, sacrificed that heaven-defying devil energy, a divine thought immediately entangled a devil energy, and flew towards the vast land.

After crossing mountains and dry rivers, Ye Yun finally stopped for half a day and looked down, only a vast mountain range, nothing surprising.

"Hmm, what a strong blood!?"

Ye Yun suddenly inhaled traces of particles in the air, and sensed the presence of blood energy from the billions of particles, his expression changed, and he immediately flew towards the mountains.

Back then, Ye Yun practiced the Invincible Blood Body, and he knew better than anyone else about essence and blood. Ye Yun could sense even a little bit of blood energy, so Ye Yun could also find the blood energy in the sea of ​​countless particles in the void. Particles, it is decided that there must be killing in the mountains.

Moreover, even the breath of fighting heart is in it, there must be a killing, otherwise, there will be no blood energy seeping into the ocean of particles.

"I didn't expect such a terrible poisonous gas swamp to be hidden in this mountain range, and there is a tyrannical monster..."

In the blink of an eye, Ye Yun descended from the steaming mist. Below and around, there were endless swamp forests, defeated ancient boulders, and bones of ancient beasts, all of which were so dense that it made one's hair tremble. chill.

There are countless ancient trees and huge corpses, most of which are submerged in the swamp, entangled by countless tree roots, and integrated with the tree roots. It seems that the swamp forest has been formed for a long time.


From the depths of the swamp forest, there was a sudden burst of hot weather, like a mushroom cloud rising into the sky.

With a flash of his body and a swoosh, Ye Yun appeared in the depths of the swamp forest. As soon as he appeared, Ye Yun was stunned and hurriedly hid in the void.

In the middle of the swamp forest, an ancient tree demon emerges from the quagmire. It is a thousand feet high and a hundred meters in diameter. It is covered with countless roots and tentacles, and they are extremely sharp. There are tens of thousands of corpses of a student who just lost. Some students were still alive, and were pierced by the tree demon. The tree demon actually sucked the blood of the student's body with its tentacles.

Above the trunk of the tree demon, there is a vertical eye, which is as big as a foot, releasing a monstrous demonic aura. Moreover, around the vertical eye, more than 100 dharma decrees are protected by the tree demon with tentacles, and around it, tens of thousands of students They are attacking the tree demon, and there are all the disciples of the three major fairy schools of Shenzhou, Tianjun, and Gutuo. Now, regardless of you or me, they all want to get the decree controlled by the tree demon.

"This tree demon is actually a sky-reaching mirror. Its cultivation base is not high, but its demonic aura is amazing. I don't know how many years it took to cultivate such a heaven-defying demonic aura. It seems that this tree demon, even if a strong man who breaks the fairyland comes, he can't do it. Killing them easily, these students want to win the decree from the tree demon, and they are daydreaming, looking for their own death!"

Seeing this scene, students from the Three Great Immortals were being slaughtered by the tree demon one after another, Ye Yun shook his head helplessly, it seemed that those students hadn't realized how terrifying this tree demon was.

"It's strange... This tree demon is comparable to a strong man who broke the fairyland, so why did the three great fairy houses hide the decree here? Isn't this clearly letting the students die?"

Suddenly, Ye Yun frowned, puzzled.

Although the cultivation base of this tree demon can't reach the broken fairyland, his body is full of monster aura, which is comparable to the broken fairyland, and it is extremely powerful. Moreover, the tree demon's inability to break through the broken fairyland may also be due to his own reasons, but the three great fairy houses actually hide the decree. In the hands of such an invincible tree demon, wouldn't the students die in vain.

To ruin the lives of students is simply a living massacre.

"This is... Lian Zhanxin!"

While he was thinking about it, suddenly, a breath of nothingness appeared behind the tree demon. With a single slash, he chopped off a tentacle, and obtained a decree from it. Then, he slashed down again, and several more tentacles were chopped off. He took away the decree, and then flew away at a speed that was hard to see with the naked eye.

This person, wearing a golden robe, is a student of the imperial throne of Shenzhou Immortal Academy. Moreover, his cultivation has reached the first level of the sky, but his strength has the fifth level of the sky, which is so hidden that ordinary people can't see it at all.

He is Lien Zhanxin whom Ye Yun is looking for so hard.

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