The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 277 Suppressing Lian Zhanxin

"Sure enough, he has the means to win one after another in the chaos. He is extremely fast, decisive, and calm. This kind of person... is indeed a character!"

Hiding in the void, witnessing with his own eyes that Lian Zhanxin easily entered the territory of the tree demon, chopped off his tentacles, seized the edict, came and went freely, and even the tree demon couldn't do anything to him, which surprised Ye Yun.

Acting calmly, killing decisively, not being surprised by changes, this Lian Zhanxin, showing a superior personality, is indeed rare, and he is not chaotic in the face of danger, facing the tree demon with the power of breaking the fairy, it is really rare that he can still be so calm, which shows that he Mental fortitude, very man can be compared, is a wise, sophisticated character.

In Ye Yun's blink of an eye, Lian Zhan Xin took advantage of the chaos to enter the tree demon's territory and seized several copies of the decree. Lian Zhan Xin had already won twenty copies of the decree, and soon, he would get all one hundred copies of the decree.



Surrounding the tree demon, killing all the students together, completely attracting the tree demon's attention. These students are too weak and low-level in the human fairyland and heaven-reaching realm.

The dryad squeaked and shot out its sharp tentacles, and with a few swipes, it destroyed the spiritual weapons used by the students for defense, and then directly inserted into the chest and head. Heart killing, one after another corpses fell into the swamp, tens of thousands.

It looks shocking, desolate and sad, exactly the same as the naked killing battlefield. Human life is meaningless and worthless in front of the tree demon. A large group of dying students came back.

The corpses fell into the swamp like meteorites, and the muddy muddy water in the swamp was actually corrosive, corroding the corpses, not even the bones remained.

You must know that these students are all cultivators in the Immortal Realm and the Heaven-reaching Realm. Their physical bodies are no longer mortals, and they are comparable to hard spiritual weapons. However, under the corrosion of the muddy water in the swamp, in just a dozen seconds, their bodies turned into black smoke, chi chi After the ground sounded, the corpse turned into powder and melted into the muddy water.

It seems that this swamp is the tree demon's cultivation dojo. The demon power is overpowering, and it is integrated with the tree demon. The power of the tree demon is inseparable from this swamp.

Seeing that their companions were killed alive by the tree demon, none of the thousands of students left escaped. The status is passing by, as long as you get a copy of the decree, you will also get countless rewards from the academy, which is more worthwhile than practicing for ten thousand years.

Driven by various interests and compulsions, these students are still desperately persevering, fighting hard against the tree demon, and still clinging to the last hope in their hearts.

"These people... all fulfilled Lian Zhanxin!"

Ye Yun hid in the void and saw the situation clearly. If it were him, he would choose to find a place to hide, and after three years, he would return to the sect, so that he could save his life. Dying is not worth it at all. The key point is that the three major fairy schools did not regard these new students as real students at all.

Even this new student experience event is probably a means to select real students. Only students who can survive within three years and obtain the decree will be the real focus of training in the fairy courtyard.

And these innocent students were kept in the dark by the three great fairy schools, and died in vain. In the end, they got nothing, but died forever in this cloudless star that never sees the sun.

"It turns out that this is why, the reason why the three great fairy houses can unify the Taixing plane!"

Sighing slightly, Ye Yun stepped out of the void, disappeared with a flash of his body, and flew towards the Shenzhou student.

"A total of thirty decrees..."

Among all the students in Shenzhou, Lian Zhanxin, who was dressed in a golden robe and seemed to be only at the first level of cultivation, was much lower than the other emperor students, and looked at the others silently. No one noticed him at all. Among them, not one of him is a student of the throne, and there are even students of the throne who have reached the fifth level of the sky, but he is only the first level of the sky, and he is not as attractive as those strong people.

Lian Zhan smiled sinisterly, that smile was even more evil than the tree demon: "Get this one hundred copies of the decree first, and then go to the next Tibetan place to grab other decrees. As long as I become the No.1 of the Shenzhou Xianyuan, I can enter The core dojo of Shenzhou Xianyuan has been trained by high-level officials..."

Jie Jie smiled, and with a huff, Lian Zhan Xin disappeared out of thin air. In the blink of an eye, he appeared in the tree demon's territory, took out a big knife, and flew towards Fa Zhi.

"It's this hateful human again..."

The tree demon let out a deep and angry growl, as if he had noticed Lian Zhanxin long ago, countless tentacles were like sharp flying swords, killing Lian Zhanxin.

With a whoosh, Lian Zhanxin disappeared under the siege of countless tentacles at lightning speed, and appeared under several thick tentacles in an instant, and at the tip of the tentacles were copies of the decree.

"Tree demon, you are just an inferior creature, how can you compare with this master, break!"

Lian Zhanxin curled his lips coldly, swung his knife, chug..., the tentacles were cut off by the big knife in an instant, and separated from the trunk of the dryad. From the cut, disgusting black blood flowed out, releasing terrifying demonic power, drops of black blood When it drips into the swamp, it can corrode a lot of black smoke.

At the moment when the tentacles fell into the air, Lian Zhanxin waved his hand and grabbed at more than a dozen dharma decrees. He immediately grasped the decrees in his palm and punched them into his body. Then he turned around and prepared to leave the territory of the tree demon. Extremely angry, countless tentacles flickered like phantom hairlines, blasting towards Lian Zhanxin.

It seemed that he had already noticed the action of the tree demon, and he didn't even look at Zhan Xin. He smiled disdainfully, and immediately flew towards the Shenzhou Xianyuan camp like lightning.


At the moment when Lian Zhanxin flew out, in front of him, a bronze sun light suddenly appeared, like waves passing by his face, and Lian Zhanxin instantly realized that the scenery was changing, the bronze sun light turned into a bronze crystal wall, and thick life marks appeared in the void. Flashing, he was in the realm of the bronze holy light.

"How is it possible? This kind of field..."

Lien Zhanxin quickly flew backwards, in the vortex of the bronze crystal wall that was not completely closed, and wanted to fly out of the vortex, his face was panicked, as if he knew how tyrannical the intruding bronze field was.

"Lian Zhanxin, don't wishful thinking, trying to escape from my domain!"

The bronze vortex shut down in an instant with a voice, a tyrannical force knocked Lian Zhan's heart back like a turbulent wave hitting the shore, and Ye Yun also slowly descended from the void, like a saint, with holy light like a light.

"This bronze domain contains countless high-level auras of the Heaven-reaching Realm, and it is even embedded in the altar. I thought it was a high-level powerhouse of the Heaven-reaching Realm, but I didn't know it was a personal fairyland..."

Lian Zhan's flustered face suddenly calmed down, his eyes rested on Ye Yun, and within three breaths, he actually smiled secretly: "Ye Yun, Junior Brother Ye, Nitianyuan..."

Ye Yun was not surprised when he heard this, because he knew that Lian Zhanxin had the strength to find himself out of the hundreds of millions of disciples of the Shenzhou token in a few breaths, and nodded slightly: "Lian Zhanxin, you really have the means. You found my information from the token in an instant. You are also a character. You should know why I used the domain to deal with you!"

"Have you ever seen a boiled duck fly?"

Lian Zhanxin was not as panicked as before, but very calm now: "You want to take away the decree from me, do you think you have the ability? Junior Brother Ye, you are really daydreaming, depending on your cultivation, you can Not weak, if you don't mess with me, maybe there is still a way to survive, but now, you are already a dead person."

"Then don't waste your time!"

Ye Yun admired Lian Zhanxin very much, but this person has deep scheming and devilish energy, he is definitely not an ordinary person, so he must be killed immediately.


Lian Zhanxin was the first to strike out, with a breath of heaven-reaching aura, it exploded and exploded, causing shocking waves in the Shenluo domain.

"It's so powerful, it's worthy of being a powerhouse in the sky-reaching realm...the Holy Spear of Light!"

Facing Lian Zhanxin, Ye Yun didn't dare to relax easily. Once he made a move, it was his trump card. He waved his hand and grabbed Shenluo Kongkong. Immediately, three bright holy spears shot towards Lian Zhanxin Kongkong from different directions.

"Desolate Sword Gang!"

The imposing manner sank, as heavy as Mount Tai, and he swung his big knife. Lian Zhanxin suddenly leaned forward, holding the knife in his right hand, and stopped, his breath seemed to be completely frozen. At this moment, three bright holy spears pierced.

Dangdang Dangdang!

Seeing the Holy Spear of Light piercing into Lian Zhanxin's aura, suddenly, Lian Zhanxin, who had been bowed all the time, suddenly let out a loud cry, and his whole body was shot like a bow and arrow. Centered on Lian Zhanxin, the storm spread in all directions, colliding violently with the Holy Spear of Light.


Lian Zhanxin stood in the storm of swords and saw that he was on par with the Holy Spear of Light with one blow. Among the students, there is a character like you, I really never thought that you can be on par with me in the realm of the fairyland!"

"However, I won't waste time with you. Since there are areas to hide, then I don't have to hide anymore. The demon body becomes..."

Withdrawing the big knife, Lian Zhanxin clasped his hands together, and slowly parted, there was an ear-splitting crackling sound of rain falling in his body, and then, streaks of heaven-defying devilish energy shot out like sharp swords, on Lian Zhanxin's face, An ancient totem of evil appeared, and the totem was dark red, like blood flowing.

Transformed in an instant, Lian Zhanxin changed from the first level of the sky to the evil aura of the fifth level of the sky or even higher. In his body, the demonic energy against the sky was roaring and galloping.

"Lian Zhanxin, you finally revealed yourself. Demon Dao qigong is really extraordinary. You are the second most powerful person I have ever met. With your cultivation level, you are willing to live under the door of Shenzhou Xianyuan instead of It really surprised me to seek refuge with those giants in the remote star field!"

Seeing Lian Zhanxin's evil transformation, Ye Yun's face remained unchanged, as if he knew that Lien Zhanxin would change.

Lian Zhanxin laughed and said: "You are not surprised at all when you see my real deity. I am very surprised, Ye Yun, you are so calm, you are simply looking down on me!"

"Do you think that no one will find you if you hide it so deep? Lian Zhanxin, you are wrong. The qigong I practice happens to be the nemesis of magic, so I can discover your existence from the Tongtian Lingshi, and I have followed all the way. Could it be, Do you think that I just found a student to attack for no reason?"

At this moment, Ye Yun felt that there was no need to hide anything, so he immediately told the truth.

"You can actually sneak into the Sky-reaching Lingshi..."

After listening to it, in an instant, Lian Zhan's heart was moved again. The Tongtian Lingshi is an existence sealed by countless immortal students of the three major immortal colleges. If you kill him, then the restriction will be triggered, and you will be discovered by the powerhouses of the Three Great Immortals.

However, before Ye Yun could do it, he came out without anyone noticing, and obtained Lian Zhan's true energy, and followed him all the way. Heaven-reaching Lingshi, so now he no longer underestimates Ye Yun.

"Purgatory Absolute Yin Tower...Suppressing demons!"

Ye Yun flipped his hand and grabbed it, and suddenly, from the void of Shenluo Domain, a Purgatory Absolute Yin Tower with a height of [-] meters began to descend, in which the sacred light was released, and it was as deep as the sky.

"This holy light... is so holy, it actually makes me restless with the demonic energy in my body. He really didn't lie. Worse, in the domain, he is definitely not his opponent!"

"The Heaven-defying Devil Infant Festival..."

Lian Zhanxin saw that the Purgatory Absolute Yin Tower came with the suppression of the holy light, and his expression changed instantly. When he pressed his hands, the heaven-defying demon energy surged out of his body, and he immediately flew to the crystal wall of the Shenluo Domain, and above that, appeared A magic wheel came out, and when the magic wheel came out, it actually caused the Shenluo domain to vibrate.

"This Mo Dao Qigong must be a fairy-level Qigong, it's not simple, this Lian Zhanxin is really not simple..."

The Shenluo domain is actually shaking. You know, how much spirit stones and energy Ye Yun spent to promote the Shenluo domain to such a level. Even the high-level sky-reaching realm can be suppressed, but even the demonic qigong released by Zhan Xin makes the domain tremble. .

The so-called expert sees the truth, Ye Yun can instantly see how tyrannical Lian Zhan's heart is, if he doesn't suppress this person immediately, he may break the crystal wall of the Shenluo domain and escape.

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