The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 278 Suppressing the Dryad

Seeing that Lian Zhan's heart is against the heavens, he must be a formidable enemy in the future. Ye Yun will never allow him to grow like this. With his hands raised, the Shenluo Domain stopped shaking.

"This Ye Yun, I really didn't expect Cairen Wonderland to create such an amazing domain. Where did he get such a huge amount of spiritual stones? It's a pity that we can't fight him, otherwise, he must have a lot of treasures...!"

Casting a huge magic wheel, with magic flames flowing on it, countless mysterious magic lines, trembling and burning, Lian Zhanxin's whole body was integrated with the breath of the magic wheel, full of destructive momentum, he ran towards the crystal wall of the Shenluo domain, and looked at Rear: "Let you live for a few years, and after this grand event is over, let me get what I want, and then kill you, I don't believe it, how defiant you can be!"

Boom boom boom... chug chug!

He raised the thousand-foot-long Black Flame Demon Wheel and violently hit the crystal wall system in the Shenluo Domain, as if entering the sea. The Black Flame Demon Wheel smashed a big hole in the bronze crystal wall, and the surrounding crystal wall was surrounded by bronze holy light. , the luster dimmed instantly.

"I didn't expect the domain to be so strong, surpassing the low-level of the Heaven-reaching Realm... If I hadn't hidden my true strength, if it was a normal Heaven-reaching realm, I would be trapped in this realm forever!"

"Heaven-Defying Devil Infant Sacrifice!"

Pushing out the Black Flame Demon Wheel with both hands, Lian Zhanxin released the demonic energy against the sky, and hit with all his strength, knocking out a gap in the Shenluo Domain, but there was still no breach. The wall system is so strong, he knows better than anyone else how powerful this magic wheel is when he casts it.

After experiencing this blow, Lian Zhanxin suddenly became afraid of Ye Yun's strength, so his hands condensed again, and made a series of magic seals, which were blessed on the black flame magic wheel, densely packed like locusts, and the black flame magic wheel actually released a Tao and Lian Zhanxin are very similar to the black magic baby.

Thousands of devil babies crawled out of the black flame demon wheel like ghosts, and were dragged by the sky-defying devil energy, forming thousands of ghost devil babies, dragging the black flame devil wheel and rushing towards the cracked crystal wall, and the black flame devil wheel began to rotate , the ten thousand ghost baby Jie Jie yelled, stretching its fangs and claws, dragging the black flame demon wheel to attack in an instant.

"Stop for me!"

Seeing that the Ten Thousand Ghosts Black Flame Demon Wheel was about to bombard the broken crystal wall system, Ye Yun suddenly put his hands together, and a majestic force appeared in front of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Black Flame Demon Wheel. The crystal wall sticks to the Black Flame Demon Wheel like a magnet.

The myriad ghosts and devil babies, as soon as they touched the dazzling holy light, they turned into black flames, and then were swallowed by the holy light, and countless devil babies crawled out of the black flame demon wheel, but the countless holy lights, Come down from the sky above the Shenluo domain, and kill the devil babies one by one.

"What kind of power is this..."

Lian Zhanxin felt the destruction. The holy light could kill him directly. This kind of destruction is not a tyrannical strength, but a kind of restraint from the source of magic energy, specially restraining the magic power. The holy light is born to be the existence of the devil way , This made Lian Zhan completely lose his resistance, he was trembling.

"Purgatory Absolute Yin Tower, suppress!"

Ye Yun floated high in the void, shouted loudly, his arrogance shook the sky, the Purgatory Tower of Absolute Yin fell suddenly and violently, and rushed towards Lian Zhan's heart.

"Using the devil to devour the body, the devil's heart will last forever!"

Looking up at the Tower of Absolute Yin in Purgatory pressing towards him, Lian Zhanxin couldn't wait to be suppressed in vain, and he made seals one after another with both hands. At this moment, the mysterious magic lines on his body began to be released from his body, densely packed Form a net, spin wildly, form a sphere, and protect Lian Zhanxin in it.


The Purgatory Tower of Absolute Shadow descended at the same time, pressing heavily on the black magic ball, but it was not crushed yet. Inside the magic ball, Lian Zhanxin's entire face was completely distorted, holding the magic ball high with both hands, struggling.

"Lian Zhanxin, give up, if you are outside, you may still escape, but in my domain world, you are imprisoned by the domain in all aspects... And, my will, you can't resist, Taiyi Shenguang!"

Ye Yun suddenly flashed to the top of the Tower of Absolute Yin in Purgatory, stretched out his palm directly, and suppressed it with one palm on the top of the Tower of Absolute Yin in Purgatory. The devilish energy touched by Taiyi's divine light instantly disintegrated and turned into black smoke.

", I, Lian Zhan Xin, is the spokesperson of the Demon Dao, so it's impossible for me to be suppressed like this!"

Lian Zhanxin roared wildly, hissing at the top of his lungs, but he still couldn't stop the Taiyi Divine Light. First, the magic ball was destroyed by the Taiyi Divine Light, and then Lian Zhanxin was shot into his body by the Taiyi Divine Light. All the magic power was suppressed. With a sudden sound, Lien Chan The heart was sucked into it by the Purgatory Tower of Absolute Yin.

"Finally suppressed this person, but Lian Zhanxin's Mo Dao Qigong is very extraordinary. Killing him like this is a waste of resources, and handing him over to Chi Yun. Presumably, Chi Yun will be happy for a while then!"

If he wanted to be safe, he needed Demon Lord Scarlet Cloud to be strong. The stronger he was, the safer he would be. So now Ye Yun tried his best to make Demon Lord Scarlet Cloud stronger.

With a flip of his hand, Ye Yun sealed the Purgatory Tower of Absolute Yin in the center of the Shenluo Domain, and then opened his mouth to inhale, and the Shenluo Domain disappeared, and he appeared in the hidden grass in the swamp forest.

"Haha, I really didn't expect that there are more than 100 decrees in Lian Zhanxin's hands. Not bad, very good..."

As soon as his spiritual thoughts moved, he saw more than 100 dharma decrees released from Lien Zhanxin's body from the Jueyin Tower of Purgatory. Ye Yun grabbed all of them into the Da Luo Ring and sealed them to prevent the Tongtian Lingshi from sensing them. He wanted to wait Finally, it was exposed again, and it was a blockbuster.

It seems that Lian Zhanxin has obtained many decrees before, and if he continues this way, he will be able to obtain thousands of decrees, and it will not be a problem to become the top few, but it is a pity that he was suppressed by Ye Yun.

Among the millions of disciples of the three major academies, Ye Yun is naturally the best among them all, and he is the only one who has the ability to enter the Heaven-reaching Lingshi, obtain other true qi, and then kill them one by one to obtain the decree.

Others worked hard to find the edicts, and obtained the edicts from the monsters, but Ye Yun broke out in an instant, snatching them one by one, becoming No.1 is not a problem at all.

"Oh, I didn't expect that the remaining dozens of decrees of the dryad were taken away. Now the dryad is devouring the corpse. Well, this dryad must be a great tonic. If it is suppressed and absorbed and refined, my strength will be restored. It will improve a lot…”

Passing through the grass, Ye Yun saw the center of Zhao Zelin at a glance, the huge tree demon was devouring the corpses, one after another, very brutal, the scene was bloody, one by one corpses were swallowed by the tree demon like meat.

This tree demon has practiced for many years before he entrenched here, and even the swamp has become his dojo. It's a pity that he hasn't broken through the fairyland after so many years of practice, but for Ye Yun, it's a great thing , it is not difficult to deal with the tree demon. If the tree demon breaks through the fairyland, it is not an opponent.

"Calculating the time, in the past six months, I will use the remaining half of the year to refine the tree demon and the swamp, and then spend two years beheading the students who have obtained the most decrees!"

Secretly making a decision, Ye Yun immediately flew towards the swamp.

In the misty crystal wall system of Yunfuxing, in the seal formation of Shenzhou Xianyuan.

At this moment, Wan Yuntong, who is a strong man who broke the fairyland, was walking out of the tunnel. Behind him, more than a dozen strong men who broke the fairyland, and tens of thousands of disciples, immediately saluted Wan Yuntong and others. Dare to neglect.

With the passage of time, the three major fairy schools have paid more and more attention to the ranking of Tongtian Lingshi. After all, the top [-] students in each experience exchange event are geniuses that are rare in thousands of years, and they are also elites among geniuses. The top three are the elite among the elite, and they will be trained by the Immortal Academy.

"Xiangnan has 150 decrees, Huatian has 140 five decrees, Qin Shang has [-] decrees, Xue Mengyao has [-] decrees... Yes, it seems that the two young people of the Xiang family and the Hua family have performed well! "

The eyes of a strong man who broke the fairyland slowly gathered, and he could clearly see the ranking of the Tongtian Lingshi.

"Qin Shang, this son's name is unknown. It's very surprising that he can be ranked in the top three in this academy. He is a dark horse, and Xue Mengyao seems to be performing smoothly!"

Another Immortal Realm Breaker smiled lightly, and began to communicate with other Immortal Realm Breaker experts. A dozen or so immortal students sat in the center of the formation, always paying attention to the changes of the Heavenly Reaching Spirit Stone.

Swamp forest, deep.

"Jie Jie..."

The dryad smiled ferociously, its vertical eyes swayed, staring at Ye Yun who appeared in the void, and a hole appeared in the trunk of the dryad, and a holy spear of light was inserted into it, breaking the trunk to pieces, but the hole is healing quickly, He didn't seem to care about the injury at all.

"It didn't seriously hurt his origin with one move. This tree demon is really unusual, otherwise he wouldn't be able to entangle himself here. It must have some ability to not be suppressed by the masters of the three great immortals!"

Ambushed in the dark, released the holy light to attack the dryad. Sure enough, the attack was successful. However, the dryad didn't seem to care about the heavy injury at all. The wound healed crazily, and even the holy spear of light was swallowed at the end. This surprised Ye Yun, but everything As expected, if you want to kill the tree demon, you must not rely on ordinary means.

"Human, you dare to sneak attack on me. I don't know what you want from me. Haha, you are looking for your own death. Look at you student of Shenzhou Xianyuan. Look at how many corpses are lying down here. How dare you return it?" Come to die!"

The dryad sneered with swaying eyes, making people shudder, and many tentacles had already started to pull away from the swamp, trying to deal with Ye Yun.

Ye Yun kept his composure and was not provoked by the tree demon at all: "It seems that you know Shenzhou Xianyuan very well. If others can't kill you, it doesn't mean I can't kill you!"

"Haha, kid is frivolous. No matter how many powerful people in the three great immortal courtyards, since ancient times, they can't kill me, they can only suppress me, and use me to deal with you students. They don't know that you are my great tonic, let me tonic, In another ten thousand years, I will be able to break through the Immortal Realm, and that will be the time when your three great fairy schools will perish!"

The dryad danced densely with tentacles, the devil wept heavily, laughed loudly, and the evil spirit shot out directly from the vertical eyes, wishing to eat the dryad right away.

"Sure enough, the three great fairy courtyards use this tree demon to kill students, brutally obliterate the weak, and take away the decree from the strong, but if you really let this tree demon grow, one day, it will become the most powerful tree demon on the Taixing plane. A powerful existence, I think the tree demon is not simple, it contains a strong vitality!"

After listening to the dryad, Ye Yun thought carefully and felt the powerful medicinal power of the dryad, and in the swamp of the dryad dojo, there seemed to be something very powerful, with strong vitality, that's why the dryad was entrenched here, Practice slowly, create a perfect dojo, and then break the immortal in one fell swoop.


Ye Yun suddenly clapped his hands, as if he had thought of some way to suppress the tree demon. Immediately after raising his breath, a stream of sacred green shoots slowly released from his belly.

"Huh? Such a powerful life force, what is it? It's not a fairy weapon, why, it contains demon power, fairy power and the power of gods and demons..."

Seeing the tender shoots shrouded in golden light, the Dryad suddenly ceased to be quiet, trembling violently, restless, because it felt the aura contained in the fragile tender shoots sacrificed by Ye Yun, which made him tremble.

"Heaven, earth, and universe are reversed..."

Ye Yun suddenly flew high above the tree demon. Seeing this, the tree demon didn't know what Ye Yun was going to do, but he made up his mind to kill Ye Yun, released his tentacles, and chased and killed Ye Yun. In contrast, it broke through the air in an instant, broke out in the blink of an eye, and appeared on the edge of the swamp forest.

With a wave of his hand, a large number of spirit stones fell into the surrounding swamp, and his hands began to cast spells, Taiyi Zhenqi shot out of the spirit stones frantically, and a halo of light began to shoot into the void, enclosing the swamp.

"Damn human, you actually want to arrange a formation to refine me. What kind of realm are you? Even a cultivator who breaks the fairyland can hardly do it. If you can do it, die to me!"

Seeing the halos, the Dryad instantly understood what Ye Yun was going to do, and actually arranged formations directly, wanting to directly use the formations to refine himself. Seeing this, the Dryad would definitely not wait to die, and spread its teeth and claws, crawling toward the Ye Yun, and shot out the tentacles to kill Ye Yun.

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