The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 279 Thirty-three Sky Vine

chi chi...

The tree demon's huge tentacles were directly corroded by the light as soon as they touched the eye-catching halo, and they began to burn one by one, turning into black smoke, and then turning into powder.

"You, your true anger..."

A dozen tentacles, in the blink of an eye, just touched the halo and turned into powder, which shocked the dryad. He has lived for many years, but he has never encountered such a situation. The dryad feels that the halo can Turning his true self into powder is really too terrifying.

And everything is due to the Taiyi True Qi in Ye Yun's body. Taiyi True Qi is the nemesis of demons and outlaws, so what a little tree demon who has not yet become a fairy.

"Tree demon, as I said before, others can't kill you, but I can, because the qigong I practice is just your nemesis, just watch how I refine you!"

Continuously blessing the seals, one after another, in an instant, the swamp forest was surrounded by a holy light, and Ye Yun stood at the highest point, looked at the tree demon, condescendingly, and took out the rotten wood sprouts again: "The Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable once said , the root of this rotten wood sprout grows in hell, and it goes straight to heaven, so it absorbs the power of evil, heretics and righteous ways. It just so happens that this tree demon contains super vitality, this time let the sprout grow again, go!"

With a wave of his hand in an instant, the rotten wood sprouts flew into the formation, and Ye Yun sat cross-legged in the sky, pressed the formation with both hands, and began to urge the heaven and earth to reverse the formation, frantically absorbing the entire power of Zhao Zelin, whether it was the vitality of the world or the demon power, All of them were inhaled by Ye Yun, and then entered into the Taiyi Divine Furnace, where they were instantly refined.

"You're crazy, you're a demon..."

The dryad stared nakedly at all the power in the swamp forest, and was crazily sucked in by Ye Yun, and he didn't care about the demon power at all, he didn't reject the demon power, almost any power could be refined, the tree demon changed his face in fright.


That vertical eye turned horizontally, and the Dryad actually stretched out a huge tentacle from the root, which was covered with talismans, one after another, this tentacle was a magic weapon it had cultivated for a long time, it was extremely powerful, if it wasn't for Ye Yun's being too arrogant , Powerful, the dryad will not resort to the greatest means.

chug chu...

The tentacles with the talismans hit the heaven, earth, universe, and universe upside-down formation like a drilling machine, and then began to spin wildly, trying to drill the formation into pieces.


Ye Yun felt that the formation was constantly vibrating, and its power was fading rapidly. The Heaven-Earth-Earth-Earth-Earth-Earth-Earth-Earth-Earth-Earth-Ear-Kun-Kun-Kun-kun-kun-kun-kun-reversed formation was not the opponent of the Tree Demon. .


Taiyi zhenqi condensed ferociously around the dryad's sharp and powerful tentacles. Sure enough, as soon as Taiyi zhenqi touched the tree demon's tentacles, it corroded the tentacles. Go up and start nibbling the tentacles of the dryad one by one.

"It's really bad luck. I have been here for 10 years, and I will encounter this kind of nemesis... Hmph, it seems that I have to abandon the dojo, and then..."

The dryad hurriedly withdrew its tentacles, most of which were corroded. Looking at the dryad felt distressed, but its vertical eyes began to tremble, as if there was another way.

When the dryad was preparing for a new round of attack to deal with Ye Yun, he suddenly felt the air was chilly. Looking up, the rotten wood sprout was spinning slightly, and a strange force enveloped him. The dryad was shocked: "Yes Niaoya... not good, that thing is more terrifying than this human being, he must be destroyed!"

"What's going on, why can't my strength be condensed, and my vitality is being absorbed by the little buds like crazy, what's going on??"

Just as he was about to display his demonic power and unleash his supernatural powers, the terrifying demonic power in the tree demon's body rushed up and merged into the sprouts of the rotten wood. Seeing that the tree demon was frightened, no matter how he controlled the demonic power in his body, he couldn't stop it. The monster power and life force in the body are absorbed by the rotten wood buds like a flood, and the power of the dojo is being refined by Ye Yun.

"Damn it...Damn it, what the hell is it..."

The dryad roared unwillingly, but it had no effect at all. Just when the dryad retaliated, his body not only became smaller, but the rotten wood sprouts were really terrifying, like a bottomless pit, and like an ancient giant beast, absorbing it crazily. The power of devouring the dryad is endless.

"Looks like you don't need to do anything. It's exactly as I thought. The rotten wood sprouts, it's easy to suppress this little dryad. The dryads are simply the fertilizer for the rotten wood sprouts to grow!"

Seeing the tree demon lose its huge body, he stood up immediately, and no longer used the heaven and earth upside-down array to digest the power of the tree demon's dojo. There are rotten wood and young shoots, which is enough.


Picking up a spiritual thought, Ye Yun shot directly into the void, and then released the power of the Great Thousand God Map, directly covering all the space within a kilometer radius, absolutely imprisoning it, and no one can separate Ye Yun from the existence of the entire swamp.

After about three breaths, a stream of demonic energy appeared in the space controlled by Ye Yun. Ye Yun took the initiative to break through the void, and Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable suddenly flew out in sweat. As soon as he appeared, he found the terrifying Daqian God figure nothingness power.

"This... this... such a powerful void plane ability. I feel that this is an independent plane. It is impossible, unless only the real immortal supreme can instantly isolate the plane and create space!"

As soon as Scarlet Cloud Demon Lord appeared, before he could greet Ye Yun in the future, he found that the aura of the Great Thousand Gods Map emptily separated this space. He said: "Immortal artifact breath, and has spiritual consciousness, has such a powerful nihilistic plane breath, many space fairy artifacts can do it, but the space fairy artifact is just a refined space, and cannot directly swallow the real space, but This space is the real space, the space that has been isolated, and it is rumored...Could it be, Boss, you have the Great Thousand God Map?"

Ye Yun was taken aback for a moment, he really didn't expect Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable to recognize it at a glance. Although Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable is a generation of Demon Venerable, in Ye Yun's eyes, there are certain restrictions, and the Daqian Shen Tu is a legendary existence in the fairy world. Even immortals can't tell the difference, Ye Yun nodded in surprise: "Chi Yun, you are worthy of being the Demon Lord of the Immortal Realm, yes, I did get the Great Thousand God Map, but it's a fragment of Turing, and I haven't got the Great Thousand God Map itself yet!"

"Boss, you are really my idol, the Great Thousand God Map... Hey, I have been in the fairy world for many years, and I have seen countless powerful fairy artifacts, but I have never seen the Great Thousand God Map. Many years ago, the Great Thousand God Map, I don't know why, I disappeared in the fairy world, I don't know how many billion years, I didn't expect that I would be obtained by the boss, great luck, even the bastard son of the desolate fairy Taishi, with such a strong luck, I have never gotten such a great thousand gods map treasure!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable was amazed again and again, his eyes were full of shock, not to mention how excited he was, and Ye Yun also saw the true value of the Daqian God Map from Chiyun Demon Venerable's actions.

"Chi Yun, calling you here again this time will naturally benefit you, Lian Zhanxin, come out for me!"

Ye Yun turned his hand and grabbed it, a vortex of true energy appeared, and a Purgatory Tower of Absolute Yin appeared, Lian Zhanxin flew out from the tower sideways, his whole body was entangled by the seal, but his eyes stared at Ye Yun resentfully.

Chiyun Demon Venerable stared at Lian Zhanxin, and sneered indifferently: "Oh, this kid was actually cut off by a master of the magic way to wash the marrow and reshape the demon body, yes, yes, after this demon body is absorbed by me, it will benefit a lot! "

"You, you, you..." When Lian Zhanxin saw Scarlet Cloud Demon Lord, he seemed to know who he was right away, and was too scared to speak.

"Boy, you have a good eye. You can tell right away that this deity is a devil. Yes, I am your ancestor. In front of this deity, what tricks do you have? However, I can also see the secrets on your body." Come out, you are the spokesperson of the demonic way in the fairy world, right? The qigong you practice is called 'Defying the Devil's Infant Sacrifice', and you use countless babies to cultivate the supreme devil's fetus!"

In a few words, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable explained the secret of Lian Zhanxin's body clearly.

Lian Zhanxin's eyes were wide open, as if he regarded Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable as a monster: "Who the hell are you... why do you know that I am the spokesperson of the Demon Dao, and that the Heaven-Defying Demon Infant Sacrifice was personally projected by the ancestor of our sect from the fairy world?" Professor, how do you know?"

"Haha, demons in the fairy world... boy, what is a demon, I am the ancestor of the demon, the majestic demon, die for me!"

Chiyun Mozun suddenly opened his mouth, like a whale swallowing fish and shrimp, and ate Lian Zhanxin's whole body. This is a living cannibalism, which really makes people sick.

Ye Yun felt helpless, shook his head, he really didn't expect Lian Zhanxin to be so dead, and secretly sighed: "This Lian Zhanxin is really useless!"

"The spokesperson of the devil's way, a small plane is also worthy of having a spokesperson. Boss, this kid is the spokesperson selected by the magic power of the fairy world. He established a magic altar in the lower realm, but it is futile at this low level!"

Wiping his mouth, Chiyun Demon Venerable looked disdainful, eating a living person, his heart didn't beat, and his face didn't change color.

"Oh, master, you are refining a weak tree demon!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable came to the top of the upside-down formation, and suddenly stomped his feet, and the entire upside-down formation shattered, then sank directly with Ye Yun, and came to the tree demon. At this time, the tree demon had only It was half the size before, and when it saw Ye Yun, it wanted to eat a bite, but when it saw Scarlet Cloud Demon Lord, the tree demon was so frightened that it wanted to run away.

It took a long time for the tree demon to say a word: "You, you are actually a fairy..."

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable didn't pay attention to the tree demon at all, he didn't pay attention to it at all, his eyes fell on the rotten wood buds, his face changed, revealing a trace of fear, as if he remembered that in the blood pool, Ye Yun used the rotten wood buds to fight with him. Fighting scene.

Shaking his head violently, the Chiyun Demon Venerable said to Ye Yun: "Master, you actually use such a fetish as the 33-day vine to refine a little tree demon. It is a waste of nature. This kind of ant is not worthy of a fetish at all!"

Fetish? 33 days of vines?

A few words made Ye Yun suddenly excited. He always forgot that Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable knew the origin of the rotten wood sprouts, but he never asked him. Now that he finally knew, he asked: "Chiyun, tell me about its origin. !"

"Master, these 33-day vines are real treasures. Comparing them with the Great Thousand Gods Map, one is made of mud and the other is made of gold and diamonds!"

Chiyun Mozun's tone gradually calmed down, his eyes fell on the buds of the 33-day vine, and he said slowly: "About the 33-day vine, it has always been a legend, it is the legend of the gods, it is the legend of the creation of the world, there are too many legends. Too many, no one believes that 33 vines really exist, perhaps, it is just a myth, legends in ancient times, the universe was chaotic, there were no people, no demons, no water, no fire, no grass or thing, only Gods and demons!"

"Yes, that ancient era was called the age of gods and demons. There have been countless years since the age of gods and demons. In the age of gods and demons, there were only gods and demons. It is said that 33 vines grew in that era, from hell to heaven, connecting Hell and heaven communicated between gods and demons, and became a bridge between heaven and earth. Because it connects hell and heaven, 33 vines have the ability to have the same source of gods and demons. It is rumored that 33 vines have produced countless planes, from hell to heaven. There are 33 floors in heaven, this is the origin of the name of the gods, but unfortunately, in the era of gods and demons, the 33 vines were cut down by the gods and demons, never fell, and disappeared forever!"

"At the beginning in the blood pool of the ancient continent, I saw that the boss had the aura of the same origin of gods and demons. At that time, I was very puzzled. The same origin of gods and demons cannot exist, only the legendary 33-day vine. Later, you used it Come to deal with me and digest my magic power, and I am sure that it is the legendary fetish, 33 vines. Unexpectedly, such a fetish, which has become a piece of rotten wood, is now sprouting and reborn in the hands of the boss. Does this mean 33 Tenten will reproduce the scene of the age of gods and demons in this era..."

After some eloquence, Demon Venerable Chiyun's expression was calm after he finished speaking, his pupils released a faint magic light, and he kept looking at the 33-day vine buds, as if he wanted to see the legendary god that connected to hell and heaven.

After listening to it, Ye Yun was also very shocked. He never thought that a piece of rotten wood obtained in the Troll Star Demon Ancestor Dojo would have such a background.

"No wonder the 33-day vine will fight against my divinity. It turns out that it is of the same origin as gods and demons. It can absorb the power of gods and demons, and can resist the power of gods and demons..."

Thinking of this, I was afraid for a while, if I was not careful at that time and missed the 33 Tianvine, I would lose such a shocking fetish.

"Against divinity?"

Chiyun Mozun couldn't believe it. After all, Ye Yun activated the 33-day vine, so he shouldn't fight Ye Yun. Chiyun Mozun sighed: "It is rumored that the 33-day vine is from the same source as the gods and demons, and the gods and demons are brewed. , Naturally, he will not fight against gods and demons, but now he is fighting against divinity. It seems that there must be some secrets in it. Boss, 33 Tianvine has always been a legendary existence. Even in the eyes of the gods, it is also the supreme god. It must not Let outsiders know, otherwise, you will be killed, and if the gods and demons find out, they may come directly and kill you!"

Ye Yun wasn't worried, suddenly his eyes rolled, he looked curiously at Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, and asked, "Chiyun, do gods and demons really exist?"

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