The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 281 Conspiracy to dominate

Chang Wuxun has a handsome appearance and a thin body, but his aura is cold and gloomy, as if from hell, and the aura sometimes disappears, making people feel that he does not exist at all.

He wears the pair of gloves in both hands, very extraordinary, as sharp as eagle claws, each sharp edge is as sharp as a sword, releasing a touch of immortality, it is an immortal weapon, matched with Chang Wuxun's profound cultivation, The secret qigong made Chang Wuxun look like a shadow, exuding a bottomless aura.

"Chang Wuxiong, the qigong he cultivates is very strange. He is like a shadow. His cultivation is at the first level of the sky, but his real strength should be around the fifth level of the sky. With those gloves, he should reach the sixth level... this People, like me, aim to assassinate others and obtain the decree!"

Staring at the void from a distance, Ye Yun didn't take Huatian seriously in his every move. Huatian is indeed powerful, but he won so many decrees by relying on other external forces. If there are not so many powerful people to protect him, It's not bad if he can get a hundred decrees.

But Chang Wuxun is different. He relies entirely on himself to kill masters who have obtained the decree. Imagine that those students who can obtain the decree must have obtained the decree from the blood. The students stood out from the crowd, but the elites of these elites were killed by Chang Wuxun one by one. It is conceivable how amazing Chang Wuxun's methods are.

This kind of person is good at assassination, combined with his cultivation of qigong, his strength is much stronger than that of the same period.

This kind of character is also the most terrifying opponent. He kills people like hemp, which can only be used to describe Chang Wu as inferior. In order to achieve his goal, he will do anything at any cost.

Ye Yun is also different from Chang Wuxun. Chang Wuxun relied on his own ability to track down the strong and assassinate them one by one, while Ye Yun obtained the true energy of the top few figures from the Tongtian Lingshi, and used the true energy to Stalking, comparing the two, whoever has the better means, a discerning eye will know the result at a glance. Chang Wuxun is facing Ye Yun, just like an apprentice is facing a master.

Although sometimes an apprentice will beat a master, but in general, a master is a master, and his experience and strength are still superior.

"Chang Wuxun, you came at the right time. You have more than 1000 decrees on your body. I never thought that you would take the initiative to send them to your door. With all your decrees, I will surpass Li Moran and become No. 1!"

Under the protection of more than [-] strong men, Huatian said powerfully, with a large number of people and full of confidence, Huatian didn't take Chang Wuxun seriously at all. In fact, Huatian also knew how powerful Chang Wuxun was, but now he With many people in hand, it is more than enough to deal with Chang Wuxie.

No matter how powerful Chang Wuxun is, he is no match for thousands of punches. Behind Huatian, there is a powerful support that has been prepared. All of these students have joined the Hua family for this grand event, and helped Huatian get No.1. And once they succeed, even if they can't get along in Shenzhou Xianyuan, they will get a good position in Hualong Empire hosted by Huajia in the future.

Faced with Huatian's disdain and condescending aura, Chang Wuxi was expressionless, still like a ghost, cold and cold, it took him a long time to say a eerie sentence: "You will go to hell."

"Everyone, cooperate with me and kill this person!"

Huatian suddenly swung his sword in the air, and the surface of the fairy sword released flaming sword energy, scaring some ferocious beasts to flee in panic. Then, one after another, the auxiliary powerhouses released various seals to form a large formation. No shame.

A huge world of sword aura was formed in midair. As Huatian continued to release the terrifying power in the fairy sword, the world of sword aura was filled with all kinds of sword lights, with vertical and horizontal blades. If the world of sword aura was suppressed instantly, it could kill any beast.

The students around who were fighting fierce beasts also felt the destruction of the world of sword energy. The sword light rushed up to the sky layer by layer, illuminating the entire crater, and the world of sword energy suddenly expanded.

"Afterimage tracking, infinite universe!"

When the world of sword energy is frantically condensing, Chang Wuxun does not move. If he does not move again, once the deduction of the world of sword energy arranged by Huatian absorbing the power of more than [-] strong men is completed, then Chang Wuxun will die. , Chang Wuxun knows better than anyone else.

His whole body actually turned into an afterimage. The afterimage combined with the shadow, and the shadow turned into a phantom, which spread out like the light at dusk, and blasted towards the formation composed of more than thirty strong men like a big net.

"Chang Wuxun is so domineering, confronting more than [-] strong men head-on, his agility is really weird... Just like the powerful afterimage back then."

Ye Yun, who was in the sea of ​​people, stared intently at the group of ferocious beasts, and there was always no abnormal movement.

"This person is really bold, don't you think we don't exist?" Thirty strong men, hidden in the formation, saw a huge phantom net sweeping towards them, all of them looked solemn and murderous.

Many strong people were actually provoked by one person, which undoubtedly slapped them heavily in the face. How could they save face? Many people sacrificed terrifying dragons of true energy and blasted towards the phantom net.

Clang clang clang...

The phantom net collided head-on with countless true qi dragons, and the sky was filled with the sound of metal and iron clanging, which was deafening. The impact set off a monstrous storm, and it was impossible to see the situation clearly.

Suddenly -.

In the blink of an eye, black lines flew out from the storm, passed by more than thirty strong men with lightning speed, and then rushed towards Huatian, like thousands of people. Black arrows were fired, densely packed.

"Chang Wuxi, push an inch...!"

Huatian turned pale with shock. He never expected that Chang Wuxun could kill him alone, ignoring the interception of more than thirty strong men. This kind of strength was beyond Huatian's expectation. You know, it is It is not easy to achieve the seventh and eighth level of Tongtian.

Moreover, the qigong performed by Chang Wuxun is so weird that it can turn the body into a shadow. The shadow is nothingness, and nothingness is difficult to capture. This kind of qigong is unheard of by Huatian. It shows a trace of greed. In the world of sword energy, he swung the fairy sword directly, and slashed at the square shadows that rushed towards him.

The radiance of the fairy sword concealed the radiance of darkness, and the radiance of the sword increased greatly, soaring into the sky!


In the struggle between the sword light and the darkness, there was a crisp impact sound. Immediately, the sword light lost its brilliance and continued to shrink, while the dark phantom held the sword light and turned into a drop of origin, and suddenly disappeared into the void.

"Oops, my son was sucked into the domain by Chang Wuxun..."

At the moment when the sword light suddenly disappeared, more than [-] strong men froze in place, at a loss, each of them was shocked, unexpectedly, a new student, in front of them, directly sucked Huatian into the field, from them In front of them, swaggering and disappearing, this kind of trick really made them astonished.

In a gloomy underground skull crypt thousands of miles away from the tiankeng, you can't see your fingers, the cold wind is blowing non-stop, and sand and stones are flying in the crypt, like a sharp sword raging in the dark void.

Hoo hoo....

In the gloomy crypt, suddenly, a breath of nothingness appeared in the void, and then, flames suddenly ignited around the crypt, instantly lighting up the crypt, and the whole crypt was fully displayed. It turns out that the crypt is not An ordinary crypt had been built into an altar long ago, with braziers placed in all directions. At this time, the flames were burning, and strange patterns began to appear on the altar.

Whoosh...Suddenly, a ray of origin appeared from above the altar.

Suddenly... Immediately afterwards, the brilliance of the original point was suddenly generous and abnormal, and two figures flew out of it one by one, from as big as a grain of sand, to Chang Wuxie and Huatian in an instant.


As soon as he appeared, Huatian's eyes were locked by the altar, and he scanned the surroundings, looking at the bright and strange lines, and looked at Chang Wuxun in surprise: "I actually built the altar here long ago, and I used the domain to drag him into it." Here, do you want to use the altar to kill me?"

"That's right, when I first entered Yunfu Star, I sealed the altar here, and used it to kill many strong people. Today, you will die here too, no one can save you You, even the Hua family, are the same, it can be said that distant water cannot save close fire!"

Chang Wuxun slowly stretched out his hands, exposing sharp gloves, and said with a sneer: "You and I are in the same realm, and magic weapons are also immortal weapons. Huatian, come on, only the strong can live in this world, and the weak, either Die, or become a slave."

"You didn't hesitate to spend powerful spirit stones to draw me into the altar you set up. You are really scheming everywhere, but I'm afraid your wishful thinking will come to nothing!"

Faced with Chang Wuxun's confidence, Huatian actually showed full confidence and fell into the trap set by Chang Wuxun without any fear. I don't know if he is stupid or really brave.

"I thought that Chang Wuxun would kill Huatian in the sinkhole, but I didn't expect that Chang Wuxun acted so cautiously. He was not 100% sure to kill Huatian in the sinkhole, so he sucked Huatian into the preparation In the Dharma altar, with full confidence, killing Huatian... Chang Wuxun is brave and resourceful, it is indeed difficult to deal with!"

Suddenly, in the crypt, in a certain emptiness, there was a pair of eyes staring at Huatian secretly, Chang Wuxiong, it was Ye Yun who had followed him a long time ago: "On the contrary... Huatian is not afraid in the face of danger, he It should be clear that with the strength and strategy displayed by Chang Wuxun, Huatian is still calm. Could it be that this Huatian is still more scheming than Chang Wuxun, deliberately revealing a state of needing external assistance, but really hiding it? Strength, fishing for big fish!?"

At this moment, Ye Yun took a deep breath. If this is the case, then this Huatian, who is not inferior to ordinary sons in any way, actually has such a scheming, it is really surprising.

Things are really changing rapidly. At first, Huatian put on a weak appearance that he had to rely on everyone's strength to win the decree, but Chang Wuxun suddenly broke out and brought Huatian here with his tyrannical and advanced cultivation. As a result, All of this was within Huatian's expectation, just to lure out Chang Wuxun, a big fish. If this is the case, Huatian is a real conspirator with unfathomable depths.

Thinking of this, Ye Yun couldn't help but hold his breath, he wanted to see what kind of means Hua Tian had, and what he could do to deal with the powerful Chang Wuxie.

"Chang Wuxun, others don't know about you, but I have already figured out your origin. It is rumored that you have inherited a powerful assassination dojo, and you have cultivated a whole body of assassination skills. What you have seen is really worthy of your reputation. I knew it. In the grand training event, you will fight against the top few people one by one, but why don't you choose Li Moran, and Qin Shang from the original source, you must know that the decree in their hands is much better than mine!"

Huatian looked at Chang Wuxun and asked unhurriedly. He grabbed it with his hands, and the fairy sword appeared like a light and shadow instantly. The entire crypt was shaking because of the appearance of the fairy sword. The fairy sword gradually calmed down, not as it was at the beginning aggressive.

"Do you think I'm really arrogant and frivolous? You know who Li Moran is. It is rumored that he is the best among the new students of the Three Great Immortals. He is well-cultivated and possesses extraordinary abilities. I'm going to kill him? I never take risks when I am not sure. As for the new Qin Shang in Shenzhou, this person is even more mysterious. He suddenly rose to fame from an unknown person and became No. 1 in Shenzhou Xianyuan, which proves that this person has no cultivation. Under Li Moran, am I that stupid to compete with this kind of person?"

Chang Wuxun showed his killing nature, his eyes became redder and brighter, and he stared at Hua Tiandao embarrassingly: "In order to assassinate the most powerful person here, it is better to assassinate a student who is not inferior to you. If you kill a few more people, I will get more!" There is no need to take risks, and fighting against a strong man like Li Moran, for me, is invincible, and that is the way to victory. However, on the same level, when the time comes, find another student who has a lot of decrees. After beheading, he will surpass Li Moran and become the number one. And my Gutuo Xianyuan is naturally No. 1. In the next 3000 years If you are lucky, you will lean towards Gutuo Xianyuan!"

"It is worthy of inheriting the ancient way of assassination, scheming, careful planning, and decisive killing, but in this world, the laws are constantly running, and the law of heaven is reincarnated. How can you succeed in everything according to plan? If this is the case, fate will no longer be fate. , because fate is nothingness and the most difficult thing to control, you are too confident in your own strength, this is your biggest fatal weakness!" Huatian's situation changed, he held the fairy sword, and his eyes became stern.

"I didn't expect you to be full of tongues. You are eloquent, and you speak logically. However, things cannot be changed, and you cannot change your fate. Go to hell!"

"Ecstasy Claw!"

Chang Wuxun launched an attack as expected, his body formed into a bow, shot out like a sharp sword, he spread his arms, clicked a few times, his fists stretched continuously, the gloves made a mechanical friction sound, his five fingers spread out, his hands were like falcon claws, Block Huatian from the prey, like a comet hitting a meteorite and blasting out.

"Good come!"

As soon as the fairy sword was horizontal, Huatian smiled indifferently, holding the fairy sword, his whole body flew towards Chang Wuxun like lightning, a bolt of lightning, a shadow, struck again and again in the void.

Dangdang Dangdang!

Every time the two figures collide, there will be a crisp metallic sound, one after the other, the two figures are flickering over the crypt, shuttle, the speed is too fast, the naked eye can't see clearly, only the sound can be heard first, according to the source of the sound , to know where the two are.

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