"Conquer Li Moran, and plant a pawn in Tianjun Immortal Academy. If you want to be invincible, you must have your own power!"

In a certain void in Yunfuxing, a huge spirit-gathering array enveloped a large area of ​​the world. Ye Yun sat cross-legged in it, opened his mouth and breathed in, it was the monstrous aura. Absolutely.

In this grand event, Ye Yun was neither warm nor hot, he killed Huatian and Chang Wuxun with lightning speed, won more than 2000 decrees, and subdued Li Moran, which can be described as a bumper harvest, especially Li Moran, This person is outstanding in all aspects. He stands out among millions of students, and his future achievements will definitely be extraordinary.

All the achievements of Li Moran are equal to the achievements of Ye Yun. To have such a good pawn and use it against Tianjun Immortal Academy in the future will be the most unexpected. No one would have thought that Li Moran is actually Ye Yun's person.

And in order to achieve Li Moran, he possessed three thousand Taoist decrees, which Ye Yun did not take away. He wanted to achieve Li Moran to become No.1 in this grand event, and then he was trained by Tianjun Xianyuan, and he was named Dongtai Star noodle.

Now Ye Yun has more than 2000 decrees, and he will definitely be among the top three, so there is no need to steal Li Moran's decree. Ye Yun intends to use this grand event to become a blockbuster, get the key training of Shenzhou Xianyuan, and become the core. Although he is not No. 1. However, he succeeded in beheading Huatian and Changwuxiong. Based on this alone, Ye Yun has achieved his goal and became a blockbuster.

There is no need to take away the decree from Li Moran's body, it is better to have the beauty of an adult, and make Li Moran a first-class genius in Tianjun Immortal Academy.

"Shenzhou Xianyuan has stood on the plane for nearly ten thousand years, with a deep foundation. It is impossible to become a real student of Shenzhou Xianyuan if it is not the core. When I become a core student, Ditian, I am standing in front of you, what can you do to me... You have resurrected Utona and used him and your honorable disciple Yao Miao to deal with me!"

With a chuckle, he couldn't help but think of Ditian and the future situation. Ye Yun is full of self-confidence, becoming a core student, his status is similar to Ditian, and he can truly integrate into Shenzhou Xianyuan, superior to others, and Shenzhou Xianyuan is rich in resources. There must be a lot of utensils, and it is the best place for cultivation.

At the speed of Ye Yun's cultivation, it took less than 20 years to cultivate from a meat immortal to the first level of a human immortal. In 20 years, most people can cultivate from a flesh immortal to a heavenly immortal, and they are considered geniuses, but Ye Yun's real strength reaches the human fairyland Tongtian Tier [-].

In 20 years, from the weak meat fairy to the heaven-reaching realm, not to mention that there is no Taixing plane, even if you look at the countless planes in the entire mortal world, there is no such sky-defying speed.

Although it takes tens of thousands of years to go from the human fairyland to the broken fairyland, in front of Ye Yun, it may be completed in less than a thousand years, and the resources of the Shenzhou Xianyuan are so abundant, it is even more possible.

"Becoming a core student of Shenzhou Xianyuan, I will be able to return to the mainland of Shenzhou in an upright manner, which is the day when the Lanfeng Sect perishes, and my Taiyi Empire will become the most powerful force in Shenzhou, which is the sect that Ditian once practiced , I also want to eradicate the 'Kyushu Gate', and then find a way to promote the continent to a planet!"

Now that the general situation has been determined, coupled with the tyrannical strength, there will be no one in the mainland of Shenzhou, and such small sects as Lanfengzong, Wendaozong, and Jiuzhoumen can be easily wiped out.

Even if he has an unimaginable master, Ye Yun doesn't have to be afraid, even if he can't deal with it, it's different to return to Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, with him around, meeting immortals and killing immortals, encountering demons and slaying demons, it's nothing like Di Tian.

Refining the Shenzhou Continent and promoting the mainland to a planet, this is what Ye Yun has always thought. After all, he was born in the Shenzhou Continent and has deep feelings. The key family members and friends are there. With Ye Yun's strength, it is very easy to seize a planet now. However, if a continent can be refined and then promoted to a planet, then Ye Yun's dojo will be unrivaled.

Even people like Di Tian couldn't do it when he was promoted to the planet, but Ye Yun was confident that he could do a miracle that others couldn't do.


Several months passed, and suddenly, an immemorial and sacred bell-tolling sound fell from the depths of the sky in an instant from the surging flood, and then swayed, moving the sky and the earth.

"The time is up, the door of the passage is also presented, seal, knot!!!"

In the depths of the void, the holy light suddenly rose. Ye Yun walked out slowly from the encirclement of the holy light. He watched a large formation slowly descending from the sky, and a sacred door opened majestically. Thousands of Dao Dao's aura rose to the sky astonishingly, and began to be absorbed by the heaven-reaching spirit stone.

At this time, Ye Yun also turned into a frightened bird and flew towards the gate of the Great Formation. Looking at the vast world at this time, tens of thousands of students from the Three Immortal Academy kept flying from the depths of the earth, sweeping away densely like locusts.

In the center of the Yunfu Star Crystal Wall system, there is a sacred space-time. In this space-time, there is a huge square that can accommodate a million people. The square is almost as huge as the Ziyu Continent. Above the square, there are three camps. , representing Shenzhou, Tianjun, and Gutuo Xianyuan respectively.

At this moment, dozens of respected students from the three major immortal courtyards, led by the immortal masters, are sitting in the void, and there are three immortal masters casting their seals, and the sky-reaching spirit stone suddenly landed.

"Appeared, finally appeared, No.2, is the student of Shenzhou Xianyuan, named Ye Yun!!!"

The disciples of Tianjun and Gutuo, the two great disciples of the Immortal Academy, burst out in shock, and stared deeply at the three names who ranked Tongtian Lingshi at the top.

"Okay, I really didn't expect that among the hundreds of thousands of new disciples in my Shenzhou Xianyuan, there is such a peerless talent, comparable to Di Tian back then..."

In the Shenzhou camp, Ling Daozi waved his hand, his arrogance soared to the sky, and every immortal expert held his head high, facing the two immortal masters of Tianjun and Gutuo, facing each other head-on with great momentum.

"My God, I didn't solve my doubts until the last moment..."

Yun Wantong stood next to a strong immortal, and heaved a sigh of relief. When he saw the shining and sacred name ranked No. 2, Yun Wantong finally felt relieved, and secretly said: "Although this I didn't get No.1 this time, but Ye Yun unexpectedly appeared, compared to No.1, I got a genius seedling, this is what Xianyuan values!"

"It turns out that Ye Yun is a student of the Heaven-Defying Academy... It seems that it is time for him to leave the Heaven-Defying Academy and enter the interior of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy!" Yun Wantong took out the Shenzhou Spiritual Book, communicated with the book spirit in the Spiritual Book, and checked a a name.

Whoosh whoosh! ! !

A portal appeared in the center of the square, and in the blink of an eye, students flew out one by one, standing in the square, aligned with the camps of the three great fairy courtyards, and there were more and more people, and it took about a few hours before the portal was closed. It looked like there were a hundred thousand students.

"All the students who have obtained the decree will all step forward, and the top ten will automatically step forward!"

A majestic howling sound came from the sky above the Three Immortals.

As soon as the conversation was over, more than 1000 students flew to the front of the square excitedly, and the remaining [-] students watched with envy and envy. strong.

"He is No.2 who appeared suddenly, Ye Yun..."

Ten students came to the front with great momentum from more than 1000 students, and turned to face [-] students. These ten students were male and female, and there were all students from the three major fairy schools, but Shenzhou and Tianjun accounted for the most The number of people, and Gutuo Xianyuan, only two disciples, ranked at the bottom.

"I didn't expect you..."

Among the ten people, Xue Mengyao, who was ranked fourth overall, looked at Ye Yun standing in front of her in shock. Yao's face was expressionless, with complicated eyes.

"You are the Ye Yun who beheaded Huatian and Chang Wuxun...I am Qin Shang, Junior Brother Ye!"

At this time, a young man sandwiched between Ye Yun and Xue Mengyao looked at Ye Yun lightly, and after a few seconds, the young man saluted Ye Yun in a calm but very polite tone.

Qin Shang, who got No.3, was the same as Ye Yun. He jumped up from the unknown and stood at the highest point. Almost, the two stood together, exuding a youthful and passionate atmosphere.

"Brother Qin, you are welcome, congratulations!"

Facing this mysterious Qin Shang, Ye Yun slightly bowed his hands and saluted. Although he couldn't see through the real strength of the other party, Ye Yun felt a breath that was the same as that of Huatian from Qin Shang's breath, and the atmosphere of human unity.

"The reason why Huatian is able to unite man and sword and perfectly fuse immortal weapons is because he refined an immortal body. Otherwise, he would not be able to refine immortal swords, but in Huatian's body, there will still be a kind of repulsion, The oppressive breath, but this Qin Shang is different, the atmosphere in his body is stable and unified, which shows that he is perfectly integrated with the immortal weapon, and it is several times stronger than Huatian..."

Sensing the special aura, Ye Yun couldn't help but glance at Qin Shang a few more times, and found that this Qin Shang looks like a monk who doesn't care about the world, like a green lotus, and the aura makes people feel very peaceful.

"Junior Brother Ye, you, I, and this Junior Sister Xue will definitely become the core in the future. The three of us should work together to gain a foothold in Shenzhou Xianyuan..."

Qin Shang seemed to see something from Xue Mengyao's actions just now, so he deliberately let go of his voice and said that there was quite an intention to win over and establish a relationship.

"Cooperation is better than isolation. I agree with Junior Brother Qin's suggestion. I hope Junior Sister Xue can also stand with us wholeheartedly..."

Said the last sentence coldly, it was a polite remark, it was aimed at Xue Mengyao, in Ye Yun's eyes, Xue Mengyao and Di Tian had an inextricable relationship that was difficult to understand, and Di Tian was Ye Yun's enemy, this would not What has changed, based on this point, Ye Yun will no longer cooperate sincerely with Xue Mengyao.

Furthermore, when Xue Mengyao was in the Beast Ancestor Territory, she stole the Ever-Crystal Immortal Jade from the Shenzhou Continent, deceived Ye Yun, and used Ye Yun, which Ye Yun could not forgive.

Even a human being can't stand being deceived by others, let alone a woman who is very close to her enemy.

Li Moran stood at the front, his face was cold, he didn't talk to anyone, this was what Ye Yun had told him beforehand, as long as they were in public places, the two of them would act as if they didn't know each other.

Moreover, even the students of Tianjun Immortal Academy, Li Moran didn't pay any attention to them. He is worthy of being a genius, rebellious and unruly, he doesn't take anyone seriously.

"Okay, okay...you all performed well, especially Li Moran, who is a formidable young man, won No.1!"

At this time, the square became quiet. The representatives of the three great fairy houses, headed by Ling Daozi, were a fairy female monk from Tianjun fairy house, who was cold and dignified, and the last one was the red-eyed middle-aged man from Gutuo fairy house. People, when he saw Ye Yun, sparks flickered in his pupils.

Ling Daozi took the lead in introducing: "I am Ling Daozi, this is Huang Yunqi Huang's head, and this one is Lei Sulei's head, the three of us are the representatives of this grand event, representing the three great fairy houses, and presiding over the grand event!"

Huang Yunqi, a fairy female monk from Tianjun Immortal Academy, came out of the dust, with a crisp voice: "Brother Ling, you are very polite, this time you all performed well, the three major immortal academies are united in spirit and formed an alliance, and you are not outsiders. As new students , you should communicate with each other more in the future!"

"Brother Lei, what do you want to say too!?" After Huang Yunqi finished speaking, Ling Daozi came to Lei Su, bowed his hands and said with a smile.


Lei Su didn't give Ling Daozi face, nor did he take Huang Yunqi seriously, coldly waved his sleeves, looked at Ye Yun with murderous intent, and then looked away.

The reason why he was so angry was naturally because Ye Yun beheaded Chang Wuxun, Chang Wuxun was Lei Su's closed disciple, he was cultivated with great difficulty, but he was easily beheaded by Ye Yun. The fan slammed loudly, which made Lei Su's old face where to put it.

Lei Su was so angry that he flew into a rage, and forced a smile on his face. Lei Su had a bad temper, so he naturally ignored it.

"The top three will get three pieces of first-grade fairy artifacts selected by the three great fairy courtyards. They are genuine fairy artifacts directly from the fairy world. Yes, it has been sealed all the time, and no one has ever practiced fruit. As for the other ten students, from four to ten, each has a fairy artifact as a reward, and top-level spiritual-level qigong. few!"

Ling Daozi, as a representative, spoke seriously to more than 1000 students. The other students who had not obtained the decree were extremely envious, unwilling and jealous.

"Among these storage rings, the rewards that each of you should have are sealed!"

Ling Daozi waved his hand, and a powerful immortal from Tianjun Immortal Academy came out from behind, grabbed it with his big hand, and more than 1000 storage rings flew towards the students who had obtained the decree. Xue Mengyao and the other ten disciples also They got rings one after another.

There was a disciple of Tianjun Immortal Academy who was ranked eighth overall. He couldn't wait to open the seal of the ring. A domineering fairy weapon flew out, and there were more than a dozen bottles of extraordinary pills, and there were more treasures in it. He didn't want to be coveted by others. Put it away immediately, stroke it like a baby, and stroke it away, envious of others.

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