"As long as I'm in charge, it's fine for me. I just want to find a backer. No one can teach me anything..."

As Xue Mengyao and Qin Shang were successively picked away by Bai Wudao and Qiu Shuihan, the two principals, Ye Yun was not in a hurry. Now he is a seed student, even if he is not favored by the principal, he still has a high status, lower than Di Tian Not much, it is even more difficult for Ditian to deal with Ye Yun.

The Central Holy Land is a paradise for practice. As long as one can practice here, that is the most important thing. Try to step into the heaven-reaching realm as soon as possible and achieve the power of heaven-reaching.

"What's going on? Is there no master...?"

Time passed by, the void was still silent, without any movement, Ling Daozi blinked slightly, thinking, could it be that no one looked down on Ye Yun.

Of course, even an immortal can't see through Ye Yun's true potential. He hides the Great Thousand God Map, the 33 Heavenly Vine, and the Supreme Miracle. Yun released a breath slightly, and all the principals would be shocked.

It's just that Ye Yun doesn't want to cause trouble, and there's no need to show off his peerless talent. He is No.2, so he will naturally be arranged by the academy, all he needs is a little patience.

"Hmph, God is helping me too, boy, I'm going to take care of you today and let you know what immortal power is!"

There was no movement, but Hua Jingyu showed his murderous nature again, turned into a piece of sword light, covering the sky and covering the ground, baring his teeth and claws, riding the sword light world to directly bombard Ye Yun.

"Hua Jingyu, you've gone too far. It's fine if you don't give me face. You still want to challenge the academy's rules. This matter will definitely be known by the higher-ups. You will end badly!"

Ling Daozi supported Ye Yun head-on, tearing apart the void, allowing the power of the entire shattered space to intercept the sword light, but that sword light was so powerful, it sealed all the power of space, completely suppressed it, and presented Wan Jian Guizong The imposing manner, grasping the light of Yi Dao Jian Guang, seemed to kill Ye Yun fatally.

As a strong immortal, Ling Daozi naturally saw how terrifying Hua Jingyu's blow was: "You really killed him, how can you gain a foothold in the academy in the future!!!"

"Is this the power of the fairy..."

Looking at the sword glow all over the sky, it not only seals the power of broken space, but also completely forms the sword glow country, with an area of ​​one kilometer long, and it is still extending to two kilometers... Seeing Hua Jingyu's method, Ye Yun also He couldn't help showing a serious expression, if Ling Daozi didn't make a move this time, he might die in this sword glow kingdom.

The kingdom of sword light is too majestic, and it is composed of countless sword lights. Each sword light can assassinate the powerhouse of the sky-reaching realm, even Wan Yuntong's tenth-level powerhouse will also perish. This is death. The strength of the Breaking Immortal Realm is simply difficult to compete with, it is ten times... or even a hundred times that of the Tongtian Realm.

"Hua Jingyu, where did the character come from...!"

Suddenly, at the moment when Jianmang Kingdom was about to suppress it, a slender figure in a white cloud star robe flashed out from the void, and a peerless and beautiful girl appeared. The Jianmang Kingdom froze instantly, and blossoming crystal ice lotuses appeared.

The entire Jianmang Kingdom became a sacred place for brewing ice lotuses, and then began to disintegrate inch by inch with the lotus blossoms.

Hua Jingyu took three steps back suddenly, clang clang clang, his body released a messy qi, shaking the space around his body to shatter one by one, riddled with holes, he looked at the beautiful and refined girl in shock: "You are... Xuanji's master Disciple, Senior Sister Meng Ximeng!"

The girl had a melon-shaped face with a hint of childishness, her big watery eyes sparkled with aura, she said coldly: "Yes, I am one of the disciples under Xuanji's seat, this Ye Yun has already been favored by our great chief, Brother Hua, if you make things difficult for him again, don't blame me for being rude to you."

"Master Xuanji!!!"

Hearing the girl 'Meng Xi' admitting that Ling Daozi, who had not moved all this time, was trembling, shocked and ecstatic, he immediately introduced to Ye Yun: "Master Yu Xuanji, but rarely recruits male disciples, Junior Brother Ye, you really Good luck, Master Xuanji is one of the most mysterious figures among countless masters, very few people have talked about her, and she has never shown up."

"Yu Xuanji!?"

Ye Yun was also taken aback for a moment, he had no impression after thinking about it, but as the master, it seems that Yu Xuanji's master is definitely not simple, and that woman named Meng Xi, who is more advanced than Ling Daozi in all aspects. It is enough to show that Yu Xuanji is definitely not an easy master.

Hua Jingyu couldn't show his power this time, and the opponent broke through the attack in one fell swoop. It can be seen that Meng Xi's cultivation base is higher than him. In this new promotion event, it is an indelible fact that a genius child of my Hua family was beheaded and killed by the same family, I hope he can hand over what he got from Hua Tian!"

"You have a lot of treasures in the Hua family, so it's nothing to be short of one or two. Moreover, Junior Brother Ye killed Huatian with his strength, and the environment of Yunfu Star is extremely dangerous. There is no evidence to prove that Junior Brother Ye did it!"

Meng Xi stomped her feet, angry and cute, her big eyes rolled suddenly, and she blurted out a few words, leaving Hua Jingyu speechless with witty words.

"Senior Sister, forget it, Hua Tian was indeed killed by me, this Senior Brother Hua is right, this matter is between me and him!"

While the two sides were arguing, Ye Yun suddenly came out from behind Ling Daozi, and greeted Hua Jingyu with cupped fists: "Brother Hua, if you want Huatian's relic, come and arrest me if you have the ability, Senior Sister Meng, you go first!" One step, I'll follow right away!"

"Brat, since you want to die, don't blame me for being rude. Brother Ling, Senior Sister Meng, you heard this with your own ears, so I will take the Huatian relic from him personally!!!"

After Hua Jingyu heard this, he showed a ferocious smile. He didn't expect that Ye Yun would be so conceited and frivolous. Quickly, penetrate the space.

Meng Xi stomped her feet in anger, she was extremely cute, and stared at Ye Yun angrily, she really didn't expect Ye Yun to intervene in the battle between the immortal powerhouses, but she hesitated to make a move, seeing Ye Yun standing with his hands behind his back, confident Manman became even more anxious: "Junior Brother Ye! You..."

"Brat, I won't kill you. If you take away my Hua family's property, you will naturally give it back to my Hua family!" Hua Jingyu smiled coldly, with his hands on his hips, waiting to see Jianmang subdue Ye Yun.

"Ha ha…"

Suddenly, at the moment when one after another sword light hit Ye Yun, Ye Yun disappeared from the tip of the sword strangely, and appeared next to Fairy Meng Xi in the blink of an eye, and shouted at Hua Jingyu: "Hua Jingyu! , do you think I am an ant for you to pinch and kill at will? If you have the ability, come to the main dojo to find me!"

"Damn it, brat..."

Hua Jingyu was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood. He never dreamed that Ye Yun would easily escape from the attack of his immortal position, and even disappeared with Fairy Meng Xi in the blink of an eye. It must be Fairy Meng Xi who brought Ye Yun with him. Entering the passage leading to Yu Xuanji's main dojo, even if he wanted to chase him, he would not be able to chase him.

A strong immortal can't do anything to a weak weak in the fairyland. Countless strong spiritual senses saw this scene. Although they didn't make a sound, they were all surprised.

A new student who actually caused the senior immortal to suffer a big loss will definitely shake the entire Central Holy Land.

"You deserve it...Hua Jingyu, you really deserve it. I didn't expect that Ye Yun, a new student, would have such a good cultivation base. No wonder he was able to kill Huatian and Chang Wuxun, and also ignored Lei Su. It turns out that he has such supernatural powers." ...Even Di Tian was not so tyrannical back then!"

Ling Daozi watched the scene with his eyes wide open. Although he couldn't believe it, it did happen. Ling Daozi shook his head and left with a look of disbelief.

"Ye Yun... I don't believe it, I won't have a chance to kill you in the future, this time I will lose all ground in the Central Holy Land, this account..." Hua Jingyu glanced at the sky, turned around and was about to fly away.

"Hua Jingyu, we are the envoys of the Hall of Law Enforcement. You openly disobeyed the rules of the school and made things difficult for the new students. Although you did not act excessively, you have already provoked the law. Follow us back to the Hall of Law Enforcement and meet the Lord of the Hall of Law Enforcement!"

A group of six strong men in gold robes who were dressed differently from ordinary students suddenly broke through the air and came out of a tunnel, directly announced the decree, and forcibly escorted Hua Jingyu into the tunnel.

"Junior Brother Ye, how did you escape Hua Jingyu's attack just now?"

In the tunnel, Meng Xi led Ye Yun to fly to the end. Ye Yun looked outside the tunnel curiously, and found that there were countless mountains, or a huge abyss, or a broken space outside, which was mysterious and sacred. Meng Xi suddenly opened his eyes wide. , couldn't help asking with a flash of inspiration.

Seeing Meng Xi's cute and innocent appearance, Ye Yun was in a good mood. He didn't expect that there would be such an innocent woman as Meng Xi in this dangerous world of cultivation. It’s amazing, but it can’t be used often, and it consumes a lot of true energy, senior sister, I’m only telling you for the sake of saving me, this is my biggest secret, don’t tell anyone else!”

Meng Xi nodded innocently and cautiously, looked around, and made sure that no one nodded: "Well, I understand, this is your adventure, and it is also your means of saving your life. Don't worry, junior, senior sister will not tell anyone, even the old master. Did not say!"

"Thank you, Senior Sister!!"

What a surprise, Ye Yun didn't expect it to be so easy to hide Meng Xi from the past. Looking at the densely packed passages, Ye Yun asked again: "Senior sister, where are we going? Are we going to meet the master?"

Meng Xi said: "Master has been in seclusion for thousands of years and has not left the seclusion. I'm afraid you won't be able to see him for a while. We are going to the dojo now. We will meet other senior sisters first, and we will cut your hair and wash your marrow together. This is the so-called cleansing. This center The holy land is no better than the holy land of the inner way or the outer way, and the general physique can't adapt to it at all!"

Ye Yun frowned, hearing this, he was puzzled, thought for a while and then asked: "Then why does the master favor me even though he hasn't left the customs?"

"I didn't know this. The master has always been silent and his power is unpredictable. When you meet the master in the future, if you ask him face to face, it will naturally become clear!"

After Meng Xi finished speaking, he suddenly released a lotus flower with one hand and drove into the depths of the tunnel. A door suddenly hid, Meng Xi led Ye Yun to fly out of the tunnel, and appeared in front of a white palace floating in the nine heavens.

The white palace is extremely holy, floating high above the nine heavens like a pyramid. Below, there are more than a dozen palaces. Looking at the void in all directions, you can't see any buildings. Only below, in the endless depths, are countless Endless continents, lakes and grasslands.

"Little brother, the tallest and largest palace is the master's dojo. Unfortunately, the master is in retreat in the 'Sacred Land of Heaven and Earth'. Now the elder sister is waiting for you in the dojo. Let's go in!"

After a brief introduction, the two of them entered the sacred palace, and saw that the palace was full of flowers and various exotic fruits, spiritual trees, many palm-sized butterflies flying around in mid-air, and flocks of colorful birds, Shuttle through the bushes.

The palace is generally snow-white, and many corridors, walls, pavilions, and floors inside are inlaid with green and blue, giving people the feeling that this is a paradise. Moreover, the entire palace is full of immortality, and the Buddha is in the hands of an invisible person. in the hands of the strong.

"The layout is very elegant, it can be seen that this Yu Xuanji is in charge, but an outsider!"

Stepping into a series of corridors, Ye Yun is refreshed by all the scenery and feels very comfortable, especially breathing, every time he breathes, he can absorb a lot of immortality, although it is not as good as a fairy weapon, but it is also stronger than ordinary heaven and earth vitality Thousands of times.

"Little brother, the master has a total of eight disciples, all of whom are women. Three senior sisters went out to practice and disappeared. They should have fallen... The aura of the three senior sisters has disappeared from the token. It has been nearly a thousand years. Before, I It’s Junior Junior Sister, now you are Junior Junior Brother and Ninth Junior Brother!”

"Now the second senior sister and the seventh senior sister have just gone out to practice. Now only the senior sister, the fifth senior sister and I stay in the Xuanji Dojo. The senior sister is called 'Yu Yunlan' and has a high level of cultivation. The fifth senior sister is called 'Han Susu'. , you will definitely like Fifth Senior Sister, hee hee!"

"Looks like including me, there are a total of six disciples in this Xuanji Dojo..."

Ye Yun didn't expect that there were so few people, it was really unexpected, but it can also be seen what kind of temperament Yu Xuanji is.

"Everyone is afraid of the elder sister. The elder sister is very strict and demanding. Junior brother, you must not contradict the elder sister. In fact, it is not easy for the elder sister. She lost her parents since she was a child. If the master didn't bump into her by accident, she might have died." No, so the senior sister follows the master's surname Yu!"

Meng Xi led Ye Yun towards the gate of a palace that wasn't very majestic. Although the palace wasn't that majestic, it was simple and natural, and inside, a sharp, icy cold air was being released forcefully.

"It's such a strong aura, it's more than ten times stronger than Ling Daozi and Hua Jingyu's cultivation. This kind of aura should not be the first rank of Poxian..."

Feeling this cold air, Ye Yun trembled all over, and even the Taiyi True Qi stopped flowing quietly, one can imagine how amazing the powerful momentum was.

"It turns out that the elder sister is not like other students. She practiced step by step from the fairy courtyard and was appreciated by the master. Instead, she was brought into the fairy courtyard from a young age!"

After Ye Yun heard it, not all of the billion students of Shenzhou Xianyuan practiced the academy on their own, and some were brought into Shenzhou Xianyuan from a young age and grew up little by little in the Xianyuan. "As long as I'm in charge, it's fine for me. I just want to find a backer. No one can teach me anything..."

As Xue Mengyao and Qin Shang were successively picked away by Bai Wudao and Qiu Shuihan, the two principals, Ye Yun was not in a hurry. Now he is a seed student, even if he is not favored by the principal, he still has a high status, lower than Di Tian Not much, it is even more difficult for Ditian to deal with Ye Yun.

The Central Holy Land is a paradise for practice. As long as one can practice here, that is the most important thing. Try to step into the heaven-reaching realm as soon as possible and achieve the power of heaven-reaching.

"What's going on? Is there no master...?"

Time passed by, the void was still silent, without any movement, Ling Daozi blinked slightly, thinking, could it be that no one looked down on Ye Yun.

Of course, even an immortal can't see through Ye Yun's true potential. He hides the Great Thousand God Map, the 33 Heavenly Vine, and the Supreme Miracle. Yun released a breath slightly, and all the principals would be shocked.

It's just that Ye Yun doesn't want to cause trouble, and there's no need to show off his peerless talent. He is No.2, so he will naturally be arranged by the academy, all he needs is a little patience.

"Hmph, God is helping me too, boy, I'm going to take care of you today and let you know what immortal power is!"

There was no movement, but Hua Jingyu showed his murderous nature again, turned into a piece of sword light, covering the sky and covering the ground, baring his teeth and claws, riding the sword light world to directly bombard Ye Yun.

"Hua Jingyu, you've gone too far. It's fine if you don't give me face. You still want to challenge the academy's rules. This matter will definitely be known by the higher-ups. You will end badly!"

Ling Daozi supported Ye Yun head-on, tearing apart the void, allowing the power of the entire shattered space to intercept the sword light, but that sword light was so powerful, it sealed all the power of space, completely suppressed it, and presented Wan Jian Guizong The imposing manner, grasping the light of Yi Dao Jian Guang, seemed to kill Ye Yun fatally.

As a strong immortal, Ling Daozi naturally saw how terrifying Hua Jingyu's blow was: "You really killed him, how can you gain a foothold in the academy in the future!!!"

"Is this the power of the fairy..."

Looking at the sword glow all over the sky, it not only seals the power of broken space, but also completely forms the sword glow country, with an area of ​​one kilometer long, and it is still extending to two kilometers... Seeing Hua Jingyu's method, Ye Yun also He couldn't help showing a serious expression, if Ling Daozi didn't make a move this time, he might die in this sword glow kingdom.

The kingdom of sword light is too majestic, and it is composed of countless sword lights. Each sword light can assassinate the powerhouse of the sky-reaching realm, even Wan Yuntong's tenth-level powerhouse will also perish. This is death. The strength of the Breaking Immortal Realm is simply difficult to compete with, it is ten times... or even a hundred times that of the Tongtian Realm.

"Hua Jingyu, where did the character come from...!"

Suddenly, at the moment when Jianmang Kingdom was about to suppress it, a slender figure in a white cloud star robe flashed out from the void, and a peerless and beautiful girl appeared. The Jianmang Kingdom froze instantly, and blossoming crystal ice lotuses appeared.

The entire Jianmang Kingdom became a sacred place for brewing ice lotuses, and then began to disintegrate inch by inch with the lotus blossoms.

Hua Jingyu took three steps back suddenly, clang clang clang, his body released a messy qi, shaking the space around his body to shatter one by one, riddled with holes, he looked at the beautiful and refined girl in shock: "You are... Xuanji's master Disciple, Senior Sister Meng Ximeng!"

The girl had a melon-shaped face with a hint of childishness, her big watery eyes sparkled with aura, she said coldly: "Yes, I am one of the disciples under Xuanji's seat, this Ye Yun has already been favored by our great chief, Brother Hua, if you make things difficult for him again, don't blame me for being rude to you."

"Master Xuanji!!!"

Hearing the girl 'Meng Xi' admitting that Ling Daozi, who had not moved all this time, was trembling, shocked and ecstatic, he immediately introduced to Ye Yun: "Master Yu Xuanji, but rarely recruits male disciples, Junior Brother Ye, you really Good luck, Master Xuanji is one of the most mysterious figures among countless masters, very few people have talked about her, and she has never shown up."

"Yu Xuanji!?"

Ye Yun was also taken aback for a moment, he had no impression after thinking about it, but as the master, it seems that Yu Xuanji's master is definitely not simple, and that woman named Meng Xi, who is more advanced than Ling Daozi in all aspects. It is enough to show that Yu Xuanji is definitely not an easy master.

Hua Jingyu couldn't show his power this time, and the opponent broke through the attack in one fell swoop. It can be seen that Meng Xi's cultivation base is higher than him. In this new promotion event, it is an indelible fact that a genius child of my Hua family was beheaded and killed by the same family, I hope he can hand over what he got from Hua Tian!"

"You have a lot of treasures in the Hua family, so it's nothing to be short of one or two. Moreover, Junior Brother Ye killed Huatian with his strength, and the environment of Yunfu Star is extremely dangerous. There is no evidence to prove that Junior Brother Ye did it!"

Meng Xi stomped her feet, angry and cute, her big eyes rolled suddenly, and she blurted out a few words, leaving Hua Jingyu speechless with witty words.

"Senior Sister, forget it, Hua Tian was indeed killed by me, this Senior Brother Hua is right, this matter is between me and him!"

While the two sides were arguing, Ye Yun suddenly came out from behind Ling Daozi, and greeted Hua Jingyu with cupped fists: "Brother Hua, if you want Huatian's relic, come and arrest me if you have the ability, Senior Sister Meng, you go first!" One step, I'll follow right away!"

"Brat, since you want to die, don't blame me for being rude. Brother Ling, Senior Sister Meng, you heard this with your own ears, so I will take the Huatian relic from him personally!!!"

After Hua Jingyu heard this, he showed a ferocious smile. He didn't expect that Ye Yun would be so conceited and frivolous. Quickly, penetrate the space.

Meng Xi stomped her feet in anger, she was extremely cute, and stared at Ye Yun angrily, she really didn't expect Ye Yun to intervene in the battle between the immortal powerhouses, but she hesitated to make a move, seeing Ye Yun standing with his hands behind his back, confident Manman became even more anxious: "Junior Brother Ye! You..."

"Brat, I won't kill you. If you take away my Hua family's property, you will naturally give it back to my Hua family!" Hua Jingyu smiled coldly, with his hands on his hips, waiting to see Jianmang subdue Ye Yun.

"Ha ha…"

Suddenly, at the moment when one after another sword light hit Ye Yun, Ye Yun disappeared from the tip of the sword strangely, and appeared next to Fairy Meng Xi in the blink of an eye, and shouted at Hua Jingyu: "Hua Jingyu! , do you think I am an ant for you to pinch and kill at will? If you have the ability, come to the main dojo to find me!"

"Damn it, brat..."

Hua Jingyu was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood. He never dreamed that Ye Yun would easily escape from the attack of his immortal position, and even disappeared with Fairy Meng Xi in the blink of an eye. It must be Fairy Meng Xi who brought Ye Yun with him. Entering the passage leading to Yu Xuanji's main dojo, even if he wanted to chase him, he would not be able to chase him.

A strong immortal can't do anything to a weak weak in the fairyland. Countless strong spiritual senses saw this scene. Although they didn't make a sound, they were all surprised.

A new student who actually caused the senior immortal to suffer a big loss will definitely shake the entire Central Holy Land.

"You deserve it...Hua Jingyu, you really deserve it. I didn't expect that Ye Yun, a new student, would have such a good cultivation base. No wonder he was able to kill Huatian and Chang Wuxun, and also ignored Lei Su. It turns out that he has such supernatural powers." ...Even Di Tian was not so tyrannical back then!"

Ling Daozi watched the scene with his eyes wide open. Although he couldn't believe it, it did happen. Ling Daozi shook his head and left with a look of disbelief.

"Ye Yun... I don't believe it, I won't have a chance to kill you in the future, this time I will lose all ground in the Central Holy Land, this account..." Hua Jingyu glanced at the sky, turned around and was about to fly away.

"Hua Jingyu, we are the envoys of the Hall of Law Enforcement. You openly disobeyed the rules of the school and made things difficult for the new students. Although you did not act excessively, you have already provoked the law. Follow us back to the Hall of Law Enforcement and meet the Lord of the Hall of Law Enforcement!"

A group of six strong men in gold robes who were dressed differently from ordinary students suddenly broke through the air and came out of a tunnel, directly announced the decree, and forcibly escorted Hua Jingyu into the tunnel.

"Junior Brother Ye, how did you escape Hua Jingyu's attack just now?"

In the tunnel, Meng Xi led Ye Yun to fly to the end. Ye Yun looked outside the tunnel curiously, and found that there were countless mountains, or a huge abyss, or a broken space outside, which was mysterious and sacred. Meng Xi suddenly opened his eyes wide. , couldn't help asking with a flash of inspiration.

Seeing Meng Xi's cute and innocent appearance, Ye Yun was in a good mood. He didn't expect that there would be such an innocent woman as Meng Xi in this dangerous world of cultivation. It’s amazing, but it can’t be used often, and it consumes a lot of true energy, senior sister, I’m only telling you for the sake of saving me, this is my biggest secret, don’t tell anyone else!”

Meng Xi nodded innocently and cautiously, looked around, and made sure that no one nodded: "Well, I understand, this is your adventure, and it is also your means of saving your life. Don't worry, junior, senior sister will not tell anyone, even the old master. Did not say!"

"Thank you, Senior Sister!!"

What a surprise, Ye Yun didn't expect it to be so easy to hide Meng Xi from the past. Looking at the densely packed passages, Ye Yun asked again: "Senior sister, where are we going? Are we going to meet the master?"

Meng Xi said: "Master has been in seclusion for thousands of years and has not left the seclusion. I'm afraid you won't be able to see him for a while. We are going to the dojo now. We will meet other senior sisters first, and we will cut your hair and wash your marrow together. This is the so-called cleansing. This center The holy land is no better than the holy land of the inner way or the outer way, and the general physique can't adapt to it at all!"

Ye Yun frowned, hearing this, he was puzzled, thought for a while and then asked: "Then why does the master favor me even though he hasn't left the customs?"

"I didn't know this. The master has always been silent and his power is unpredictable. When you meet the master in the future, if you ask him face to face, it will naturally become clear!"

After Meng Xi finished speaking, he suddenly released a lotus flower with one hand and drove into the depths of the tunnel. A door suddenly hid, Meng Xi led Ye Yun to fly out of the tunnel, and appeared in front of a white palace floating in the nine heavens.

The white palace is extremely holy, floating high above the nine heavens like a pyramid. Below, there are more than a dozen palaces. Looking at the void in all directions, you can't see any buildings. Only below, in the endless depths, are countless Endless continents, lakes and grasslands.

"Little brother, the tallest and largest palace is the master's dojo. Unfortunately, the master is in retreat in the 'Sacred Land of Heaven and Earth'. Now the elder sister is waiting for you in the dojo. Let's go in!"

After a brief introduction, the two of them entered the sacred palace, and saw that the palace was full of flowers and various exotic fruits, spiritual trees, many palm-sized butterflies flying around in mid-air, and flocks of colorful birds, Shuttle through the bushes.

The palace is generally snow-white, and many corridors, walls, pavilions, and floors inside are inlaid with green and blue, giving people the feeling that this is a paradise. Moreover, the entire palace is full of immortality, and the Buddha is in the hands of an invisible person. in the hands of the strong.

"The layout is very elegant, it can be seen that this Yu Xuanji is in charge, but an outsider!"

Stepping into a series of corridors, Ye Yun is refreshed by all the scenery and feels very comfortable, especially breathing, every time he breathes, he can absorb a lot of immortality, although it is not as good as a fairy weapon, but it is also stronger than ordinary heaven and earth vitality Thousands of times.

"Little brother, the master has a total of eight disciples, all of whom are women. Three senior sisters went out to practice and disappeared. They should have fallen... The aura of the three senior sisters has disappeared from the token. It has been nearly a thousand years. Before, I It’s Junior Junior Sister, now you are Junior Junior Brother and Ninth Junior Brother!”

"Now the second senior sister and the seventh senior sister have just gone out to practice. Now only the senior sister, the fifth senior sister and I stay in the Xuanji Dojo. The senior sister is called 'Yu Yunlan' and has a high level of cultivation. The fifth senior sister is called 'Han Susu'. , you will definitely like Fifth Senior Sister, hee hee!"

"Looks like including me, there are a total of six disciples in this Xuanji Dojo..."

Ye Yun didn't expect that there were so few people, it was really unexpected, but it can also be seen what kind of temperament Yu Xuanji is.

"Everyone is afraid of the elder sister. The elder sister is very strict and demanding. Junior brother, you must not contradict the elder sister. In fact, it is not easy for the elder sister. She lost her parents since she was a child. If the master didn't bump into her by accident, she might have died." No, so the senior sister follows the master's surname Yu!"

Meng Xi led Ye Yun towards the gate of a palace that wasn't very majestic. Although the palace wasn't that majestic, it was simple and natural, and inside, a sharp, icy cold air was being released forcefully.

"It's such a strong aura, it's more than ten times stronger than Ling Daozi and Hua Jingyu's cultivation. This kind of aura should not be the first rank of Poxian..."

Feeling this cold air, Ye Yun trembled all over, and even the Taiyi True Qi stopped flowing quietly, one can imagine how amazing the powerful momentum was.

"It turns out that the elder sister is not like other students. She practiced step by step from the fairy courtyard and was appreciated by the master. Instead, she was brought into the fairy courtyard from a young age!"

After Ye Yun heard it, not all of the billion students of Shenzhou Xianyuan practiced the academy on their own, and some were brought into Shenzhou Xianyuan from a young age and grew up little by little in the Xianyuan.

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