The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 290 Golden Scale Armor

After the last series of crackling explosions ended, the atmosphere of the stove receded slowly, and the endless holy light in exchange slightly overflowed from the pores. At first glance, Ye Yun looked like an ancient Buddha, sacred and solemn.

"The effect of the cold spirit transforming spirit holy water is really good, thank you, big sister!"

Perfectly breaking through to the fourth level of human immortality, Ye Yun flashed immediately, and the cold water tank shattered instantly, turning into wisps of white smoke. Ye Yun appeared in front of the elder sister Yu Yunlan, and thanked him politely.

Yu Yunlan said nonchalantly: "This is what Master told me, I just carry it out, Eighth Junior Sister, take Junior Brother to his palace.

Fifth Senior Sister Han Susu patted Ye Yun's shoulder with her hand again and again, and smiled: "Little Junior Brother, from now on, you should practice hard in the dojo. Our Xuanji Dojo doesn't care about world affairs, there are no disputes, only the juniors and sisters will go to practice. No one will bother you!"

"Two senior sisters, junior brother farewell!"

Without hesitation, Ye Yun cupped his fists to salute, turned around and walked towards the eighth junior sister Meng Xi, the two of them blinked and walked out of the hall in a tacit understanding.

"Eighth Junior Sister is having a lot of trouble now, and she hasn't stopped all day long. Senior Sister, I didn't expect my Junior Brother to have such strength. The fourth-level human immortal has the strength comparable to the fourth-level and fifth-level strength of Tongtian. It seems that Xuanji Dojo will produce a peerless one in the future. figure!"

Han Susu and Yu Yunlan walked towards the inner hall, talking while walking.

"Junior Brother Ninth is really extraordinary. Even I can't see through him. His methods are very clever. Moreover, Junior Brother Ninth seems to have secrets in him. I always feel that he is hiding his strength. Let's not talk about Junior Brother. Let's go and contact Second Junior Sister and Seventh Junior Sister. , the two of them, I don’t know if it’s going well.”

Yu Yunlan's expression returned to cold and solemn, resembling an ancestor or a venerable, worthy of being the number one disciple of Xuanji Dojo, and she was ready to show the power of the great way.

"Little brother, you spoke for me just now, I really want to thank you very much. Senior sister's temper is like this. If you follow her, everything will be fine. If you go against her, you will have a hard time!"

Leaving the main hall, Meng Xi took Ye Yun directly into the sky, left the range of the temple, and then flew towards the dozens of floating palaces below.

Ye Yun didn't see anyone else, and took a deep breath very comfortably: "You are my senior sister, you are from your own family, if you don't help your own people, why don't you help outsiders?"

"Okay, during this period of time, senior sister will take you around the ashram, and even take a walk around the entire central holy place. Junior brother, this palace is yours. Although it is smaller than other palaces, the layout is not bad!"

Passing by palaces, finally came to the palace at the bottom, Meng Xi flew into the palace with Ye Yun, after landing, introduced every plant and tree in the palace.

Ye Yun's divine light swept away, and it turns out that this palace is a spiritual treasure, a cultivation cave, the area is not small, about ten acres of land, there is a main hall, four side halls, rockeries, pools, all kinds of strange things. The flowers and plants had been planted a long time ago, and they bloomed very beautifully. In addition, the palace was clean, and it was obvious that someone often came to clean it.

"Very nice, it suits me."

Walking around, passing through the corridors, gazebos, courtyards, and gardens, all the Buddhas return to nature, giving people a sense of tranquility and comfort. With the pure vitality of heaven and earth, it is simply a holy place for practice. Ye Yun is very satisfied with this palace.

Meng Xi was very lively, and took Ye Yun to walk around the palace, and then took Ye Yun to walk around the four side halls and the main hall one by one, and asked Ye Yun what he needed, showing great concern.

Next, Meng Xi began to explain some regular items, storage rings, a map of the Central Holy Land, new identity tokens, tunnel coordinates, various seals, and qigong. Ye Yun was surprised by the large number. When he entered the Guardian Academy, there were very few items. Spiritual stones, pills, qigong, etc., had to be exchanged for tasks.

To become a seed student, the treatment is completely different. The status of a seed student is only one level lower than that of the core student of the fairy position. If Ye Yun breaks through the fairyland one day, then the status will be higher than that of the ordinary student of the fairy position. After all, Ye Yun follows the master, and the status Naturally, they are higher than other students, even ordinary immortal students like Ling Daozi and Hua Jingyu dare not speak loudly when they see Ye Yun.

Meng Xi stayed in the palace for three full days and three nights before explaining things clearly, especially the laws of everyone. If you tell Ye Yun one by one, there will naturally be some laws and regulations in Xuanji Dojo. After explaining all this, Eighth Senior Sister Meng Xi He also seemed to feel a little tired, so he waved his hand and flew away generously.

In the main hall of the palace, Ye Yun began to arrange the big formation of heaven and earth, and put the Taiyi God Furnace, which was condensed with Taiyi's true energy, with a height of hundreds of feet, in the center of the big formation. A huge gathering spirit formation and immortal formation combined One, it falls in the main hall.

As soon as the spirit-gathering array was activated, the vast ocean-like high-level heaven and earth energy from the Xuanji Dojo crazily surged in, madly entering the center of the heaven, earth, universe, and upside-down formation, and all entered the Taiyi God Furnace, and then burned and tempered to form a strong Taiyi true energy Gradually poured into Ye Yun's body.

"Sure enough, it is the Central Holy Land. One day of practicing here is equal to ten days in the Holy Land of the Insider Way, and equal to one day in the Holy Land of the Outer Way... This means that my cultivation speed has increased by a hundred times..."

In an instant, the physical body absorbed a large amount of Taiyi True Qi, and it continued continuously, and began to practice the Taiyi Divine Light Dao, condensing the divine Taiyi Divine Light.

"The 33-day vine doesn't reject the Taiyi divine light now, but absorbs the Taiyi divine light crazily. Compared with before, the 33-day vine buds have grown a lot. If this continues, one day it will grow into a towering tree!"

Under the infusion of majestic, pure and high energy from the Central Holy Land, the practice of Taiyi Divine Light has become no longer extravagant, and the source is endless. After only a few days of practice, it has almost reached one-third of the total. If this continues, Ye Yun will have Taiyi The divine light will reach a terrifying height, and at that time, the power of the Good Fortune Fist will increase steadily.

Without the Taiyi Divine Light, there would be no Good Fortune Fist. The stronger the Taiyi Divine Light, the more amazing its power. In the past, the reason why Ye Yun could not exert the power of the Good Fortune Fist was because the Taiyi Divine Light was too thin, but now it is different. The high-level energy of the Holy Land is constant, and the source of Taiyi God's light source is endless. When Ye Yun casts the Good Fortune Fist again, the power will definitely increase several times.

"Breakthrough to the fourth level of Human Immortal, I don't feel that the strength has increased significantly. It seems that it is not easy to break through the Heavenly Immortal Realm. It is impossible to imagine that the Heavenly Immortal Realm is more than a dozen levels, beheading the Human Immortal Realm or even the Heavenly Immortal Realm. However, with the breakthrough of my cultivation base, my The fleshy body is harder, and the essence is deeper!"

With the help of the Spirit Gathering Formation and the Heaven, Earth and Universe Reversing Formation, the Taiyi Divine Furnace burns crazily, providing Taiyi True Qi, allowing Ye Yun to live in a perfect, never-before-seen serenity of cultivation comprehension, as if in a boundless place. In the depths of the sacred time and space, the mind is calm, like an ancient well without waves.

"The essence of the physical body has been greatly improved. Although the strength of breaking through the fourth level of human immortality has not been greatly improved, all aspects of the physical body have become more refined, and impurities have been tempered again!"

In this peaceful practice, Ye Yun felt that his strength was constantly improving. If this continues, it is not impossible to break through again. The key point is that Taiyi Divine Light will continue to condense and increase, reaching a height never seen before , the primordial spirit is also growing step by step, the body and the way of heaven are constantly merging, comprehending the way of immortality, constantly exploring the laws and the mysteries of all things, and evolving qigong.

Exploring and comprehending, constantly evolving qigong, this level can only be felt by high-level or immortal powerhouses.

Good Fortune Fist, Bright Holy Spear, Shenluo Domain, Taiyi Divine Furnace, Golden Elixir, Yuanshen... Transformation and promotion all the time, it is no longer the blessing of Taiyi True Qi, but the abundant and continuous Taiyi Divine Light Persistence, transformation of qigong, flesh body, blood, etc.

Whether it's qigong or the physical body, they all have a ruthless and endless divinity. Moreover, the divinity directly devours the immortality. Now the immortality in Ye Yun's body has completely disappeared and is gradually replaced by the divinity.

"Last time I got more than 1000 pieces of fairy artifacts in the ancient continent, and there are still hundreds of pieces that have not been refined. Now that I have broken through the fourth level of Human Immortal, and the Taiyi Divine Light is more than ten times stronger than before, I want to refine the remaining pieces. Hundreds of fairy artifacts should not be a difficult task..."

Suddenly opened his eyes from endless practice, Ye Yun opened his hands towards the void, the Shenluo domain extended inch by inch, stood in the void of the Shenluo domain, and grabbed the void, a large formation composed of a thousand immortal weapons slowly descended .

The power of a thousand-piece immortal weapon array can be imagined, even killing the strongest immortals is not impossible.

The Taiyi Divine Light directly hit hundreds of immortal artifacts, and the immortal artifacts hummed and struggled. Ye Yun flipped his hands, and strands of flames began to absorb the Taiyi Divine Light, turning into a sea of ​​divine light flames, and began to burn crazily All faeries.

"Come out with all the fairy artifacts, take this opportunity to refine them one by one..."

With the continuous power provided by the Central Holy Land, Ye Yun felt that he was a giant. He took out all the immortal artifacts collected in the Daluo Ring, which amounted to nearly a thousand pieces. Back then, he got hundreds of pieces in the Troll Star Demon Ancestor Dojo Immortal artifacts, together with the immortal artifacts obtained by Ye Yun himself, nearly a thousand pieces of immortal artifacts, were all thrown into the sea of ​​divine light and fire, and merged with the great array of immortal artifacts to form a large formation composed of nearly two thousand immortal artifacts.

Among these celestial artifacts, including the ones obtained in the Tianmang star, that is, the ancient ruins where the holy beast scepter was obtained, and this grand event of new students, beheaded Huatian, Chang Wuxun , the quality of the several immortal artifacts obtained, especially Huatian's refined immortal sword, has also reached the genuine level.

All the celestial artifacts, forming the grand array of celestial artifacts, were crazily refined by the sea of ​​fire and light. Any seal, any will, under the great will of Taiyi's divine light, would be broken in an instant, bowing their heads and obeying their ears.

"It seems that it won't be long before we can completely refine hundreds of immortal artifacts, so that the formation of immortal artifacts is successfully formed. Next time we meet Hua Jingyu, we can kill him!"

"Golden Scale Armor!"

A glittering golden armor appeared in front of Ye Yun, it was the reward for No. 2 of the grand event. It is a genuine level fairy weapon, a real fairy weapon, a first-grade fairy weapon, and it feels pure fairy nature, which is not much different from the holy beast staff However, among the nearly two thousand pieces of immortal artifacts, only a few hundred pieces can compete with the immortality of the golden scale armor.

It really is a real artifact, and with so many fairy artifacts on Ye Yun's body, there are only a few hundred pieces, which are genuine artifacts. Most of the remaining artifacts are inferior artifacts. Immortal artifacts, however, in the passing of history, the immortal nature was completely swallowed up, and the immortal artifacts themselves began to decay.

It is also enough to prove that even immortals and immortal artifacts are not immortal.

"Although the Golden Scale Armor is not the most perfect, it is very well-made. It is a great fairy weapon. Once it is fused, it will be able to withstand a fatal attack even if it confronts a strong fairy head-on!"

Grabbing a flame of divine light, it landed directly on the golden scale armor. When the golden scale armor encountered the divine light of Taiyi, the supreme divinity actually started to burn, the seals collapsed layer by layer, and then became like a liquid, starting to unfold. Ye Yun He bit his finger and dripped a streak of blood into it.


The golden scale armor trembled violently, as if Ye Yun's essence and blood had magical powers, the golden scale armor released a dazzling golden light, and then transformed into a robe that was the same as that of Huang Yun's Taoist robe, a student of the throne of Shenzhou Xianyuan, slowly and actively slipped it into Ye Yun's body, At first glance, it is exactly the same as the Taoist robe, and there is no difference.

It is worthy of being a genuine fairy artifact, and its quality and power are not comparable to ordinary fairy artifacts.

There are all kinds of fairy formations in the golden scale treasure armor, which are mastered by Ye Yun one by one. These formations will be used by Ye Yun to change the heaven, earth, universe and upside down.

"Good baby, it's easy to resist the attack of the strong immortal, but my cultivation base is too low. Although I have a golden scale armor to protect my body, a blow from the strong can shock me to death. My own strength is still the first!"

After melting the golden scale armor, one can truly understand the power of the armor. However, it is impossible to achieve the unity of the human body and armor. Only when the human body becomes one can the true power of the golden scale armor be exerted.

To achieve the unity of human armor, unless Ye Yun reaches the realm of immortality, or gets the empowerment of immortality, directly let treasure armor and Ye Yun's physical body become one, human armor is one, Ye Yun is a fairy weapon, and the fairy weapon is Ye Yun. Yun, in the secular world, almost no one can be broken, but it's a pity that Ye Yun can't do it now.

Huatian is the unity of human and sword, but Huatian's own cultivation base is too weak, which weakens the power of the immortal sword, and he can't fully display the true power of human-sword fusion, so he was easily killed by Ye Yun.

This is a good example. Even if you have a powerful fairy weapon, it is useless if you are too weak. It is like a general holding a large army with millions of soldiers, but this general does not know how to use soldiers. The reason is the same. Without strong strength, holding a powerful fairy weapon is also a waste, which is equivalent to burning a fire stick.

When it was slowly fused with the golden scale armor, it took an unknown number of days, and those hundreds of fairy artifact seals and consciousnesses were all refined by divine light and flames, and became pure immortal artifacts that mortals could refine and fuse.

Moreover, these immortal artifacts have also absorbed the divinity of Taiyi Divine Light, no one knows what changes will happen in the future, at least, these immortal artifacts refined by Taiyi Divine Light are not measurable by ordinary immortal artifacts .

"Two thousand pieces of celestial artifacts... can now be used to form a grand array of celestial artifacts. The [-]% of the celestial artifact array is my main trump card except for the Good Fortune Fist!"

"In the future, if you encounter Hua Jingyu's unrivaled and unrivaled power to break the fairyland, as long as you find a way to drag him into the realm of Shenluo, you can use the immortal weapon to kill him, but you just want to drag the powerhouse of immortality into the realm of Shenluo, isn't it? It's easy, and the Shenluo domain is still too weak to face the immortal powerhouse, and the immortal powerhouse is infinitely powerful, and a single momentum is enough to shatter the Shenluo domain!"

Ye Yun carefully thought about how to use the immortal weapon array to kill a powerful enemy like Hua Jingyu in the future. Although the immortal weapon array is invincible and invincible, killing a strong immortal is easy. But there is a premise, the immortal strong will not be so stupid that he enters the immortal weapon formation, and then is killed by the immortal weapon formation for nothing.After the last series of crackling explosions ended, the atmosphere of the stove receded slowly, and the endless holy light in exchange slightly overflowed from the pores. At first glance, Ye Yun looked like an ancient Buddha, sacred and solemn.

"The effect of the cold spirit transforming spirit holy water is really good, thank you, big sister!"

Perfectly breaking through to the fourth level of human immortality, Ye Yun flashed immediately, and the cold water tank shattered instantly, turning into wisps of white smoke. Ye Yun appeared in front of the elder sister Yu Yunlan, and thanked him politely.

Yu Yunlan said nonchalantly: "This is what Master told me, I just carry it out, Eighth Junior Sister, take Junior Brother to his palace.

Fifth Senior Sister Han Susu patted Ye Yun's shoulder with her hand again and again, and smiled: "Little Junior Brother, from now on, you should practice hard in the dojo. Our Xuanji Dojo doesn't care about world affairs, there are no disputes, only the juniors and sisters will go to practice. No one will bother you!"

"Two senior sisters, junior brother farewell!"

Without hesitation, Ye Yun cupped his fists to salute, turned around and walked towards the eighth junior sister Meng Xi, the two of them blinked and walked out of the hall in a tacit understanding.

"Eighth Junior Sister is having a lot of trouble now, and she hasn't stopped all day long. Senior Sister, I didn't expect my Junior Brother to have such strength. The fourth-level human immortal has the strength comparable to the fourth-level and fifth-level strength of Tongtian. It seems that Xuanji Dojo will produce a peerless one in the future. figure!"

Han Susu and Yu Yunlan walked towards the inner hall, talking while walking.

"Junior Brother Ninth is really extraordinary. Even I can't see through him. His methods are very clever. Moreover, Junior Brother Ninth seems to have secrets in him. I always feel that he is hiding his strength. Let's not talk about Junior Brother. Let's go and contact Second Junior Sister and Seventh Junior Sister. , the two of them, I don’t know if it’s going well.”

Yu Yunlan's expression returned to cold and solemn, resembling an ancestor or a venerable, worthy of being the number one disciple of Xuanji Dojo, and she was ready to show the power of the great way.

"Little brother, you spoke for me just now, I really want to thank you very much. Senior sister's temper is like this. If you follow her, everything will be fine. If you go against her, you will have a hard time!"

Leaving the main hall, Meng Xi took Ye Yun directly into the sky, left the range of the temple, and then flew towards the dozens of floating palaces below.

Ye Yun didn't see anyone else, and took a deep breath very comfortably: "You are my senior sister, you are from your own family, if you don't help your own people, why don't you help outsiders?"

"Okay, during this period of time, senior sister will take you around the ashram, and even take a walk around the entire central holy place. Junior brother, this palace is yours. Although it is smaller than other palaces, the layout is not bad!"

Passing by palaces, finally came to the palace at the bottom, Meng Xi flew into the palace with Ye Yun, after landing, introduced every plant and tree in the palace.

Ye Yun's divine light swept away, and it turns out that this palace is a spiritual treasure, a cultivation cave, the area is not small, about ten acres of land, there is a main hall, four side halls, rockeries, pools, all kinds of strange things. The flowers and plants had been planted a long time ago, and they bloomed very beautifully. In addition, the palace was clean, and it was obvious that someone often came to clean it.

"Very nice, it suits me."

Walking around, passing through the corridors, gazebos, courtyards, and gardens, all the Buddhas return to nature, giving people a sense of tranquility and comfort. With the pure vitality of heaven and earth, it is simply a holy place for practice. Ye Yun is very satisfied with this palace.

Meng Xi was very lively, and took Ye Yun to walk around the palace, and then took Ye Yun to walk around the four side halls and the main hall one by one, and asked Ye Yun what he needed, showing great concern.

Next, Meng Xi began to explain some regular items, storage rings, a map of the Central Holy Land, new identity tokens, tunnel coordinates, various seals, and qigong. Ye Yun was surprised by the large number. When he entered the Guardian Academy, there were very few items. Spiritual stones, pills, qigong, etc., had to be exchanged for tasks.

To become a seed student, the treatment is completely different. The status of a seed student is only one level lower than that of the core student of the fairy position. If Ye Yun breaks through the fairyland one day, then the status will be higher than that of the ordinary student of the fairy position. After all, Ye Yun follows the master, and the status Naturally, they are higher than other students, even ordinary immortal students like Ling Daozi and Hua Jingyu dare not speak loudly when they see Ye Yun.

Meng Xi stayed in the palace for three full days and three nights before explaining things clearly, especially the laws of everyone. If you tell Ye Yun one by one, there will naturally be some laws and regulations in Xuanji Dojo. After explaining all this, Eighth Senior Sister Meng Xi He also seemed to feel a little tired, so he waved his hand and flew away generously.

In the main hall of the palace, Ye Yun began to arrange the big formation of heaven and earth, and put the Taiyi God Furnace, which was condensed with Taiyi's true energy, with a height of hundreds of feet, in the center of the big formation. A huge gathering spirit formation and immortal formation combined One, it falls in the main hall.

As soon as the spirit-gathering array was activated, the vast ocean-like high-level heaven and earth energy from the Xuanji Dojo crazily surged in, madly entering the center of the heaven, earth, universe, and upside-down formation, and all entered the Taiyi God Furnace, and then burned and tempered to form a strong Taiyi true energy Gradually poured into Ye Yun's body.

"Sure enough, it is the Central Holy Land. One day of practicing here is equal to ten days in the Holy Land of the Insider Way, and equal to one day in the Holy Land of the Outer Way... This means that my cultivation speed has increased by a hundred times..."

In an instant, the physical body absorbed a large amount of Taiyi True Qi, and it continued continuously, and began to practice the Taiyi Divine Light Dao, condensing the divine Taiyi Divine Light.

"The 33-day vine doesn't reject the Taiyi divine light now, but absorbs the Taiyi divine light crazily. Compared with before, the 33-day vine buds have grown a lot. If this continues, one day it will grow into a towering tree!"

Under the infusion of majestic, pure and high energy from the Central Holy Land, the practice of Taiyi Divine Light has become no longer extravagant, and the source is endless. After only a few days of practice, it has almost reached one-third of the total. If this continues, Ye Yun will have Taiyi The divine light will reach a terrifying height, and at that time, the power of the Good Fortune Fist will increase steadily.

Without the Taiyi Divine Light, there would be no Good Fortune Fist. The stronger the Taiyi Divine Light, the more amazing its power. In the past, the reason why Ye Yun could not exert the power of the Good Fortune Fist was because the Taiyi Divine Light was too thin, but now it is different. The high-level energy of the Holy Land is constant, and the source of Taiyi God's light source is endless. When Ye Yun casts the Good Fortune Fist again, the power will definitely increase several times.

"Breakthrough to the fourth level of Human Immortal, I don't feel that the strength has increased significantly. It seems that it is not easy to break through the Heavenly Immortal Realm. It is impossible to imagine that the Heavenly Immortal Realm is more than a dozen levels, beheading the Human Immortal Realm or even the Heavenly Immortal Realm. However, with the breakthrough of my cultivation base, my The fleshy body is harder, and the essence is deeper!"

With the help of the Spirit Gathering Formation and the Heaven, Earth and Universe Reversing Formation, the Taiyi Divine Furnace burns crazily, providing Taiyi True Qi, allowing Ye Yun to live in a perfect, never-before-seen serenity of cultivation comprehension, as if in a boundless place. In the depths of the sacred time and space, the mind is calm, like an ancient well without waves.

"The essence of the physical body has been greatly improved. Although the strength of breaking through the fourth level of human immortality has not been greatly improved, all aspects of the physical body have become more refined, and impurities have been tempered again!"

In this peaceful practice, Ye Yun felt that his strength was constantly improving. If this continues, it is not impossible to break through again. The key point is that Taiyi Divine Light will continue to condense and increase, reaching a height never seen before , the primordial spirit is also growing step by step, the body and the way of heaven are constantly merging, comprehending the way of immortality, constantly exploring the laws and the mysteries of all things, and evolving qigong.

Exploring and comprehending, constantly evolving qigong, this level can only be felt by high-level or immortal powerhouses.

Good Fortune Fist, Bright Holy Spear, Shenluo Domain, Taiyi Divine Furnace, Golden Elixir, Yuanshen... Transformation and promotion all the time, it is no longer the blessing of Taiyi True Qi, but the abundant and continuous Taiyi Divine Light Persistence, transformation of qigong, flesh body, blood, etc.

Whether it's qigong or the physical body, they all have a ruthless and endless divinity. Moreover, the divinity directly devours the immortality. Now the immortality in Ye Yun's body has completely disappeared and is gradually replaced by the divinity.

"Last time I got more than 1000 pieces of fairy artifacts in the ancient continent, and there are still hundreds of pieces that have not been refined. Now that I have broken through the fourth level of Human Immortal, and the Taiyi Divine Light is more than ten times stronger than before, I want to refine the remaining pieces. Hundreds of fairy artifacts should not be a difficult task..."

Suddenly opened his eyes from endless practice, Ye Yun opened his hands towards the void, the Shenluo domain extended inch by inch, stood in the void of the Shenluo domain, and grabbed the void, a large formation composed of a thousand immortal weapons slowly descended .

The power of a thousand-piece immortal weapon array can be imagined, even killing the strongest immortals is not impossible.

The Taiyi Divine Light directly hit hundreds of immortal artifacts, and the immortal artifacts hummed and struggled. Ye Yun flipped his hands, and strands of flames began to absorb the Taiyi Divine Light, turning into a sea of ​​divine light flames, and began to burn crazily All faeries.

"Come out with all the fairy artifacts, take this opportunity to refine them one by one..."

With the continuous power provided by the Central Holy Land, Ye Yun felt that he was a giant. He took out all the immortal artifacts collected in the Daluo Ring, which amounted to nearly a thousand pieces. Back then, he got hundreds of pieces in the Troll Star Demon Ancestor Dojo Immortal artifacts, together with the immortal artifacts obtained by Ye Yun himself, nearly a thousand pieces of immortal artifacts, were all thrown into the sea of ​​divine light and fire, and merged with the great array of immortal artifacts to form a large formation composed of nearly two thousand immortal artifacts.

Among these celestial artifacts, including the ones obtained in the Tianmang star, that is, the ancient ruins where the holy beast scepter was obtained, and this grand event of new students, beheaded Huatian, Chang Wuxun , the quality of the several immortal artifacts obtained, especially Huatian's refined immortal sword, has also reached the genuine level.

All the celestial artifacts, forming the grand array of celestial artifacts, were crazily refined by the sea of ​​fire and light. Any seal, any will, under the great will of Taiyi's divine light, would be broken in an instant, bowing their heads and obeying their ears.

"It seems that it won't be long before we can completely refine hundreds of immortal artifacts, so that the formation of immortal artifacts is successfully formed. Next time we meet Hua Jingyu, we can kill him!"

"Golden Scale Armor!"

A glittering golden armor appeared in front of Ye Yun, it was the reward for No. 2 of the grand event. It is a genuine level fairy weapon, a real fairy weapon, a first-grade fairy weapon, and it feels pure fairy nature, which is not much different from the holy beast staff However, among the nearly two thousand pieces of immortal artifacts, only a few hundred pieces can compete with the immortality of the golden scale armor.

It really is a real artifact, and with so many fairy artifacts on Ye Yun's body, there are only a few hundred pieces, which are genuine artifacts. Most of the remaining artifacts are inferior artifacts. Immortal artifacts, however, in the passing of history, the immortal nature was completely swallowed up, and the immortal artifacts themselves began to decay.

It is also enough to prove that even immortals and immortal artifacts are not immortal.

"Although the Golden Scale Armor is not the most perfect, it is very well-made. It is a great fairy weapon. Once it is fused, it will be able to withstand a fatal attack even if it confronts a strong fairy head-on!"

Grabbing a flame of divine light, it landed directly on the golden scale armor. When the golden scale armor encountered the divine light of Taiyi, the supreme divinity actually started to burn, the seals collapsed layer by layer, and then became like a liquid, starting to unfold. Ye Yun He bit his finger and dripped a streak of blood into it.


The golden scale armor trembled violently, as if Ye Yun's essence and blood had magical powers, the golden scale armor released a dazzling golden light, and then transformed into a robe that was the same as that of Huang Yun's Taoist robe, a student of the throne of Shenzhou Xianyuan, slowly and actively slipped it into Ye Yun's body, At first glance, it is exactly the same as the Taoist robe, and there is no difference.

It is worthy of being a genuine fairy artifact, and its quality and power are not comparable to ordinary fairy artifacts.

There are all kinds of fairy formations in the golden scale treasure armor, which are mastered by Ye Yun one by one. These formations will be used by Ye Yun to change the heaven, earth, universe and upside down.

"Good baby, it's easy to resist the attack of the strong immortal, but my cultivation base is too low. Although I have a golden scale armor to protect my body, a blow from the strong can shock me to death. My own strength is still the first!"

After melting the golden scale armor, one can truly understand the power of the armor. However, it is impossible to achieve the unity of the human body and armor. Only when the human body becomes one can the true power of the golden scale armor be exerted.

To achieve the unity of human armor, unless Ye Yun reaches the realm of immortality, or gets the empowerment of immortality, directly let treasure armor and Ye Yun's physical body become one, human armor is one, Ye Yun is a fairy weapon, and the fairy weapon is Ye Yun. Yun, in the secular world, almost no one can be broken, but it's a pity that Ye Yun can't do it now.

Huatian is the unity of human and sword, but Huatian's own cultivation base is too weak, which weakens the power of the immortal sword, and he can't fully display the true power of human-sword fusion, so he was easily killed by Ye Yun.

This is a good example. Even if you have a powerful fairy weapon, it is useless if you are too weak. It is like a general holding a large army with millions of soldiers, but this general does not know how to use soldiers. The reason is the same. Without strong strength, holding a powerful fairy weapon is also a waste, which is equivalent to burning a fire stick.

When it was slowly fused with the golden scale armor, it took an unknown number of days, and those hundreds of fairy artifact seals and consciousnesses were all refined by divine light and flames, and became pure immortal artifacts that mortals could refine and fuse.

Moreover, these immortal artifacts have also absorbed the divinity of Taiyi Divine Light, no one knows what changes will happen in the future, at least, these immortal artifacts refined by Taiyi Divine Light are not measurable by ordinary immortal artifacts .

"Two thousand pieces of celestial artifacts... can now be used to form a grand array of celestial artifacts. The [-]% of the celestial artifact array is my main trump card except for the Good Fortune Fist!"

"In the future, if you encounter Hua Jingyu's unrivaled and unrivaled power to break the fairyland, as long as you find a way to drag him into the realm of Shenluo, you can use the immortal weapon to kill him, but you just want to drag the powerhouse of immortality into the realm of Shenluo, isn't it? It's easy, and the Shenluo domain is still too weak to face the immortal powerhouse, and the immortal powerhouse is infinitely powerful, and a single momentum is enough to shatter the Shenluo domain!"

Ye Yun carefully thought about how to use the immortal weapon array to kill a powerful enemy like Hua Jingyu in the future. Although the immortal weapon array is invincible and invincible, killing a strong immortal is easy. But there is a premise, the immortal strong will not be so stupid that he enters the immortal weapon formation, and then is killed by the immortal weapon formation for nothing.

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