King Toad's cultivation is at the second level of the Immortal Realm, and his cultivation base is already above the three major immortal students of Gutuo Immortal Academy. Even if the three of them join forces, they cannot fight King Toad.

Furthermore, King Poison Toad is not only highly cultivated, but he is also a demon body. His overall strength may exceed the second level of Poxian, and he is close to the third level of Poxian. He is a second-level powerhouse like Yu Yunlan, and he may not be a poisonous toad. The opponent of the king, coupled with such heaven-defying talents and supernatural powers, is even more invincible.

King Toad is in this Monster Desolate Starfield. He is the legendary ancestor of the Monster Clan. No one has ever seen King Toad. There are countless rumors. Some people say that he is a monster general from the Monster Race, and some say he comes from the high-level Yaohuang Mountain. , It is said that he leads a million demon soldiers. In short, there are too many legends about King Toad.

"Fortunately, I didn't make a rash move just now. I didn't expect this formation to be more terrifying than imagined. It really is a huge trap. It's a good thing that King Poison Toad himself is not here. Otherwise, the three strong men of Gu Tuo Xianyuan, and Seventh Junior Sister has long been suppressed, even if Senior Sister comes here, she might have to go through a life-and-death battle!"

The best news now is that King Toad is not here, otherwise, the entire formation would probably be swallowed alive by King Toad.

"I'm afraid it will be like the scene where Chi Yun swallowed people alive..."

Looking at this shocking scene, Ye Yun suddenly remembered Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, he directly devoured the living, that scene, thinking of that scene, made goosebumps and hair trembled.

"Come on, last chance!"

In the Taiji portal, Senior Brother Yan's eyes were about to burst, watching the whirlpool keep expanding, he anxiously pulled the fairy weapon vigorously.

"Senior brother, it is rumored that the poisonous toad king itself is extremely poisonous. If he is swallowed by him, even if he is not swallowed alive, he will be poisoned to death!"

The remaining two youths had collapsed a long time ago, and they didn't want to waste any more, so they just got away from the formation, but they also understood that it would not be easy to leave the formation now.

"I still want to go, this website will activate the supreme supernatural power now, swallow you alive, and want to get the immortal artifact that this website has offered for 3 years!"

In the vortex, there was suddenly the sound of the poisonous toad king's anger, and then, a bloody mist gushed out of the vortex, surging up from the depths of the vortex, and then gushing out from the vortex, directly attacking the three immortals The latter formed a big mouth and came hoarsely.

The blood-colored demon mist, with its supreme demonic aura, merged with the entire formation and was completely irresistible. The two young strong men hurriedly looked at Senior Brother Yan in fright: "Senior Brother, what should we do, attack or defend?"

Senior Brother Yan frowned, and watched the bloody mouth open and bite towards him, and suddenly his eyes turned sideways, revealing a sinister smile: "What should I do?"


Following Senior Brother Yan's sinister sneer, a tyrannical aura gushed out like a flood, and directly blasted the two young people out of the Tai Chi portal. After that, Senior Brother Yan burst out with surging true energy again, and the entire Tai Chi portal was still as solid as gold. He stared at The eyes of the two juniors who were about to be swallowed by the bloody demon mist were completely icy cold.


The big mouth of the blood-colored demon mist was unceremonious, and swallowed the two powerhouses who were inconceivable and full of resentment, like a whale swallowing fish and shrimp, and then with a whoosh, they were sucked into the vortex.

"Yan Chen, you have such a cruel heart and such a vicious method, we will never let you go!"

After the blood-colored mist was sucked into the vortex, immediately, from the depths of the vortex, roars of anger, pain, and struggle came out, heart-piercing and heart-breaking, and violent explosions and impacts erupted from the vortex. Even the vortex was trembling slightly.

"This really vicious, with such a vicious heart!"

Ye Yun, who was hiding in the depths, was also quite shocked when he saw this scene. The senior brothers of the same sect, who had finally broken into the immortal throne, actually killed each other at the last moment. It can be seen that people's hearts are the most terrifying existence.

"From the beginning to the present, Yanchen's greed alone was the cause of the trouble. If it wasn't for his greed, the two immortal powerhouses would not have ended up like this. Immortal Artifact, there is a chance to leave, but this Yanchen chose to attack his companions and get the Immortal Artifact alone!"

Ye Yun calmed down, but still didn't make a move. Yan Chen hid his strength, and now he went to kill him. If he failed, he would be attacked by Xianzhen and Yan Chen. The result was very clear, and he had to wait and wait for the opportunity.

"Oops, my true qi has been poisoned, save me quickly..."

From the depths of the vortex, there was a desolate cry for help, followed by an explosion and shock.

A sneer flashed across Yan Chen's face: "Without these two troubles, it's good for now, let them entangle with King Poison Toad down below, buy time for me, and take away the fairy artifact!"

"Good trick, but you can't escape, use your companion as a stepping stone, hum, a ruthless guy like you, how can my king let you go!"

Just when Yan Chen was secretly laughing and making small calculations, suddenly, from the vortex came the laughter of the king of poisonous toads, and then, the entire formation was at this moment, and they were all sucked into the vortex.

"Too bad, King Poison Toad didn't hesitate to abandon the entire fairy formation, and actually wanted to swallow the fairy formation!"

Yan Chen's body shook suddenly, watching the fairy formation stop changing, all the formations were still, and then began to be swallowed by the vortex like a bubble.

"No, I can't let the treasure I got in vain. It's in vain. With this fairy artifact, I have the hope to break through the second level and become the high-level core of the fairy courtyard!"

Yan Chen couldn't resist the power of the entire formation at all, and was sucked into the vortex along with the formation, but he released his powerful true energy here, and his speed slowed down, while the formation was crazily sucked into the vortex, he pulled the fairy weapon with all his strength , Pulled the fairy artifact a little bit harder.

After a second of time, Yan Chen's power was consumed a lot, the whole person's aura continued to weaken, and the Tai Chi portal began to become transparent, and it would disappear at any time. The key point was that the big hand couldn't pull the fairy weapon at all, and the fairy weapon was at the entrance of the vortex. Stop still, no matter how hard Yan Chen exerts his supernatural powers, he will remain indifferent.

The celestial artifact became a Mount Tai, motionless, yet Yan Chen still didn't give up. He wasted a lot of energy, driven by greed, and at this point, he still wanted to take the celestial artifact away.

"Opportunity... Yan Chen's true energy is almost exhausted, he is too greedy, you are destined to die here!"

At this moment, Ye Yun felt that the opportunity had come, and the time was finally ripe. With Yan Chen's current state, he couldn't take away the fairy weapon at all, but he still refused to give up, his strength was constantly being consumed, and if he didn't take a breath, his strength would be squeezed out Dry, and now, half the size of the entire fairy formation has been inhaled by King Poisonous Toad.

If Yan Chen still had some true energy and didn't escape, he would have no chance, either he would be swallowed along with the fairy formation, or his true energy would be exhausted and killed by Ye Yun.

Human nature, hypocrisy, cunning, obedience, kindness, self-effacing, honesty, these are all possessed by everyone. Hypocrisy is hidden in the sun, and darkness will not be revealed in the sun.


Finally, Yan Chen's strength was exhausted, and the big hand that pulled the fairy weapon was backlashed by the huge power of the fairy weapon, and it was shocked fiercely, just like Yan Chen was hit by a strong electric shock of ten thousand volts. Unable to defend in time, wanted to dodge, but reacted too slowly, was hit by life, and immediately bowed and spit out a stream of blood.


Yan Chen watched unwillingly as the fairy artifact was continuously sucked into the vortex along with the formation, and his heart ached like numbness, but now, what he wanted to do was how to survive and escape from the formation.

"Void cutting!"

At the moment when the entire formation was about to disappear, Yan Chen actually used a huge supernatural power, split his hands, and the qi flames composed of mysterious talismans directly cut a hole in the formation. The cutting machine cuts a crack in the formation forcefully, and then gradually grows larger.

"Good method, is this the space ability mastered by the immortal powerhouse?"

At this moment, Ye Yun was watching Yan Chen's every move. He witnessed with his own eyes that at the last moment, Yan Chen actually used an ability that was unmatched by a cultivator at the Heaven-reaching Realm, cutting the formation. However, after using this supernatural power, Yan Chen's strength almost reached In zero state, he seized the last chance and flew towards the crack with all his strength.

"good chance!"

At the moment when Yan Chen struggled to pass through the cracks in the formation, Ye Yun made a decisive move. With a wave of his big hand, a wave of illusory plane power directly took Yan Chen, who was about to fly out of the formation and had reached his weakest state, alive to him. Inhaled, then turned into a point of origin, disappeared.

"Oh, where is the powerhouse who can escape this king's magic eye... Fortunately, this king's magic weapon was taken back in time, otherwise!"

The fairy array disappeared into the ruins along with the vortex like a bubble, and was soon buried by the mist. From the void, a coquettish and evil eye pupil appeared, trying to see something from the void, but it couldn't be caught.

"Where is this? Void cutting!"

In a time and space that is drifting and does not know where it exists, there is darkness. Yan Chen bumps around like a headless chicken, but bumps into walls everywhere, can't fly out no matter what, and uses the space ability that only a strong person who breaks the fairyland can do to the void. Cutting, but no matter how you cut it, it will stay in place.

"Could it be that this is the belly of King Poisonous Toad?"

Another attack failed, Yan Chen looked around in a panic, released his divine light, and still saw what was at the end of the void, the edge of this space, and he couldn't feel the vitality of heaven and earth, only the mysterious, vast and cold interstellar breath, which put him in the air. In the vast star field.

But Yan Chen couldn't believe that King Toad would have such an ability to create an independent space comparable to a planet. Moreover, this terrifying star field breath, just like the real galaxy, made people tremble. Void cutting, also can't cut out, because under the power of the star field, he can't shake it at all.

"The Holy Spear of Light!"

A bright holy spear suddenly pierced through the dark sky. It was extremely sharp and indestructible. It killed Yan Chen with a single blow at the speed of a meteor.

"Ninety-one of the big week, broken!"

Yan Chen turned around abruptly, his eyes showing a trace of panic and fear. In his opinion, the Holy Spear of Light was born from the sky, just like the wrath of God descending. It gushes out, and turns into a Tai Chi world in the air, and greets the Holy Spear of Light.

"Purgatory Absolute Yin Tower!"


The holy spear of light collided with the world of Taiji in an instant, half of the holy spear of light tens of feet long was inserted into the world of Taiji, but was soon shattered by nine rays of light, and the holy light flew into the sky.

Then, a Purgatory Absolute Yin Tower descended from the sky. This time, with the power of the sacred Taiyi light, it directly suppressed and killed Yan Chen like gods descending.

"This is not the power of the demon clan, it is so pure, a hundred times more pure than the immortal nature!"

"Natural dojo! Come out!"

Yan Chen's power at the immortal level was completely wiped out in the ancient tomb formation, and now there is only weak power left. He saw the extraordinaryness of the Purgatory's Absolute Yin Tower at a glance, his eyes sank, cold sweat broke out, and he panicked. A huge dojo with a length of one thousand meters was sacrificed, inlaid with countless spiritual stones, various formations, and even a few immortal artifacts, which were integrated into it.

"As expected of a strong immortal, the dojo is so powerful!"

Ye Yun came out of nothingness, watched Yan Chen fly into the dojo, mobilized the dojo, and fought against the Purgatory Absolute Yin Tower. With a bang, the Purgatory Absolute Yin Tower was shattered by the dojo. In the void of time and space, Dazzling flames erupted.

"Haha, it's not King Poisonous Toad. This kind of power is nothing to me. Where did the character come from to plot against this deity?"

Yan Chen used the power of the dojo to dissolve the Tower of Absolute Yin in Purgatory, and seemed to see something, and became very rampant, relying on the dojo, he no longer panicked like that.

"I really didn't expect that a centipede is dead but not stiff. The immortal position is the immortal position. Even if the true energy is gone, it is not something that the Heaven-reaching Realm can compete with!"

"Yan Chen, since you are so arrogant, I will let you know what death is!"

There was also a trace of blood hanging from the corner of Ye Yun's mouth. In the few attacks just now, he was directly oppressed by the imposing manner of breaking the fairyland, and was affected, but it was a trivial matter. , Like a huge meat grinder, it went towards Yan Chen to suppress it.

"My God!"

Seeing the great array of immortal artifacts, Yan Chen instantly lost the power to resist. He could tell at a glance that all the immortal artifacts had to be refined by Ye Yun to form the grand array of immortal artifacts. This kind of power, let alone he could not resist, was It is also impossible for the third-tier and fourth-tier powerhouses.


The array of immortal artifacts suddenly fell on the dojo, and the immortal artifacts destroyed the dojo in an instant. Lingshi, and then, Yan Chen's corpse floated out, Ye Yun was overjoyed, and directly sucked the corpse into the Shenluo domain.King Toad's cultivation is at the second level of the Immortal Realm, and his cultivation base is already above the three major immortal students of Gutuo Immortal Academy. Even if the three of them join forces, they cannot fight King Toad.

Furthermore, King Poison Toad is not only highly cultivated, but he is also a demon body. His overall strength may exceed the second level of Poxian, and he is close to the third level of Poxian. He is a second-level powerhouse like Yu Yunlan, and he may not be a poisonous toad. The opponent of the king, coupled with such heaven-defying talents and supernatural powers, is even more invincible.

King Toad is in this Monster Desolate Starfield. He is the legendary ancestor of the Monster Clan. No one has ever seen King Toad. There are countless rumors. Some people say that he is a monster general from the Monster Race, and some say he comes from the high-level Yaohuang Mountain. , It is said that he leads a million demon soldiers. In short, there are too many legends about King Toad.

"Fortunately, I didn't make a rash move just now. I didn't expect this formation to be more terrifying than imagined. It really is a huge trap. It's a good thing that King Poison Toad himself is not here. Otherwise, the three strong men of Gu Tuo Xianyuan, and Seventh Junior Sister has long been suppressed, even if Senior Sister comes here, she might have to go through a life-and-death battle!"

The best news now is that King Toad is not here, otherwise, the entire formation would probably be swallowed alive by King Toad.

"I'm afraid it will be like the scene where Chi Yun swallowed people alive..."

Looking at this shocking scene, Ye Yun suddenly remembered Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, he directly devoured the living, that scene, thinking of that scene, made goosebumps and hair trembled.

"Come on, last chance!"

In the Taiji portal, Senior Brother Yan's eyes were about to burst, watching the whirlpool keep expanding, he anxiously pulled the fairy weapon vigorously.

"Senior brother, it is rumored that the poisonous toad king itself is extremely poisonous. If he is swallowed by him, even if he is not swallowed alive, he will be poisoned to death!"

The remaining two youths had collapsed a long time ago, and they didn't want to waste any more, so they just got away from the formation, but they also understood that it would not be easy to leave the formation now.

"I still want to go, this website will activate the supreme supernatural power now, swallow you alive, and want to get the immortal artifact that this website has offered for 3 years!"

In the vortex, there was suddenly the sound of the poisonous toad king's anger, and then, a bloody mist gushed out of the vortex, surging up from the depths of the vortex, and then gushing out from the vortex, directly attacking the three immortals The latter formed a big mouth and came hoarsely.

The blood-colored demon mist, with its supreme demonic aura, merged with the entire formation and was completely irresistible. The two young strong men hurriedly looked at Senior Brother Yan in fright: "Senior Brother, what should we do, attack or defend?"

Senior Brother Yan frowned, and watched the bloody mouth open and bite towards him, and suddenly his eyes turned sideways, revealing a sinister smile: "What should I do?"


Following Senior Brother Yan's sinister sneer, a tyrannical aura gushed out like a flood, and directly blasted the two young people out of the Tai Chi portal. After that, Senior Brother Yan burst out with surging true energy again, and the entire Tai Chi portal was still as solid as gold. He stared at The eyes of the two juniors who were about to be swallowed by the bloody demon mist were completely icy cold.


The big mouth of the blood-colored demon mist was unceremonious, and swallowed the two powerhouses who were inconceivable and full of resentment, like a whale swallowing fish and shrimp, and then with a whoosh, they were sucked into the vortex.

"Yan Chen, you have such a cruel heart and such a vicious method, we will never let you go!"

After the blood-colored mist was sucked into the vortex, immediately, from the depths of the vortex, roars of anger, pain, and struggle came out, heart-piercing and heart-breaking, and violent explosions and impacts erupted from the vortex. Even the vortex was trembling slightly.

"This really vicious, with such a vicious heart!"

Ye Yun, who was hiding in the depths, was also quite shocked when he saw this scene. The senior brothers of the same sect, who had finally broken into the immortal throne, actually killed each other at the last moment. It can be seen that people's hearts are the most terrifying existence.

"From the beginning to the present, Yanchen's greed alone was the cause of the trouble. If it wasn't for his greed, the two immortal powerhouses would not have ended up like this. Immortal Artifact, there is a chance to leave, but this Yanchen chose to attack his companions and get the Immortal Artifact alone!"

Ye Yun calmed down, but still didn't make a move. Yan Chen hid his strength, and now he went to kill him. If he failed, he would be attacked by Xianzhen and Yan Chen. The result was very clear, and he had to wait and wait for the opportunity.

"Oops, my true qi has been poisoned, save me quickly..."

From the depths of the vortex, there was a desolate cry for help, followed by an explosion and shock.

A sneer flashed across Yan Chen's face: "Without these two troubles, it's good for now, let them entangle with King Poison Toad down below, buy time for me, and take away the fairy artifact!"

"Good trick, but you can't escape, use your companion as a stepping stone, hum, a ruthless guy like you, how can my king let you go!"

Just when Yan Chen was secretly laughing and making small calculations, suddenly, from the vortex came the laughter of the king of poisonous toads, and then, the entire formation was at this moment, and they were all sucked into the vortex.

"Too bad, King Poison Toad didn't hesitate to abandon the entire fairy formation, and actually wanted to swallow the fairy formation!"

Yan Chen's body shook suddenly, watching the fairy formation stop changing, all the formations were still, and then began to be swallowed by the vortex like a bubble.

"No, I can't let the treasure I got in vain. It's in vain. With this fairy artifact, I have the hope to break through the second level and become the high-level core of the fairy courtyard!"

Yan Chen couldn't resist the power of the entire formation at all, and was sucked into the vortex along with the formation, but he released his powerful true energy here, and his speed slowed down, while the formation was crazily sucked into the vortex, he pulled the fairy weapon with all his strength , Pulled the fairy artifact a little bit harder.

After a second of time, Yan Chen's power was consumed a lot, the whole person's aura continued to weaken, and the Tai Chi portal began to become transparent, and it would disappear at any time. The key point was that the big hand couldn't pull the fairy weapon at all, and the fairy weapon was at the entrance of the vortex. Stop still, no matter how hard Yan Chen exerts his supernatural powers, he will remain indifferent.

The celestial artifact became a Mount Tai, motionless, yet Yan Chen still didn't give up. He wasted a lot of energy, driven by greed, and at this point, he still wanted to take the celestial artifact away.

"Opportunity... Yan Chen's true energy is almost exhausted, he is too greedy, you are destined to die here!"

At this moment, Ye Yun felt that the opportunity had come, and the time was finally ripe. With Yan Chen's current state, he couldn't take away the fairy weapon at all, but he still refused to give up, his strength was constantly being consumed, and if he didn't take a breath, his strength would be squeezed out Dry, and now, half the size of the entire fairy formation has been inhaled by King Poisonous Toad.

If Yan Chen still had some true energy and didn't escape, he would have no chance, either he would be swallowed along with the fairy formation, or his true energy would be exhausted and killed by Ye Yun.

Human nature, hypocrisy, cunning, obedience, kindness, self-effacing, honesty, these are all possessed by everyone. Hypocrisy is hidden in the sun, and darkness will not be revealed in the sun.


Finally, Yan Chen's strength was exhausted, and the big hand that pulled the fairy weapon was backlashed by the huge power of the fairy weapon, and it was shocked fiercely, just like Yan Chen was hit by a strong electric shock of ten thousand volts. Unable to defend in time, wanted to dodge, but reacted too slowly, was hit by life, and immediately bowed and spit out a stream of blood.


Yan Chen watched unwillingly as the fairy artifact was continuously sucked into the vortex along with the formation, and his heart ached like numbness, but now, what he wanted to do was how to survive and escape from the formation.

"Void cutting!"

At the moment when the entire formation was about to disappear, Yan Chen actually used a huge supernatural power, split his hands, and the qi flames composed of mysterious talismans directly cut a hole in the formation. The cutting machine cuts a crack in the formation forcefully, and then gradually grows larger.

"Good method, is this the space ability mastered by the immortal powerhouse?"

At this moment, Ye Yun was watching Yan Chen's every move. He witnessed with his own eyes that at the last moment, Yan Chen actually used an ability that was unmatched by a cultivator at the Heaven-reaching Realm, cutting the formation. However, after using this supernatural power, Yan Chen's strength almost reached In zero state, he seized the last chance and flew towards the crack with all his strength.

"good chance!"

At the moment when Yan Chen struggled to pass through the cracks in the formation, Ye Yun made a decisive move. With a wave of his big hand, a wave of illusory plane power directly took Yan Chen, who was about to fly out of the formation and had reached his weakest state, alive to him. Inhaled, then turned into a point of origin, disappeared.

"Oh, where is the powerhouse who can escape this king's magic eye... Fortunately, this king's magic weapon was taken back in time, otherwise!"

The fairy array disappeared into the ruins along with the vortex like a bubble, and was soon buried by the mist. From the void, a coquettish and evil eye pupil appeared, trying to see something from the void, but it couldn't be caught.

"Where is this? Void cutting!"

In a time and space that is drifting and does not know where it exists, there is darkness. Yan Chen bumps around like a headless chicken, but bumps into walls everywhere, can't fly out no matter what, and uses the space ability that only a strong person who breaks the fairyland can do to the void. Cutting, but no matter how you cut it, it will stay in place.

"Could it be that this is the belly of King Poisonous Toad?"

Another attack failed, Yan Chen looked around in a panic, released his divine light, and still saw what was at the end of the void, the edge of this space, and he couldn't feel the vitality of heaven and earth, only the mysterious, vast and cold interstellar breath, which put him in the air. In the vast star field.

But Yan Chen couldn't believe that King Toad would have such an ability to create an independent space comparable to a planet. Moreover, this terrifying star field breath, just like the real galaxy, made people tremble. Void cutting, also can't cut out, because under the power of the star field, he can't shake it at all.

"The Holy Spear of Light!"

A bright holy spear suddenly pierced through the dark sky. It was extremely sharp and indestructible. It killed Yan Chen with a single blow at the speed of a meteor.

"Ninety-one of the big week, broken!"

Yan Chen turned around abruptly, his eyes showing a trace of panic and fear. In his opinion, the Holy Spear of Light was born from the sky, just like the wrath of God descending. It gushes out, and turns into a Tai Chi world in the air, and greets the Holy Spear of Light.

"Purgatory Absolute Yin Tower!"


The holy spear of light collided with the world of Taiji in an instant, half of the holy spear of light tens of feet long was inserted into the world of Taiji, but was soon shattered by nine rays of light, and the holy light flew into the sky.

Then, a Purgatory Absolute Yin Tower descended from the sky. This time, with the power of the sacred Taiyi light, it directly suppressed and killed Yan Chen like gods descending.

"This is not the power of the demon clan, it is so pure, a hundred times more pure than the immortal nature!"

"Natural dojo! Come out!"

Yan Chen's power at the immortal level was completely wiped out in the ancient tomb formation, and now there is only weak power left. He saw the extraordinaryness of the Purgatory's Absolute Yin Tower at a glance, his eyes sank, cold sweat broke out, and he panicked. A huge dojo with a length of one thousand meters was sacrificed, inlaid with countless spiritual stones, various formations, and even a few immortal artifacts, which were integrated into it.

"As expected of a strong immortal, the dojo is so powerful!"

Ye Yun came out of nothingness, watched Yan Chen fly into the dojo, mobilized the dojo, and fought against the Purgatory Absolute Yin Tower. With a bang, the Purgatory Absolute Yin Tower was shattered by the dojo. In the void of time and space, Dazzling flames erupted.

"Haha, it's not King Poisonous Toad. This kind of power is nothing to me. Where did the character come from to plot against this deity?"

Yan Chen used the power of the dojo to dissolve the Tower of Absolute Yin in Purgatory, and seemed to see something, and became very rampant, relying on the dojo, he no longer panicked like that.

"I really didn't expect that a centipede is dead but not stiff. The immortal position is the immortal position. Even if the true energy is gone, it is not something that the Heaven-reaching Realm can compete with!"

"Yan Chen, since you are so arrogant, I will let you know what death is!"

There was also a trace of blood hanging from the corner of Ye Yun's mouth. In the few attacks just now, he was directly oppressed by the imposing manner of breaking the fairyland, and was affected, but it was a trivial matter. , Like a huge meat grinder, it went towards Yan Chen to suppress it.

"My God!"

Seeing the great array of immortal artifacts, Yan Chen instantly lost the power to resist. He could tell at a glance that all the immortal artifacts had to be refined by Ye Yun to form the grand array of immortal artifacts. This kind of power, let alone he could not resist, was It is also impossible for the third-tier and fourth-tier powerhouses.


The array of immortal artifacts suddenly fell on the dojo, and the immortal artifacts destroyed the dojo in an instant. Lingshi, and then, Yan Chen's corpse floated out, Ye Yun was overjoyed, and directly sucked the corpse into the Shenluo domain.

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