A channel with a huge Tai Chi pattern continuously shuttles through the barriers of numerous formations, constantly urging the barriers, attracting fierce attacks like torrential rain and floods, but the Tai Chi portal is still motionless, but in the portal, the middle-aged man and two Youth, sweating profusely from being oppressed.

clang clang...

The sound of metal and iron clashing like a battle ax opening the sky, kept coming. The Dazhou Taiji Formation is indeed a treasure of the Gutuo Immortal Academy, and it is even much more advanced than the formation arranged by this monster master. The three strong immortals , just like three giants, stretching their arms high, propping up the Tai Chi portal, and crossing directly towards the center of the formation.

The power of any formation was directly shattered, but the relic formation did not undergo any changes. No matter how powerful the Great Zhou Tai Chi formation was, it was impossible to touch the entire relic formation.

The relic formation is also very mysterious, one layer after another, layer after layer like a sea of ​​clouds, only with such tyrannical strength as a three-person attack, can a tunnel be created to directly attack the center of the formation, and if it is one person, it will definitely not work, unless it is Yuyun Lan's kind of powerhouse with the highest cultivation level of the second level of immortality.

"Brother Yan... If we continue to consume like this, we may die here directly..."

Inside the Tai Chi portal, a young immortal strong man trembled slightly, showing how hard he was struggling against the relic formation, bringing him to the brink of collapse.

The middle-aged man 'Senior Brother Yan' didn't seem to have changed much, but his aura also became empty. His eyes burst out with torch light: "The last triple formation defense, strive to break through!"


With Senior Brother Yu Yan's order, the three of them immediately cooperated and raised three colorful command flags, only to see the Tai Chi Gate rushing across the tunnel at a high speed.

Gritting their teeth, they worked together to break through the formation. Under the guidance of Senior Brother Yan, the passage finally reached a space full of monsters. In the depths, a dazzling light shone, as if a round object was shining, and all the power in the space, They all entered the aperture, as if they were the source of the formation.

Stepping into the central space, a force ten times stronger than the oppressive force of the outer formation came head-on, but the three of them are all immortals, so they can resist. One of the young immortal students said: "Senior brother , It really is a good treasure, the hateful king of poisonous toads used formations to suppress righteous monks to make offerings to this immortal artifact!"

"A good fairy artifact needs to be offered. The reason why we ventured to the Monster Desolation Starfield is to obtain a powerful fairy artifact in the 'Abyss of Taboo', and then refine and make offerings so that the fairy artifact and the body can be perfectly integrated. This piece The celestial artifact is perfect, I don’t know how many years it has been enshrined by the king of poisonous toads!"

Brother Yan stared greedily at the circle of light, then waved his hand, forming a surrounding formation with the three of them, and flew towards the center circle of light rapidly, wishing he could snatch the celestial artifact away.

"This central formation is very powerful. It can be directly upgraded to the level of Ling Daozi. The power is astonishing. Fortunately, you have Turing, the Great Thousand God Map, otherwise, you will not be able to enter the interior!"

In the depths of the formation, a mysterious deep pupil has been paying attention to the movements of the three immortal students of Gutuo Immortal Academy.

"I think that Lei Su is also a strong man in the Gutuo Immortal Academy, and his cultivation is also at the first level of the Immortal Realm. He is eyeing me, and he will be killed by me sooner or later, but that Lei Su, and the ancestor of the Hua family, all of them are It's not easy to deal with a strong immortal..."

Ye Yun sat quietly in the Turing power of the Daqian Shentu, wandering freely between the void formations, half of his body was in the formation, and half of his body was in the endless starry sky.

Witnessing the methods of the Immortal-Breaking Realm expert, Ye Yun now has a very clear understanding of the strength of the Immortal-level students. The difference between the Immortal-Breaking Realm and the Heaven-reaching Realm is too far, and it is impossible for a hundred ten-level powerhouses to be a first-rank Immortal-Breaking The opponents of the strong, the strong of the immortal position, are all existences who have successfully cultivated and recognized by the immortal way, and each one is extremely powerful.

Hua Jingyu and Lei Suna are strong enemies of Ye Yun, each of them has a first-level cultivation base in the Immortal Realm, and their magical powers are comparable to those of the three strong immortals in front of them.

"Two junior brothers, if we can destroy this formation, we will be able to apply for unlimited benefits from the higher-ups when we return to the fairy courtyard, and credit will be recorded. In addition to obtaining this fairy artifact, we can take advantage of both ends. Although we are immortal Students, but you are not the kind of high-level boss, and you have to be disturbed by the boss, you have to rely on yourself to not be stepped on by the boss!"

The three of them finally approached the center. At the end of the void, a vortex with a length of hundreds of feet was slowly rotating, devouring all the power of the fairy formation. In the vortex, there was a circle-shaped fairy artifact, gilt gold, with a thick bucket and a diameter of one foot. There are countless fairy patterns shining, and it looks like a top-grade fairy weapon with supernatural powers.

Senior Brother Yan pointed to the fairy artifact and said confidently that the other two were sure to get it too.

"It's such an attack-type fairy weapon, it's even more advanced than the golden scale armor on me. It seems that first-grade fairy weapons can also be divided into three, six, and nine grades. The golden scale armor is in the middle and bottom, and this fairy weapon is in the middle and upper. The ability is very special, if you get it, it would be nice to leave it to Brother Yue and the others in the future!"

Seeing the fairy artifact, Ye Yun thought of everyone in the mainland of China. If elders like Yue Li, Jing Wuming, Ye Yu, Ye Man, Ye Yuan, and Yin Baiqing all had fairy artifacts, then the strength of the entire Taiyi Empire would be comparable to Any empire on the Thai star plane.

At a glance, at the end of the void of the formation, a round of gold-plated round immortal artifacts like a sun floated in the vortex, absorbing all the power of the formation crazily, and the power, I don't know where it went, whether it entered the immortal artifact Among them, there is no way to check.

The pure immortal nature released by the immortal artifact attracted the three high-ranking immortal experts in Gutuo Immortal Academy, and also attracted Ye Yun.

"I can't pull the fairy artifact out of the formation at all. I can only look at the three strong immortals. When they are backlashed by the power of the formation, I will take action... The king of poisonous toads is here to make offerings to the immortals." To prevent the master from stealing the fairy artifact, there must be some kind of restriction, once it breaks out, the three strong will definitely feel uncomfortable..."

Hiding in the void, Ye Yun is always ready to snatch the fairy artifact, but the opportunity must be seized, otherwise, if he is touched by the formation or the forbidden power of the fairy artifact, he will be seriously injured even if he does not die.

Ye Yun's breath suddenly sank, and the killing spirit began to erupt: "The three of you plan to deal with the second senior sister, and also frame the seventh senior sister, and kill you, the senior sister and the others will be very happy, and Gu Tuo Xianyuan is in my eyes. I don't have a good impression, these three people, if you kill them, you will kill them..."

At this time, at the center of the formation, Senior Brother Yan and the two young men looked at the majestic and breathtaking fairy artifact in the center of the vortex, but felt a little embarrassed.

"Brother, if you want to pull the fairy artifact out of the formation, it will definitely cause the formation to counterattack. This is too risky. Even with the Great Zhou Tai Chi formation, there is a huge danger!"

"Junior brother, senior brother is right. Wealth and wealth are sought in danger. The fairy artifact is right in front of us. If we don't take it away, we will regret it for the rest of our lives. This fairy artifact seems to have the ability to devour, and it is really rare. Think about it, we got this fairy artifact , and then arrange the Great Zhou Taiji array, let the fairy artifact become the eye of the array, devouring the endless energy of heaven and earth, then our cultivation base will skyrocket and climb steadily. It is not a problem to break through the second level in 5000 years, and it is not impossible to break through the third level in 1 years. possible!"

"Two junior brothers, the three of us stepped into the Immortal Realm almost at the same time within a thousand years. We have practiced in the first level of the Immortal Realm for 6000 years, but we have never broken through the second level. The second rank, two juniors, if you think about it carefully, we can gradually enter the upper echelon, get in touch with the master, become the real core, and have the opportunity to enter the core space of the academy to practice, and it is possible to break through the third rank!"

The three immortal students, at this moment, human nature was struggling with contradictions, like sawing wood, going back and forth, but Senior Brother Yan made the final decision, facing the immortal artifact directly, ready to make a move.

"Since the two senior brothers want to obtain the immortal artifact so much, the junior brother will go to the underworld without any complaints. Come on, set up the Great Zhou Taiji formation to resist the backlash of the formation!"

The youngest strong man finally made up his mind, and the three of them began to create a series of dharma seals, and a Tai Chi portal appeared, protecting the three of them.


Brother Yan put his hands together, stretched out a big hand from the Tai Chi portal, and stretched out directly towards the whirlpool. In an instant, he entered the center of the whirlpool for a hundred meters, and stretched out his five fingers to grab the fairy artifact.


The moment the big hand grasped the fairy artifact, the fairy artifact began to vibrate dishonestly. With every vibration, the bodies of the three people in the Tai Chi sect also vibrated accordingly, consuming a lot of true energy.

The three of them held their breath, and poured all their strength into the Tai Chi portal. The big hand gradually shone, grabbing the fairy artifact, trying to pull it out from the center of the vortex, but the fairy artifact was not dragged out by the big hand, just It was vibrating violently, and the speed of the vortex's rotation began to increase.

"The true energy is disappearing rapidly. Sure enough, if our strength penetrates into the vortex, we will be swallowed by the vortex..."

After three days of stalemate, the big hand still hadn't pulled out the fairy artifact, and couldn't hold on to the fairy artifact, while the strength of the three immortal powerhouses continued to weaken, and they were crazily swallowed by the power of the vortex.

"Okay, the combined strength of these three people at the beginning was comparable to that of Fifth Senior Sister, but now that their strength is swallowed by the vortex, the three of them together are only comparable to Eighth Senior Sister, even similar to Ling Daozi!"

Seeing this, Ye Yun sighed unceasingly, surprised and delighted, the three powerful immortals teamed up and did not take away the immortal artifact, but was swallowed up by the formation. It's good news, the weaker the three are, the more sure they will be killed.

As the saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. After ten days and ten nights, the three great immortals are still unable to compete with the immortal weapon, while the Tai Chi gate other than the three is getting more and more dim.

However, the three masters of Gutuo Immortal Academy did not give up their minds at all, they persisted in the Tai Chi portal, seeing that the immortal artifact was right in front of them, naturally they would not give up in vain.


When the two sides were at a stalemate, suddenly, the huge vortex spun wildly, and a force from a different space rushed into the vortex crazily, urging the vortex, and the attraction increased by a hundred times, like an ancient giant awakened, opened its mouth wide , and began to crazily suck up the heaven, earth and sky.

"Sure enough... there is a trap, baby, it's not easy to get, in the fairy formation, where is the vortex leading to!?"

The vortex mutated, and the entire formation also began to change. All the power poured into the vortex, and in the vortex, the huge suction force emitted continuously sucked the three immortal experts of Gu Tuo Xianyuan.

"Two juniors, one last fight, if you continue to waste, it will be bad for us, go!"

Senior Brother Yan let out a loud roar, and spread out his fingers and index fingers at the same time. The two fingers were like a sharp sword. At the same time, the two young men also formed fingers, and the three of them worked together to inject them into the big hand outside.

Chu Chu Chu!

After the three of them finally fought with all their strength, the situation finally changed. The big hand, holding on to the fairy weapon, actually let the fairy tool go for a while, and then slowly flew out of the vortex.

This scene, it seems, is like a great ancient god, who is displaying supreme supernatural powers, moving stars and changing moons, transforming mountains and rivers, and that round of immortal artifacts is the universe and the sky.

"I didn't expect them to have so much stamina. It seems that they still have to wear it down. Let them get the fairy weapon, and I'll make another move!"

Ye Yun almost made a move to snatch the fairy artifact, but seeing that the fairy artifact not only did not completely fly out of the vortex, but also that the three of them were still very strong, he decided to wait again and not be in a hurry, Ye Yun reminded himself over and over in his heart.

The current situation is extremely dangerous. No one can predict what will happen in the next minute. If you act rashly, it will only increase the danger.

"Haha, master, brother, we are about to succeed!"

In the Tai Chi portal, when they saw the fairy artifact, they were about to be dragged out of the vortex. All three of them were happy, especially the young and strong immortal who couldn't see any solemnity and sophistication of the fairy. Like a child, showing the most essential smile.

"Hmph, you few fairy students of Gutuo Immortal Academy, my majesty is waiting for you, I didn't expect to fall into three big fish, haha, if Gutuo Immortal Academy loses three fairy students, I don't know if I will be angry Whatever it is, the three of you, just honestly enter the womb of this great king, haha!"

Suddenly, from the depths of the vortex, there was a strange, domineering, rough laughter. The sound was like thunder, and the entire formation was shaking violently!


The three powerful immortals changed their expressions when they heard the voice, as if they knew what would happen next second, they began to pull the immortal weapon vigorously in horror, trying to leave the central vortex.

"In the belly of King Toad? Could it be that the deep part of this tunnel, the center of the entire formation, is actually in the belly of King Toad?"

Ye Yun was also extremely shocked. A large formation actually led to the belly of a monster strong man. What kind of supernatural power is this, at least not by ordinary people. The only explanation is that it is the supernatural power of King Toad.

Now, Ye Yun understood why the poisonous toad king's words scared the three powerhouses of Gu Tuo Xianyuan, trembling like seeing a ghost.A channel with a huge Tai Chi pattern continuously shuttles through the barriers of numerous formations, constantly urging the barriers, attracting fierce attacks like torrential rain and floods, but the Tai Chi portal is still motionless, but in the portal, the middle-aged man and two Youth, sweating profusely from being oppressed.

clang clang...

The sound of metal and iron clashing like a battle ax opening the sky, kept coming. The Dazhou Taiji Formation is indeed a treasure of the Gutuo Immortal Academy, and it is even much more advanced than the formation arranged by this monster master. The three strong immortals , just like three giants, stretching their arms high, propping up the Tai Chi portal, and crossing directly towards the center of the formation.

The power of any formation was directly shattered, but the relic formation did not undergo any changes. No matter how powerful the Great Zhou Tai Chi formation was, it was impossible to touch the entire relic formation.

The relic formation is also very mysterious, one layer after another, layer after layer like a sea of ​​clouds, only with such tyrannical strength as a three-person attack, can a tunnel be created to directly attack the center of the formation, and if it is one person, it will definitely not work, unless it is Yuyun Lan's kind of powerhouse with the highest cultivation level of the second level of immortality.

"Brother Yan... If we continue to consume like this, we may die here directly..."

Inside the Tai Chi portal, a young immortal strong man trembled slightly, showing how hard he was struggling against the relic formation, bringing him to the brink of collapse.

The middle-aged man 'Senior Brother Yan' didn't seem to have changed much, but his aura also became empty. His eyes burst out with torch light: "The last triple formation defense, strive to break through!"


With Senior Brother Yu Yan's order, the three of them immediately cooperated and raised three colorful command flags, only to see the Tai Chi Gate rushing across the tunnel at a high speed.

Gritting their teeth, they worked together to break through the formation. Under the guidance of Senior Brother Yan, the passage finally reached a space full of monsters. In the depths, a dazzling light shone, as if a round object was shining, and all the power in the space, They all entered the aperture, as if they were the source of the formation.

Stepping into the central space, a force ten times stronger than the oppressive force of the outer formation came head-on, but the three of them are all immortals, so they can resist. One of the young immortal students said: "Senior brother , It really is a good treasure, the hateful king of poisonous toads used formations to suppress righteous monks to make offerings to this immortal artifact!"

"A good fairy artifact needs to be offered. The reason why we ventured to the Monster Desolation Starfield is to obtain a powerful fairy artifact in the 'Abyss of Taboo', and then refine and make offerings so that the fairy artifact and the body can be perfectly integrated. This piece The celestial artifact is perfect, I don’t know how many years it has been enshrined by the king of poisonous toads!"

Brother Yan stared greedily at the circle of light, then waved his hand, forming a surrounding formation with the three of them, and flew towards the center circle of light rapidly, wishing he could snatch the celestial artifact away.

"This central formation is very powerful. It can be directly upgraded to the level of Ling Daozi. The power is astonishing. Fortunately, you have Turing, the Great Thousand God Map, otherwise, you will not be able to enter the interior!"

In the depths of the formation, a mysterious deep pupil has been paying attention to the movements of the three immortal students of Gutuo Immortal Academy.

"I think that Lei Su is also a strong man in the Gutuo Immortal Academy, and his cultivation is also at the first level of the Immortal Realm. He is eyeing me, and he will be killed by me sooner or later, but that Lei Su, and the ancestor of the Hua family, all of them are It's not easy to deal with a strong immortal..."

Ye Yun sat quietly in the Turing power of the Daqian Shentu, wandering freely between the void formations, half of his body was in the formation, and half of his body was in the endless starry sky.

Witnessing the methods of the Immortal-Breaking Realm expert, Ye Yun now has a very clear understanding of the strength of the Immortal-level students. The difference between the Immortal-Breaking Realm and the Heaven-reaching Realm is too far, and it is impossible for a hundred ten-level powerhouses to be a first-rank Immortal-Breaking The opponents of the strong, the strong of the immortal position, are all existences who have successfully cultivated and recognized by the immortal way, and each one is extremely powerful.

Hua Jingyu and Lei Suna are strong enemies of Ye Yun, each of them has a first-level cultivation base in the Immortal Realm, and their magical powers are comparable to those of the three strong immortals in front of them.

"Two junior brothers, if we can destroy this formation, we will be able to apply for unlimited benefits from the higher-ups when we return to the fairy courtyard, and credit will be recorded. In addition to obtaining this fairy artifact, we can take advantage of both ends. Although we are immortal Students, but you are not the kind of high-level boss, and you have to be disturbed by the boss, you have to rely on yourself to not be stepped on by the boss!"

The three of them finally approached the center. At the end of the void, a vortex with a length of hundreds of feet was slowly rotating, devouring all the power of the fairy formation. In the vortex, there was a circle-shaped fairy artifact, gilt gold, with a thick bucket and a diameter of one foot. There are countless fairy patterns shining, and it looks like a top-grade fairy weapon with supernatural powers.

Senior Brother Yan pointed to the fairy artifact and said confidently that the other two were sure to get it too.

"It's such an attack-type fairy weapon, it's even more advanced than the golden scale armor on me. It seems that first-grade fairy weapons can also be divided into three, six, and nine grades. The golden scale armor is in the middle and bottom, and this fairy weapon is in the middle and upper. The ability is very special, if you get it, it would be nice to leave it to Brother Yue and the others in the future!"

Seeing the fairy artifact, Ye Yun thought of everyone in the mainland of China. If elders like Yue Li, Jing Wuming, Ye Yu, Ye Man, Ye Yuan, and Yin Baiqing all had fairy artifacts, then the strength of the entire Taiyi Empire would be comparable to Any empire on the Thai star plane.

At a glance, at the end of the void of the formation, a round of gold-plated round immortal artifacts like a sun floated in the vortex, absorbing all the power of the formation crazily, and the power, I don't know where it went, whether it entered the immortal artifact Among them, there is no way to check.

The pure immortal nature released by the immortal artifact attracted the three high-ranking immortal experts in Gutuo Immortal Academy, and also attracted Ye Yun.

"I can't pull the fairy artifact out of the formation at all. I can only look at the three strong immortals. When they are backlashed by the power of the formation, I will take action... The king of poisonous toads is here to make offerings to the immortals." To prevent the master from stealing the fairy artifact, there must be some kind of restriction, once it breaks out, the three strong will definitely feel uncomfortable..."

Hiding in the void, Ye Yun is always ready to snatch the fairy artifact, but the opportunity must be seized, otherwise, if he is touched by the formation or the forbidden power of the fairy artifact, he will be seriously injured even if he does not die.

Ye Yun's breath suddenly sank, and the killing spirit began to erupt: "The three of you plan to deal with the second senior sister, and also frame the seventh senior sister, and kill you, the senior sister and the others will be very happy, and Gu Tuo Xianyuan is in my eyes. I don't have a good impression, these three people, if you kill them, you will kill them..."

At this time, at the center of the formation, Senior Brother Yan and the two young men looked at the majestic and breathtaking fairy artifact in the center of the vortex, but felt a little embarrassed.

"Brother, if you want to pull the fairy artifact out of the formation, it will definitely cause the formation to counterattack. This is too risky. Even with the Great Zhou Tai Chi formation, there is a huge danger!"

"Junior brother, senior brother is right. Wealth and wealth are sought in danger. The fairy artifact is right in front of us. If we don't take it away, we will regret it for the rest of our lives. This fairy artifact seems to have the ability to devour, and it is really rare. Think about it, we got this fairy artifact , and then arrange the Great Zhou Taiji array, let the fairy artifact become the eye of the array, devouring the endless energy of heaven and earth, then our cultivation base will skyrocket and climb steadily. It is not a problem to break through the second level in 5000 years, and it is not impossible to break through the third level in 1 years. possible!"

"Two junior brothers, the three of us stepped into the Immortal Realm almost at the same time within a thousand years. We have practiced in the first level of the Immortal Realm for 6000 years, but we have never broken through the second level. The second rank, two juniors, if you think about it carefully, we can gradually enter the upper echelon, get in touch with the master, become the real core, and have the opportunity to enter the core space of the academy to practice, and it is possible to break through the third rank!"

The three immortal students, at this moment, human nature was struggling with contradictions, like sawing wood, going back and forth, but Senior Brother Yan made the final decision, facing the immortal artifact directly, ready to make a move.

"Since the two senior brothers want to obtain the immortal artifact so much, the junior brother will go to the underworld without any complaints. Come on, set up the Great Zhou Taiji formation to resist the backlash of the formation!"

The youngest strong man finally made up his mind, and the three of them began to create a series of dharma seals, and a Tai Chi portal appeared, protecting the three of them.


Brother Yan put his hands together, stretched out a big hand from the Tai Chi portal, and stretched out directly towards the whirlpool. In an instant, he entered the center of the whirlpool for a hundred meters, and stretched out his five fingers to grab the fairy artifact.


The moment the big hand grasped the fairy artifact, the fairy artifact began to vibrate dishonestly. With every vibration, the bodies of the three people in the Tai Chi sect also vibrated accordingly, consuming a lot of true energy.

The three of them held their breath, and poured all their strength into the Tai Chi portal. The big hand gradually shone, grabbing the fairy artifact, trying to pull it out from the center of the vortex, but the fairy artifact was not dragged out by the big hand, just It was vibrating violently, and the speed of the vortex's rotation began to increase.

"The true energy is disappearing rapidly. Sure enough, if our strength penetrates into the vortex, we will be swallowed by the vortex..."

After three days of stalemate, the big hand still hadn't pulled out the fairy artifact, and couldn't hold on to the fairy artifact, while the strength of the three immortal powerhouses continued to weaken, and they were crazily swallowed by the power of the vortex.

"Okay, the combined strength of these three people at the beginning was comparable to that of Fifth Senior Sister, but now that their strength is swallowed by the vortex, the three of them together are only comparable to Eighth Senior Sister, even similar to Ling Daozi!"

Seeing this, Ye Yun sighed unceasingly, surprised and delighted, the three powerful immortals teamed up and did not take away the immortal artifact, but was swallowed up by the formation. It's good news, the weaker the three are, the more sure they will be killed.

As the saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. After ten days and ten nights, the three great immortals are still unable to compete with the immortal weapon, while the Tai Chi gate other than the three is getting more and more dim.

However, the three masters of Gutuo Immortal Academy did not give up their minds at all, they persisted in the Tai Chi portal, seeing that the immortal artifact was right in front of them, naturally they would not give up in vain.


When the two sides were at a stalemate, suddenly, the huge vortex spun wildly, and a force from a different space rushed into the vortex crazily, urging the vortex, and the attraction increased by a hundred times, like an ancient giant awakened, opened its mouth wide , and began to crazily suck up the heaven, earth and sky.

"Sure enough... there is a trap, baby, it's not easy to get, in the fairy formation, where is the vortex leading to!?"

The vortex mutated, and the entire formation also began to change. All the power poured into the vortex, and in the vortex, the huge suction force emitted continuously sucked the three immortal experts of Gu Tuo Xianyuan.

"Two juniors, one last fight, if you continue to waste, it will be bad for us, go!"

Senior Brother Yan let out a loud roar, and spread out his fingers and index fingers at the same time. The two fingers were like a sharp sword. At the same time, the two young men also formed fingers, and the three of them worked together to inject them into the big hand outside.

Chu Chu Chu!

After the three of them finally fought with all their strength, the situation finally changed. The big hand, holding on to the fairy weapon, actually let the fairy tool go for a while, and then slowly flew out of the vortex.

This scene, it seems, is like a great ancient god, who is displaying supreme supernatural powers, moving stars and changing moons, transforming mountains and rivers, and that round of immortal artifacts is the universe and the sky.

"I didn't expect them to have so much stamina. It seems that they still have to wear it down. Let them get the fairy weapon, and I'll make another move!"

Ye Yun almost made a move to snatch the fairy artifact, but seeing that the fairy artifact not only did not completely fly out of the vortex, but also that the three of them were still very strong, he decided to wait again and not be in a hurry, Ye Yun reminded himself over and over in his heart.

The current situation is extremely dangerous. No one can predict what will happen in the next minute. If you act rashly, it will only increase the danger.

"Haha, master, brother, we are about to succeed!"

In the Tai Chi portal, when they saw the fairy artifact, they were about to be dragged out of the vortex. All three of them were happy, especially the young and strong immortal who couldn't see any solemnity and sophistication of the fairy. Like a child, showing the most essential smile.

"Hmph, you few fairy students of Gutuo Immortal Academy, my majesty is waiting for you, I didn't expect to fall into three big fish, haha, if Gutuo Immortal Academy loses three fairy students, I don't know if I will be angry Whatever it is, the three of you, just honestly enter the womb of this great king, haha!"

Suddenly, from the depths of the vortex, there was a strange, domineering, rough laughter. The sound was like thunder, and the entire formation was shaking violently!


The three powerful immortals changed their expressions when they heard the voice, as if they knew what would happen next second, they began to pull the immortal weapon vigorously in horror, trying to leave the central vortex.

"In the belly of King Toad? Could it be that the deep part of this tunnel, the center of the entire formation, is actually in the belly of King Toad?"

Ye Yun was also extremely shocked. A large formation actually led to the belly of a monster strong man. What kind of supernatural power is this, at least not by ordinary people. The only explanation is that it is the supernatural power of King Toad.

Now, Ye Yun understood why the poisonous toad king's words scared the three powerhouses of Gu Tuo Xianyuan, trembling like seeing a ghost.

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