Waves of holy light began to be sucked into Ye Yun's body one by one, breaking through the sixth level of human immortality, making Ye Yun look more elegant, exuding an air of emptiness all over his body, and the aura of emptiness gave people the first impression that he did not belong to the lower realm.

In the process of breaking through the fifth and sixth ranks of Human Immortals, every cell and particle in the body exploded continuously, absorbed the high-level energy of the taboo abyss, and reorganized one by one. Ye Yun's body was composed of countless particles, and these particles absorbed the taboo The high-level energy of Zhiyuan, combined with the divine light of Taiyi, made Ye Yun's physical body close to perfection.

The chaos of the world is actually composed of countless mysterious element particles. Human beings are born of chaos, and they are also composed of particles. Practice is to wake up the particles, merge with the particles of chaos, and step into the most mysterious world at the peak of chaos.

"Break through the sixth level, and the speed of cultivation has increased by more than ten times. The Burial Sky Bow, it's time for you to wake up..." Ye Yun looked at the motionless Burial Sky Bow, and shot a burst of divine light, directly hitting the Burial Sky Bow. , the most quintessential Taiyi Divine Light, began to enter the Burial Sky Bow.


After several days, the Zangtian Bow finally moved, and Ye Yun was overjoyed with just a slight movement, because the spirit of the Zantian Bow was awakening.

"My master…"

From the Burial Sky Bow, there is an ancient voice of nothingness, and it reveals the aura of fusion of too deep divine light, and almost all the energy in the Burial Sky Bow is blessed with Taiyi Divine Light, which directly increases the level and possesses a trace of divinity.

These are the majestic energy of Taiyi's divine light, and are driven by Ye Yun's will. Therefore, the weapon spirit that has been sleeping for millions of years in the Burial Sky Bow finally thawed out of the sleeping ice, woke up, and felt the power of the sky. Yi Shenguang's majestic divinity, Zantian Gong's desolation finally awakened.

"That's right, Burial Sky Bow, from this moment on, I'm your master!" Ye Yunru said directly, full of domineering arrogance, then stretched out his finger, flicked it slightly, and a stream of silver blood containing infinite divinity blew out. In an instant, he entered the burial bow.

"It's the blood of God!"

There was a shocking cry from within the Sky Burial Bow, and then, the ancient Sky Burial Bow suddenly started to vibrate, and a liquid-like dark golden light appeared on the surface, and the ancient magic lines began to flow, turning into mysterious characters, entering Ye Yun's mind, and then, a mass of The dark golden light began to slowly pour out from the inside of the Burial Sky Bow.

"It turns out that these magic lines all practice the method of burying the sky bow, and all the formation structures inside are so complicated. They are worthy of being the ninth-rank fairy weapon, the supreme among fairy weapons!"

Deciphering the magic patterns that entered my mind one after another in an instant, and within three breaths, I can master most of the Burial Sky Bow, and there are still some more complicated places that need to be comprehended slowly.

"See Master!"

On the surface of the Burying Sky Bow, there are countless dark golden magic lights of nothingness, condensed into a young man. He is indifferent and expressionless. Looking at Ye Yun, he looks like he has no life, or even a living dead without life. He looks at Ye Yun. Ye Yun bowed to salute.

The young man is the spirit of the burial bow, only about one foot in size, surrounded by dark golden light, and reveals a faint divinity that has absorbed the divine light of Taiyi. The young man is covered with various magic patterns and characters, as well as wonderful totems. , These are the essence of the Burial Bow, controlled by the young man alone.

Ye Yun stood with his hands behind his back, staring at the void and tyrannical young man with a burial bow and said: "From now on, you will follow me, assist me, and kill the enemy. Come in!"

"Yes, Master."

The boy who buried the sky bow bow respectfully replied again, his whole body was full of killing aura, which was very similar to that of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, but he lost [-]% to Chiyun Demon Lord, and the boy Qi Ling entered the funeral sky in an instant The bow disappeared, and the huge funeral bow began to shrink, becoming the size of a palm, and with a whoosh, it penetrated into Ye Yun's body.

"The Sky Burial Bow is killing, killing... what a killing!" Ye Yun sneered, put the Sky Burying Bow into the Shenluo Domain, and then looked at the land: "There are still a lot of fairy stones, including the entire land, full of high-level energy!"

"Elder Sister, Second Senior Sister, and Seventh Senior Sister have been waiting for me outside, and the energy here is reserved for Chi Yun. When he becomes stronger, who else in the lower realm can compete with me!"

Ye Yun released the identity token, and immediately came the spiritual thoughts of senior sister Yu Yunlan, second senior sister Huo Yingying, and seventh senior sister Li Qian'er, asking Ye Yun to meet up at a certain place in Mengyuan Xing soon.

After thinking about it, Ye Yun communicated with Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable mainly to let Chiyun Demon Venerable temporarily stay in the Abyss of Taboo and refine the entire space. It only needs to seal a part of the power, and the rest includes the entire space. Can be devoured whole.

After explaining everything, Ye Yun immediately used the Turing power of the Great Thousand Gods and left the Abyss of Taboo.

At the junction of the Abyss of Taboo and the crack of Meng Yuanxing, a huge natural broken space, dozens of immortals were suddenly unable to enter the Abyss of Taboo, and a high-level energy sealed the entrance tightly.

"Why is that?"

"We have gone through all kinds of difficulties and dangers. We just want to enter the Abyss of Taboo to seal high-level energy. We didn't expect to come in vain, and we don't know when the passage will open again!"

"I also have a friend trapped in it...what to do!"

In the void before the void space, dozens of cultivators from the Immortal Realm looked at the entrance of the sealed passage, sighing helplessly, and various emotions of disappointment, helplessness, and unwillingness were released from their pupils.

"You righteous monks, if you don't leave again, don't blame me, the supreme demon lord of the Yaohuang Starfield, and kill you one by one!" At this moment, from the huge palace hidden in the depths of Meng Yuanxing, a voice came out. Let out a coquettish and domineering roar.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of dozens of righteous powerhouses changed. Although they could join hands without being afraid of anyone, the demon master of the Yaohuang Starfield is a legendary existence. Meng Yuanying, the entire Meng Yuan The stars are all named after it, so one can imagine how advanced this demon master is.

In the blink of an eye, a group of powerful people who broke the fairyland on the right path left with great reluctance. At this time, in the broken space, Chi Fengting with silver hair and a silver robe walked out of a mysterious passage, looking disappointedly at the sealed man. Abyss of Taboo: "Unfortunately, there is still no way to get Chijing Xiaotu!"

"Feng Ting, Chi Jing Xiao Tu has nothing to do with you, so why force it, when the Supreme Demon Ancestor of Yaohuang Mountain descends, I will find one for you!"

Suddenly, a projection of a giant in golden armor descended from the void.

Chi Fengting immediately bowed and saluted: "Master Demon Master!"

The Supreme Demon Lord projected himself, looked at the sealed Abyss of Taboo, and pondered: "Why did it suddenly close? The Abyss of Taboo is the power center of the passage from the Yaohuang Star Field to the Yaohuang Mountain. Now the entire passage has lost the support of the Abyss of Taboo. stop!"

"The Abyss of Taboo is the only force we have to connect with Yaohuangshan. We can't let it be sealed forever. Feng Ting, immediately notify the other two demon masters to come to Meng Yuanxing to discuss countermeasures!" and go.

"How many years has the Abyss of Taboo been in existence, and it has been sealed inexplicably, especially the fourth floor, and even the Lord Demon Lord cannot enter it. Originally, we were waiting for the Supreme Demon Ancestor of Yaohuang Mountain to come and break into the fourth floor or even the fifth floor. Something is impossible!"

Chi Fengting waved his silver robe, sat cross-legged in the void, and began to shoot out divine thoughts, shooting into the mysterious passage. In an instant, the Mengyuan star crystal wall was wriggling, as if some huge energy was about to descend.

This is an ancient, wild and undeveloped world in Meng Yuanxing. Looking around, it is full of desolation, an ancient and undeveloped desolation, echoing in the sky.

There are more than 100 planets in the Monster Desolation Starfield, most of which are undeveloped. Although adventurers often come to Mengyuan Star, the entire planet is still undeveloped, and the chaotic atmosphere is full of dust.

A spirit-gathering array is hidden in the ancient forest, in the depths of an ancient red-leaf forest. At first glance, it cannot be seen that it is a spirit-gathering array, but it is more foggy than other places.

In the spirit-gathering formation, the senior sister Yu Yunlan, the second senior sister Huo Yingying, and the seventh senior sister Li Qian'er sat cross-legged in the void, absorbing a large amount of Meng Yuanxing's barbaric vitality, and this red leaf forest seemed to have been visited by someone before. Surrounded by mountains, the area is huge, and the shape is a basin hidden among the mountains.

And surrounded by mountains on all sides, there is a hidden spirit-gathering array. Once activated, a huge spirit-gathering array will be formed in the basin.

This formation is a temporary dojo built by the immortal disciples of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy in Meng Yuanxing. From the outside, there is nothing special about it, but there are various formations hidden in it, not the disciples of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy. Not noticeable at all.

"Second Junior Sister, you are too reckless this time. For the sake of Chi Jing Xiaotu, you actually broke into the center of the second floor. How many seniors have fallen in it. Fortunately, you are lucky this time and can come out alone. If there is any trouble, How can I ask the senior sister to go back and explain to the master!?"

Senior Sister Yu Yunlan, as expected of the second-level cultivator of Poxian, recovered quickly after consuming her true energy. She opened her eyes slightly, and saw that Second Senior Sister Huo Yingying was refining a purple sword energy, and shouted angrily.

"Senior Sister, I know I was wrong. I am willing to retreat for a thousand years when I go back this time. I hope Senior Sister will not be angry!" Huo Yingying said guiltily, not even daring to face Yu Yunlan head-on.

"Senior sister, yes, it's the junior sister's fault, it's none of the second senior sister's business, it's the junior sister who insisted on winning a powerful celestial weapon, so she broke into it, and then was designed by Yan Chen and the other three, so that the second senior sister fell into the trap." Abyss of Taboo!"

When Yu Yunlan and Huo Yingying were secretly angry, Seventh Senior Sister Li Qian'er said submissively that she seemed to be very afraid of Yu Yunlan, not only spoke softly, but also had a defensive expression on her face, as if she was always ready to be reprimanded by Yu Yunlan.

"Huh! Hush?"

The senior sister Yu Yunlan suddenly extended her middle finger, keeping Huo Yingying and Li Qian'er silent. She waved her hands slowly, and there were streaks of light between her fingers. Immediately, a burst of true energy appeared in her hand: "You two junior sisters, Don't worry, it's the younger brother who came here, fortunately he's fine, otherwise, how would you two explain to the master."

Li Qian'er was very curious and said in surprise: "Young junior brother is here?"

"Seventh Sister, you and Second Sister have never met this young junior who has just started, so don't treat him as a junior, our little junior is not simple, if he hadn't helped me all the way, I wouldn't have appeared here! "After Yu Yunlan finished speaking, she waved her hand towards the void of the formation, and the void became transparent. Ye Yun, who was dressed in a yellow cloud Taoist robe, appeared from nowhere and flew towards the formation.

"Sure enough... it's him!"

Huo Yingying looked cold, but when she saw Ye Yun, she was startled suddenly, and then remembered the scene where Ye Yun rescued her from the abyss of taboo by means of supernatural powers. When Ye Yun appeared, Huo Yingying's eyes were a little blurred.

At the beginning Ye Yun told Huo Yingying not to tell the elder sister everything, but Huo Yingying kept her promise and did not tell about Ye Yun's rescue of her, otherwise, Yu Yunlan and Li Qian'er would be surprised and couldn't believe it.

"Junior Brother has met Senior Sister, Second Senior Sister, and Seventh Senior Sister!"

A long shadow of a yellow cloud slowly descended from the void of the formation. The person who came, with an elegant body, exuding an ethereal aura beyond the dust, was Ye Yun.

"Little junior brother is polite!" Huo Yingying and Li Qian'er nodded slightly.

"Little brother, you are really too. You suddenly lost your breath in the ancient tomb, but senior sister knows that with your ability, there should be no danger. Your second senior sister and seventh senior sister have also returned safely. It can be said that everyone is happy. Sit down quickly. Restore your strength, and we will use you to leave Meng Yuanxing later!"

Now the channel of Meng Yuan Xing is still closed, and the only way to leave Meng Yuan Xing is to rely on the rare treasure on Ye Yun's body. Yu Yunlan knew that it was not easy for Ye Yun, so she immediately took out a few pills, so that Ye Yun could recover her strength.

"Thank you, Sister!"

Ye Yun still didn't show the mountain, pretending to be weak, but he took the pill face to face, and began to sit down to practice. Among the three senior sisters, only Huo Yingying really knew how powerful Ye Yun was.

"The powerful energy injected by the elder sister who is still sealed in the body, simply refine it now, strive to achieve the best state, break through the seventh or even tenth level of human immortality at any time, and reach the heaven-reaching level, in order to truly compete against the immortal powerhouse!"

After taking a few elixir, sure enough, the elixir is very wonderful, but the elixir taken by the immortal powerhouse contains the immortal nature, and the higher the realm, the more precious the elixir, especially the immortal level elixir, It is even more pitiful.

Driven by the power of the elixir, Ye Yun also released Yu Yunlan's immortal-level energy at the same time, and the two forces began to continuously attack the physical body, the dantian crazily sealed the power, and the golden elixir was devouring its immortal nature.

The height of the golden elixir he has now is comparable to that of breaking the fairyland. Even Yu Yunlan praised Ye Yun back then, directly surpassing the sky-reaching realm. The golden elixir is the root of a monk's strength. The stronger the golden elixir, the stronger the monk. Powerful, the golden core is the channel connecting the heavenly way, as the cultivation level continues to improve, the golden core can produce various Taoisms and evolve naturally.

"Little brother seems to have had quite a few adventures, and his cultivation has made breakthroughs. It's unbelievable. In less than a year, he has broken through to the sixth level of human immortality... Two junior sisters, it seems that this time we have an extra genius Junior brother!"

Yu Yunlan was very relieved, as a senior sister, she had always been worried about her junior sister, and now, someone finally didn't need her to worry about her anymore.

"Second Senior Sister, Junior Brother's aura is so special that even I can't fully capture it. I don't know what kind of qigong the Junior Brother is practicing. Not long ago, the Eighth Junior Sister said that the Junior Brother got a set of fairy-level Qigong in the new promotion event. It seems that the Junior Brother is so extraordinary. , it must be the meritorious service of immortal-level qigong!"

Seventh Senior Sister Li Qian'er heard Yu Yunlan's words, she turned to look at Second Senior Sister Huo Yingying and said.


Huo Yingying remained calm, her expression was as usual, with a cold look, and even her junior sisters were not good at smiling. She knew Ye Yun's strength best in her heart. Only then is such a deep and solid cultivation base possible.

She knew that Ye Yun still had countless secrets.Waves of holy light began to be sucked into Ye Yun's body one by one, breaking through the sixth level of human immortality, making Ye Yun look more elegant, exuding an air of emptiness all over his body, and the aura of emptiness gave people the first impression that he did not belong to the lower realm.

In the process of breaking through the fifth and sixth ranks of Human Immortals, every cell and particle in the body exploded continuously, absorbed the high-level energy of the taboo abyss, and reorganized one by one. Ye Yun's body was composed of countless particles, and these particles absorbed the taboo The high-level energy of Zhiyuan, combined with the divine light of Taiyi, made Ye Yun's physical body close to perfection.

The chaos of the world is actually composed of countless mysterious element particles. Human beings are born of chaos, and they are also composed of particles. Practice is to wake up the particles, merge with the particles of chaos, and step into the most mysterious world at the peak of chaos.

"Break through the sixth level, and the speed of cultivation has increased by more than ten times. The Burial Sky Bow, it's time for you to wake up..." Ye Yun looked at the motionless Burial Sky Bow, and shot a burst of divine light, directly hitting the Burial Sky Bow. , the most quintessential Taiyi Divine Light, began to enter the Burial Sky Bow.


After several days, the Zangtian Bow finally moved, and Ye Yun was overjoyed with just a slight movement, because the spirit of the Zantian Bow was awakening.

"My master…"

From the Burial Sky Bow, there is an ancient voice of nothingness, and it reveals the aura of fusion of too deep divine light, and almost all the energy in the Burial Sky Bow is blessed with Taiyi Divine Light, which directly increases the level and possesses a trace of divinity.

These are the majestic energy of Taiyi's divine light, and are driven by Ye Yun's will. Therefore, the weapon spirit that has been sleeping for millions of years in the Burial Sky Bow finally thawed out of the sleeping ice, woke up, and felt the power of the sky. Yi Shenguang's majestic divinity, Zantian Gong's desolation finally awakened.

"That's right, Burial Sky Bow, from this moment on, I'm your master!" Ye Yunru said directly, full of domineering arrogance, then stretched out his finger, flicked it slightly, and a stream of silver blood containing infinite divinity blew out. In an instant, he entered the burial bow.

"It's the blood of God!"

There was a shocking cry from within the Sky Burial Bow, and then, the ancient Sky Burial Bow suddenly started to vibrate, and a liquid-like dark golden light appeared on the surface, and the ancient magic lines began to flow, turning into mysterious characters, entering Ye Yun's mind, and then, a mass of The dark golden light began to slowly pour out from the inside of the Burial Sky Bow.

"It turns out that these magic lines all practice the method of burying the sky bow, and all the formation structures inside are so complicated. They are worthy of being the ninth-rank fairy weapon, the supreme among fairy weapons!"

Deciphering the magic patterns that entered my mind one after another in an instant, and within three breaths, I can master most of the Burial Sky Bow, and there are still some more complicated places that need to be comprehended slowly.

"See Master!"

On the surface of the Burying Sky Bow, there are countless dark golden magic lights of nothingness, condensed into a young man. He is indifferent and expressionless. Looking at Ye Yun, he looks like he has no life, or even a living dead without life. He looks at Ye Yun. Ye Yun bowed to salute.

The young man is the spirit of the burial bow, only about one foot in size, surrounded by dark golden light, and reveals a faint divinity that has absorbed the divine light of Taiyi. The young man is covered with various magic patterns and characters, as well as wonderful totems. , These are the essence of the Burial Bow, controlled by the young man alone.

Ye Yun stood with his hands behind his back, staring at the void and tyrannical young man with a burial bow and said: "From now on, you will follow me, assist me, and kill the enemy. Come in!"

"Yes, Master."

The boy who buried the sky bow bow respectfully replied again, his whole body was full of killing aura, which was very similar to that of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, but he lost [-]% to Chiyun Demon Lord, and the boy Qi Ling entered the funeral sky in an instant The bow disappeared, and the huge funeral bow began to shrink, becoming the size of a palm, and with a whoosh, it penetrated into Ye Yun's body.

"The Sky Burial Bow is killing, killing... what a killing!" Ye Yun sneered, put the Sky Burying Bow into the Shenluo Domain, and then looked at the land: "There are still a lot of fairy stones, including the entire land, full of high-level energy!"

"Elder Sister, Second Senior Sister, and Seventh Senior Sister have been waiting for me outside, and the energy here is reserved for Chi Yun. When he becomes stronger, who else in the lower realm can compete with me!"

Ye Yun released the identity token, and immediately came the spiritual thoughts of senior sister Yu Yunlan, second senior sister Huo Yingying, and seventh senior sister Li Qian'er, asking Ye Yun to meet up at a certain place in Mengyuan Xing soon.

After thinking about it, Ye Yun communicated with Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable mainly to let Chiyun Demon Venerable temporarily stay in the Abyss of Taboo and refine the entire space. It only needs to seal a part of the power, and the rest includes the entire space. Can be devoured whole.

After explaining everything, Ye Yun immediately used the Turing power of the Great Thousand Gods and left the Abyss of Taboo.

At the junction of the Abyss of Taboo and the crack of Meng Yuanxing, a huge natural broken space, dozens of immortals were suddenly unable to enter the Abyss of Taboo, and a high-level energy sealed the entrance tightly.

"Why is that?"

"We have gone through all kinds of difficulties and dangers. We just want to enter the Abyss of Taboo to seal high-level energy. We didn't expect to come in vain, and we don't know when the passage will open again!"

"I also have a friend trapped in it...what to do!"

In the void before the void space, dozens of cultivators from the Immortal Realm looked at the entrance of the sealed passage, sighing helplessly, and various emotions of disappointment, helplessness, and unwillingness were released from their pupils.

"You righteous monks, if you don't leave again, don't blame me, the supreme demon lord of the Yaohuang Starfield, and kill you one by one!" At this moment, from the huge palace hidden in the depths of Meng Yuanxing, a voice came out. Let out a coquettish and domineering roar.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of dozens of righteous powerhouses changed. Although they could join hands without being afraid of anyone, the demon master of the Yaohuang Starfield is a legendary existence. Meng Yuanying, the entire Meng Yuan The stars are all named after it, so one can imagine how advanced this demon master is.

In the blink of an eye, a group of powerful people who broke the fairyland on the right path left with great reluctance. At this time, in the broken space, Chi Fengting with silver hair and a silver robe walked out of a mysterious passage, looking disappointedly at the sealed man. Abyss of Taboo: "Unfortunately, there is still no way to get Chijing Xiaotu!"

"Feng Ting, Chi Jing Xiao Tu has nothing to do with you, so why force it, when the Supreme Demon Ancestor of Yaohuang Mountain descends, I will find one for you!"

Suddenly, a projection of a giant in golden armor descended from the void.

Chi Fengting immediately bowed and saluted: "Master Demon Master!"

The Supreme Demon Lord projected himself, looked at the sealed Abyss of Taboo, and pondered: "Why did it suddenly close? The Abyss of Taboo is the power center of the passage from the Yaohuang Star Field to the Yaohuang Mountain. Now the entire passage has lost the support of the Abyss of Taboo. stop!"

"The Abyss of Taboo is the only force we have to connect with Yaohuangshan. We can't let it be sealed forever. Feng Ting, immediately notify the other two demon masters to come to Meng Yuanxing to discuss countermeasures!" and go.

"How many years has the Abyss of Taboo been in existence, and it has been sealed inexplicably, especially the fourth floor, and even the Lord Demon Lord cannot enter it. Originally, we were waiting for the Supreme Demon Ancestor of Yaohuang Mountain to come and break into the fourth floor or even the fifth floor. Something is impossible!"

Chi Fengting waved his silver robe, sat cross-legged in the void, and began to shoot out divine thoughts, shooting into the mysterious passage. In an instant, the Mengyuan star crystal wall was wriggling, as if some huge energy was about to descend.

This is an ancient, wild and undeveloped world in Meng Yuanxing. Looking around, it is full of desolation, an ancient and undeveloped desolation, echoing in the sky.

There are more than 100 planets in the Monster Desolation Starfield, most of which are undeveloped. Although adventurers often come to Mengyuan Star, the entire planet is still undeveloped, and the chaotic atmosphere is full of dust.

A spirit-gathering array is hidden in the ancient forest, in the depths of an ancient red-leaf forest. At first glance, it cannot be seen that it is a spirit-gathering array, but it is more foggy than other places.

In the spirit-gathering formation, the senior sister Yu Yunlan, the second senior sister Huo Yingying, and the seventh senior sister Li Qian'er sat cross-legged in the void, absorbing a large amount of Meng Yuanxing's barbaric vitality, and this red leaf forest seemed to have been visited by someone before. Surrounded by mountains, the area is huge, and the shape is a basin hidden among the mountains.

And surrounded by mountains on all sides, there is a hidden spirit-gathering array. Once activated, a huge spirit-gathering array will be formed in the basin.

This formation is a temporary dojo built by the immortal disciples of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy in Meng Yuanxing. From the outside, there is nothing special about it, but there are various formations hidden in it, not the disciples of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy. Not noticeable at all.

"Second Junior Sister, you are too reckless this time. For the sake of Chi Jing Xiaotu, you actually broke into the center of the second floor. How many seniors have fallen in it. Fortunately, you are lucky this time and can come out alone. If there is any trouble, How can I ask the senior sister to go back and explain to the master!?"

Senior Sister Yu Yunlan, as expected of the second-level cultivator of Poxian, recovered quickly after consuming her true energy. She opened her eyes slightly, and saw that Second Senior Sister Huo Yingying was refining a purple sword energy, and shouted angrily.

"Senior Sister, I know I was wrong. I am willing to retreat for a thousand years when I go back this time. I hope Senior Sister will not be angry!" Huo Yingying said guiltily, not even daring to face Yu Yunlan head-on.

"Senior sister, yes, it's the junior sister's fault, it's none of the second senior sister's business, it's the junior sister who insisted on winning a powerful celestial weapon, so she broke into it, and then was designed by Yan Chen and the other three, so that the second senior sister fell into the trap." Abyss of Taboo!"

When Yu Yunlan and Huo Yingying were secretly angry, Seventh Senior Sister Li Qian'er said submissively that she seemed to be very afraid of Yu Yunlan, not only spoke softly, but also had a defensive expression on her face, as if she was always ready to be reprimanded by Yu Yunlan.

"Huh! Hush?"

The senior sister Yu Yunlan suddenly extended her middle finger, keeping Huo Yingying and Li Qian'er silent. She waved her hands slowly, and there were streaks of light between her fingers. Immediately, a burst of true energy appeared in her hand: "You two junior sisters, Don't worry, it's the younger brother who came here, fortunately he's fine, otherwise, how would you two explain to the master."

Li Qian'er was very curious and said in surprise: "Young junior brother is here?"

"Seventh Sister, you and Second Sister have never met this young junior who has just started, so don't treat him as a junior, our little junior is not simple, if he hadn't helped me all the way, I wouldn't have appeared here! "After Yu Yunlan finished speaking, she waved her hand towards the void of the formation, and the void became transparent. Ye Yun, who was dressed in a yellow cloud Taoist robe, appeared from nowhere and flew towards the formation.

"Sure enough... it's him!"

Huo Yingying looked cold, but when she saw Ye Yun, she was startled suddenly, and then remembered the scene where Ye Yun rescued her from the abyss of taboo by means of supernatural powers. When Ye Yun appeared, Huo Yingying's eyes were a little blurred.

At the beginning Ye Yun told Huo Yingying not to tell the elder sister everything, but Huo Yingying kept her promise and did not tell about Ye Yun's rescue of her, otherwise, Yu Yunlan and Li Qian'er would be surprised and couldn't believe it.

"Junior Brother has met Senior Sister, Second Senior Sister, and Seventh Senior Sister!"

A long shadow of a yellow cloud slowly descended from the void of the formation. The person who came, with an elegant body, exuding an ethereal aura beyond the dust, was Ye Yun.

"Little junior brother is polite!" Huo Yingying and Li Qian'er nodded slightly.

"Little brother, you are really too. You suddenly lost your breath in the ancient tomb, but senior sister knows that with your ability, there should be no danger. Your second senior sister and seventh senior sister have also returned safely. It can be said that everyone is happy. Sit down quickly. Restore your strength, and we will use you to leave Meng Yuanxing later!"

Now the channel of Meng Yuan Xing is still closed, and the only way to leave Meng Yuan Xing is to rely on the rare treasure on Ye Yun's body. Yu Yunlan knew that it was not easy for Ye Yun, so she immediately took out a few pills, so that Ye Yun could recover her strength.

"Thank you, Sister!"

Ye Yun still didn't show the mountain, pretending to be weak, but he took the pill face to face, and began to sit down to practice. Among the three senior sisters, only Huo Yingying really knew how powerful Ye Yun was.

"The powerful energy injected by the elder sister who is still sealed in the body, simply refine it now, strive to achieve the best state, break through the seventh or even tenth level of human immortality at any time, and reach the heaven-reaching level, in order to truly compete against the immortal powerhouse!"

After taking a few elixir, sure enough, the elixir is very wonderful, but the elixir taken by the immortal powerhouse contains the immortal nature, and the higher the realm, the more precious the elixir, especially the immortal level elixir, It is even more pitiful.

Driven by the power of the elixir, Ye Yun also released Yu Yunlan's immortal-level energy at the same time, and the two forces began to continuously attack the physical body, the dantian crazily sealed the power, and the golden elixir was devouring its immortal nature.

The height of the golden elixir he has now is comparable to that of breaking the fairyland. Even Yu Yunlan praised Ye Yun back then, directly surpassing the sky-reaching realm. The golden elixir is the root of a monk's strength. The stronger the golden elixir, the stronger the monk. Powerful, the golden core is the channel connecting the heavenly way, as the cultivation level continues to improve, the golden core can produce various Taoisms and evolve naturally.

"Little brother seems to have had quite a few adventures, and his cultivation has made breakthroughs. It's unbelievable. In less than a year, he has broken through to the sixth level of human immortality... Two junior sisters, it seems that this time we have an extra genius Junior brother!"

Yu Yunlan was very relieved, as a senior sister, she had always been worried about her junior sister, and now, someone finally didn't need her to worry about her anymore.

"Second Senior Sister, Junior Brother's aura is so special that even I can't fully capture it. I don't know what kind of qigong the Junior Brother is practicing. Not long ago, the Eighth Junior Sister said that the Junior Brother got a set of fairy-level Qigong in the new promotion event. It seems that the Junior Brother is so extraordinary. , it must be the meritorious service of immortal-level qigong!"

Seventh Senior Sister Li Qian'er heard Yu Yunlan's words, she turned to look at Second Senior Sister Huo Yingying and said.


Huo Yingying remained calm, her expression was as usual, with a cold look, and even her junior sisters were not good at smiling. She knew Ye Yun's strength best in her heart. Only then is such a deep and solid cultivation base possible.

She knew that Ye Yun still had countless secrets.

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