The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 314 Goodbye Beast Ancestor

The projection of the huge body can instantly turn the universe upside down and crush it. Fortunately, Chiyun Demon Venerable sealed the power in time, otherwise, Ye Yun's painstaking efforts to build the underground palace would be completely destroyed.

The Scarlet Cloud Demon Lord, as tall as the God of War, came through the sky. The moment he walked out of the void, the entire underground palace shook violently again, and even the entire Ziyu Continent shook.

"Boss, I'm sorry, the energy of the Abyss of Taboo has not been fully digested, don't be offended!"

Unexpectedly, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable made such an earth-shattering appearance, but the moment he saw Ye Yun, he became mischievous like a child again, and released a majestic and mysterious energy into the depths of Ziyu Continent, instantly killing Ye Yun. The evenly arranged heaven, earth, and universe reversed the overall power of the formation, and increased it by a hundred times again.

What is the concept of a hundred times? After Ye Yun increased his strength by ten times, people like Ye Yuan, Yue Li, Ye Yu, and Jing Wuming broke through the fairyland one by one. Now that they have increased by a hundred times again, how far will these people improve.

Ye Yun was very happy and surprised, he didn't expect that the strength of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable would recover to this level in just a few years, he clapped his hands and applauded: "Chi Yun, it seems that your strength has recovered a lot in this refining of Taboo Abyss , Very good, just help me promote this piece of China mainland to a planet!"

"The energy of this continent is too weak. In this plane of Taixing, the level is too low. It is easy to promote to an ordinary planet. It is somewhat difficult to promote to a high-level planet like Mengyuanxing. But boss, don't worry, if there is any difficulty, I will I will help you settle them one by one, I have not fully fused the corpse of the sixth-order true immortal, and with the high-level energy of the taboo abyss, it is not difficult to promote this continent to a high-level planet!"

With the magic light sweeping away, it was just a breath, Chiyun Demon Venerable saw the entire Divine Land thoroughly, he snorted disdainfully.

Ye Yun didn't show much expression: "The problem now is not to promote the planet, but I want to remove the entire continent, find a suitable star field, and remove the entire continent, I must rely on your energy!"

"Remove an entire continent?"

This is good, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable is also a little troublesome, his expression sank, and a terrifying devilish energy was unknowingly released: "Now my strength has recovered a little, but it is still negligible than before. With the power of the Great Thousand Gods Map, it takes Removing a continent, um... is not very difficult, it just takes a lot of energy!"

"Boss, you use the power of the Great Thousand Gods Map to wrap the entire mainland of China, and I will push it aside. With our cooperation, even a planet can be moved, let alone such a small continent!"

Turning around, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable looked confident.

Ye Yun clenched his fists. Seeing that Chiyun Demon Venerable was so confident and straightforward, he knew that the problem of moving the Shenzhou Continent would be solved, and he was in a good mood: "Okay, let's do this, you rest for a while, we will go later See an immortal named Beast Ancestor, he is the most powerful person in this continent, listen to his opinion, if the opinions are unified, we will start to act immediately!"

"Beast ancestor? Immortal?"

Suddenly, a fierce smile appeared on Scarlet Cloud Demon Lord's face, and the projection of the vertical eye flashed between his brows. At this time, Chiyun Demon Lord was really a Demon Lord, extremely evil: "Master, a fairy, A living immortal, if I allow it, once I kill him and devour his energy, I can recover a lot!"

When Ye Yun heard this, he was very pleasantly surprised, and hurriedly asked: "Are you confident in killing immortals?"

"Confidence? Master, although my strength has not yet returned to the level of a fairy, it is easy to swallow a fairy, but it will consume most of the energy, but the energy consumed can make up for it if I can kill a fairy. , a little fairy, what is it!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable showed the nature of a demon head, his eyes were blood red, emitting a magic light, and the aura exuded from his whole body during his speech could demonize a high-level powerhouse in the Heaven-reaching Realm.

"This person can't be killed for the time being. Let's see what his intentions are before making any plans. But in the future, there are still many immortals that you can kill!"

Now Ye Yun is very happy, he never thought that Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable could easily kill the immortal. In the past, Ye Yun only expected that the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable had not recovered his strength and could not fight against the immortal, but the immortal could not do anything to him, but now Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable didn't have the strength of an immortal, but he was able to kill an immortal. He was worthy of being an immortal emperor.

"The magic way I practice can devour any immortal, haha!

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable laughed a few times, then sat cross-legged on the other side of the underground palace, and began to sit quietly, practicing supreme magic skills, and there seemed to be no abnormalities.

"With the blessing of Chi Yun's power just now, hundreds of millions of monks have made breakthroughs again and again, especially the Heaven, Earth, and Universe Upside-Down Formation has almost reached the same scale as the Purple Jade Continent!"

Feeling that the power of faith is constantly gathering, countless people are praying silently. From these prayers, Ye Yun learned that almost all the people and monks have received great benefits, and their body genes are constantly changing. Now in the Taiyi Empire, ordinary The lifespan of a mortal is two hundred years old.

The average lifespan is two hundred years old. What a terrifying number. The average human lifespan is around one hundred years old, and only monks in the Meat Wonderland can reach two hundred years old.

Countless meat immortal monks directly broke through to the high level of the earth fairyland, and the earth fairyland broke through the heavenly fairyland, and finally produced golden pills, breaking through the human fairyland. It took less than a year. Because of Ye Yun's return, the Taiyi Empire had more There are tens of thousands of immortals, and those who have cultivated to the fairyland before have broken through again.

But to break through to the Heaven-reaching Realm, the current energy of Ziyu Continent is not enough, and to break through to the Heaven-reaching Realm, one needs not only strength, but also an understanding of the Dao of Heaven.

About a month passed like this, the Taiyi Empire was immersed in an atmosphere of jubilation and earth-shaking changes, and in the underground palace of Taiyi City, Ye Yun and Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable were gathering together, and Ye Yun released a beast ancestor once The remaining true energy was instantly inhaled by Demon Venerable Scarlet Cloud.

His pupils shot out amazing magic light, and the magic flames were surging. After about three breaths, Chiyun Demon Venerable suppressed the magic flames and looked at Ye Yun: "I found it. It is in the middle and high end of the mainland of China, and it is integrated with the crystal wall system." Together, they are sealed very secretly, even ordinary immortals can't find it, and there is a monster beast who has cultivated to the realm of immortals, which should be the beast ancestor mentioned by the master, with a cultivation base of the eighth rank of virtual immortal!"

"The eighth level of Xuxian... she really is a fairy!"

Immortals have a total of five realms: virtual fairyland, true fairyland, great fairyland, fairy king realm, and fairy emperor realm. The imaginary fairyland is in the mortal world, invincible vertically and horizontally.

Ye Yun is finally sure now that the Beast Ancestor is an immortal, or an eighth-level Void Immortal. It is unbelievable. It is difficult for ordinary immortals to exist in the lower realm, and it is difficult to cultivate a high-level Void Immortal. However, the Beast Ancestor actually has the eighth-level Void Immortal. The Beast Ancestor also has extraordinary supernatural powers. In this state, if he goes to the Immortal Plane, the Beast Ancestor will definitely be able to cultivate a higher level of immortality.

"It seems that this beast ancestor also has certain innate supernatural powers, otherwise, he would not have cultivated to such a high level. Unfortunately, it would be great if he could devour him!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable smiled sinisterly again, but was stared at by Ye Yun and dared not smile again, but that demonic nature could not be hidden.


The two turned into a shock and shot into the endless void.

Above the middle end of the crystal wall system of the Shenzhou Continent, there is a space, not very large, but also the size of the Ziyu Continent, like a bubble clinging to the crystal wall system of the Ziyu Continent, the two become one.

"As expected of an immortal's means, easily refine a space, and merge with the Divine Continent so mysteriously..."

Outside the crystal wall system, in the immortal and eternal galaxy, two figures flew out from the mainland of China, and stood directly in front of the void space. Ye Yun swept his divine light, showing a bit of surprise, and then shouted to the sealed space : "Senior Beast Ancestor, junior Ye Yun, come to pay respects to senior!"

"Ye Yun..."

An ancient voice, like the power of the ancient times, reverberated for a long time in the vast sky and galaxy, and then, a huge projection appeared on the gray mist-colored crystal wall system of the sealed space. It was the projection of the ancestor of the beast. Sitting in a certain time and space, slowly opened his eyes, and was surprised the moment he saw Ye Yun: "I didn't expect you to grow so fast, to cross the star field, and discover the existence of this old man!"

"Senior, you showed up to rescue me last time when I was besieged by Dao Dao Zong, Lan Feng Zong and other forces. You haven't had time to say thank you in the future. This time, you told Yu Xuanji to take care of me. This junior owes you a great favor." !"

Seeing the appearance of the beast ancestor, Ye Yun immediately cupped his fists to salute, and thanked him sincerely.

"This old man is destined to be with you. Fate is very mysterious. When everyone has a need, this old man just does what he can do!" Beast Ancestor spoke like a master of the stars. , the atmosphere carries the sky.

"Senior, this junior came to see you this time because of something. This junior will move the mainland of China to another star field, and will promote the mainland to a planet in the near future. I hereby come to see you and see what you think!"

Ye Yun spoke very politely, with a tone of discussion. He spoke with respect, and he treated the beast ancestor as a real senior. However, despite the respect, his aura did not weaken, and he kept it just right.

"Move the continent! Promote the planet!"

Hearing these words suddenly, the calm and simple Beast Ancestor couldn't help showing a shocked expression. To do this, one must have the strength to surpass a fairy, and in the eyes of the Beast Ancestor, Ye Yun is just a human fairy. She has a mysterious genius, but she is not yet able to achieve the means of shifting the universe and promoting the planet.

How many years the Beast Ancestor has been dormant in the Shenzhou Continent, I am afraid that only he knows this. Think about it, it will take nearly 10 years to cultivate from the Meat Immortal to the Breaking Immortal Realm. He is a peerless genius like Ditian. It may take tens of thousands of years to break through the fairyland to cultivate the virtual fairyland and become a real fairy.

As for the ancestor of the beast, who has cultivated to the eighth level of the virtual immortal, that is how many 10 years, even, the ancestor of the beast was born longer than the three great immortals.

In such a long time, the ancestor of the beast has seen so many geniuses, how many amazing and peerless people, and no one wants to promote the mainland of China to a planet, even if he wants to become No.1 in the mainland of China, it is impossible.

In the eyes of the beast ancestors, there are only a handful of people who can promote the mainland to a planet in the Taixing plane. For example, Ditian cannot promote the Shenzhou mainland to a planet. Who can promote the mainland to a planet, which one is not the real one? Powerful, comparable to immortals, these characters have been the overlords of the star field since ancient times.

No wonder the Beast Ancestor was so surprised, he didn't believe that Ye Yun could do it. It's only been a short ten years, and it's absolutely impossible for Ye Yun to grow so fast.

"Okay, if you can really promote the mainland to a planet, the old man has nothing to say, and will even thank you, because the space of the old man is closely connected with the mainland of China, and it will also be promoted as the mainland of China is promoted to a planet. , is also a great promotion opportunity!"

The Beast Ancestor, who had been silent for a long time, finally opened his eyes, like an ancient Buddha: "But you have to use the energy of the old man to advance to the planet, I'm afraid it won't work..."

It seems that the beast ancestor saw something again and directly expressed his attitude.

"Senior, don't worry, this junior came to you mainly to ask for your opinion, why bother senior, let's settle this matter, then this junior will leave!"

Ye Yun didn't talk too much, he bowed to salute, then turned around and followed Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable into the crystal wall system of the Shenzhou Continent, completely ignoring the power of the star field and the crystal wall system of the mainland.

"It's unbelievable... In just a few short years... He has grown to this level... It seems that he is indeed a nobleman of the clan..."

The beast ancestor image has changed into a different person, touching thousands of years, but quickly regained its original ancient atmosphere: "The person next to the boy... I can't even see the realm, and I can't feel the breath at all. It's impossible... how can the lower realm exist? This kind of character, the old man is at the eighth level of Xuxian, and he can't feel his existence... Could it be?"

The mainland of China, the Taiyi Empire, and the Taiyi King City.

"Boss, that ancestor of the beast has a lot of supernatural powers, and he is also a spirit clan... The spirit clan is a particularly powerful force in the fairy plane, and the spirit beast clan is also the best among the spirit clan. In the lower world, in the fairy world, the status of the spirit race is higher than that of humans!"

Appearing in the depths of the underground palace, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable expressed his doubts: "There must be something hidden in this, boss, back then, even I did not dare to offend the spirit clan, this beast ancestor, you have to be more careful!"

"Oh, the spirit race has a high status in the fairy world?"

Suddenly, these words did not seem to be said by the supreme and incomparable Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable. His words suddenly awakened Ye Yun, as if there was indeed something hidden in them.

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable didn't want to say more, and looked at Ye Yun: "The status is very high, there are countless strong people, it is a huge race, it rules a large area, and there are countless low-level and high-level planes."

"It seems that the Beast Ancestor helped me twice, and he would never give away favors in vain. However, he needs to borrow my power, and it is not necessary now. Maybe I will know the real purpose of his helping me when I break through the fairyland!"

After being silent for a while, Ye Yun let Chiyun Mozun continue to practice in the big formation, while he came to Taiyi King City, summoned Zhang Kun, Huangfufei and others to arrange important matters.The projection of the huge body can instantly turn the universe upside down and crush it. Fortunately, Chiyun Demon Venerable sealed the power in time, otherwise, Ye Yun's painstaking efforts to build the underground palace would be completely destroyed.

The Scarlet Cloud Demon Lord, as tall as the God of War, came through the sky. The moment he walked out of the void, the entire underground palace shook violently again, and even the entire Ziyu Continent shook.

"Boss, I'm sorry, the energy of the Abyss of Taboo has not been fully digested, don't be offended!"

Unexpectedly, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable made such an earth-shattering appearance, but the moment he saw Ye Yun, he became mischievous like a child again, and released a majestic and mysterious energy into the depths of Ziyu Continent, instantly killing Ye Yun. The evenly arranged heaven, earth, and universe reversed the overall power of the formation, and increased it by a hundred times again.

What is the concept of a hundred times? After Ye Yun increased his strength by ten times, people like Ye Yuan, Yue Li, Ye Yu, and Jing Wuming broke through the fairyland one by one. Now that they have increased by a hundred times again, how far will these people improve.

Ye Yun was very happy and surprised, he didn't expect that the strength of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable would recover to this level in just a few years, he clapped his hands and applauded: "Chi Yun, it seems that your strength has recovered a lot in this refining of Taboo Abyss , Very good, just help me promote this piece of China mainland to a planet!"

"The energy of this continent is too weak. In this plane of Taixing, the level is too low. It is easy to promote to an ordinary planet. It is somewhat difficult to promote to a high-level planet like Mengyuanxing. But boss, don't worry, if there is any difficulty, I will I will help you settle them one by one, I have not fully fused the corpse of the sixth-order true immortal, and with the high-level energy of the taboo abyss, it is not difficult to promote this continent to a high-level planet!"

With the magic light sweeping away, it was just a breath, Chiyun Demon Venerable saw the entire Divine Land thoroughly, he snorted disdainfully.

Ye Yun didn't show much expression: "The problem now is not to promote the planet, but I want to remove the entire continent, find a suitable star field, and remove the entire continent, I must rely on your energy!"

"Remove an entire continent?"

This is good, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable is also a little troublesome, his expression sank, and a terrifying devilish energy was unknowingly released: "Now my strength has recovered a little, but it is still negligible than before. With the power of the Great Thousand Gods Map, it takes Removing a continent, um... is not very difficult, it just takes a lot of energy!"

"Boss, you use the power of the Great Thousand Gods Map to wrap the entire mainland of China, and I will push it aside. With our cooperation, even a planet can be moved, let alone such a small continent!"

Turning around, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable looked confident.

Ye Yun clenched his fists. Seeing that Chiyun Demon Venerable was so confident and straightforward, he knew that the problem of moving the Shenzhou Continent would be solved, and he was in a good mood: "Okay, let's do this, you rest for a while, we will go later See an immortal named Beast Ancestor, he is the most powerful person in this continent, listen to his opinion, if the opinions are unified, we will start to act immediately!"

"Beast ancestor? Immortal?"

Suddenly, a fierce smile appeared on Scarlet Cloud Demon Lord's face, and the projection of the vertical eye flashed between his brows. At this time, Chiyun Demon Lord was really a Demon Lord, extremely evil: "Master, a fairy, A living immortal, if I allow it, once I kill him and devour his energy, I can recover a lot!"

When Ye Yun heard this, he was very pleasantly surprised, and hurriedly asked: "Are you confident in killing immortals?"

"Confidence? Master, although my strength has not yet returned to the level of a fairy, it is easy to swallow a fairy, but it will consume most of the energy, but the energy consumed can make up for it if I can kill a fairy. , a little fairy, what is it!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable showed the nature of a demon head, his eyes were blood red, emitting a magic light, and the aura exuded from his whole body during his speech could demonize a high-level powerhouse in the Heaven-reaching Realm.

"This person can't be killed for the time being. Let's see what his intentions are before making any plans. But in the future, there are still many immortals that you can kill!"

Now Ye Yun is very happy, he never thought that Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable could easily kill the immortal. In the past, Ye Yun only expected that the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable had not recovered his strength and could not fight against the immortal, but the immortal could not do anything to him, but now Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable didn't have the strength of an immortal, but he was able to kill an immortal. He was worthy of being an immortal emperor.

"The magic way I practice can devour any immortal, haha!

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable laughed a few times, then sat cross-legged on the other side of the underground palace, and began to sit quietly, practicing supreme magic skills, and there seemed to be no abnormalities.

"With the blessing of Chi Yun's power just now, hundreds of millions of monks have made breakthroughs again and again, especially the Heaven, Earth, and Universe Upside-Down Formation has almost reached the same scale as the Purple Jade Continent!"

Feeling that the power of faith is constantly gathering, countless people are praying silently. From these prayers, Ye Yun learned that almost all the people and monks have received great benefits, and their body genes are constantly changing. Now in the Taiyi Empire, ordinary The lifespan of a mortal is two hundred years old.

The average lifespan is two hundred years old. What a terrifying number. The average human lifespan is around one hundred years old, and only monks in the Meat Wonderland can reach two hundred years old.

Countless meat immortal monks directly broke through to the high level of the earth fairyland, and the earth fairyland broke through the heavenly fairyland, and finally produced golden pills, breaking through the human fairyland. It took less than a year. Because of Ye Yun's return, the Taiyi Empire had more There are tens of thousands of immortals, and those who have cultivated to the fairyland before have broken through again.

But to break through to the Heaven-reaching Realm, the current energy of Ziyu Continent is not enough, and to break through to the Heaven-reaching Realm, one needs not only strength, but also an understanding of the Dao of Heaven.

About a month passed like this, the Taiyi Empire was immersed in an atmosphere of jubilation and earth-shaking changes, and in the underground palace of Taiyi City, Ye Yun and Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable were gathering together, and Ye Yun released a beast ancestor once The remaining true energy was instantly inhaled by Demon Venerable Scarlet Cloud.

His pupils shot out amazing magic light, and the magic flames were surging. After about three breaths, Chiyun Demon Venerable suppressed the magic flames and looked at Ye Yun: "I found it. It is in the middle and high end of the mainland of China, and it is integrated with the crystal wall system." Together, they are sealed very secretly, even ordinary immortals can't find it, and there is a monster beast who has cultivated to the realm of immortals, which should be the beast ancestor mentioned by the master, with a cultivation base of the eighth rank of virtual immortal!"

"The eighth level of Xuxian... she really is a fairy!"

Immortals have a total of five realms: virtual fairyland, true fairyland, great fairyland, fairy king realm, and fairy emperor realm. The imaginary fairyland is in the mortal world, invincible vertically and horizontally.

Ye Yun is finally sure now that the Beast Ancestor is an immortal, or an eighth-level Void Immortal. It is unbelievable. It is difficult for ordinary immortals to exist in the lower realm, and it is difficult to cultivate a high-level Void Immortal. However, the Beast Ancestor actually has the eighth-level Void Immortal. The Beast Ancestor also has extraordinary supernatural powers. In this state, if he goes to the Immortal Plane, the Beast Ancestor will definitely be able to cultivate a higher level of immortality.

"It seems that this beast ancestor also has certain innate supernatural powers, otherwise, he would not have cultivated to such a high level. Unfortunately, it would be great if he could devour him!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable smiled sinisterly again, but was stared at by Ye Yun and dared not smile again, but that demonic nature could not be hidden.


The two turned into a shock and shot into the endless void.

Above the middle end of the crystal wall system of the Shenzhou Continent, there is a space, not very large, but also the size of the Ziyu Continent, like a bubble clinging to the crystal wall system of the Ziyu Continent, the two become one.

"As expected of an immortal's means, easily refine a space, and merge with the Divine Continent so mysteriously..."

Outside the crystal wall system, in the immortal and eternal galaxy, two figures flew out from the mainland of China, and stood directly in front of the void space. Ye Yun swept his divine light, showing a bit of surprise, and then shouted to the sealed space : "Senior Beast Ancestor, junior Ye Yun, come to pay respects to senior!"

"Ye Yun..."

An ancient voice, like the power of the ancient times, reverberated for a long time in the vast sky and galaxy, and then, a huge projection appeared on the gray mist-colored crystal wall system of the sealed space. It was the projection of the ancestor of the beast. Sitting in a certain time and space, slowly opened his eyes, and was surprised the moment he saw Ye Yun: "I didn't expect you to grow so fast, to cross the star field, and discover the existence of this old man!"

"Senior, you showed up to rescue me last time when I was besieged by Dao Dao Zong, Lan Feng Zong and other forces. You haven't had time to say thank you in the future. This time, you told Yu Xuanji to take care of me. This junior owes you a great favor." !"

Seeing the appearance of the beast ancestor, Ye Yun immediately cupped his fists to salute, and thanked him sincerely.

"This old man is destined to be with you. Fate is very mysterious. When everyone has a need, this old man just does what he can do!" Beast Ancestor spoke like a master of the stars. , the atmosphere carries the sky.

"Senior, this junior came to see you this time because of something. This junior will move the mainland of China to another star field, and will promote the mainland to a planet in the near future. I hereby come to see you and see what you think!"

Ye Yun spoke very politely, with a tone of discussion. He spoke with respect, and he treated the beast ancestor as a real senior. However, despite the respect, his aura did not weaken, and he kept it just right.

"Move the continent! Promote the planet!"

Hearing these words suddenly, the calm and simple Beast Ancestor couldn't help showing a shocked expression. To do this, one must have the strength to surpass a fairy, and in the eyes of the Beast Ancestor, Ye Yun is just a human fairy. She has a mysterious genius, but she is not yet able to achieve the means of shifting the universe and promoting the planet.

How many years the Beast Ancestor has been dormant in the Shenzhou Continent, I am afraid that only he knows this. Think about it, it will take nearly 10 years to cultivate from the Meat Immortal to the Breaking Immortal Realm. He is a peerless genius like Ditian. It may take tens of thousands of years to break through the fairyland to cultivate the virtual fairyland and become a real fairy.

As for the ancestor of the beast, who has cultivated to the eighth level of the virtual immortal, that is how many 10 years, even, the ancestor of the beast was born longer than the three great immortals.

In such a long time, the ancestor of the beast has seen so many geniuses, how many amazing and peerless people, and no one wants to promote the mainland of China to a planet, even if he wants to become No.1 in the mainland of China, it is impossible.

In the eyes of the beast ancestors, there are only a handful of people who can promote the mainland to a planet in the Taixing plane. For example, Ditian cannot promote the Shenzhou mainland to a planet. Who can promote the mainland to a planet, which one is not the real one? Powerful, comparable to immortals, these characters have been the overlords of the star field since ancient times.

No wonder the Beast Ancestor was so surprised, he didn't believe that Ye Yun could do it. It's only been a short ten years, and it's absolutely impossible for Ye Yun to grow so fast.

"Okay, if you can really promote the mainland to a planet, the old man has nothing to say, and will even thank you, because the space of the old man is closely connected with the mainland of China, and it will also be promoted as the mainland of China is promoted to a planet. , is also a great promotion opportunity!"

The Beast Ancestor, who had been silent for a long time, finally opened his eyes, like an ancient Buddha: "But you have to use the energy of the old man to advance to the planet, I'm afraid it won't work..."

It seems that the beast ancestor saw something again and directly expressed his attitude.

"Senior, don't worry, this junior came to you mainly to ask for your opinion, why bother senior, let's settle this matter, then this junior will leave!"

Ye Yun didn't talk too much, he bowed to salute, then turned around and followed Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable into the crystal wall system of the Shenzhou Continent, completely ignoring the power of the star field and the crystal wall system of the mainland.

"It's unbelievable... In just a few short years... He has grown to this level... It seems that he is indeed a nobleman of the clan..."

The beast ancestor image has changed into a different person, touching thousands of years, but quickly regained its original ancient atmosphere: "The person next to the boy... I can't even see the realm, and I can't feel the breath at all. It's impossible... how can the lower realm exist? This kind of character, the old man is at the eighth level of Xuxian, and he can't feel his existence... Could it be?"

The mainland of China, the Taiyi Empire, and the Taiyi King City.

"Boss, that ancestor of the beast has a lot of supernatural powers, and he is also a spirit clan... The spirit clan is a particularly powerful force in the fairy plane, and the spirit beast clan is also the best among the spirit clan. In the lower world, in the fairy world, the status of the spirit race is higher than that of humans!"

Appearing in the depths of the underground palace, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable expressed his doubts: "There must be something hidden in this, boss, back then, even I did not dare to offend the spirit clan, this beast ancestor, you have to be more careful!"

"Oh, the spirit race has a high status in the fairy world?"

Suddenly, these words did not seem to be said by the supreme and incomparable Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable. His words suddenly awakened Ye Yun, as if there was indeed something hidden in them.

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable didn't want to say more, and looked at Ye Yun: "The status is very high, there are countless strong people, it is a huge race, it rules a large area, and there are countless low-level and high-level planes."

"It seems that the Beast Ancestor helped me twice, and he would never give away favors in vain. However, he needs to borrow my power, and it is not necessary now. Maybe I will know the real purpose of his helping me when I break through the fairyland!"

After being silent for a while, Ye Yun let Chiyun Mozun continue to practice in the formation, while he came to Taiyi King City, summoned Zhang Kun, Huangfufei and others to arrange important matters.

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