The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 315 The Holy Heaven Dynasty

The Shenzhou Continent is like a crystal yellow gem, firmly embedded in the mysterious and deep star field. In the sky above, on a meteorite, Ye Yun is in the star storm, his robes are hunting, his eyes are like a torch, shooting straight into the sky abyss.

chug chug...

The divine light is like a shining sun, continuously penetrates into the star field, Ye Yun has been in the star field for several days, looking for a star field that is suitable for the migration of the Shenzhou continent. It takes light years to calculate the huge galaxy, and it is still a barbaric star field.

"According to the star domain map, there are many star domains in the rear. There are very few star domains with names. Among them is a star domain. Because of a planar storm disaster, many planets have fallen. There are no fallen planets, and life is almost extinct. …This star field has been born for a long time, and there are often planar storms, so it’s just this star field!”

After a few more days, Ye Yun finally made a final decision and moved the mainland of China to the star field destroyed by the plane storm. Once upon a time, there was civilization on the star field, but unfortunately, the planar storm there was so powerful that in the end, the entire star field was destroyed. All destroyed.

Plane storms are the most terrifying power in the star field. Generally speaking, ordinary planar storms are small in size, and they are not in groups, but some star fields, for many unexplainable reasons, are full of planar storms all year round. , Moreover, the plane storm is not only huge, like a galaxy, it even forms an ocean of storms. Usually, meteorites are eroded by wind, and a large number of planets will eventually turn into dust under the continuous weathering of storms.

The universe is so vast, with countless star fields, civilizations have been born in many star fields, but under the storm of the plane, they have gradually become historical dust, a grain of eternal sand.

A low-level plane like the Taixing plane might eventually become the target of a plane storm after one epoch, and eventually turn into interstellar sand grains.

"Go to this star field first to understand!"

Locking the coordinates, the mainland of China is less than one light-year away from that star field, and using the power of the Great Thousand Gods Map Turing, the wonderful power of the plane takes Ye Yun to fly rapidly in the infinite starry sky, passing by meteorites one by one, entering A bustling star field, followed by a barbaric star field, and then an endless starry sky.

Ye Yun is like a comet, passing through the starry sky, any small storm in the plane can't do anything to Ye Yun, but Ye Yun will not touch him head-on, otherwise even a storm with a size of ten feet can stir him up. It has to be shattered, not to mention there is such a small storm in the interstellar.

Such a long distance across the star field, even if Ye Yun has the power of the Great Thousand Gods Map, it will take about a month to fly directly across the galaxy. Through the teleportation array, you don't know what year and month you will have to wait.

Huh, huh, huh, huh, huh.

After Ye Yun passed through a large group of fast-flying meteorites, the sound of parallel objects vibrating and passing through suddenly came to his ears, as if countless storms were chaotically cutting the interstellar space.

Immediately looking forward, Ye Yun's face suddenly changed. There is a huge star field in front of him, and there are planar storms raging everywhere. From the bottom of the star field to the top, from left to right, the planar storm never stops , cutting back and forth in the star field like a cutting machine, it feels like even if a first-grade fairy artifact enters it, it will be smashed to pieces in an instant.

The entire star field was shrouded by a large planar storm. At first glance, the planar storm was like a huge meat grinder, running non-stop in the deep star field, smashing countless meteorites to pieces, it seemed It is necessary to completely destroy the star field in it.

Huh, huh, huh, huh, huh.

All kinds of sounds of breaking wind, friction, and movement came and went without interruption. Although there were planar storms everywhere, they were not always strong. Sometimes, the planar storms were weak, but such a large area was completely In the star field trapped by the storm of the plane, even the strong of the Immortal Realm cannot enter it. Only the high-level giants of the Immortal can enter it.

It is not difficult to enter the star field for a high-level Poxian with mysterious space powers, but it also consumes a lot of power.

"Plane storm... really terrifying!"

Inadvertently, a meteorite equal to the size of the Ziyu Continent unexpectedly entered the storm of the plane along with the interstellar drift, and was torn apart by the storm, and began to disintegrate inch by inch, becoming fragments, and the fragments were gradually eaten away by the storm. Become Hengsha.

Seeing Ye Yun's heart beating with fear, this is the power of heaven and earth, even a fairy must bow his head and obey his ears.

"Although the plane storm is powerful, it imprisoned the star field inside. For me, the plane storm is a protection and defense force!"

Ye Yun slowly approached the plane storm, and for some reason, the plane storm in this star field was indeed too powerful, continuously crossing the galaxy, and with Ye Yun's qualifications, he couldn't explain all of this, so he waved his hand and began to summon Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable.


Without taking a single breath, Chiyun Mozun stood on a meteorite, gliding freely in the galaxy, the speed was even faster than Ye Yun's.

When Chiyun Mozun arrived, Ye Yun asked directly: "I want to move the mainland of China into this star field, but it's a pity that the plane storm is so powerful, I don't want the storm to disappear, but also want to use this natural force. The barrier is very good to protect the mainland of China, but what can I do!"

"This is a bit difficult...Although the plane of Taixing is very low-level, the plane storm can destroy everything. Moreover, the spirit matter in the star field in the storm is completely wiped out by the storm. The outside storm must be removed. It is impossible to open or destroy it, we can only start from the source, spread the planar storm infinitely, and keep a certain distance from the central star field!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable pondered for a while, then looked at Ye Yun and said: "In this way, the spiritual matter in the star field will have to be reshaped, but the star field and the entire plane have already merged into one, and it will slowly recover. Time will take very long!"

Ye Yun said: "It is not difficult to increase the spiritual quality. As long as there are a lot of spiritual stones and energy provided, the key is to disperse such dense plane storms and try to keep them as far away as possible from the central star field. Otherwise, the energy of the entire star field will be destroyed." It will still be affected by the storm!"

"The eye of the demon..."

After Ye Yun said this, Chiyun Demon Venerable immediately made a move. He looked at the sky above the entire star field. On the top of the plane, between the eyebrows, a strange magic light suddenly flashed, and then a pupil gradually emerged, and the vertical eye In the world again.

"The Eye of the Demon, could it be that Chi Yun's innate supernatural powers are not enough? It seems that Chi Yun is not an ordinary person, he has the third Eye of the Demon..."

The moment the vertical eye appeared, Ye Yun clearly felt a powerful invisible force, which seemed to want to pierce the secrets of his body, and the power released by the vertical eye also had the power to burn everything.

Although Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable was subdued by Ye Yun, Chiyun Demon Venerable only needed one finger to kill Ye Yun. Moreover, Ye Yun could not suppress the power of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable. , Ye Yun deeply felt the power of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, especially that vertical eye, as soon as it appeared, Ye Yun felt that he could burn and kill an immortal like Qiu Qianshang.

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable looked above the storm in the entire plane, his normal pupils had been closed, and the third sky eye was looking at the sky, releasing magic light, reaching the top of the plane.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yun felt that he was really insignificant. In front of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, he was just an ant, and Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable was an all-powerful person.

With a wave of the hand, the sky and the earth will be destroyed, and with the opening of the eyes, the sky will be exhausted.

"Master, it turns out that above this star field, there is a natural crack somewhere on the top of the Thai star plane. This star field is just under the crack. The crack connects the Tai star plane and the wider plane. There will often be impacts from the forces of the outer planes, which will form a perennial storm!"

"If you want to spread the plane storm, you need a huge amount of energy to repair the cracks in the plane. With my current strength, it's not enough. I can only slightly change the position of the crack, let the plane storm move away from this star field, and reduce the number of stars in this space. The storm density of the domain plane!"

Suddenly, from the mouth of the tall Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, there was a heavy voice, unlike the usual Chi Yun who acted casually, now he really has the power of ancient times.

"Okay, do your best!"

Ye Yun is not wordy, but he knows that Chiyun Demon Venerable can see through the plane and change the cracks in the plane. This is unbelievable. Only a real immortal can do it. He is an immortal, but his strength is only one thousandth of a thousandth.

"Sky-eyed prestige!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable suddenly opened the other two eyes, and immediately, a distorted magic light shot out from the third sky eye, as if the entire galaxy was distorting with the magic light.

This distorted magic light actually changed the movement of a large part of the sky on the Tai star plane, turning it into a distorted galaxy. At the end of the sky, some shocking changes happened. Even Ye Yun couldn't see through the plane through the divine light. Has not yet reached the broken fairyland.

Because the means used by Demon Lord Scarlet Cloud surpassed mortals, even mortals, and transformed the plane. This kind of supernatural power can only be achieved by a real immortal.

Chiyun Demon Venerable stood alone in the galaxy, his hands had not moved since the beginning, his whole body was like a statue, unattainable, and the sky of the galaxy above the storm of the plane was always in a twisted and spiral state. Very slowly, moving faintly like a reflection in a lake.

Huh ~ Huh ~.

About ten days later, in front of the star field surrounded by the plane storm, suddenly, there was a change, the powerful plane storm suddenly flashed to the right, and stopped for a breathing time, and then revealed the hidden space. There were countless planets in the star field within the storm. After such a short pause, the plane storm became as violent as before.

However, the overall planar storm layout not only moved a lot to the right, but also moved the center of the storm together, leaving patches of residual storms, although they were also very powerful, but weakened by a hundred times compared to before, and the naked eye could see The surrounding star field, the planets that have lost their brilliance.

"I didn't expect that it would be so embarrassing to just move the plane crack..."

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable suddenly closed his eyes, and the heavenly eye slowly penetrated into the center of his eyebrows, his whole aura was completely hidden, he turned around and walked towards Ye Yun.

"Very well, thanks to you, you have reversed the pattern of the plane storm in the entire star field, and now the remaining planar storms will not cause much harm to the star field!"

Looking at the transformed star field, Ye Yun was very satisfied, and once again affirmed the ability of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable. If it were him, he would definitely not be able to do it. After changing the overall pattern of the plane storm, the star field in front of him showed its head, but It was dim, and there were still a lot of storms around.

The plane storm only looks at the appearance, it is indeed a storm, but the storm is composed of many space elements, and these space elements are oppressed and rubbed by the force of the plane, and finally formed the plane storm, which is what Ye Yun is wearing. The golden scale armor, thrown inside, will be destroyed slowly.

Suddenly, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable's eyes tightened: "Master, there is still a breath of life in that star field inside. It's really incredible. Surrounded by such a violent plane storm, there is still a breath of life!"

"Let's go in and see!"

Unleash the power of the Daqian Shentu, wrap the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable and fly directly to the star field, passing through the gaps between the planes. If you are not careful, you will be involved in the storm. Even if you have the cultivation base of breaking the fairyland, you can only die one.

Entering the surroundings of the plane storm, Ye Yun really had close contact with the storm, and personally felt the terrifying breath of the plane storm. The storm contained countless space elements and space laws. It is as gentle as a stream, and some are as fierce as sea water, surging and passionate.

"These planets, as expected, were devoured by the plane storm for a long time, weathered and fell one by one..."

Finally, through the plane storm, Ye Yun and Chiyun Mozun appeared in a huge star field with tens of thousands of planets. Many planets appeared in front of them, some were as big as a fist, like the mainland of China, and some were bigger than Piao Miao. Be huge, like a grain of dust floating in the endless starry sky.

Although these planets are of different sizes, their appearances and cores are all the same. The appearance of the planets is riddled with holes and holes. It is shocking as if carved with a carving knife.

The inner core of the planet is almost the same as the outer surface. The inner core has completely lost the spirit matter soil, lost moisture, and can barely feel a little bit of aura. It has become a dry planet, giving people the feeling that all planets are weak, and they will turn into dry powder with one punch. .

At a glance, the planet quietly floating in the starry sky like constant sand is lifeless, and its spiritual matter has long been swallowed by the storm. Ye Yun and Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable continued to fly towards the center of the star field, and found that the closer to the central star field, the size of the planet increased. It's getting bigger and bigger, and many planets are still slightly green.

"Holy Kingdom!?"

Entering the central star field, in the still starry sky, there are actually ancient chariots, weapons, forts, altars, fallen behemoths, etc. floating everywhere, especially on a decaying throne with a length of [-] meters, engraved with the words " The four simple characters of "Shengtian Dynasty" lie on the throne with coffins, sleeping quietly among the stars.The Shenzhou Continent is like a crystal yellow gem, firmly embedded in the mysterious and deep star field. In the sky above, on a meteorite, Ye Yun is in the star storm, his robes are hunting, his eyes are like a torch, shooting straight into the sky abyss.

chug chug...

The divine light is like a shining sun, continuously penetrates into the star field, Ye Yun has been in the star field for several days, looking for a star field that is suitable for the migration of the Shenzhou continent. It takes light years to calculate the huge galaxy, and it is still a barbaric star field.

"According to the star domain map, there are many star domains in the rear. There are very few star domains with names. Among them is a star domain. Because of a planar storm disaster, many planets have fallen. There are no fallen planets, and life is almost extinct. …This star field has been born for a long time, and there are often planar storms, so it’s just this star field!”

After a few more days, Ye Yun finally made a final decision and moved the mainland of China to the star field destroyed by the plane storm. Once upon a time, there was civilization on the star field, but unfortunately, the planar storm there was so powerful that in the end, the entire star field was destroyed. All destroyed.

Plane storms are the most terrifying power in the star field. Generally speaking, ordinary planar storms are small in size, and they are not in groups, but some star fields, for many unexplainable reasons, are full of planar storms all year round. , Moreover, the plane storm is not only huge, like a galaxy, it even forms an ocean of storms. Usually, meteorites are eroded by wind, and a large number of planets will eventually turn into dust under the continuous weathering of storms.

The universe is so vast, with countless star fields, civilizations have been born in many star fields, but under the storm of the plane, they have gradually become historical dust, a grain of eternal sand.

A low-level plane like the Taixing plane might eventually become the target of a plane storm after one epoch, and eventually turn into interstellar sand grains.

"Go to this star field first to understand!"

Locking the coordinates, the mainland of China is less than one light-year away from that star field, and using the power of the Great Thousand Gods Map Turing, the wonderful power of the plane takes Ye Yun to fly rapidly in the infinite starry sky, passing by meteorites one by one, entering A bustling star field, followed by a barbaric star field, and then an endless starry sky.

Ye Yun is like a comet, passing through the starry sky, any small storm in the plane can't do anything to Ye Yun, but Ye Yun will not touch him head-on, otherwise even a storm with a size of ten feet can stir him up. It has to be shattered, not to mention there is such a small storm in the interstellar.

Such a long distance across the star field, even if Ye Yun has the power of the Great Thousand Gods Map, it will take about a month to fly directly across the galaxy. Through the teleportation array, you don't know what year and month you will have to wait.

Huh, huh, huh, huh, huh.

After Ye Yun passed through a large group of fast-flying meteorites, the sound of parallel objects vibrating and passing through suddenly came to his ears, as if countless storms were chaotically cutting the interstellar space.

Immediately looking forward, Ye Yun's face suddenly changed. There is a huge star field in front of him, and there are planar storms raging everywhere. From the bottom of the star field to the top, from left to right, the planar storm never stops , cutting back and forth in the star field like a cutting machine, it feels like even if a first-grade fairy artifact enters it, it will be smashed to pieces in an instant.

The entire star field was shrouded by a large planar storm. At first glance, the planar storm was like a huge meat grinder, running non-stop in the deep star field, smashing countless meteorites to pieces, it seemed It is necessary to completely destroy the star field in it.

Huh, huh, huh, huh, huh.

All kinds of sounds of breaking wind, friction, and movement came and went without interruption. Although there were planar storms everywhere, they were not always strong. Sometimes, the planar storms were weak, but such a large area was completely In the star field trapped by the storm of the plane, even the strong of the Immortal Realm cannot enter it. Only the high-level giants of the Immortal can enter it.

It is not difficult to enter the star field for a high-level Poxian with mysterious space powers, but it also consumes a lot of power.

"Plane storm... really terrifying!"

Inadvertently, a meteorite equal to the size of the Ziyu Continent unexpectedly entered the storm of the plane along with the interstellar drift, and was torn apart by the storm, and began to disintegrate inch by inch, becoming fragments, and the fragments were gradually eaten away by the storm. Become Hengsha.

Seeing Ye Yun's heart beating with fear, this is the power of heaven and earth, even a fairy must bow his head and obey his ears.

"Although the plane storm is powerful, it imprisoned the star field inside. For me, the plane storm is a protection and defense force!"

Ye Yun slowly approached the plane storm, and for some reason, the plane storm in this star field was indeed too powerful, continuously crossing the galaxy, and with Ye Yun's qualifications, he couldn't explain all of this, so he waved his hand and began to summon Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable.


Without taking a single breath, Chiyun Mozun stood on a meteorite, gliding freely in the galaxy, the speed was even faster than Ye Yun's.

When Chiyun Mozun arrived, Ye Yun asked directly: "I want to move the mainland of China into this star field, but it's a pity that the plane storm is so powerful, I don't want the storm to disappear, but also want to use this natural force. The barrier is very good to protect the mainland of China, but what can I do!"

"This is a bit difficult...Although the plane of Taixing is very low-level, the plane storm can destroy everything. Moreover, the spirit matter in the star field in the storm is completely wiped out by the storm. The outside storm must be removed. It is impossible to open or destroy it, we can only start from the source, spread the planar storm infinitely, and keep a certain distance from the central star field!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable pondered for a while, then looked at Ye Yun and said: "In this way, the spiritual matter in the star field will have to be reshaped, but the star field and the entire plane have already merged into one, and it will slowly recover. Time will take very long!"

Ye Yun said: "It is not difficult to increase the spiritual quality. As long as there are a lot of spiritual stones and energy provided, the key is to disperse such dense plane storms and try to keep them as far away as possible from the central star field. Otherwise, the energy of the entire star field will be destroyed." It will still be affected by the storm!"

"The eye of the demon..."

After Ye Yun said this, Chiyun Demon Venerable immediately made a move. He looked at the sky above the entire star field. On the top of the plane, between the eyebrows, a strange magic light suddenly flashed, and then a pupil gradually emerged, and the vertical eye In the world again.

"The Eye of the Demon, could it be that Chi Yun's innate supernatural powers are not enough? It seems that Chi Yun is not an ordinary person, he has the third Eye of the Demon..."

The moment the vertical eye appeared, Ye Yun clearly felt a powerful invisible force, which seemed to want to pierce the secrets of his body, and the power released by the vertical eye also had the power to burn everything.

Although Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable was subdued by Ye Yun, Chiyun Demon Venerable only needed one finger to kill Ye Yun. Moreover, Ye Yun could not suppress the power of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable. , Ye Yun deeply felt the power of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, especially that vertical eye, as soon as it appeared, Ye Yun felt that he could burn and kill an immortal like Qiu Qianshang.

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable looked above the storm in the entire plane, his normal pupils had been closed, and the third sky eye was looking at the sky, releasing magic light, reaching the top of the plane.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yun felt that he was really insignificant. In front of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, he was just an ant, and Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable was an all-powerful person.

With a wave of the hand, the sky and the earth will be destroyed, and with the opening of the eyes, the sky will be exhausted.

"Master, it turns out that above this star field, there is a natural crack somewhere on the top of the Thai star plane. This star field is just under the crack. The crack connects the Tai star plane and the wider plane. There will often be impacts from the forces of the outer planes, which will form a perennial storm!"

"If you want to spread the plane storm, you need a huge amount of energy to repair the cracks in the plane. With my current strength, it's not enough. I can only slightly change the position of the crack, let the plane storm move away from this star field, and reduce the number of stars in this space. The storm density of the domain plane!"

Suddenly, from the mouth of the tall Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, there was a heavy voice, unlike the usual Chi Yun who acted casually, now he really has the power of ancient times.

"Okay, do your best!"

Ye Yun is not wordy, but he knows that Chiyun Demon Venerable can see through the plane and change the cracks in the plane. This is unbelievable. Only a real immortal can do it. He is an immortal, but his strength is only one thousandth of a thousandth.

"Sky-eyed prestige!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable suddenly opened the other two eyes, and immediately, a distorted magic light shot out from the third sky eye, as if the entire galaxy was distorting with the magic light.

This distorted magic light actually changed the movement of a large part of the sky on the Tai star plane, turning it into a distorted galaxy. At the end of the sky, some shocking changes happened. Even Ye Yun couldn't see through the plane through the divine light. Has not yet reached the broken fairyland.

Because the means used by Demon Lord Scarlet Cloud surpassed mortals, even mortals, and transformed the plane. This kind of supernatural power can only be achieved by a real immortal.

Chiyun Demon Venerable stood alone in the galaxy, his hands had not moved since the beginning, his whole body was like a statue, unattainable, and the sky of the galaxy above the storm of the plane was always in a twisted and spiral state. Very slowly, moving faintly like a reflection in a lake.

Huh ~ Huh ~.

About ten days later, in front of the star field surrounded by the plane storm, suddenly, there was a change, the powerful plane storm suddenly flashed to the right, and stopped for a breathing time, and then revealed the hidden space. There were countless planets in the star field within the storm. After such a short pause, the plane storm became as violent as before.

However, the overall planar storm layout not only moved a lot to the right, but also moved the center of the storm together, leaving patches of residual storms, although they were also very powerful, but weakened by a hundred times compared to before, and the naked eye could see The surrounding star field, the planets that have lost their brilliance.

"I didn't expect that it would be so embarrassing to just move the plane crack..."

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable suddenly closed his eyes, and the heavenly eye slowly penetrated into the center of his eyebrows, his whole aura was completely hidden, he turned around and walked towards Ye Yun.

"Very well, thanks to you, you have reversed the pattern of the plane storm in the entire star field, and now the remaining planar storms will not cause much harm to the star field!"

Looking at the transformed star field, Ye Yun was very satisfied, and once again affirmed the ability of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable. If it were him, he would definitely not be able to do it. After changing the overall pattern of the plane storm, the star field in front of him showed its head, but It was dim, and there were still a lot of storms around.

The plane storm only looks at the appearance, it is indeed a storm, but the storm is composed of many space elements, and these space elements are oppressed and rubbed by the force of the plane, and finally formed the plane storm, which is what Ye Yun is wearing. The golden scale armor, thrown inside, will be destroyed slowly.

Suddenly, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable's eyes tightened: "Master, there is still a breath of life in that star field inside. It's really incredible. Surrounded by such a violent plane storm, there is still a breath of life!"

"Let's go in and see!"

Unleash the power of the Daqian Shentu, wrap the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable and fly directly to the star field, passing through the gaps between the planes. If you are not careful, you will be involved in the storm. Even if you have the cultivation base of breaking the fairyland, you can only die one.

Entering the surroundings of the plane storm, Ye Yun really had close contact with the storm, and personally felt the terrifying breath of the plane storm. The storm contained countless space elements and space laws. It is as gentle as a stream, and some are as fierce as sea water, surging and passionate.

"These planets, as expected, were devoured by the plane storm for a long time, weathered and fell one by one..."

Finally, through the plane storm, Ye Yun and Chiyun Mozun appeared in a huge star field with tens of thousands of planets. Many planets appeared in front of them, some were as big as a fist, like the mainland of China, and some were bigger than Piao Miao. Be huge, like a grain of dust floating in the endless starry sky.

Although these planets are of different sizes, their appearances and cores are all the same. The appearance of the planets is riddled with holes and holes. It is shocking as if carved with a carving knife.

The inner core of the planet is almost the same as the outer surface. The inner core has completely lost the spirit matter soil, lost moisture, and can barely feel a little bit of aura. It has become a dry planet, giving people the feeling that all planets are weak, and they will turn into dry powder with one punch. .

At a glance, the planet quietly floating in the starry sky like constant sand is lifeless, and its spiritual matter has long been swallowed by the storm. Ye Yun and Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable continued to fly towards the center of the star field, and found that the closer to the central star field, the size of the planet increased. It's getting bigger and bigger, and many planets are still slightly green.

"Holy Kingdom!?"

Entering the central star field, in the still starry sky, there are actually ancient chariots, weapons, forts, altars, fallen behemoths, etc. floating everywhere, especially on a decaying throne with a length of [-] meters, engraved with the words " The four simple characters of "Shengtian Dynasty" lie on the throne with coffins, sleeping quietly among the stars.

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