The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 323 Arriving at the Holy Star Field

"It's not the Taoist robe of Tianjun Immortal Academy... but the throne student of Shenzhou Immortal Academy..."

As Ye Yun's projection came to this moment, countless strong men recognized the yellow cloud Taoist robe, and they were all shocked. It turned out to be a student of the throne of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy, who controlled the entire Shenzhou Continent.

The students of the throne are at most the sixth rank to the tenth rank of human immortality, so they are not shocked.

A student who is a human being can not only control the mainland of China, but also fight against the powerhouses of the tens of thousands of heavens. What kind of method is this, what kind of supernatural power.

"You, you are..."

Li Wushuang, the owner of Manduo Island, suddenly shot a divine light and stared at Ye Yun's projection. More than ten years ago, at the moment when this island's disciple Mengyao was promoted to Shenzhou Xianyuan, was that the person who contended with Ditian?"


Countless strong men, awakened by Li Wushuang's words, looked at the projection one after another, from doubt to shock, and finally in disbelief.

"Master Li Island, when we said goodbye back then, I didn't expect you to remember me as a junior!"

Ye Yun projected that the clouds are calm and the wind is light, condescending, overlooking all living beings, domineering forever: "It is indeed time to meet the kings of the continent, I come from the north of the North Sea, a continent called Ziyu, my name is Ye Yun, maybe most of you have never heard of my name, but when Li Island Master mentioned Ditian and Fairy Mengyao just now, then you should know who I am. The Celestial Immortal who Qianli killed with his own hands, Ye Yun!"

"It's indeed that Ye Yun back then!!"

Many strong men finally stopped their doubts and affirmed Ye Yun's identity one after another. Immediately, they were greeted with unbelievable, unbelievable, and shocked expressions.

Among all the people, only Xiao Yunqiong remained silent. Although he was surprised and surprised, he took a step forward, facing Ye Yun's projection, and said with a sneer, "Ye Yun... Di Tian didn't kill you back then, it was your fate, You actually dare to come back, aren’t you afraid of death!?”

"Xiao Yunqiong, you are just a dog in the water now, how dare you yell at me? Yes, Di Tian is indeed my worst enemy, and he has broken through the fairyland and become a fairy student of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy. , and may become the master, Xiao Yunqiong, am I right?"

Ye Yun shouted coldly, although he was very angry, he didn't attack Xiao Yunqiong.

These words made Xiao Yunqiong proud: "You are also a student of Shenzhou Xianyuan, so you naturally know it better than this sect master. If this is the case, you still dare to be an enemy of me and the mainland of China!"

"Haha, Xiao Yunqiong, don't hold yourself to the first rank of Poxian and treat yourself as a character!"

Ye Yun looked up to the sky and laughed, making Xiao Yunqiong at a loss. He didn't understand what Ye Yun was relying on, and what qualifications he had to be so presumptuous: "Ditian is a student of the fairy, and I have become the master of the high school. Even if Di Tian is standing in front of me now, I wouldn't dare to kill me, my status is already equal to his!"

"What? The master's closed disciple!?"

This time, Xiao Yunqiong was blindfolded and extremely surprised, while the other strong men were also stunned, as if the air had condensed, as shocked and motionless as a statue.

"What is Ditian? A genius, yes, he is indeed a genius. It took less than ten thousand years to go from the Meat Fairyland to the Breaking Wonderland. In the mainland of China, he can be described as a peerless genius that has never been seen before, but... so what, I From the flesh fairyland to the human fairyland, it took only 20 years to compete with him, and after a hundred years, how could Ditian be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with me!"

"Xiao Yunqiong, and all of you, I can tell you clearly that the mainland of China has been controlled by me, and I have hidden aura. All of you are now under my control, and life and death will be shattered with my thought, or Eternal life, I will give you one year to think carefully, whether to surrender to me or resist, those who resist will never be reborn, and those who surrender to me will have eternal life!"

At this moment, Ye Yun is like a god who rules over all things, announcing their fate in front of everyone, no resistance is allowed, only surrender.

"Hmph, you are just a human immortal, and you want to win the whole continent..." After Xiao Yunqiong heard this, he was extremely angry, and rushed away with a destructive aura.

Ye Yun laughed loudly: "Haha, Xiao Yunqiong, so what if I am a human being, but what can you do to me if you are a broken immortal?"

Xiao Yunqiong is not a reckless man. At the beginning, he could not fight Ye Yun with all his strength. Now he wished to kill Ye Yun immediately, but he was not sure: "You...!"

"You idiot, don't be ashamed!"

Unexpectedly Xiao Yunqiong didn't dare to do anything, Ye Yun felt that this person was a character, but he was an insidious villain who was blatant and would only take advantage of others.

Ye Yun didn't even look at Xiao Yunqiong, his eyes fell on Ximen Potian, whose cultivation had reached the realm of heaven and earth: "Senior Ximen, your cultivation is really not easy. In the mainland of China, you are simply an outlier!"

"Boy, you are also a character. I can't compare with you at all. You have cultivated this extraordinary supernatural power in only [-] years. However, the purpose of this old man's hard work in swordsmanship all his life is to break the sky, pursue the supreme immortal way, and open the seal. Let the old man go out, otherwise..."

Ximen Potian, who possesses incomparable cultivation, said to Ye Yun indifferently, his tone full of praise.

"Senior, do you think I will let you go?"

Ye Yun suddenly asked a question, and continued, in a lukewarm manner, "Immortal Dao...Senior, it is indeed because of your extraordinary aptitude that you can cultivate to the sixth level of breaking the immortal, and you have a strong relationship with immortality, but you alone can reach perfection from the sixth level to the tenth level." How many years will it take? Now, I will bring you a great opportunity. Soon, I will promote the mainland of China to the mainland. At that time, you can take the opportunity to advance to the seventh rank of Poxian along with the mainland. The greatest luck now, you Put it in front of you!"

"Promote the continent to a planet!?"

Hearing it suddenly, Ximen Potian's eyebrows twitched, and his long beard swayed slightly with the wind, while the other mainland monks immediately exploded when they heard the news.

The Divine Continent actually wants to be promoted to a planet. How many years and how many strong people can't do it. In their era, someone wants to do it. It's incredible. Once the promotion is successful, all the creatures in the Divine Continent will be able to do it. Gain great energy and be promoted as the continent is promoted.

Moreover, the promotion of the Divine Land to the planet means that everyone is a part of the planet. Their future cultivation will be at least infinitely higher than that of the mainland, and they will have countless resources, huge land, and so on.

Generally speaking, one will be promoted to the planet along with the mainland, and will break through at least a few levels, that is, Xiaoyunqiong and Shengfa Dao, and will also break through the second or even third level of Poxian. As for Ximen Potian, breaking through the seventh level is not a problem.

After reaching the fifth level of Breaking the Immortal Realm, breaking through each level is simply more difficult than reaching the sky. Breaking through the fifth level to the sixth level takes almost ten thousand years. The same is true for going from the sixth level to the seventh level, requiring a lot of resources, opportunities, and understanding This time, it is Ximen Potian's greatest hope to be promoted from the mainland of China to a planet. Otherwise, he wants to break through to the seventh level. I don't know if it is still possible.

Like him, lurking in the mainland of China to break through to the seventh level is not something that happens overnight. If it weren't for this change in the mainland, he wouldn't be awakened.

Ye Yun continued to persuade: "Senior Ximen, you are here with the widest knowledge and highest qualifications. You should know this better than anyone else. Moreover, I don't want you to surrender to me. Although I have this strength, I don't want to force it People like you, after all, how many years the mainland of China has existed, and there has been no invasion of alien planets, has a lot to do with you hermits, I just need you to pay more attention to the mainland of China in the future!"

"Okay, boy, I'll just believe you this time. If you can't be promoted to the mainland, I won't let you go. If you succeed, this will be my dojo in the future. I will help you with everything!"

Who would have thought that Ximen Potian would readily agree to Ye Yun, which surprised countless people.

It is a fantasy that a person who is invincible at the sixth level of breaking the immortal is convinced of Ye Yun who is only in the human fairyland. No one thought that the matter would develop like this and end so soon.


Ximen Potian turned into a shocking sword energy, shot directly into the sky, shattered the space one by one, and appeared beside Ye Yun in an instant: "The old man wants to witness it with his own eyes!"

"no problem!"

Ye Yun didn't even think about it, so he agreed to Ximen Potian. He looked down and saw the strong man in the Wantong Heaven Realm. It's worthless, like ants, you only have one year!"


After finishing these words coldly, leaving more than 1 monks, all of them stunned, Ye Yun and Ximen flew into the sky, passed through layers of clouds, and after a few breaths, they came to the crystal wall system. With a wave of his hand, a nebula appeared in the vast void of crystal walls. Through the nebula, one could see a vast star field, a large dark starry sky.

Moreover, in the meteorite star field above, pieces of meteorites are exploding and being destroyed, and a large number of fragments are drifting in the galaxy, and the mainland of China is about to pass through the meteorite star field, passing by huge star fields.

"Great! Generous!!!"

Ximen Potian floated under the crystal wall system, and the scene that happened in the star field was inconceivable to him, moving the continent, breaking the meteorite, this kind of supernatural power, even he, can't match it,

To move the continent, no one who breaks the fairyland can do it. The continent and the planet are part of the star field, and they are deeply rooted in the deep and huge star field. To move the continent, you must have the ability to touch the galaxy. Meteorites, this is even more unlikely.

The key point is that Ximen Potian has not sensed the movement of the Divine Land. If he had discovered it at the beginning, he would have taken action long ago, so why would he have waited until now.

Floating quietly at the end of the sky, Ye Yun's wind was light and cloudless, but his real body continued to destroy the meteorite: "Senior, originally I didn't need to move the Shenzhou Continent away, but I have too many powerful enemies, so I have to move the Shenzhou Continent to the Holy Land It is not easy for me to do so in the Sky Star Territory, away from the core area of ​​the Thai Star Plane. Once the promotion is successful, I will get huge resources from it, and then I will also be promoted to the Heaven-reaching Realm along with the mainland. This is my goal. Opportunities, likewise, are opportunities that seniors have been waiting for for thousands of years!"

When Ximen Potian heard it, he revealed a doubt: "The Holy Sky Starfield... The old man passed by several times in the past. The Holy Sky Starfield was in a storm of planes. It was rumored that there was an ancient imperial civilization in it. Many people wanted to enter it and seize it. To snatch treasures, but no one has ever entered, the plane storm is too fierce!"

"Senior, don't worry, one of my fellow Taoists has already moved the plane storm away, and now the Holy Sky Starfield can be entered by a master who breaks the fairyland!"

"In the Holy Sky Starfield, there is indeed a dynasty called the Holy Heaven Dynasty. Unfortunately, the entire starfield has been swallowed by the plane storm. The Holy Sky Dynasty has fallen. I will take advantage of the opportunity of being promoted to the mainland to make the entire starfield Recover again!"

"Remove the plane storm!?"

Ximen Potian's heart skipped a beat. Hearing what Ye Yun said, he was even more shocked than before. The plane storm, it's a pity that the energy comparable to the law, even an immortal, will be obliterated by the plane storm, let alone a mortal, Ximen Potian is shocked again and again , now I understand that Ye Yun is not as weak as he appears on the surface.

Moving continents, promoting planets, and removing plane storms are all shocking means.

With some shaking, the star field seemed to be rubbing against each other. Then, after flying past the last meteorite layer, I saw a star field with tens of thousands of planets, but there were still dense storms of planes all around, causing Ximen Potian to exclaim : "Oh, the front is the Holy Sky Starfield, and the plane storm has become weaker!"

"Senior, you should go back first and wait for the news. Once you are promoted to the mainland, I will notify you!"

After saying this, Ye Yun's projection disappeared instantly.

Looking at the void star field, the nebula disappeared, a powerful energy was suppressing Ximen Potian, Ximen Potian fell into the sky, and sighed: "I, Ximen Potian, came to Shenzhou The mainland has been closed for thousands of years, what happened, and what did I miss?"

"Six years... a full six years! Finally came to the Holy Sky Starfield!"

On the top of the crystal wall system, Ye Yun withdrew his burial bow, looked at the meteorite star field behind him, and felt lingering fear. At this moment, Chiyun Demon Venerable also stood up, and his whole body was even more emptiness. Moving the Divine Continent, not only did not consume him Strength, on the contrary, allowed him to gain something in his cultivation.

"Six years..."

Ye Yun sighed softly, six years, for ordinary monks, passed in a blink of an eye, but for Ye Yun, six years was very different, if he went to practice, Taking risks, one might even break through the Heaven-reaching Realm, and still have great adventures and unlimited gains.

Six years, but it was spent on the matter of removing the mainland of China, suddenly felt that the time was very long, never before.

"Boss, I will fight against the plane storm, and I will leave it to you to move the continent!" Scarlet Cloud Demon Lord looked at the plane storm, and suddenly flew high, rising in the starry sky, and flew directly into the sky. In the midst of the plane storm, he disappeared without a trace.

Suddenly, in front of the Divine Land that was about to touch, the large planar storm was suddenly intercepted by a sky-defying demonic light, as if there was a giant who lifted the planar storm high.


Seizing the opportunity, Ye Yun released Taiyi Zhenqi and the power of Daqian Shentu, and merged with the sealing power of the crystal wall system, and then felt that his own powerful power was being lost. In his heart, it felt like a heavy object was hanging, which was very uncomfortable. Fortunately, Daqian The power of Shentu, which contains the power of the plane, directly moves the mainland of China. "It's not the Taoist robe of Tianjun Immortal Academy... but the throne student of Shenzhou Immortal Academy..."

As Ye Yun's projection came to this moment, countless strong men recognized the yellow cloud Taoist robe, and they were all shocked. It turned out to be a student of the throne of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy, who controlled the entire Shenzhou Continent.

The students of the throne are at most the sixth rank to the tenth rank of human immortality, so they are not shocked.

A student who is a human being can not only control the mainland of China, but also fight against the powerhouses of the tens of thousands of heavens. What kind of method is this, what kind of supernatural power.

"You, you are..."

Li Wushuang, the owner of Manduo Island, suddenly shot a divine light and stared at Ye Yun's projection. More than ten years ago, at the moment when this island's disciple Mengyao was promoted to Shenzhou Xianyuan, was that the person who contended with Ditian?"


Countless strong men, awakened by Li Wushuang's words, looked at the projection one after another, from doubt to shock, and finally in disbelief.

"Master Li Island, when we said goodbye back then, I didn't expect you to remember me as a junior!"

Ye Yun projected that the clouds are calm and the wind is light, condescending, overlooking all living beings, domineering forever: "It is indeed time to meet the kings of the continent, I come from the north of the North Sea, a continent called Ziyu, my name is Ye Yun, maybe most of you have never heard of my name, but when Li Island Master mentioned Ditian and Fairy Mengyao just now, then you should know who I am. The Celestial Immortal who Qianli killed with his own hands, Ye Yun!"

"It's indeed that Ye Yun back then!!"

Many strong men finally stopped their doubts and affirmed Ye Yun's identity one after another. Immediately, they were greeted with unbelievable, unbelievable, and shocked expressions.

Among all the people, only Xiao Yunqiong remained silent. Although he was surprised and surprised, he took a step forward, facing Ye Yun's projection, and said with a sneer, "Ye Yun... Di Tian didn't kill you back then, it was your fate, You actually dare to come back, aren’t you afraid of death!?”

"Xiao Yunqiong, you are just a dog in the water now, how dare you yell at me? Yes, Di Tian is indeed my worst enemy, and he has broken through the fairyland and become a fairy student of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy. , and may become the master, Xiao Yunqiong, am I right?"

Ye Yun shouted coldly, although he was very angry, he didn't attack Xiao Yunqiong.

These words made Xiao Yunqiong proud: "You are also a student of Shenzhou Xianyuan, so you naturally know it better than this sect master. If this is the case, you still dare to be an enemy of me and the mainland of China!"

"Haha, Xiao Yunqiong, don't hold yourself to the first rank of Poxian and treat yourself as a character!"

Ye Yun looked up to the sky and laughed, making Xiao Yunqiong at a loss. He didn't understand what Ye Yun was relying on, and what qualifications he had to be so presumptuous: "Ditian is a student of the fairy, and I have become the master of the high school. Even if Di Tian is standing in front of me now, I wouldn't dare to kill me, my status is already equal to his!"

"What? The master's closed disciple!?"

This time, Xiao Yunqiong was blindfolded and extremely surprised, while the other strong men were also stunned, as if the air had condensed, as shocked and motionless as a statue.

"What is Ditian? A genius, yes, he is indeed a genius. It took less than ten thousand years to go from the Meat Fairyland to the Breaking Wonderland. In the mainland of China, he can be described as a peerless genius that has never been seen before, but... so what, I From the flesh fairyland to the human fairyland, it took only 20 years to compete with him, and after a hundred years, how could Ditian be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with me!"

"Xiao Yunqiong, and all of you, I can tell you clearly that the mainland of China has been controlled by me, and I have hidden aura. All of you are now under my control, and life and death will be shattered with my thought, or Eternal life, I will give you one year to think carefully, whether to surrender to me or resist, those who resist will never be reborn, and those who surrender to me will have eternal life!"

At this moment, Ye Yun is like a god who rules over all things, announcing their fate in front of everyone, no resistance is allowed, only surrender.

"Hmph, you are just a human immortal, and you want to win the whole continent..." After Xiao Yunqiong heard this, he was extremely angry, and rushed away with a destructive aura.

Ye Yun laughed loudly: "Haha, Xiao Yunqiong, so what if I am a human being, but what can you do to me if you are a broken immortal?"

Xiao Yunqiong is not a reckless man. At the beginning, he could not fight Ye Yun with all his strength. Now he wished to kill Ye Yun immediately, but he was not sure: "You...!"

"You idiot, don't be ashamed!"

Unexpectedly Xiao Yunqiong didn't dare to do anything, Ye Yun felt that this person was a character, but he was an insidious villain who was blatant and would only take advantage of others.

Ye Yun didn't even look at Xiao Yunqiong, his eyes fell on Ximen Potian, whose cultivation had reached the realm of heaven and earth: "Senior Ximen, your cultivation is really not easy. In the mainland of China, you are simply an outlier!"

"Boy, you are also a character. I can't compare with you at all. You have cultivated this extraordinary supernatural power in only [-] years. However, the purpose of this old man's hard work in swordsmanship all his life is to break the sky, pursue the supreme immortal way, and open the seal. Let the old man go out, otherwise..."

Ximen Potian, who possesses incomparable cultivation, said to Ye Yun indifferently, his tone full of praise.

"Senior, do you think I will let you go?"

Ye Yun suddenly asked a question, and continued, in a lukewarm manner, "Immortal Dao...Senior, it is indeed because of your extraordinary aptitude that you can cultivate to the sixth level of breaking the immortal, and you have a strong relationship with immortality, but you alone can reach perfection from the sixth level to the tenth level." How many years will it take? Now, I will bring you a great opportunity. Soon, I will promote the mainland of China to the mainland. At that time, you can take the opportunity to advance to the seventh rank of Poxian along with the mainland. The greatest luck now, you Put it in front of you!"

"Promote the continent to a planet!?"

Hearing it suddenly, Ximen Potian's eyebrows twitched, and his long beard swayed slightly with the wind, while the other mainland monks immediately exploded when they heard the news.

The Divine Continent actually wants to be promoted to a planet. How many years and how many strong people can't do it. In their era, someone wants to do it. It's incredible. Once the promotion is successful, all the creatures in the Divine Continent will be able to do it. Gain great energy and be promoted as the continent is promoted.

Moreover, the promotion of the Divine Land to the planet means that everyone is a part of the planet. Their future cultivation will be at least infinitely higher than that of the mainland, and they will have countless resources, huge land, and so on.

Generally speaking, one will be promoted to the planet along with the mainland, and will break through at least a few levels, that is, Xiaoyunqiong and Shengfa Dao, and will also break through the second or even third level of Poxian. As for Ximen Potian, breaking through the seventh level is not a problem.

After reaching the fifth level of Breaking the Immortal Realm, breaking through each level is simply more difficult than reaching the sky. Breaking through the fifth level to the sixth level takes almost ten thousand years. The same is true for going from the sixth level to the seventh level, requiring a lot of resources, opportunities, and understanding This time, it is Ximen Potian's greatest hope to be promoted from the mainland of China to a planet. Otherwise, he wants to break through to the seventh level. I don't know if it is still possible.

Like him, lurking in the mainland of China to break through to the seventh level is not something that happens overnight. If it weren't for this change in the mainland, he wouldn't be awakened.

Ye Yun continued to persuade: "Senior Ximen, you are here with the widest knowledge and highest qualifications. You should know this better than anyone else. Moreover, I don't want you to surrender to me. Although I have this strength, I don't want to force it People like you, after all, how many years the mainland of China has existed, and there has been no invasion of alien planets, has a lot to do with you hermits, I just need you to pay more attention to the mainland of China in the future!"

"Okay, boy, I'll just believe you this time. If you can't be promoted to the mainland, I won't let you go. If you succeed, this will be my dojo in the future. I will help you with everything!"

Who would have thought that Ximen Potian would readily agree to Ye Yun, which surprised countless people.

It is a fantasy that a person who is invincible at the sixth level of breaking the immortal is convinced of Ye Yun who is only in the human fairyland. No one thought that the matter would develop like this and end so soon.


Ximen Potian turned into a shocking sword energy, shot directly into the sky, shattered the space one by one, and appeared beside Ye Yun in an instant: "The old man wants to witness it with his own eyes!"

"no problem!"

Ye Yun didn't even think about it, so he agreed to Ximen Potian. He looked down and saw the strong man in the Wantong Heaven Realm. It's worthless, like ants, you only have one year!"


After finishing these words coldly, leaving more than 1 monks, all of them stunned, Ye Yun and Ximen flew into the sky, passed through layers of clouds, and after a few breaths, they came to the crystal wall system. With a wave of his hand, a nebula appeared in the vast void of crystal walls. Through the nebula, one could see a vast star field, a large dark starry sky.

Moreover, in the meteorite star field above, pieces of meteorites are exploding and being destroyed, and a large number of fragments are drifting in the galaxy, and the mainland of China is about to pass through the meteorite star field, passing by huge star fields.

"Great! Generous!!!"

Ximen Potian floated under the crystal wall system, and the scene that happened in the star field was inconceivable to him, moving the continent, breaking the meteorite, this kind of supernatural power, even he, can't match it,

To move the continent, no one who breaks the fairyland can do it. The continent and the planet are part of the star field, and they are deeply rooted in the deep and huge star field. To move the continent, you must have the ability to touch the galaxy. Meteorites, this is even more unlikely.

The key point is that Ximen Potian has not sensed the movement of the Divine Land. If he had discovered it at the beginning, he would have taken action long ago, so why would he have waited until now.

Floating quietly at the end of the sky, Ye Yun's wind was light and cloudless, but his real body continued to destroy the meteorite: "Senior, originally I didn't need to move the Shenzhou Continent away, but I have too many powerful enemies, so I have to move the Shenzhou Continent to the Holy Land It is not easy for me to do so in the Sky Star Territory, away from the core area of ​​the Thai Star Plane. Once the promotion is successful, I will get huge resources from it, and then I will also be promoted to the Heaven-reaching Realm along with the mainland. This is my goal. Opportunities, likewise, are opportunities that seniors have been waiting for for thousands of years!"

When Ximen Potian heard it, he revealed a doubt: "The Holy Sky Starfield... The old man passed by several times in the past. The Holy Sky Starfield was in a storm of planes. It was rumored that there was an ancient imperial civilization in it. Many people wanted to enter it and seize it. To snatch treasures, but no one has ever entered, the plane storm is too fierce!"

"Senior, don't worry, one of my fellow Taoists has already moved the plane storm away, and now the Holy Sky Starfield can be entered by a master who breaks the fairyland!"

"In the Holy Sky Starfield, there is indeed a dynasty called the Holy Heaven Dynasty. Unfortunately, the entire starfield has been swallowed by the plane storm. The Holy Sky Dynasty has fallen. I will take advantage of the opportunity of being promoted to the mainland to make the entire starfield Recover again!"

"Remove the plane storm!?"

Ximen Potian's heart skipped a beat. Hearing what Ye Yun said, he was even more shocked than before. The plane storm, it's a pity that the energy comparable to the law, even an immortal, will be obliterated by the plane storm, let alone a mortal, Ximen Potian is shocked again and again , now I understand that Ye Yun is not as weak as he appears on the surface.

Moving continents, promoting planets, and removing plane storms are all shocking means.

With some shaking, the star field seemed to be rubbing against each other. Then, after flying past the last meteorite layer, I saw a star field with tens of thousands of planets, but there were still dense storms of planes all around, causing Ximen Potian to exclaim : "Oh, the front is the Holy Sky Starfield, and the plane storm has become weaker!"

"Senior, you should go back first and wait for the news. Once you are promoted to the mainland, I will notify you!"

After saying this, Ye Yun's projection disappeared instantly.

Looking at the void star field, the nebula disappeared, a powerful energy was suppressing Ximen Potian, Ximen Potian fell into the sky, and sighed: "I, Ximen Potian, came to Shenzhou The mainland has been closed for thousands of years, what happened, and what did I miss?"

"Six years... a full six years! Finally came to the Holy Sky Starfield!"

On the top of the crystal wall system, Ye Yun withdrew his burial bow, looked at the meteorite star field behind him, and felt lingering fear. At this moment, Chiyun Demon Venerable also stood up, and his whole body was even more emptiness. Moving the Divine Continent, not only did not consume him Strength, on the contrary, allowed him to gain something in his cultivation.

"Six years..."

Ye Yun sighed softly, six years, for ordinary monks, passed in a blink of an eye, but for Ye Yun, six years was very different, if he went to practice, Taking risks, one might even break through the Heaven-reaching Realm, and still have great adventures and unlimited gains.

Six years, but it was spent on the matter of removing the mainland of China, suddenly felt that the time was very long, never before.

"Boss, I will fight against the plane storm, and I will leave it to you to move the continent!" Scarlet Cloud Demon Lord looked at the plane storm, and suddenly flew high, rising in the starry sky, and flew directly into the sky. In the midst of the plane storm, he disappeared without a trace.

Suddenly, in front of the Divine Land that was about to touch, the large planar storm was suddenly intercepted by a sky-defying demonic light, as if there was a giant who lifted the planar storm high.


Seizing the opportunity, Ye Yun released Taiyi Zhenqi and the power of Daqian Shentu, and merged with the sealing power of the crystal wall system, and then felt that his own powerful power was being lost. In his heart, it felt like a heavy object was hanging, which was very uncomfortable. Fortunately, Daqian The power of Shentu, which contains the power of the plane, directly moves the mainland of China.

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