The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 329 Promoted to the Continent [Part [-]]

No matter how powerful the fifth-grade fairy weapon is, if you are not a real fairy, you can't activate its power at all. Xiao Yunqiong also relies on the power of everyone to activate it.

Once the Taiyi Continent is promoted to the Taiyi Planet, the strength of the avatar will increase greatly, and it will merge with the planet, activating the power of the Sky Splitting Mirror, which will be at least ten or a hundred times the power of the Sky Sky Sky, and can kill any strong person who breaks the fairyland.

In this way, Ye Yun will be freed from worrying about the future, and he can move freely on the Taixing plane, without worrying about the safety of his family, relatives, and friends.

The avatar sits cross-legged on the Hengjing Immortal Jade, constantly absorbing the essence of the Eternal Crystal Jade, with a sky-cracking mirror on top of its head, like a gun, spinning continuously, releasing tearing energy, entering the avatar, the avatar He also released Taiyi True Qi and merged with the Sky-Cracking Mirror, the will of the avatar quickly entered into the Sky-Cracking Mirror to find out any seals.

The earth-centered world contains the origin of the continent, and the avatars are constantly merging with the origin at the same time. The constant crystal jade, the split sky mirror, and the earth-centered origin are continuously merging and becoming one.

"The power of faith is really a good thing. The cohesion is so majestic. The moment I am promoted to the planet, it can provide me with the strongest support!"

Ye Yun was sitting on top, in the center of the earth, in the spirit-gathering array, facing the rock-steady Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, a figure floated in the sky above the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, it was really the projection of the body of the sixth-order true immortal, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable is slowly being devoured.

Now, Ye Yun can clearly feel the power of faith emanating from countless beings in the Taiyi Continent. When this power of faith is condensed, it can increase the power several times in an instant. Moreover, the power of faith has also penetrated into the Taiyi Continent thoroughly and merged with Ye Yun's will. I am slowly accepting Ye Yun.

Zhang Kun, Huangfu Fei, Yue Li, and Jing Wuming built countless spirit gathering formations on the mainland, and tens of thousands of formations. As long as Ye Yun moved his mind, these formations would activate, absorb the energy of the stars, and bless the origin of the mainland , and finally gather Ye Yun to upgrade the planet.

Now Taiyi Continent's psychic matter is constantly brewing, but under Ye Yun's seal, once it is released, it will instantly make the continent's particles continuously degenerate.

Another year passed, and the Taiyi Continent was truly unified. Countless sects and monks surrendered to the Taiyi Empire. All the monks are retreating, releasing their souls, and striving to improve their cultivation base with the promotion of the mainland.

At this moment, in the core world of the mainland, Ye Yun slowly opened his eyes. The huge spirit gathering array almost completely enveloped the Taiyi Continent. Refining the Hengjing Immortal Jade and blending it into one.

Ye Yun is still deep in the center of the earth, inlaid with a large number of fairy stones. These fairy stones have a hundred times higher energy than spirit stones. Unfortunately, mortals cannot refine them, but the avatar can refine them, and integrate high-level energy into the center of the earth to make the core of the earth The strength is getting thicker and thicker.

"The vicissitudes of the sea change, the universe shifts, the four seas return to one, Taiyi Continent!"

Suddenly, Ye Yun's real body turned into streaks of Taiyi divine light, and his body was a massive amount of Taiyi divine light, which shot into the sky of the mainland one after another.

Immediately, the continent began to shake, the ground began to shake, and the tsunami swept wildly. Countless monks on the continent found that the land was moving, and the sky and the earth were full of tsunami sounds.

"What a powerful force, it really is the perfect fusion of the mainland, is he preparing for promotion to the mainland?"

In an ancient sea area, amidst tsunami after wave, a castle appeared, and in the blink of an eye, the castle disappeared, and then Ximen Potian stood on top of the tsunami, with an extraordinary aura of dominating the world.

With a thought of Ximen Potian, he instantly had a panoramic view of the changes in the entire continent. In his eyes, the four seas of China are constantly pushing towards the center of the continent, causing a thousand-foot tsunami, changing the color of the sky and the earth, and surging winds and clouds. Countless floating islands are also approaching the center of the mainland.

In this scene, Ximen Potian was amazed again and again. This kind of ability can also be achieved for the sixth level of Poxian. It is nothing in his eyes, but Ye Yun is the sixth level of Human Immortal. Without a breakthrough, there is actually such a power to transform mountains and rivers, which is comparable to a high-level magical means to break through the fairyland.

The center of the Taixing plane is divided into three major star fields, controlled by the three great fairy courtyards. Millions of years ago, they were the supreme giants of the three fairy courtyards. The real high-ranking immortals are all people like Ximen Potian. Even the cultivation base is more advanced. It is these giants who divide the central star field into three star fields. This ability to move the planet is exactly the same as the scene of the continent's four seas being unified at that time.

A real strong person, an immortal, possesses the supernatural powers of transforming mountains and rivers and creating the universe. There is no doubt that the current Ye Yun is such a person.

"Genius... Since the birth of our Jianzong, there have been many geniuses, but there is no such genius... I will not be mistaken. In the future, the entire Taixing plane will belong to this young man!"

Seeing this shocking scene, Ximen Potian sighed from the bottom of his heart. As the supreme being who shocked the world, he could naturally see something from Ye Yun. Ximen Potian smiled faintly, and suddenly, looking into the void, a strange divine light fled away.


Immediately, Ximen Potian's face darkened: "That thought... is so fast, where did the strong man come from? Could it be that the ninth and tenth level of the Immortal Realm are also watching the changes in the mainland?"

"Ximen breaks the sky..."

In the middle and high-end crystal wall system of the Taiyi Continent, there is a space, which is the space controlled by the ancestor of the beast, and a projection of the ancestor of the beast is refracted on the crystal wall system of the mainland.

"This kid really did it. Next, it depends on whether you can promote the mainland to a planet..." The projection of the beast ancestors slowly disappeared, and in that mysterious space, the crystal wall system actually began to actively integrate the power of the crystal wall system of the Taiyi Continent .

The Taiyi Continent, the Central Continent, and countless powerhouses watched in shock as the four seas continued to approach the Central Continent, and finally merged into the Central Continent. Then, densely packed islands also floated over, merging with the mainland one by one.

The continent that was once torn apart has turned into a complete continent. This is not a fantasy, nor a dream, but a reality. A strong man has completely transformed and rebuilt the continent. The Taiyi Continent has become an incomparably huge continent. Since then, there is no China, only one continent.

Taiyi Continent.

The continent became one, and the sound of the tsunami that pierced the clouds and cracked rocks also gradually faded away. When it quieted down, the entire continent became peaceful and peaceful. Countless monks, who witnessed the process of the continent's unification, began to sincerely believe in Ye Yun and put Ye Yun Surprised as a heavenly being, only the heavenly beings can have the supernatural powers of moving mountains and filling seas, and transforming mountains and rivers.

With the integration of the continents, everyone found that the vitality of the entire continent was ten times stronger than before, and it was still rising. People were surprised to find that the withered ancient trees had sprouted, and the eighty-year-olds were getting younger and younger. The mainland is thriving and constantly changing.

Moreover, the origin of the mainland has also undergone qualitative changes. This is the reason for the change in the spiritual quality of the mainland. In the vitality of the heaven and earth in the mainland, there is a majestic sacred aura. Although this aura is ethereal, it completely replaces the original origin of the mainland. , Thousands of times higher than before, the key point, there is a sacred aura permeating in the source.

Every monk breathes once, and the true energy in the body changes subtly. In their bodies, the sacred breath appears inexplicably. After absorbing and refining, their cultivation base begins to break through rapidly, and various forms of Qigong are constantly changing.

Everyone was deeply shocked. The reunification of the continent alone would have such a big harvest. If the continent is promoted to a planet, how far their cultivation base will be improved. The monks who deeply doubted Ye Yun before are now beginning to believe in Ye Yun. Even, I believe this peerless genius who has only cultivated for more than [-] years.

With the integration of the avatar and the real body with the mainland, the origin of the mainland is also changed by the energy in Ye Yun's body, especially the true energy of Taiyi, the sacred light, which is integrated into the origin, directly promoting the origin, and everything in the Taiyi Continent The living body will slowly absorb various mysterious energies in the future, and the transformation in the future will definitely shake the earth.

At this time, in the star field before the mainland of China.

"How did this happen? The mainland of China has disappeared!!! What's going on, my master and junior sister, why did their auras all disappear!?"

Inside a crystal wall system, once below was the mainland of China, Xue Mengyao and Di Tian stood in a mass of emperor's holy light, Xue Mengyao was extremely surprised, staring at the empty star field in a daze.

How could a continent disappear!

Xue Mengyao was dressed in a golden cloud robe. She actually broke through to the Heaven-reaching Realm before Ye Yun, and was promoted to a high-ranking student in Shenzhou Xianyuan. Among the respected students, they can also be regarded as the existence of giants.

In just ten short years, Xue Mengyao has transformed herself into a distinguished student. She has cultivated herself and reached the high level of the Heaven-reaching Realm. At the beginning, she almost entered the Shenzhou Immortal Academy like Ye Yun, and she was also in the fairyland. In ten years, she has cultivated to such a high level.

Moreover, above Xue Mengyao's pupils, the light with the same aura as Ditian actually shone, as if, she and Ditian merged into one, their aura conjoined.

"Shenzhou Continent... the aura suddenly disappeared a few years ago without any signs. Now, I can't even sense the aura of the Kyushu Gate, nor can I sense the origin of the Shenzhou Continent in my body!"

Di Tian was also puzzled, he broke through to the Immortal Realm now, but he couldn't see why a continent disappeared inexplicably from the star field.

Xue Mengyao looked at Ditian: "Didn't you say... There are several particularly powerful auras in the Divine Land, which even you were unable to resist and refine the Mainland? That means that there are such strong people in the Divine Land, and they should not disappear. In the star field!"

"Looking at it now, it should be a certain strong hermit in the mainland of China, who woke up and cultivated peerless supernatural powers, at least above the fifth level of the fairyland, to remove the mainland of China and cut off the source, so that I can't sense it!"

Looking around the star field, it was empty, except for the quietly floating planets, which were dense clusters of meteorites crossing the interstellar space, Di Tian was in a daze, and released his divine light, but he couldn't catch any breath.

"Remove the mainland!!!"

Hearing what Ditian said, Xue Mengyao shook her head again and again, not believing it at all: "Impossible, the fifth level of Poxian can move the mainland, but it can't move so far, unless it is an invincible giant above level six... the sixth level of Poxian ...How can such giants exist in such a small continent? The three great fairy houses and the high-ranking giants who broke the fairyland are also one of the few, and they are all veterans!"

Di Tian immediately retorted: "No, when I entered a space very close to the mainland of China, I unexpectedly sensed a sleeping will, and that will, now that I think about it, is still very powerful, it should be... not just Poxian Six. Level, maybe eighth-level or ninth-level characters... I have searched the surrounding star fields, but I can't sense any breath of the mainland!"

"Even if someone really removes the continent, what exactly does this person want to do, a mere continent, what do you want him to do, with this supernatural power, he can conquer any planet at will!" Xue Mengyao was still puzzled, frowning slightly.

"There is only one answer!"

Ditian's pupils suddenly tightened, and he ejaculated: "Someone... wants to refine the mainland of China, and then promote the continent to a planet, and improve the supreme behavior. , then this person will never die!"

"Just like me, as long as the Emperor Star is not destroyed, I will not die. The Emperor Star is so huge, how many years it has been formed, even a fairy, it is difficult to destroy..." After finishing speaking, a domineering smile appeared on Ditian.

"Ascension to the planet..."

Xue Mengyao shuddered suddenly, as if she had thought of something, but she didn't believe it, stayed with Ditian for a while, and the two disappeared from the crystal wall system of the planet.

"That's right, that aura is Ditian... He also came from the Divine Land, so he will naturally find that the origin of the mainland has disappeared!"

Suddenly, on another planet, in the crystal wall system, a figure flashed. This person was dressed in a black robe with flame patterns embroidered on it, symbolizing the mysterious Yanjiao.

This person is none other than Xuan Tianzu.

Xuan Tianzu was practicing in seclusion at first, but he suddenly sensed the aura of the Divine Continent that was closely connected with his physical body, and suddenly disappeared inexplicably, so he set off to take a look, who would have met Di Tian.

"I beg Qianshang to let me not fight against Di Tianxia, ​​saying that I am no match for Ditian, hmph, I am a majestic fourth-level Immortal Immortal, no matter how talented Ditian is, he is only an ordinary first-level Immortal Immortal... Please Qianshang What the hell is he planning, I heard that he is looking for the treasure house of the master recently, and wants to get a powerful magic weapon!"

"It's a pity, Qiu Qianshang is too deep. If I can kill him, I can become the supreme envoy of the Yan Sect in the lower realm..."

"I beg Qianshang, you treat me like a pawn, how could I not know, if I, Xuantian Ancestor, hadn't deliberately turned to you, made false promises to you, and used you to advance to the Immortal Realm..."

Xuan Tianzu smiled coldly, that smile was numb and dry, he looked towards the empty star field, and frowned: "The Shenzhou Continent disappeared inexplicably, who could have done it? Did the Continent completely explode into dust, or was it destroyed? People move away?"

"Back then, there was the idea of ​​refining the mainland, and using the mainland to become the master of the Chinese mainland... Now the Chinese mainland is not a sesame mung bean to me, just disappear if it disappears!"

With a haughty look on his face, Xuan Tianzu broke through the air with a bang.No matter how powerful the fifth-grade fairy weapon is, if you are not a real fairy, you can't activate its power at all. Xiao Yunqiong also relies on the power of everyone to activate it.

Once the Taiyi Continent is promoted to the Taiyi Planet, the strength of the avatar will increase greatly, and it will merge with the planet, activating the power of the Sky Splitting Mirror, which will be at least ten or a hundred times the power of the Sky Sky Sky, and can kill any strong person who breaks the fairyland.

In this way, Ye Yun will be freed from worrying about the future, and he can move freely on the Taixing plane, without worrying about the safety of his family, relatives, and friends.

The avatar sits cross-legged on the Hengjing Immortal Jade, constantly absorbing the essence of the Eternal Crystal Jade, with a sky-cracking mirror on top of its head, like a gun, spinning continuously, releasing tearing energy, entering the avatar, the avatar He also released Taiyi True Qi and merged with the Sky-Cracking Mirror, the will of the avatar quickly entered into the Sky-Cracking Mirror to find out any seals.

The earth-centered world contains the origin of the continent, and the avatars are constantly merging with the origin at the same time. The constant crystal jade, the split sky mirror, and the earth-centered origin are continuously merging and becoming one.

"The power of faith is really a good thing. The cohesion is so majestic. The moment I am promoted to the planet, it can provide me with the strongest support!"

Ye Yun was sitting on top, in the center of the earth, in the spirit-gathering array, facing the rock-steady Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, a figure floated in the sky above the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, it was really the projection of the body of the sixth-order true immortal, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable is slowly being devoured.

Now, Ye Yun can clearly feel the power of faith emanating from countless beings in the Taiyi Continent. When this power of faith is condensed, it can increase the power several times in an instant. Moreover, the power of faith has also penetrated into the Taiyi Continent thoroughly and merged with Ye Yun's will. I am slowly accepting Ye Yun.

Zhang Kun, Huangfu Fei, Yue Li, and Jing Wuming built countless spirit gathering formations on the mainland, and tens of thousands of formations. As long as Ye Yun moved his mind, these formations would activate, absorb the energy of the stars, and bless the origin of the mainland , and finally gather Ye Yun to upgrade the planet.

Now Taiyi Continent's psychic matter is constantly brewing, but under Ye Yun's seal, once it is released, it will instantly make the continent's particles continuously degenerate.

Another year passed, and the Taiyi Continent was truly unified. Countless sects and monks surrendered to the Taiyi Empire. All the monks are retreating, releasing their souls, and striving to improve their cultivation base with the promotion of the mainland.

At this moment, in the core world of the mainland, Ye Yun slowly opened his eyes. The huge spirit gathering array almost completely enveloped the Taiyi Continent. Refining the Hengjing Immortal Jade and blending it into one.

Ye Yun is still deep in the center of the earth, inlaid with a large number of fairy stones. These fairy stones have a hundred times higher energy than spirit stones. Unfortunately, mortals cannot refine them, but the avatar can refine them, and integrate high-level energy into the center of the earth to make the core of the earth The strength is getting thicker and thicker.

"The vicissitudes of the sea change, the universe shifts, the four seas return to one, Taiyi Continent!"

Suddenly, Ye Yun's real body turned into streaks of Taiyi divine light, and his body was a massive amount of Taiyi divine light, which shot into the sky of the mainland one after another.

Immediately, the continent began to shake, the ground began to shake, and the tsunami swept wildly. Countless monks on the continent found that the land was moving, and the sky and the earth were full of tsunami sounds.

"What a powerful force, it really is the perfect fusion of the mainland, is he preparing for promotion to the mainland?"

In an ancient sea area, amidst tsunami after wave, a castle appeared, and in the blink of an eye, the castle disappeared, and then Ximen Potian stood on top of the tsunami, with an extraordinary aura of dominating the world.

With a thought of Ximen Potian, he instantly had a panoramic view of the changes in the entire continent. In his eyes, the four seas of China are constantly pushing towards the center of the continent, causing a thousand-foot tsunami, changing the color of the sky and the earth, and surging winds and clouds. Countless floating islands are also approaching the center of the mainland.

In this scene, Ximen Potian was amazed again and again. This kind of ability can also be achieved for the sixth level of Poxian. It is nothing in his eyes, but Ye Yun is the sixth level of Human Immortal. Without a breakthrough, there is actually such a power to transform mountains and rivers, which is comparable to a high-level magical means to break through the fairyland.

The center of the Taixing plane is divided into three major star fields, controlled by the three great fairy courtyards. Millions of years ago, they were the supreme giants of the three fairy courtyards. The real high-ranking immortals are all people like Ximen Potian. Even the cultivation base is more advanced. It is these giants who divide the central star field into three star fields. This ability to move the planet is exactly the same as the scene of the continent's four seas being unified at that time.

A real strong person, an immortal, possesses the supernatural powers of transforming mountains and rivers and creating the universe. There is no doubt that the current Ye Yun is such a person.

"Genius... Since the birth of our Jianzong, there have been many geniuses, but there is no such genius... I will not be mistaken. In the future, the entire Taixing plane will belong to this young man!"

Seeing this shocking scene, Ximen Potian sighed from the bottom of his heart. As the supreme being who shocked the world, he could naturally see something from Ye Yun. Ximen Potian smiled faintly, and suddenly, looking into the void, a strange divine light fled away.


Immediately, Ximen Potian's face darkened: "That thought... is so fast, where did the strong man come from? Could it be that the ninth and tenth level of the Immortal Realm are also watching the changes in the mainland?"

"Ximen breaks the sky..."

In the middle and high-end crystal wall system of the Taiyi Continent, there is a space, which is the space controlled by the ancestor of the beast, and a projection of the ancestor of the beast is refracted on the crystal wall system of the mainland.

"This kid really did it. Next, it depends on whether you can promote the mainland to a planet..." The projection of the beast ancestors slowly disappeared, and in that mysterious space, the crystal wall system actually began to actively integrate the power of the crystal wall system of the Taiyi Continent .

The Taiyi Continent, the Central Continent, and countless powerhouses watched in shock as the four seas continued to approach the Central Continent, and finally merged into the Central Continent. Then, densely packed islands also floated over, merging with the mainland one by one.

The continent that was once torn apart has turned into a complete continent. This is not a fantasy, nor a dream, but a reality. A strong man has completely transformed and rebuilt the continent. The Taiyi Continent has become an incomparably huge continent. Since then, there is no China, only one continent.

Taiyi Continent.

The continent became one, and the sound of the tsunami that pierced the clouds and cracked rocks also gradually faded away. When it quieted down, the entire continent became peaceful and peaceful. Countless monks, who witnessed the process of the continent's unification, began to sincerely believe in Ye Yun and put Ye Yun Surprised as a heavenly being, only the heavenly beings can have the supernatural powers of moving mountains and filling seas, and transforming mountains and rivers.

With the integration of the continents, everyone found that the vitality of the entire continent was ten times stronger than before, and it was still rising. People were surprised to find that the withered ancient trees had sprouted, and the eighty-year-olds were getting younger and younger. The mainland is thriving and constantly changing.

Moreover, the origin of the mainland has also undergone qualitative changes. This is the reason for the change in the spiritual quality of the mainland. In the vitality of the heaven and earth in the mainland, there is a majestic sacred aura. Although this aura is ethereal, it completely replaces the original origin of the mainland. , Thousands of times higher than before, the key point, there is a sacred aura permeating in the source.

Every monk breathes once, and the true energy in the body changes subtly. In their bodies, the sacred breath appears inexplicably. After absorbing and refining, their cultivation base begins to break through rapidly, and various forms of Qigong are constantly changing.

Everyone was deeply shocked. The reunification of the continent alone would have such a big harvest. If the continent is promoted to a planet, how far their cultivation base will be improved. The monks who deeply doubted Ye Yun before are now beginning to believe in Ye Yun. Even, I believe this peerless genius who has only cultivated for more than [-] years.

With the integration of the avatar and the real body with the mainland, the origin of the mainland is also changed by the energy in Ye Yun's body, especially the true energy of Taiyi, the sacred light, which is integrated into the origin, directly promoting the origin, and everything in the Taiyi Continent The living body will slowly absorb various mysterious energies in the future, and the transformation in the future will definitely shake the earth.

At this time, in the star field before the mainland of China.

"How did this happen? The mainland of China has disappeared!!! What's going on, my master and junior sister, why did their auras all disappear!?"

Inside a crystal wall system, once below was the mainland of China, Xue Mengyao and Di Tian stood in a mass of emperor's holy light, Xue Mengyao was extremely surprised, staring at the empty star field in a daze.

How could a continent disappear!

Xue Mengyao was dressed in a golden cloud robe. She actually broke through to the Heaven-reaching Realm before Ye Yun, and was promoted to a high-ranking student in Shenzhou Xianyuan. Among the respected students, they can also be regarded as the existence of giants.

In just ten short years, Xue Mengyao has transformed herself into a distinguished student. She has cultivated herself and reached the high level of the Heaven-reaching Realm. At the beginning, she almost entered the Shenzhou Immortal Academy like Ye Yun, and she was also in the fairyland. In ten years, she has cultivated to such a high level.

Moreover, above Xue Mengyao's pupils, the light with the same aura as Ditian actually shone, as if, she and Ditian merged into one, their aura conjoined.

"Shenzhou Continent... the aura suddenly disappeared a few years ago without any signs. Now, I can't even sense the aura of the Kyushu Gate, nor can I sense the origin of the Shenzhou Continent in my body!"

Di Tian was also puzzled, he broke through to the Immortal Realm now, but he couldn't see why a continent disappeared inexplicably from the star field.

Xue Mengyao looked at Ditian: "Didn't you say... There are several particularly powerful auras in the Divine Land, which even you were unable to resist and refine the Mainland? That means that there are such strong people in the Divine Land, and they should not disappear. In the star field!"

"Looking at it now, it should be a certain strong hermit in the mainland of China, who woke up and cultivated peerless supernatural powers, at least above the fifth level of the fairyland, to remove the mainland of China and cut off the source, so that I can't sense it!"

Looking around the star field, it was empty, except for the quietly floating planets, which were dense clusters of meteorites crossing the interstellar space, Di Tian was in a daze, and released his divine light, but he couldn't catch any breath.

"Remove the mainland!!!"

Hearing what Ditian said, Xue Mengyao shook her head again and again, not believing it at all: "Impossible, the fifth level of Poxian can move the mainland, but it can't move so far, unless it is an invincible giant above level six... the sixth level of Poxian ...How can such giants exist in such a small continent? The three great fairy houses and the high-ranking giants who broke the fairyland are also one of the few, and they are all veterans!"

Di Tian immediately retorted: "No, when I entered a space very close to the mainland of China, I unexpectedly sensed a sleeping will, and that will, now that I think about it, is still very powerful, it should be... not just Poxian Six. Level, maybe eighth-level or ninth-level characters... I have searched the surrounding star fields, but I can't sense any breath of the mainland!"

"Even if someone really removes the continent, what exactly does this person want to do, a mere continent, what do you want him to do, with this supernatural power, he can conquer any planet at will!" Xue Mengyao was still puzzled, frowning slightly.

"There is only one answer!"

Ditian's pupils suddenly tightened, and he ejaculated: "Someone... wants to refine the mainland of China, and then promote the continent to a planet, and improve the supreme behavior. , then this person will never die!"

"Just like me, as long as the Emperor Star is not destroyed, I will not die. The Emperor Star is so huge, how many years it has been formed, even a fairy, it is difficult to destroy..." After finishing speaking, a domineering smile appeared on Ditian.

"Ascension to the planet..."

Xue Mengyao shuddered suddenly, as if she had thought of something, but she didn't believe it, stayed with Ditian for a while, and the two disappeared from the crystal wall system of the planet.

"That's right, that aura is Ditian... He also came from the Divine Land, so he will naturally find that the origin of the mainland has disappeared!"

Suddenly, on another planet, in the crystal wall system, a figure flashed. This person was dressed in a black robe with flame patterns embroidered on it, symbolizing the mysterious Yanjiao.

This person is none other than Xuan Tianzu.

Xuan Tianzu was practicing in seclusion at first, but he suddenly sensed the aura of the Divine Continent that was closely connected with his physical body, and suddenly disappeared inexplicably, so he set off to take a look, who would have met Di Tian.

"I beg Qianshang to let me not fight against Di Tianxia, ​​saying that I am no match for Ditian, hmph, I am a majestic fourth-level Immortal Immortal, no matter how talented Ditian is, he is only an ordinary first-level Immortal Immortal... Please Qianshang What the hell is he planning, I heard that he is looking for the treasure house of the master recently, and wants to get a powerful magic weapon!"

"It's a pity, Qiu Qianshang is too deep. If I can kill him, I can become the supreme envoy of the Yan Sect in the lower realm..."

"I beg Qianshang, you treat me like a pawn, how could I not know, if I, Xuantian Ancestor, hadn't deliberately turned to you, made false promises to you, and used you to advance to the Immortal Realm..."

Xuan Tianzu smiled coldly, that smile was numb and dry, he looked towards the empty star field, and frowned: "The Shenzhou Continent disappeared inexplicably, who could have done it? Did the Continent completely explode into dust, or was it destroyed? People move away?"

"Back then, there was the idea of ​​refining the mainland, and using the mainland to become the master of the Chinese mainland... Now the Chinese mainland is not a sesame mung bean to me, just disappear if it disappears!"

With a haughty expression on his face, Xuan Tianzu broke through the air with a bang.

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