"Ancient prohibition, it is rumored that it is an array arranged by ancient monks. This is the array. It is really magical. If it is used to protect the Ye family or a city, it will be as solid as Mount Tai."

Ye Yun is a fifth-level meat fairy, and when he saw dozens of strong men appearing, he immediately hid among them. No one took him seriously, but everyone knew that he was related to Lan Fengzong, otherwise, how could he be with Lan Fengzong? .

Different from others, Ye Yun has never seen the formation, and it is still the formation left by the ancients. Ye Yun carefully looked at the black seal, but he couldn't see what was going on inside, and the black seal was huge. It can be seen that this ancient monk has How tyrannical, Taoist Tianhong has such a high level of cultivation, and he has to gather so many powerhouses such as Feng Xinghen to find the seal, and the seal cannot be opened at once, which shows how powerful this sealing formation is.

"It's a pity that my realm is too low. Even if there is a treasure lying there, I can't pick it up. Hey, with so many strong people, how can I have a share? Later, if the two sides tear their eyelids, once they fight, I may still be able to pick it up." Being dragged down and dying without knowing why, it's abominable." Ye Yun didn't expect it to be like this, seeing so many strong men, Ye Yun felt a little overwhelmed.

"Tianhong Taoist, this ancient seal is very amazing. It can only be broken in one fell swoop unless a celestial being appears. You must be a little powerless. Why don't we work together to break him, and then whoever has the chance to get the magic weapon will belong to him and how ?”

From among the crowd, several strong men walked out, one of them was a middle-aged man who had the same bottomless aura as Taoist Tianhong, and this man exuded the noble aura of the royal family of the heavens, and he could see it with his eyes. Look, you know that this person is in the imperial power and has come out to the imperial dynasty.

Taoist Tianhong frowned, and his eyes fell on this person: "Bai Huazhen, the third prince of the Baiyu Dynasty, are you representing the Bai family or the Xuanwu sect?"

"At this time, I am representing the Bai family. Brother Tianhong, you and I are old acquaintances. I don't know much about the ancient seal here. Except for you and me, the others are from the big family of Ziyu Continent, although they are not as good as you. You Lanfeng Sect, but you know that immortals are destined by heaven, I hope Brother Tianhong will not force others to make things difficult for you."

'Bai Huazhen' was not aggressive at all, but talked with Taoist Tianhong with a negotiating attitude, and there was a bottomless breath when he spoke.

"It's actually the third prince of the Bai family. This person has no intention of hearing from my father. He is a genius that the Bai family has not produced in a thousand years. He is also the most powerful means of the Bai family to control the world. Except for the old ancestors of the Bai family and the rumored Apart from the emperor, this Bai Hua is really the number one master of the Bai family, and he is also one of the elders of the Xuanwu sect, he is incredible."

Ye Yun suddenly remembered the true origin of Bai Hua, and he sighed in his heart. Facing this person, he felt like an elephant and an ant. This person once cooperated with the Yan family. Maybe the Yan family was his pawn. Now Chi Yun The city is no longer dominated by the Yan family, and with the addition of Qin Qing, the genius of the Qin family, who is also the elder of the Xuanwu sect, he must have a very close relationship with the Qin family.

"Huh, Bai Huazhen, I have never heard of such a character. The Bai family has produced many geniuses. Now, besides the ancestors of the Bai family, the strong are gradually emerging. Xiaoyun, my Ye family wants to restore the old honor. The first enemies to be overthrown are the stumbling blocks of the Bai family and the Qin family."

Suddenly, Uncle Han's voice came from the back of his mind.

Ye Yun wondered: "Uncle Han, is it possible that the Patriarch of the Bai family is a strong man at the same time as you? If so, he was a fairy 3000 years ago, so isn't he now?"

"The patriarch of the Bai family, he was indeed a fairy at that time, but he was much weaker than him, and he was considered a genius. He must have made a breakthrough in the past 3000 years, and his strength has already reached the high-level level of a fairy. Immortal Realm, even the Xuanwu Sect will be destroyed."

"The Great Enemy!" Ye Yun only had these two words in his mind after hearing this.

"Now the situation is very good for you. Although Bai Huazhen dare not do anything to Lan Fengzong, but he will definitely take action to snatch the magic weapon. At that time, no one will care about you. Take the opportunity to leave. This ancient seal does not have any powerful magic weapon. Purple There are many ancient sealed places in the Jade Continent." Uncle Han confessed.

Ye Yun slowly developed a plan in his mind. What Uncle Han said was right, he has no ability to compete with them for the magic weapon now, and saving his life is the most important thing.

"We believe in Brother Bai, and ask Taoist Tianhong to break the seal with us."

As Bai Huazhen stood up, other strong family members also expressed their opinions one after another. Now for their small families, they can use Bai Huazhen to restrain Taoist Tianhong, let them restrain each other, and benefit from it.

The small family depends on the face of the Bai family, and more importantly, the face of Lan Fengzong. They can't afford to offend both of them.

"Since the third prince sincerely invites everyone, then we will work together to destroy the formation. Brother Bai, you and I have the highest cultivation here. The two of us will be the strikers and work together."

Taoist Tianhong stepped down a step for himself and everyone else, he nodded in agreement, and then came to Bai Huazhen's side, facing the huge ancient seal in front of him together.

"Such a huge seal is really rare. There must be countless treasures in it. Brother Tianhong, let's do it." Bai Huazhen pushed his hands, and the tyrannical qi began to burn, and the flaming zhenqi gathered towards the sky, illuminating the black sky. bright fire.

"go with!"

Taoist Tianhong pointed with a big hand, and then raised his palm to the sky. The dragon's true energy emerged again, and it merged with the flame's true energy controlled by Bai Huazhen, forming a majestic flame dragon.


Below, one after another of true energy shot into the flame dragon, dozens of them, everyone released their powerful true energy, they knew in their hearts that the ancient seal was extremely powerful, and only one blow would give them a chance. Use all your strength.

"What a powerful force. With this power, not to mention Scarlet Cloud City, even ten Scarlet Cloud Cities must be destroyed."

Looking at the flaming fire dragon in the sky, Ye Yun was completely shocked. Such power, which is human, seems to come from beyond the sky, from the legendary heavens.

"No, with such a terrifying power, if it explodes, I will definitely die, so I should back off, don't dare to be careless!" Ye Yun turned and flew back, finding a rock to hide under.

"Senior Ancient, open the door of convenience!"

Bai Hua is really like an ancient god of war, a noble god of war, who came from beyond the sky, he raised his hand to control the real flame dragon, looking at everything, galloping towards the ancient seal.


The heavens are not benevolent, and everything is a torch. At this moment, Fangfo is the anger of the heavens, and the flaming real dragon comes from the anger of the heavens. Fangfo upholds the will of the heavens and collides with the ancient seal. The power that erupts and destroys everything is the punishment from the heavens.

"Everyone, get out of the way!" Someone shouted, and all the ten flesh immortals retreated, even those as strong as earth immortals could not temporarily avoid the sharp edge.

The Flaming True Dragon, which gathered dozens of people, was actually comparable to the ancient seal. However, the ancient seal began to loosen. After all, it has experienced the torrent of the ages. The rumored immortal cannot possess immortality. With the history and the torrent, everything will be obliterated in time.

Under everyone's expectant and tense eyes, the ancient seal cracked like an egg, and the remnant flame dragon entered it in an instant, like a meat grinder going crazy in it, breaking all dangers.

Like this ancient seal, there are many traps, and many monks were buried in it. The most terrifying thing is the eternal seal, which is not as good as life and death.

In the end, only an afterimage of the real dragon was left. When the afterimage disappeared, the huge ancient seal disappeared, and a magnificent ruins of the ancient dojo appeared, but unfortunately, the ruins were already in dilapidated condition under the joint efforts of everyone. Blossoming lights flicker in the darkness, like the bright stars in the night sky.

"So many babies!"

A strong Earth Immortal stood up first and flew up impatiently.


The man had just moved less than one meter when a shocking burst of true energy pierced his body and exploded instantly. Then Feng Xinghen held the sword and laughed coldly: "It's just an ant."

"The Lanfeng Sect has made a move, everyone, hurry up, if you are one step late, all the treasures will be taken away by them. If you get a treasure, it can revitalize the whole family."

I don't know who actually provoked the majesty of Lan Fengzong, and as he shouted, those strong men who were afraid of Lan Fengzong rushed forward one after another, and confronted Lan Fengzong head-on.

"Haha, there is actually a bargain, brothers, go down and share the cup!"

At this time, more than a dozen mighty warriors wearing golden battle suits flew from the direction of Broken Sword City. The leader was a young general whose battle aura actually caused the void to sway.

"Even the strong men from Broken Sword City are here. If it's too late, there will be no chance!" Some people on the ground waited and watched the strong men, and immediately flew towards the ruins when they saw the golden-armored monk.

"Broken Sword City is not under the management of the Baiyu Dynasty. It is an overlord. Come on, the more you come, the better. I can go too!"

Ye Yun slowly leaned towards the forest, blood was flowing in rivers in front of him, Lan Fengzong, Bai Family and other forces were fighting together, killing anyone they saw, especially on the ancient ruins, the killing was fierce.


A violent explosion suddenly occurred in the ancient ruins, and many monks died on the spot, including a few gold monks in Broken Sword City.


As the aftermath of the explosion spread, a faint ray of light fell from the high-altitude explosion, just in front of Ye Yun who was about to leave.

"what is this?"

Ye Yun stretched out his hand to grab it, and saw that he was holding a small bronze-like tube in his hand, like an ordinary pen holder, the size of a fist, less than a foot long, and there seemed to be something inside.

"That kid is so lucky, kill!"

"What he holds is mine!"

There are quite a few weak flesh immortals who did not participate in the competition for the magic weapon. They knew that going up would be a dead end, and they couldn't make a move in front of the earth immortal. They could only wait for the opportunity on the ground. When a magic weapon flew out from the ancient ruins and landed in the hands of Ye Yun, a weak person, their chance came.

"Damn, I can't dodge it even if I want to, but since I got it, it's mine. If you think I'm weak, let you kill each other first. When the best time comes, don't blame others!"

Ye Yun didn't hesitate any longer, he held the magic weapon and flew towards Broken Sword City, he had to leave the interior of Broken Sword, once he went out, he could avoid the threat.


Seven or eight monks of the tenth level of meat immortals were unwilling to chase after them, and some even started to fight as soon as they set off.

Those earth immortals around the ancient ruins, how could they notice the movement of the weak flesh immortals on the ground, their eyes fell on the ruins, and the dazzling brilliance left only endless killing and greed.

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