The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 34 Accidents Follow Accidents


The figures are like stars, passing through the sunless jungle. After the wind blows, the sky is full of leaves, swaying and floating in the air, mixing with the sea of ​​fog.

"Inner seal."

Astonishing momentum suddenly landed, Ye Yun stabilized his figure, in front of him was the sealed light film inside the Broken Sword Mountain Range, once he broke through, Ye Yun was like a fish entering the sea, looking back: "The fight is still going on, and you follow so fast."

A huge overlord's fist condensed from Ye Yun's back, and smashed heavily on the seal, unexpectedly forcibly tore a hole in the seal, and Ye Yun flew out immediately.


The moment a tenth-layer strong man flew to the front of the sealing light film, his chest was pierced by a sword light of true energy. After landing, a [-]-year-old man searched the body and found a few demon crystal cores. On the seal: "This kid's fifth-level cultivation base is so low. He can break the seal. I thought it was a soft persimmon, but it's a bit heavy. Could it be that he has an immortal magic weapon, otherwise how could he break through the seal?"

The old man couldn't figure it out after much deliberation. Generally speaking, it is impossible for the fifth-layer meat fairy to have peak power. It has been rare since ancient times. It is just a rumored ancient genius. There is only one explanation, which is to have a magic weapon.


At this time, two strong men covered in blood flew out. They ignored the old man below, and directly released powerful qi to break the seal, and flew out one after another.

"If you want to snatch the old man's prey, you are not qualified." The old man leaped high, and shot out from the weak circle that the two broke through, leaving a long tail of zhenqi lingering in the void.

Outside the Broken Sword Mountain Range, under the vast peaks, there is an incomparably huge ancient vine that reaches the sky.

"These three people are following closely, let them kill each other quickly, hmph..."

Ye Yun stood on a vine leaf as big as a bed, using his true energy to control his body weight, looking at the void behind him, three shocking auras were flying towards him: "Let's end it."

"Stinky boy, you've run out of true energy, quickly give me the magic weapon in your hand, and it will surely save your life."

First, a middle-aged monk arrived. This person was so fast and had a huge amount of real energy. When he landed, the terrifying aura he carried caused the cliffs and rocks to fly away.

Ye Yun looked at the middle-aged man flatly: "If I leave it to you, will you really let me go?"

"I can't give it to him, to this old man. This old man is the elder of the Yan family, and the Yan family is comparable to the Bai family." The seventy-year-old man landed at the same time as another monk in his early fifties, and they all stared at the first person who arrived first. of middle-aged people.

"Every one of you wants to get the magic weapon in my hand, but it's a pity that there is only one copy of the magic weapon. Today I also know that with my level of cultivation, I will be dead anyway, and I can't help it. In short, there is only one copy of the magic weapon. Come and get it." Ye Yun opened his palm, and the strange cylindrical magic weapon appeared in front of the three of them.

"Xiu Qi, even Brother Yue's family is one of the few. The dignified Yue family is bigger than the Qin family. The Qin family has never heard of Xiu Qi. Otherwise, they would have dominated Chiyun City long ago. How could they be inferior to the Yan family? The families behind these three people are all similar to the Yan family, even if they have a repair tool, they can increase the status of the family several times, and even be valued by the Xuanwu Sect."

Ye Yun thought carefully in his heart.

"Yan Yunao, this kid is weird, not to mention magic weapons, just talking about his speed and strength, he can break the seal, the power of the seal is best understood by you and me, and also, he can mix with Lan Fengzong , the status is even more serious." The middle-aged man's attitude changed 180 degrees, and he pointed the finger at Ye Yun instead of fighting with the two immediately.

"Boy Ji, you're smart now."

The sixty-year-old man standing next to the old man surnamed Yan suddenly looked at the middle-aged man: "Ji Tianyi, now the three of us join hands to kill this man, and then discuss who should get the magic weapon? You don't believe me, don't you believe it?" Brother Yun Ao?"

The eyes of the middle-aged man 'Ji Tianyi' moved, and he immediately looked at the old man surnamed Yan: "Yan Yunao, since Liu Fan said so, what do you think, you are the most cultivated and most respected among the three of us, I will listen to you yes."

"What the hell are these three people doing? Especially the monk named Liu Fan, who proposed to unite together, and that Ji Tianyi asked Yan Yunao's opinion beside him..."

Ye Yun regarded himself as a bystander, and suddenly felt that something was wrong. He felt that the three of them were not targeting him, and the three of them seemed to be restraining each other, or there was some kind of conspiracy.

What is wrong, Ye Yun can't say, in short, the three of them are not really united, they have their own ghosts, each of them is cunning and cunning, with a poisonous heart.

Yan Yunao, the oldest, glanced at the two of them and thought about it: "Since everyone agrees with each other, let's take down this kid first. Apart from the ancient repair tool in his hand, there must be something extraordinary on him. Kill him!" Finally, divide the baby equally, and if there is a loser, you can trade other items."

"Okay, it's up to you, I'll do it first."

Standing beside Yan Yunao, Liu Fan had a sharp face and long brows, and was quite scheming. Among the three, he was the first to grab Ye Yun with five claws, like an eagle catching a chicken. , in his eyes, Ye Yun is not a chick, but a chicken that has been stewed deliciously.

"It's the last thing I want to see the three of them unite. Now there is no room for retreat. With one battle against three, today is destined to stain the sky with blood."

Facing Liu Fan's fierce attack, Ye Yun was determined to fight to the death.

"Liu Fan, I'll help you!"

On the other side, Ji Tianyi seemed unwilling to reconcile with Liu Fan, and he didn't believe in this person. He was afraid that Liu Fan would capture Ye Yun and get all the treasures alone, so he roared and rushed up.

Liu Fan, who was flying, suddenly turned his eyes, and a small sword appeared in his hand. He turned around abruptly, and killed Ji Tianyi who was flying over with lightning speed.

Unprepared, this Liu Fan is really scheming.

Ji Tianyi's face darkened, as if he didn't expect Liu Fan to be so despicable: "Liu Fan, I already knew that you are not a good guy, and you actually want to steal treasures by yourself. When I join forces with Yan Lao, I will definitely beat you up!" .”

call out!

Suddenly there was a strange sound of breaking wind in the air. The moment Ji Tianyi was dodging Liu Fan's attack, his face became extremely terrified. Unfortunately, it was too late. Behind him, a burst of true energy penetrated his head and shot out a fist-sized * ***, Ji Tianyi didn't even leave his last words, he fell to the ground and became a corpse.

"Haha, brat, you deserve to die. Lao Yan and I have already discussed how to deal with you on the way here, bah." Liu Fan landed next to the corpse and kicked hard to relieve his hatred.

Yan Yunao appeared on the side strangely, and said to Liu Fan indifferently: "Brother Fan, now this person has been eliminated according to the previous plan, should you fulfill your promise?"

"This is the Heart of Blood Wing, let's go on."

Liu Fan took out a black object, with an evil smell, like a living object wriggling, disgusted, and threw it directly to Yan Yunao.

"It turns out that Liu Fan and that old man Yan had already planned everything on the way here. The two joined hands to kill Ji Tianyi first, and Liu Fan also promised to take out a treasure as a condition. After all this coming and going, everything is wrong." Elder Yan gets benefits all by himself, this Elder Yan is really scary." After thinking about it, Ye Yun finally saw the clues, it turned out that everything was planned by others, and Ji Tianyi and Hu were seeking a dead end.

"that's it."

Catching the evil object, Yan Yunao showed a greedy smile, as if he had been looking for this thing for thousands of years, it was extremely precious to him, and he couldn't stop playing with his hand. At this moment, a puff of black smoke was released from the evil object, wrapping it instantly Old Yan, it's really hard to guard against.

Liu Fan was murderous, his teeth itching with hatred: "Yan Yunao, you actually want this evil thing. In fact, I have already poisoned it. I already knew that even if I gave you this thing, you would not let it go in vain. If you beat me, it's better... to start first."

"is it?"

At this time, the black smoke was suddenly sucked into Yan Yunao's mouth. It was unbelievable. Seeing this scene, Liu Fan's jaw almost dropped. He suddenly opened his eyes wide and pointed at Yan Yunao who was swallowing the black smoke: "You, you Actually practicing evil ways, could it be the poisonous kung fu passed down by your Yan family in ancient times?"

"You have some knowledge, and this old man can't bear to kill you. As you can imagine, the ancestors of my Yan family have been studying this poisonous art, and it was finally developed in my generation. Haha, the supreme poisonous art, the key to poison cultivation Carry it forward in my Yan family, and when the time comes to rule the world and establish a dynasty, it will last forever." Yan Yunao roared eeriely, the skin on his face turned red and black, his eyes turned black, and black evil power emanated from his body. Buddha came from hell.

"The Yan family dares to defy the heavens and practice evil, and it will definitely be destroyed by the righteous way..." Liu Fan had no choice but to become a fish to be slaughtered, and he was already out of breath.

"Poison repair?"

"It seems that my knowledge of cultivation is still too little, and I have never even heard of poison cultivators. It seems that this old monster of the Yan family is not as simple as it seems. Now his strength has climbed to the peak of the meat fairy, even comparable to the Lanfeng sect. Some Earth Immortal monks are at the level, this is tricky!"

Ye Yun took a deep breath, with a high degree of concentration, every time he took a breath, he felt that he was the only one in the world, but the evil power of the old monster of the Yan family made him a little uneasy.

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