The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 332 Breaking through the Heaven-reaching Realm 【Part [-]】

Everything inside the Taiyi Continent is peaceful. Countless monks, after breaking through again and again, have skyrocketed in cultivation, and some geniuses have broken through more than a dozen realms again and again.

Characters such as Yue Li, Jing Wuming, Ye Man, and Yin Yuanchu are in the Human Immortal Realm. Now, each of them has broken through to the high-level Human Immortal, the eighth or even tenth level, and is only one step away from the Heaven-reaching Realm, while Zhang Kun, Huangfu Fei has completely nirvana, stepped into the Heaven-reaching Realm, and thousands of monks in the Heaven-reaching Realm were born.

All the monks and lives have benefited from the promotion, but everyone is still sitting cross-legged in the void, because Ye Yun transmitted the voice to everyone, and the last moment of the continent's promotion to the planet is coming. This is the biggest opportunity. A monk in the fairyland, preparing to be promoted to the Tongtian Realm.

A large number of Heaven-reaching realms were born, and there were also quite a few Breaking Immortals. Many masters of the Divine Continent sects are themselves high-level Tongtians. Originally, there would never be hope for breaking the Shattering Immortals. However, they now hope that at the last moment, they will release all Strength, along with the promotion of the mainland.

Especially the giants, Fang Sheng, Fang Hong and others, this promotion, each of them has broken through several layers of cultivation, reaching the ninth and tenth ranks of the Tongtian Realm, and Fang Sheng himself is the tenth rank of the Tongtian. He is a giant, a descendant of a god, and it is a million times more difficult to break through than anyone else. But now, Fang Sheng is ready to be promoted to the Breaking Immortal Realm. Once he succeeds, Fang Sheng will break through the Immortal Realm and slaughter the invincible.

In the soil of the mainland, there are countless spiritual substances, and many spiritual stones are formed. Every inch of the land is full of spiritual energy, and the whole continent has expanded by one third.

The world stopped breathing, and everyone was waiting for the final moment of nirvana.

The crystal wall system of the Taiyi Continent is being crazily poured in by high-level star field energy. If a large amount of mysterious matter is involved in the crystal wall system like a storm, and the crystal wall system is blown to pieces again and again, the crystal wall system is not broken by this, but It becomes stronger and stronger, continuously absorbing high-level energy, and becoming stronger layer by layer.

Now, the Taiyi Continent has come to the high-level star field, even much higher than the Dynasty Star, like a piece of spongy, devouring the energy of heaven and earth like a whale swallowing fish and shrimp.

This kind of devouring has not stopped, and it will slowly stop after the Taiyi Continent is fully integrated with high-level energy and highly balanced with the star field.

"Hengjing Immortal Jade has transformed into Chenqu Shenyu, possessing the prototype of the core of the planet... It is really slow for Taiyi Continent to absorb space energy and self-promote the planet, only..."

Ye Yun stared at the Taiyi Continent, in the midst of the energy storm, and thought quietly: "In addition to the energy of the Holy Sky Starfield, it itself has been swallowed up by the plane storm, and cannot provide enough energy for Taiyi to The mainland can be promoted to a planet as soon as possible, only a drop of '33 Tianvine' energy can be dropped into the Taiyi Continent, and it can be directly promoted!"

In the depths of Ye Yun's dantian, there is a fetish of the age of the gods, the 33-day vine.

33. The root of the vine is in hell, the middle is in the center of the universe, and the canopy is in the highest heaven. 33. The vine has the most mysterious energy in the universe, representing life and hope. In ancient times, it was the most revered fetish of gods and demons. The demon will also devoutly offer 33 days of vines.

Although the 33-day vine is still a bud, a drop of energy can still be extracted, and it doesn't have much effect on the 33-day vine bud, but for the Taiyi Continent, it is equivalent to directly injecting vitality, allowing the continent to be promoted to the planet in an instant. Chenqu Shenyu, the core of the planet, is thriving.

In fact, Ye Yun's body already contained 33 days of vine energy, and this time he was able to be promoted to the mainland smoothly, thanks to the mysterious energy of 33 days of vines, which provided great life force for the mainland and Ye Yun.

Otherwise, with human power alone, how could a continent be filled with vitality and be promoted to a planet? This is no longer the power of humans or immortals, but ancient gods.

"Chi Yun, you have also entered the continent. I am going to inject a drop of 33 days of vine energy into it. Not only will the continent be promoted to a planet immediately, but all life forms will also transform their life genes!"

Suddenly, Ye Yun turned around and looked at Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable who was sitting cross-legged in the void.

"33 vines? Haha, boss, you are too extravagant. The Taiyi Continent can become a continent by itself, and you are willing to give up the energy of 33 vines. Well, with the energy of 33 vines, I can instantly refine the last power of the true immortal. Ha ha!"

From the depths of the star field, the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable screamed wildly, and then, like a phantom, he crossed the sky, covered the sky and blocked the sun, and entered the Taiyi Continent.

"From now on, the Taiyi Continent will be my origin, and in the future, 33 vines will be placed in the continent to revive the ancient gods. From the beginning of time, the Taiyi Continent will not only be promoted to planets, but also planes, Promoted to the fairy world..."

Using the energy of 33 days of vines to promote the promotion speed of the Taiyi Continent, Ye Yun thought of more than this point, the original source of the Taiyi Continent has already merged with Ye Yun, and kept the clone in the continent forever. In the future, the Taiyi Continent will not It will be just a planet, but a huge plane, even beyond the highest plane of the fairy world.

The 33-day vine is an ancient god, which once connected the universe hell and the sky. The ancient era has come to an end. Ye Yun plans to use the 33-day vine to form a new world in the Taiyi Continent. This world, with the 33-day vine, will definitely be in the future. will be first world.

Now use a drop of 33 days of vine energy to first fuse with the origin of the Taiyi continent, let the 33 days of vines merge with the mainland, then the 33 days of vines can absorb the energy of the Taiyi continent, and continue to grow, from a bud to a small tree, Finally, it becomes a towering tree.

This is a long process, it doesn't happen overnight, from now on, Ye Yun is brewing this terrifying plan in his heart, owning his own world, surpassing the plane of all beings in the fairy world, and creating independent laws.

Slowly stretch out your index finger, pointing to the Taiyi Continent, gradually a drop of golden energy with greenish-blue light appeared on the fingertips, and then, as Ye Yun volleyed slightly, the sacred green light dripped into the Taiyi Continent .


33 The mysterious energy of Tianteng, like starlight falling on the crystal wall system of Taiyi Continent, is like a drop of water, gently dripping on the calm face, making a crisp and sweet ticking sound.


In an instant, a wave of energy from ancient times swept across the Taiyi Continent like a flood, falling from the sky, and every corner was watered by the energy of 33 vines.

Crackling! ! !

Countless monks sensed this power, and their bodies suddenly exploded. They began to be cut and washed by the ancient energy, completely changing the life genes. From then on, their bodies possessed the ancient divine aura. Achievement is supreme.

"It is worthy of the energy of the 33-day vine. Although it is very weak, it has fundamentally changed the body's genes. It is not the increase in strength, but the continuous improvement of the body's genes!"

In a black flame, outside the body of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, there was a real immortal body floating. At the moment when the energy of the 33-day vine descended, Chi Yun Demon Venerable's body turned into thousands of magic lights, which directly shot into the body of the real immortal , the whole body gradually turned into magic light, and finally, the tall body of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable was restored.

"What kind of energy is this? My body's genes are actually ten times stronger than before... ten times... I, Ximen Potian, finally have the hope of breaking through the eighth, ninth, tenth, and even stepping into the immortal way, achieving immortality !"

Above the calm sea area, thousands of sword lights suddenly merged into one, like the morning glow, forming Ximen Potian's real body in the sky, his pupils released two vertical sword intents, and the sword intents were burning.

33 Tianvine energy finally covered the continent and merged into the depths of the earth, into the Chenqu Divine Jade. In an instant, the Chenqu Divine Jade turned into grains of holy light, penetrating into layers of soil on the continent. The entire continent, spiritual matter , suddenly swelled, every inch of soil began to become spirit stones, and the area of ​​the continent expanded by one-third again.

At this moment, the crystal wall system of the Taiyi Continent turned into a circle, and the continent became a grain of light. As the continent was promoted to a planet, all the monks finally broke through, spread their arms, let their bodies merge with the planet, and absorb the high-level energy of the planet , to cut the hair and wash the marrow of the body.


Immediately afterwards, an ancient Hong sound rolled from heaven and earth, and a huge body stepped out from the void, followed by a huge body, the leader of which was none other than Fang Sheng, a giant clan.

Fang Sheng's skin glowed with a holy golden light, and the whole body was flowing with golden blood. His skin was almost transparent, and their pupils glowed like a scorching sun.

Behind Fang Sheng there were giants, about a hundred of them, and each of them became hundreds of feet taller, ten times bigger than before. Their bodies ooze out streaks of black-gold impurities, and these impurities fall into the soil. Even the soil turned into a golden substance.

"Oh my god, giants, giants support the sky..."

Humans who don't know the identity of giants, no matter where they are in the mainland, they have seen tall giants with straight spines, which seem to support the world. The aura emanating from them is earth-shattering. Moreover, this aura completely suppresses any breath in the mainland. .

The giant exudes the supreme aura.

Soon the bodies of the giants shrank, and they became about the size of normal people. About two meters away, Fang Sheng also broke through the Immortal Realm. His imposing manner is more majestic than anyone else, and he is worthy of being a genius among giants.

33 Tianteng energy itself is a fetish that was supported, convinced, and blessed by gods and demons in ancient times. It contains the blessings of gods, demon gods, and countless gods. A drop of energy itself contains the power of gods.

The giant warriors like Fang Sheng had already become mortals in the lower realm. Their life genes would never have awakened if they hadn't met Ye Yun. Now, with the blessing of 33 days of vine energy, they completely awakened their descendant genes.

"Boss, these giants have absorbed 33 days of vine energy, and their life genes have begun to awaken. From now on, each of these giants will become fierce fighters, and no one can stop them!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable flew out from his continent, and now he has fully integrated the power of a true immortal, and appeared beside Ye Yun in the blink of an eye like walking on flat ground in the star field.

"They are the descendants of the gods, and they must be awakened after getting 33 days of vine energy!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Yun couldn't hide his excitement. In this way, Ye Yun has an extra God of War invincible power in his hands. These giants are all warriors among the ancient gods, and they will become gods in the future. Peerless character.

"Planet Taiyi is taking shape, Chi Yun, you guard the planet for me, now I want to break through to the Heavenly Realm..."

Ye Yun suddenly turned around, and crossed the star field with his whole body, came to a star field far away from Chao Dynasty star and Taiyi star, and then entered a planet with only bare rocks left, standing on the star's bare rocks, Ye Yun turned around slowly, Facing countless lifeless floating planets, Ye Yun is ready to start his journey.

For Ye Yun, the Heaven-reaching Realm is a catastrophe a hundred times more difficult than the human fairyland. The Heaven-reaching Realm is very important. It is a great difficulty for stepping into the fairyland and being recognized by the heavens. It is a thousand times more difficult, and its destructive power is also huge.

"Clone, come on!"

Facing the direction of Taiyi Continent, Ye Yun slammed a dharma seal, and then, the clone flew out of the continent and came to Ye Yun in an instant.

At the moment when the planet was formed, Ye Yun and his avatar had broken through the tenth rank of Human Immortal. Next, everything was prepared for the Heaven-reaching Realm. , the whole planet began to tremble slightly, as if it felt that some destructive power was coming.

Moreover, in the surrounding empty and silent star field, there are also slight interstellar storms.

"It seems that the energy of the 33 vines not only promotes the Taiyi Continent to the Taiyi Planet, but also completely changes the energy elements of the entire Holy Sky Starfield... It won't be long before the Holy Sky Starfield, no, the Taiyi Starfield will return to its normal energy state !"

Feeling the slight change in the interstellar space, Ye Yun was very pleased. Once the star field reaches a normal energy state, the entire star field that has become a meteorite planet will slowly recover its life form.

As Ye Yun released his power, on the planet, in the transparent star field, a vortex of catastrophe appeared, which was as huge as a planet, spinning continuously, and the galaxy looked distorted and empty.

"What a strong catastrophe...It's even more powerful than my catastrophe back then..."

In the distance, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable floating above the Taiyi planet, looked calmly at a star cup catastrophe in the distance, and couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable is very knowledgeable, although a mere mortal is nothing, but he has seen with his own eyes how Ye Yun used the Heavenly Tribulation to deal with him. Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable can ignore any mortal, but he has to care about Ye Yun .Everything inside the Taiyi Continent is peaceful. Countless monks, after breaking through again and again, have skyrocketed in cultivation, and some geniuses have broken through more than a dozen realms again and again.

Characters such as Yue Li, Jing Wuming, Ye Man, and Yin Yuanchu are in the Human Immortal Realm. Now, each of them has broken through to the high-level Human Immortal, the eighth or even tenth level, and is only one step away from the Heaven-reaching Realm, while Zhang Kun, Huangfu Fei has completely nirvana, stepped into the Heaven-reaching Realm, and thousands of monks in the Heaven-reaching Realm were born.

All the monks and lives have benefited from the promotion, but everyone is still sitting cross-legged in the void, because Ye Yun transmitted the voice to everyone, and the last moment of the continent's promotion to the planet is coming. This is the biggest opportunity. A monk in the fairyland, preparing to be promoted to the Tongtian Realm.

A large number of Heaven-reaching realms were born, and there were also quite a few Breaking Immortals. Many masters of the Divine Continent sects are themselves high-level Tongtians. Originally, there would never be hope for breaking the Shattering Immortals. However, they now hope that at the last moment, they will release all Strength, along with the promotion of the mainland.

Especially the giants, Fang Sheng, Fang Hong and others, this promotion, each of them has broken through several layers of cultivation, reaching the ninth and tenth ranks of the Tongtian Realm, and Fang Sheng himself is the tenth rank of the Tongtian. He is a giant, a descendant of a god, and it is a million times more difficult to break through than anyone else. But now, Fang Sheng is ready to be promoted to the Breaking Immortal Realm. Once he succeeds, Fang Sheng will break through the Immortal Realm and slaughter the invincible.

In the soil of the mainland, there are countless spiritual substances, and many spiritual stones are formed. Every inch of the land is full of spiritual energy, and the whole continent has expanded by one third.

The world stopped breathing, and everyone was waiting for the final moment of nirvana.

The crystal wall system of the Taiyi Continent is being crazily poured in by high-level star field energy. If a large amount of mysterious matter is involved in the crystal wall system like a storm, and the crystal wall system is blown to pieces again and again, the crystal wall system is not broken by this, but It becomes stronger and stronger, continuously absorbing high-level energy, and becoming stronger layer by layer.

Now, the Taiyi Continent has come to the high-level star field, even much higher than the Dynasty Star, like a piece of spongy, devouring the energy of heaven and earth like a whale swallowing fish and shrimp.

This kind of devouring has not stopped, and it will slowly stop after the Taiyi Continent is fully integrated with high-level energy and highly balanced with the star field.

"Hengjing Immortal Jade has transformed into Chenqu Shenyu, possessing the prototype of the core of the planet... It is really slow for Taiyi Continent to absorb space energy and self-promote the planet, only..."

Ye Yun stared at the Taiyi Continent, in the midst of the energy storm, and thought quietly: "In addition to the energy of the Holy Sky Starfield, it itself has been swallowed up by the plane storm, and cannot provide enough energy for Taiyi to The mainland can be promoted to a planet as soon as possible, only a drop of '33 Tianvine' energy can be dropped into the Taiyi Continent, and it can be directly promoted!"

In the depths of Ye Yun's dantian, there is a fetish of the age of the gods, the 33-day vine.

33. The root of the vine is in hell, the middle is in the center of the universe, and the canopy is in the highest heaven. 33. The vine has the most mysterious energy in the universe, representing life and hope. In ancient times, it was the most revered fetish of gods and demons. The demon will also devoutly offer 33 days of vines.

Although the 33-day vine is still a bud, a drop of energy can still be extracted, and it doesn't have much effect on the 33-day vine bud, but for the Taiyi Continent, it is equivalent to directly injecting vitality, allowing the continent to be promoted to the planet in an instant. Chenqu Shenyu, the core of the planet, is thriving.

In fact, Ye Yun's body already contained 33 days of vine energy, and this time he was able to be promoted to the mainland smoothly, thanks to the mysterious energy of 33 days of vines, which provided great life force for the mainland and Ye Yun.

Otherwise, with human power alone, how could a continent be filled with vitality and be promoted to a planet? This is no longer the power of humans or immortals, but ancient gods.

"Chi Yun, you have also entered the continent. I am going to inject a drop of 33 days of vine energy into it. Not only will the continent be promoted to a planet immediately, but all life forms will also transform their life genes!"

Suddenly, Ye Yun turned around and looked at Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable who was sitting cross-legged in the void.

"33 vines? Haha, boss, you are too extravagant. The Taiyi Continent can become a continent by itself, and you are willing to give up the energy of 33 vines. Well, with the energy of 33 vines, I can instantly refine the last power of the true immortal. Ha ha!"

From the depths of the star field, the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable screamed wildly, and then, like a phantom, he crossed the sky, covered the sky and blocked the sun, and entered the Taiyi Continent.

"From now on, the Taiyi Continent will be my origin, and in the future, 33 vines will be placed in the continent to revive the ancient gods. From the beginning of time, the Taiyi Continent will not only be promoted to planets, but also planes, Promoted to the fairy world..."

Using the energy of 33 days of vines to promote the promotion speed of the Taiyi Continent, Ye Yun thought of more than this point, the original source of the Taiyi Continent has already merged with Ye Yun, and kept the clone in the continent forever. In the future, the Taiyi Continent will not It will be just a planet, but a huge plane, even beyond the highest plane of the fairy world.

The 33-day vine is an ancient god, which once connected the universe hell and the sky. The ancient era has come to an end. Ye Yun plans to use the 33-day vine to form a new world in the Taiyi Continent. This world, with the 33-day vine, will definitely be in the future. will be first world.

Now use a drop of 33 days of vine energy to first fuse with the origin of the Taiyi continent, let the 33 days of vines merge with the mainland, then the 33 days of vines can absorb the energy of the Taiyi continent, and continue to grow, from a bud to a small tree, Finally, it becomes a towering tree.

This is a long process, it doesn't happen overnight, from now on, Ye Yun is brewing this terrifying plan in his heart, owning his own world, surpassing the plane of all beings in the fairy world, and creating independent laws.

Slowly stretch out your index finger, pointing to the Taiyi Continent, gradually a drop of golden energy with greenish-blue light appeared on the fingertips, and then, as Ye Yun volleyed slightly, the sacred green light dripped into the Taiyi Continent .


33 The mysterious energy of Tianteng, like starlight falling on the crystal wall system of Taiyi Continent, is like a drop of water, gently dripping on the calm face, making a crisp and sweet ticking sound.


In an instant, a wave of energy from ancient times swept across the Taiyi Continent like a flood, falling from the sky, and every corner was watered by the energy of 33 vines.

Crackling! ! !

Countless monks sensed this power, and their bodies suddenly exploded. They began to be cut and washed by the ancient energy, completely changing the life genes. From then on, their bodies possessed the ancient divine aura. Achievement is supreme.

"It is worthy of the energy of the 33-day vine. Although it is very weak, it has fundamentally changed the body's genes. It is not the increase in strength, but the continuous improvement of the body's genes!"

In a black flame, outside the body of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, there was a real immortal body floating. At the moment when the energy of the 33-day vine descended, Chi Yun Demon Venerable's body turned into thousands of magic lights, which directly shot into the body of the real immortal , the whole body gradually turned into magic light, and finally, the tall body of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable was restored.

"What kind of energy is this? My body's genes are actually ten times stronger than before... ten times... I, Ximen Potian, finally have the hope of breaking through the eighth, ninth, tenth, and even stepping into the immortal way, achieving immortality !"

Above the calm sea area, thousands of sword lights suddenly merged into one, like the morning glow, forming Ximen Potian's real body in the sky, his pupils released two vertical sword intents, and the sword intents were burning.

33 Tianvine energy finally covered the continent and merged into the depths of the earth, into the Chenqu Divine Jade. In an instant, the Chenqu Divine Jade turned into grains of holy light, penetrating into layers of soil on the continent. The entire continent, spiritual matter , suddenly swelled, every inch of soil began to become spirit stones, and the area of ​​the continent expanded by one-third again.

At this moment, the crystal wall system of the Taiyi Continent turned into a circle, and the continent became a grain of light. As the continent was promoted to a planet, all the monks finally broke through, spread their arms, let their bodies merge with the planet, and absorb the high-level energy of the planet , to cut the hair and wash the marrow of the body.


Immediately afterwards, an ancient Hong sound rolled from heaven and earth, and a huge body stepped out from the void, followed by a huge body, the leader of which was none other than Fang Sheng, a giant clan.

Fang Sheng's skin glowed with a holy golden light, and the whole body was flowing with golden blood. His skin was almost transparent, and their pupils glowed like a scorching sun.

Behind Fang Sheng there were giants, about a hundred of them, and each of them became hundreds of feet taller, ten times bigger than before. Their bodies ooze out streaks of black-gold impurities, and these impurities fall into the soil. Even the soil turned into a golden substance.

"Oh my god, giants, giants support the sky..."

Humans who don't know the identity of giants, no matter where they are in the mainland, they have seen tall giants with straight spines, which seem to support the world. The aura emanating from them is earth-shattering. Moreover, this aura completely suppresses any breath in the mainland. .

The giant exudes the supreme aura.

Soon the bodies of the giants shrank, and they became about the size of normal people. About two meters away, Fang Sheng also broke through the Immortal Realm. His imposing manner is more majestic than anyone else, and he is worthy of being a genius among giants.

33 Tianteng energy itself is a fetish that was supported, convinced, and blessed by gods and demons in ancient times. It contains the blessings of gods, demon gods, and countless gods. A drop of energy itself contains the power of gods.

The giant warriors like Fang Sheng had already become mortals in the lower realm. Their life genes would never have awakened if they hadn't met Ye Yun. Now, with the blessing of 33 days of vine energy, they completely awakened their descendant genes.

"Boss, these giants have absorbed 33 days of vine energy, and their life genes have begun to awaken. From now on, each of these giants will become fierce fighters, and no one can stop them!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable flew out from his continent, and now he has fully integrated the power of a true immortal, and appeared beside Ye Yun in the blink of an eye like walking on flat ground in the star field.

"They are the descendants of the gods, and they must be awakened after getting 33 days of vine energy!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Yun couldn't hide his excitement. In this way, Ye Yun has an extra God of War invincible power in his hands. These giants are all warriors among the ancient gods, and they will become gods in the future. Peerless character.

"Planet Taiyi is taking shape, Chi Yun, you guard the planet for me, now I want to break through to the Heavenly Realm..."

Ye Yun suddenly turned around, and crossed the star field with his whole body, came to a star field far away from Chao Dynasty star and Taiyi star, and then entered a planet with only bare rocks left, standing on the star's bare rocks, Ye Yun turned around slowly, Facing countless lifeless floating planets, Ye Yun is ready to start his journey.

For Ye Yun, the Heaven-reaching Realm is a catastrophe a hundred times more difficult than the human fairyland. The Heaven-reaching Realm is very important. It is a great difficulty for stepping into the fairyland and being recognized by the heavens. It is a thousand times more difficult, and its destructive power is also huge.

"Clone, come on!"

Facing the direction of Taiyi Continent, Ye Yun slammed a dharma seal, and then, the clone flew out of the continent and came to Ye Yun in an instant.

At the moment when the planet was formed, Ye Yun and his avatar had broken through the tenth rank of Human Immortal. Next, everything was prepared for the Heaven-reaching Realm. , the whole planet began to tremble slightly, as if it felt that some destructive power was coming.

Moreover, in the surrounding empty and silent star field, there are also slight interstellar storms.

"It seems that the energy of the 33 vines not only promotes the Taiyi Continent to the Taiyi Planet, but also completely changes the energy elements of the entire Holy Sky Starfield... It won't be long before the Holy Sky Starfield, no, the Taiyi Starfield will return to its normal energy state !"

Feeling the slight change in the interstellar space, Ye Yun was very pleased. Once the star field reaches a normal energy state, the entire star field that has become a meteorite planet will slowly recover its life form.

As Ye Yun released his power, on the planet, in the transparent star field, a vortex of catastrophe appeared, which was as huge as a planet, spinning continuously, and the galaxy looked distorted and empty.

"What a strong catastrophe...It's even more powerful than my catastrophe back then..."

In the distance, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable floating above the Taiyi planet, looked calmly at a star cup catastrophe in the distance, and couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable is very knowledgeable, although a mere mortal is nothing, but he has seen with his own eyes how Ye Yun used the Heavenly Tribulation to deal with him. Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable can ignore any mortal, but he has to care about Ye Yun .

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