It took three full days to reach the Shenzhou Starfield from the Troll Heaven.

When he came to the center of the Shenzhou star field, Ye Yun chose the meteorite to land, and this time he returned to the Shenzhou Xianyuan, Ye Yun wanted to lure out all the enemies and destroy them all. The key point, Ye Yun wanted to lure Utona, and pull out the Yaohuang Mountain from his mouth. 'Jing Shao' secret.

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy can help you win a hundred battles.

Huayunxing is controlled by the Hua family, established the powerful Hualong Empire, and controlled several surrounding planets. In the Shenzhou star field, it is also considered a first-class family, and has a fairy student like Hua Jingyu, and its status in the Shenzhou Xianyuan is even higher. sublime.

"It's not strange to come to Huayunxing again after so many years. There is a teleportation array in front of me. I don't know if Hua Hongwu, Hua Shancen and Hua Jingyu have ordered to pay attention to my whereabouts!"

"People from the Hua family are all people who will take revenge. They will not let others insult them, especially Hua Jingyu. Back then, I made him make a fool of himself in front of everyone in the central dojo. With his status and Personality, I will definitely order the entire Hua family to secretly watch my every move!"

"Hua Jingyu... Do you want to be the first poor person to practice my skills after breaking through to the Heaven-reaching Realm..." With a faint smile, walking in the crowded crowd, all eyes were on Ye Yun.

Because Ye Yun was wearing a yellow cloud Taoist robe, it was difficult not to cause a sensation in this Shenzhou Starfield.

"This senior brother is Zhang Hao. I don't know where the senior brother is going. Can you go all the way?"

Sure enough, Ye Yun's trick of throwing stones at attracting jade has played a role. There are a large number of students from Shenzhou Xianyuan in Huayunxing. No, more than a dozen disciples wearing yellow robes took the initiative to make friends with Ye Yun.

Ye Yun is a student of the throne, his status is a bit higher than these students of the holy position, and his cultivation level is also much higher. These students of the holy position with a cultivation base of only human immortals are respectful in front of Ye Yun, and Yan Ran regards Ye Yun as the boss , as a backer, but Ye Yun didn't agree to them directly, nor did he refuse directly, so he just smiled and settled down.

These holy students couldn't get on with each other, and left disappointed one by one.

"Look, it's a throne student coming!"

Outside a teleportation castle on Huayunxing, dozens of Hualong Empire's formation guard masters saw Ye Yun approaching from a distance, and immediately straightened their bodies, fearing that the disciples of the throne would make things difficult for them.

Although this is the territory of the Hua family, the Hua family is also controlled by the Shenzhou Xianyuan. The students of the Shenzhou Xianyuan are people who don’t care about it. When they come here, they are an overlord. No one dares to offend these monks and ordinary people. It is not difficult for the students of Shenzhou Xianyuan to let them go, and the Hua family may let them go.

"My lord, please show your identity token!"

When Ye Yun came under the gate of the castle, a powerful man from the Heaven-reaching Realm rushed over after hearing the news and personally received Ye Yun.


A piece of yellow token flew out from Ye Yun's hand, and was caught by the strong man, and then a seal was inserted, and a line of sacred characters appeared on the surface of the token; the master of the Central Dojo of Shenzhou Xianyuan, Ye Yun!

"Principal disciple!"

This strong man was so frightened that he almost couldn't stand still. The chief disciple, what is this, a person whose status is much higher than the emperor's disciples and honorable disciples, and who is on par with the high-ranking immortal giant students.

As a cultivator protecting the formation, this powerful man in the Heaven-reaching Realm has never met the rumored master closed-door students. This kind of students are all geniuses. In the future, they will have a bright future in Shenzhou Xianyuan, so this The strong man turned pale with shock, and immediately returned the token to Ye Yun respectfully.

Ye Yun had no expression on his face, but in the end, he took out a top-quality spiritual weapon and threw it to the strong man, then turned around and strode into the castle.

"Top spiritual weapon!"

The strong man grabbed the spirit weapon, surprised and delighted, he did not expect Ye Yun to make such a generous move, a top-level spirit weapon is equal to his income in the Hualong Empire for a hundred years, so excited, he immediately began to summon a big book, Just as he opened it, suddenly, his brows frowned: "Ye Yun...Ye Yun!"

"Sure enough, it's the person that the ancestor was looking for...I didn't expect to be met by me. It's a great luck. I got a top-level spiritual weapon, and I can also get the ancestor's reliance!"

The strong man called out a projection from the big book, which turned out to be Ye Yun's appearance, which made the strong man shout loudly, and immediately ran into the center of the castle.


Piao Miao Xing, Shenzhou Xianyuan Central Dojo, is a flat mountain suspended in the mid-air, and a palace inside is not particularly majestic, but it is also solemn and magnificent, and from it, a huge shadow flies out, which is Hua Jingyu.

"Haha, I didn't expect that Ye Yun Wang Bazizi finally disappeared..."

"This kid has become the master's closed disciple, so I can't step into the master's dojo. Hmph, I thought this kid would be suspicious and stay in the master's dojo forever and won't come out. I didn't expect this kid to leave the fairy courtyard secretly, and now he just happened to be Conghua Meteorite On the way back to the fairy courtyard!"

"Dare to show up alone, this kid really thinks that if you become the master disciple, you will be helpless, and I will have nothing to do with you. Without figures like Yu Yunlan and Huo Yingying covering you, let me see where you are going this time ?”


Hua Jingyu was aggressive and grinned ferociously, his whole body was so cold that the air began to freeze, he turned into a rainbow, drilled into a passage, and disappeared.

Xuan Jingxing is one of the several important planets around Piaomiaoxing, and several planets look around Piaomiaoxing, like guards protecting Piaomiaoxing.

Xuan Jingxing is controlled by Shenzhou Xianyuan, with hundreds of millions of students, and many territories on the planet, which are all the residences of Xianyuan students. It can be said that Xuanjingxing is the back garden of Shenzhou Xianyuan.

However, a major event happened to Xuanjingxing not long ago. A mysterious force actually stole a secret treasure house of Xuanjingxing. I heard that this time the Shenzhou Xianyuan suffered a serious loss, losing many spiritual veins, spiritual stones, magic weapons, elixirs, etc. Therefore, a large number of masters of Xuan Jingxing are still focusing on Xuan Jingxing, and are on alert for such incidents to happen again.

"I heard that this time the Immortal Academy summoned the disciples of the central dojo to return to deal with this mysterious cult. As you can see, Xuan Jingxing has many more masters..."

"It seems that this cult recently attacked the Tianjun and Gutuo Immortals. Their losses were more serious than ours, and a large number of disciples died!"

"What is the origin of this cult? It dares to face the three great fairy houses. Anyway, no matter who it is, they will not be able to eat good fruit. A large number of immortal giants and students have returned to join hands to deal with the cult!"

In a holy palace-like hotel, Ye Yun was sitting alone in a corner, while on the left, there were two sneakers, and on the right, several students of the emperor of Shenzhou Xianyuan were discussing in a low voice, although it was very quiet, but Ye Yun could hear everything clearly.

"I know, this cult is called the Yan Sect. I heard that it is very powerful, and there are countless masters..." The group of emperor students began to whisper again.

"Sure enough, the Yanjiao even took action at the Shenzhou Xianyuan. No wonder the second senior sister said that something big happened. Indeed, in the millions of years of the Shenzhou Xianyuan, there has been no such major incident of being invaded. No wonder all the strong people in the central Taoist temple have been called together. Returning, Shenzhou Xianyuan is still smart, if you don’t take it seriously, you will suffer a lot from Yanjiao!"

"Tai Dayan's move is indeed mysterious!"

While drinking fine wine and enjoying delicious food, he listened carefully to what those people said, but Ye Yun also paid attention to the two sneaky villains on the left, and smiled coldly: "I knew that Hua Jingyu would not let me go... no Know when Utona can take the bait!"

Ye Yun is fishing now, one is Hua Jingyu and the other is Utona.

"Right now Xuan Jingxing is full of Immortal Academy students, and there are also a large number of Immortal Realm-breaking powerhouses appearing. This place is not suitable for fighting, or find a quiet place!"

After taking out a lot of spirit stones and paying the bill, Ye Yun left the hotel slowly and leisurely, and then wandered in the street openly and aboveboard, seeing a large number of disciples from Shenzhou Xianyuan. These disciples didn't know Ye Yun, only the Taoist robe.

"Tianbao Company... I have always heard that this company is the number one company in the Divine Star Region, and one of the three major companies in the Taixing plane. I hope to find out the whereabouts of the 'Pan Shengguo' from here, so I don't have to go to the fairy courtyard to find it again!"

Not long after, Ye Yun came to a bustling street, appeared in front of a majestic shop, talked to himself, and saw that the tail was still following all the way, Ye Yun strode into the Tianbao shop, and sure enough, two figures were hidden in the Waiting at the door of the store.

"Tianbao Company, it's really good, just like the rumors, there are countless treasures!"

Entering the main hall, Ye Yun saw that the shelves were filled with all kinds of treasures, and there were a lot of them, and the treasures were also very high-end, and this shop was nine floors high, and a large number of students from Shenzhou Xianyuan traded in it, and even more were other monks. Now the business is very good, and there are transactions.

At this time, a young woman squeezed out from the bustling crowd, probably not yet 20 years old, wearing a blue plain dress, exactly the same as the other staff, she suddenly came to Ye Yun, and asked enthusiastically: " Hello, may I help you?"

"I need the highest level deal, I hope you can invite your person in charge!" Amidst the noise, Ye Yun's voice was clear and empty.


As soon as the woman heard it, she realized that it was a supernatural sound transmission. She took another look at Ye Yun and found that she was just a disciple of the throne, but with a human immortal cultivation base, she could have such a deep infuriating energy. She nodded immediately: "Please follow me to the inner VIP room!"

The woman was very polite and polite, and led Ye Yun through the crowd to the back of the main hall. There were very few people here. After passing through a gate, there was a back garden in front of her, and then she walked through corridors, becoming more and more quiet, and finally Finally came to a quiet pavilion, the woman said: "Please wait a moment, I have notified the person in charge!"

Ye Yun sensed that there were many small pavilions around, and people were talking about business, and then asked calmly: "It seems that many students from Shenzhou Xianyuan have come in to trade, and your business is good!"

"Tianbao Company is the No. [-] company in Shenzhou Xianyuan. Almost all the students from China come here to trade. You can find everything you want, as long as you can name it!" The woman said solemnly, fearing that others would not know how powerful Tianbao Company is.

When Ye Yun heard it, he was of course happy. If he really has everything, then he can do it all at once and reshape Suyi's body as soon as possible. He nodded: "Have everything you need, that's the best..."

"You are the first time to come to our Tianbao Company to trade. It seems that there is no record about you in the records. It is really strange. It is rare that there are students who have not come to Tianbao Company!"

The woman seemed to have misunderstood the meaning of Ye Yun's words. She heard Ye Yun doubting and making fun of Tianbao Company, but who knew that this woman wanted to defend the company, and teased Ye Yun instead.

Ye Yun had no choice but to shake his head helplessly, he never expected to meet such a young girl who was not well-versed in the world and knew nothing about the world, with this kind of tone, she still wanted to do business, it was more like a dream.

"Xiaofei, have you poured tea for the guests?"

At this time, an old man with white hair in his seventies and a spring face came from the corridor. As soon as he entered the door, he scolded the woman.

"Oh..." The woman was still a little reluctant, but she went down anyway.

"This guest, I'm really sorry, Xiaofei is the granddaughter of an old man, and also a student of Shenzhou Xianyuan. She has nothing to do recently, so she came here to help!"

The old man is very polite, generous and comfortable. He sits next to Ye Yun, like a neighbor's elder, but not like a businessman. The old man continued: "Old man Meng Yuehai, that was the old man's granddaughter just now, Meng Feifei , she is respected as a student, when you see her, you should address her as Senior Sister, haha!"

"That's unexpected. I didn't expect that my senior's granddaughter has a higher level of cultivation than this one, and her status is much higher!" Ye Yun now understands why Meng Feifei has always been a little indifferent. Ye Yun's status is higher than Ye Yun's, but he has to serve Ye Yun, so it would be uncomfortable for anyone else.

Inferior, who wants to.

"I am the student of the throne of Shenzhou Immortal Academy, Ye Yun, please give me more advice from seniors in the future!" Ye Yun was also very polite, talking to Meng Yuehai.

Meng Yuehai gave Ye Yun the feeling that he was a businessman, and the way of doing business, speaking of a word, Meng Yuehai knew this way very well.

"Then the old man just called me little brother, haha!" Meng Yuehai was also surprised, he didn't expect Ye Yun to be in front of him, without any haze or fear, so open and heroic, naturally he is not an ordinary person.


At this time, Meng Feifei, who was still a little angry, came to the small pavilion with a tray, her tone was still cold, and she immediately stood beside Meng Yuehai after serving tea.

"Good tea, the temperature is just right..."

Ye Yun took a sip of the tea, then showed a satisfied smile, deliberately smiling happily.

"I'm not afraid to flash my tongue..."

Unexpectedly, when Meng Feifei heard this, she couldn't get angry and stomped her feet. Luckily, Meng Yuehai gave her a hard look, which made her calm down. However, she kept staring at Ye Yun, as if to say, you A student of the throne, I am a student of the throne, and my status is higher than yours, how dare you disrespect me.It took three full days to reach the Shenzhou Starfield from the Troll Heaven.

When he came to the center of the Shenzhou star field, Ye Yun chose the meteorite to land, and this time he returned to the Shenzhou Xianyuan, Ye Yun wanted to lure out all the enemies and destroy them all. The key point, Ye Yun wanted to lure Utona, and pull out the Yaohuang Mountain from his mouth. 'Jing Shao' secret.

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy can help you win a hundred battles.

Huayunxing is controlled by the Hua family, established the powerful Hualong Empire, and controlled several surrounding planets. In the Shenzhou star field, it is also considered a first-class family, and has a fairy student like Hua Jingyu, and its status in the Shenzhou Xianyuan is even higher. sublime.

"It's not strange to come to Huayunxing again after so many years. There is a teleportation array in front of me. I don't know if Hua Hongwu, Hua Shancen and Hua Jingyu have ordered to pay attention to my whereabouts!"

"People from the Hua family are all people who will take revenge. They will not let others insult them, especially Hua Jingyu. Back then, I made him make a fool of himself in front of everyone in the central dojo. With his status and Personality, I will definitely order the entire Hua family to secretly watch my every move!"

"Hua Jingyu... Do you want to be the first poor person to practice my skills after breaking through to the Heaven-reaching Realm..." With a faint smile, walking in the crowded crowd, all eyes were on Ye Yun.

Because Ye Yun was wearing a yellow cloud Taoist robe, it was difficult not to cause a sensation in this Shenzhou Starfield.

"This senior brother is Zhang Hao. I don't know where the senior brother is going. Can you go all the way?"

Sure enough, Ye Yun's trick of throwing stones at attracting jade has played a role. There are a large number of students from Shenzhou Xianyuan in Huayunxing. No, more than a dozen disciples wearing yellow robes took the initiative to make friends with Ye Yun.

Ye Yun is a student of the throne, his status is a bit higher than these students of the holy position, and his cultivation level is also much higher. These students of the holy position with a cultivation base of only human immortals are respectful in front of Ye Yun, and Yan Ran regards Ye Yun as the boss , as a backer, but Ye Yun didn't agree to them directly, nor did he refuse directly, so he just smiled and settled down.

These holy students couldn't get on with each other, and left disappointed one by one.

"Look, it's a throne student coming!"

Outside a teleportation castle on Huayunxing, dozens of Hualong Empire's formation guard masters saw Ye Yun approaching from a distance, and immediately straightened their bodies, fearing that the disciples of the throne would make things difficult for them.

Although this is the territory of the Hua family, the Hua family is also controlled by the Shenzhou Xianyuan. The students of the Shenzhou Xianyuan are people who don’t care about it. When they come here, they are an overlord. No one dares to offend these monks and ordinary people. It is not difficult for the students of Shenzhou Xianyuan to let them go, and the Hua family may let them go.

"My lord, please show your identity token!"

When Ye Yun came under the gate of the castle, a powerful man from the Heaven-reaching Realm rushed over after hearing the news and personally received Ye Yun.


A piece of yellow token flew out from Ye Yun's hand, and was caught by the strong man, and then a seal was inserted, and a line of sacred characters appeared on the surface of the token; the master of the Central Dojo of Shenzhou Xianyuan, Ye Yun!

"Principal disciple!"

This strong man was so frightened that he almost couldn't stand still. The chief disciple, what is this, a person whose status is much higher than the emperor's disciples and honorable disciples, and who is on par with the high-ranking immortal giant students.

As a cultivator protecting the formation, this powerful man in the Heaven-reaching Realm has never met the rumored master closed-door students. This kind of students are all geniuses. In the future, they will have a bright future in Shenzhou Xianyuan, so this The strong man turned pale with shock, and immediately returned the token to Ye Yun respectfully.

Ye Yun had no expression on his face, but in the end, he took out a top-quality spiritual weapon and threw it to the strong man, then turned around and strode into the castle.

"Top spiritual weapon!"

The strong man grabbed the spirit weapon, surprised and delighted, he did not expect Ye Yun to make such a generous move, a top-level spirit weapon is equal to his income in the Hualong Empire for a hundred years, so excited, he immediately began to summon a big book, Just as he opened it, suddenly, his brows frowned: "Ye Yun...Ye Yun!"

"Sure enough, it's the person that the ancestor was looking for...I didn't expect to be met by me. It's a great luck. I got a top-level spiritual weapon, and I can also get the ancestor's reliance!"

The strong man called out a projection from the big book, which turned out to be Ye Yun's appearance, which made the strong man shout loudly, and immediately ran into the center of the castle.


Piao Miao Xing, Shenzhou Xianyuan Central Dojo, is a flat mountain suspended in the mid-air, and a palace inside is not particularly majestic, but it is also solemn and magnificent, and from it, a huge shadow flies out, which is Hua Jingyu.

"Haha, I didn't expect that Ye Yun Wang Bazizi finally disappeared..."

"This kid has become the master's closed disciple, so I can't step into the master's dojo. Hmph, I thought this kid would be suspicious and stay in the master's dojo forever and won't come out. I didn't expect this kid to leave the fairy courtyard secretly, and now he just happened to be Conghua Meteorite On the way back to the fairy courtyard!"

"Dare to show up alone, this kid really thinks that if you become the master disciple, you will be helpless, and I will have nothing to do with you. Without figures like Yu Yunlan and Huo Yingying covering you, let me see where you are going this time ?”


Hua Jingyu was aggressive and grinned ferociously, his whole body was so cold that the air began to freeze, he turned into a rainbow, drilled into a passage, and disappeared.

Xuan Jingxing is one of the several important planets around Piaomiaoxing, and several planets look around Piaomiaoxing, like guards protecting Piaomiaoxing.

Xuan Jingxing is controlled by Shenzhou Xianyuan, with hundreds of millions of students, and many territories on the planet, which are all the residences of Xianyuan students. It can be said that Xuanjingxing is the back garden of Shenzhou Xianyuan.

However, a major event happened to Xuanjingxing not long ago. A mysterious force actually stole a secret treasure house of Xuanjingxing. I heard that this time the Shenzhou Xianyuan suffered a serious loss, losing many spiritual veins, spiritual stones, magic weapons, elixirs, etc. Therefore, a large number of masters of Xuan Jingxing are still focusing on Xuan Jingxing, and are on alert for such incidents to happen again.

"I heard that this time the Immortal Academy summoned the disciples of the central dojo to return to deal with this mysterious cult. As you can see, Xuan Jingxing has many more masters..."

"It seems that this cult recently attacked the Tianjun and Gutuo Immortals. Their losses were more serious than ours, and a large number of disciples died!"

"What is the origin of this cult? It dares to face the three great fairy houses. Anyway, no matter who it is, they will not be able to eat good fruit. A large number of immortal giants and students have returned to join hands to deal with the cult!"

In a holy palace-like hotel, Ye Yun was sitting alone in a corner, while on the left, there were two sneakers, and on the right, several students of the emperor of Shenzhou Xianyuan were discussing in a low voice, although it was very quiet, but Ye Yun could hear everything clearly.

"I know, this cult is called the Yan Sect. I heard that it is very powerful, and there are countless masters..." The group of emperor students began to whisper again.

"Sure enough, the Yanjiao even took action at the Shenzhou Xianyuan. No wonder the second senior sister said that something big happened. Indeed, in the millions of years of the Shenzhou Xianyuan, there has been no such major incident of being invaded. No wonder all the strong people in the central Taoist temple have been called together. Returning, Shenzhou Xianyuan is still smart, if you don’t take it seriously, you will suffer a lot from Yanjiao!"

"Tai Dayan's move is indeed mysterious!"

While drinking fine wine and enjoying delicious food, he listened carefully to what those people said, but Ye Yun also paid attention to the two sneaky villains on the left, and smiled coldly: "I knew that Hua Jingyu would not let me go... no Know when Utona can take the bait!"

Ye Yun is fishing now, one is Hua Jingyu and the other is Utona.

"Right now Xuan Jingxing is full of Immortal Academy students, and there are also a large number of Immortal Realm-breaking powerhouses appearing. This place is not suitable for fighting, or find a quiet place!"

After taking out a lot of spirit stones and paying the bill, Ye Yun left the hotel slowly and leisurely, and then wandered in the street openly and aboveboard, seeing a large number of disciples from Shenzhou Xianyuan. These disciples didn't know Ye Yun, only the Taoist robe.

"Tianbao Company... I have always heard that this company is the number one company in the Divine Star Region, and one of the three major companies in the Taixing plane. I hope to find out the whereabouts of the 'Pan Shengguo' from here, so I don't have to go to the fairy courtyard to find it again!"

Not long after, Ye Yun came to a bustling street, appeared in front of a majestic shop, talked to himself, and saw that the tail was still following all the way, Ye Yun strode into the Tianbao shop, and sure enough, two figures were hidden in the Waiting at the door of the store.

"Tianbao Company, it's really good, just like the rumors, there are countless treasures!"

Entering the main hall, Ye Yun saw that the shelves were filled with all kinds of treasures, and there were a lot of them, and the treasures were also very high-end, and this shop was nine floors high, and a large number of students from Shenzhou Xianyuan traded in it, and even more were other monks. Now the business is very good, and there are transactions.

At this time, a young woman squeezed out from the bustling crowd, probably not yet 20 years old, wearing a blue plain dress, exactly the same as the other staff, she suddenly came to Ye Yun, and asked enthusiastically: " Hello, may I help you?"

"I need the highest level deal, I hope you can invite your person in charge!" Amidst the noise, Ye Yun's voice was clear and empty.


As soon as the woman heard it, she realized that it was a supernatural sound transmission. She took another look at Ye Yun and found that she was just a disciple of the throne, but with a human immortal cultivation base, she could have such a deep infuriating energy. She nodded immediately: "Please follow me to the inner VIP room!"

The woman was very polite and polite, and led Ye Yun through the crowd to the back of the main hall. There were very few people here. After passing through a gate, there was a back garden in front of her, and then she walked through corridors, becoming more and more quiet, and finally Finally came to a quiet pavilion, the woman said: "Please wait a moment, I have notified the person in charge!"

Ye Yun sensed that there were many small pavilions around, and people were talking about business, and then asked calmly: "It seems that many students from Shenzhou Xianyuan have come in to trade, and your business is good!"

"Tianbao Company is the No. [-] company in Shenzhou Xianyuan. Almost all the students from China come here to trade. You can find everything you want, as long as you can name it!" The woman said solemnly, fearing that others would not know how powerful Tianbao Company is.

When Ye Yun heard it, he was of course happy. If he really has everything, then he can do it all at once and reshape Suyi's body as soon as possible. He nodded: "Have everything you need, that's the best..."

"You are the first time to come to our Tianbao Company to trade. It seems that there is no record about you in the records. It is really strange. It is rare that there are students who have not come to Tianbao Company!"

The woman seemed to have misunderstood the meaning of Ye Yun's words. She heard Ye Yun doubting and making fun of Tianbao Company, but who knew that this woman wanted to defend the company, and teased Ye Yun instead.

Ye Yun had no choice but to shake his head helplessly, he never expected to meet such a young girl who was not well-versed in the world and knew nothing about the world, with this kind of tone, she still wanted to do business, it was more like a dream.

"Xiaofei, have you poured tea for the guests?"

At this time, an old man with white hair in his seventies and a spring face came from the corridor. As soon as he entered the door, he scolded the woman.

"Oh..." The woman was still a little reluctant, but she went down anyway.

"This guest, I'm really sorry, Xiaofei is the granddaughter of an old man, and also a student of Shenzhou Xianyuan. She has nothing to do recently, so she came here to help!"

The old man is very polite, generous and comfortable. He sits next to Ye Yun, like a neighbor's elder, but not like a businessman. The old man continued: "Old man Meng Yuehai, that was the old man's granddaughter just now, Meng Feifei , she is respected as a student, when you see her, you should address her as Senior Sister, haha!"

"That's unexpected. I didn't expect that my senior's granddaughter has a higher level of cultivation than this one, and her status is much higher!" Ye Yun now understands why Meng Feifei has always been a little indifferent. Ye Yun's status is higher than Ye Yun's, but he has to serve Ye Yun, so it would be uncomfortable for anyone else.

Inferior, who wants to.

"I am the student of the throne of Shenzhou Immortal Academy, Ye Yun, please give me more advice from seniors in the future!" Ye Yun was also very polite, talking to Meng Yuehai.

Meng Yuehai gave Ye Yun the feeling that he was a businessman, and the way of doing business, speaking of a word, Meng Yuehai knew this way very well.

"Then the old man just called me little brother, haha!" Meng Yuehai was also surprised, he didn't expect Ye Yun to be in front of him, without any haze or fear, so open and heroic, naturally he is not an ordinary person.


At this time, Meng Feifei, who was still a little angry, came to the small pavilion with a tray, her tone was still cold, and she immediately stood beside Meng Yuehai after serving tea.

"Good tea, the temperature is just right..."

Ye Yun took a sip of the tea, then showed a satisfied smile, deliberately smiling happily.

"I'm not afraid to flash my tongue..."

Unexpectedly, when Meng Feifei heard this, she couldn't get angry and stomped her feet. Luckily, Meng Yuehai gave her a hard look, which made her calm down. However, she kept staring at Ye Yun, as if to say, you A student of the throne, I am a student of the throne, and my status is higher than yours, how dare you disrespect me.

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