Ye Yun, who came riding the clouds, was wearing a yellow cloud Taoist robe and fluttered in the strong wind. Standing on the colorful clouds, his figure was tall and straight, exuding the aura of dominance, and his whole person was an invincible war god who came from the sky.

"Ye Yun..."

Facing Ye Yun who was rushing in, Hua Jingyu was startled suddenly, as if he didn't believe it was Ye Yun, and immediately, his expression returned to cold, Xiao Sa, and with a wave of his hand, all the black-clothed monks immediately surrounded Ye Yun, Hua Jingyu Jing Yu laughed triumphantly: "Boy, you actually took the initiative to send it to your door. Well, I have been looking for you for more than ten years, and you can send it to your door. I will make your death easier."

"Hua Jingyu, didn't you see that I deliberately showed my flaws and waited for you here?"

Ye Yun stood behind his back with his hands behind his back, the wind was light and calm, he could see through everything, and stood still in the strong wind: "You think... I, Ye Yun, would be afraid of you? I was everywhere in the central dojo, because I killed you at the exchange event. Huatian, you attacked me in disregard of the Immortal Court's regulations, but did you succeed that time?"

"So what... I know you are waiting for me here on purpose, Ye Yun, I am very puzzled, what kind of confidence do you have, what do you rely on, to confront me head-on, it is impossible, you will wishful thinking, relying on you Also my opponent?"

In fact, Hua Jingyu had already seen that Ye Yun was using his domain here, so suddenly, it proved that an ambush had been set long ago, and even Hua Jingyu hadn't sensed it, but although he understood that this was a trap set by Ye Yun, Hua Jingyu was a little flustered, in his eyes, Ye Yun, who was just a mere Ye Yun, was no match for a fairy student like him.

It was perfectly normal for him to think like this, even the other black-clothed monks also thought that Ye Yun was looking for death now, not to mention that the tenth level of Tongtian couldn't fight against the broken fairyland, how can Ye Yun, a student of the throne, be able to fight against it.

There is no such thing in the world, even Di Tian, ​​it is impossible to fight against the Immortal Realm before breaking through the Immortal Realm.

"Whether I am your opponent or not, you will know after a while. Hua Jingyu, you seem to have spent a lot of thought to kill me. It's okay, you hide your identity and come to kill me. I can kill you, so no one will kill you." Knowing that you have been here before, come on, let me see if I can fight against your first-level Poxian with my first-level cultivation of Heaven-reaching!"

At this time, Ye Yun didn't care about other things at all. There was a guardian in the Shenluo domain on the outer layer, even if it was a strong person who broke the fairyland, he couldn't break through it with a few moves.


Ye Yun suddenly looked at the more than 300 Heaven-reaching Realm powerhouses, and originally wanted to kill them all, but the more than 300 Heaven-reaching Realm powerhouses were all powerhouses ranging from the third to tenth ranks. Not a weak force, beheaded, it's a pity, in Ye Yun's eyes, all of them will be handed over to the avatar to build the Taiyi Starfield, so that resources will not be wasted.

Resources are precious and must be fully utilized.

On Taiyi planet, there are tens of thousands of people who are strong in the sky-reaching realm, but there are very few people who have cultivated to the fifth level of the sky-reaching realm, and these 300 people are almost all high-level sky-reaching powerhouses. It can also increase the power of the Taiyi Empire.


One by one big hands, following Ye Yun's expression, came out with aura, and stretched out from the mysterious void of the Shenluo domain. Hundreds of big hands, before the strong man in the sky-reaching realm could react, let out a thud, and were instantly caught by the big hands. Controlled, suppressed, lost fighting power, and became like a shriveled old man.

"Old Ancestor... help us!!!"

One by one, the powerhouses in the sky-reaching realm were tightly grasped by big hands, and any resistance would be useless. It felt like the power of the entire space was imprisoning and suppressing them.

"Good way..."

Hua Jingyu didn't make a move. Although he was a little surprised and stunned, he didn't do anything else. He clapped his hands and applauded: "You are indeed a leader in the exchange event. With the cooperation of the field, you can suppress such a monk in the sky in an instant. With your first-level master Cultivation, to have this kind of means, simply surpasses Di Tian..."

"God help me too, so that I didn't meet you before you broke through the fairyland...haha, I will kill you and deprive you of your body. You are such a genius, and your luck must be extraordinary. I want to take away your body." Everything, and then reborn, will surpass Di Tian, ​​will surpass any character, and become a peerless venerable!"

Hua Jingyu raised his hands high, shouted with greedy eyes, not afraid of the Shenluo domain, and didn't take Ye Yun seriously at all, completely immersed in his own world.

"Hua Jingyu... I'm afraid I'll take the lead, you're just a bamboo basket to fetch water in vain..." Ye Yun said calmly, ready to fight Hua Jingyu at any time.

"Boy, last time you made me ashamed in front of all the principals, die!"

Hua Jingyu grabbed it suddenly, and with the tip of his five fingers, he released streaks of thunder light, as if he practiced the most powerful thunder-type qigong, he flipped his hand and hit Ye Yun.


With one palm strike and five fingers grasping, the entire Shenluo domain lost its luster, and five thunder lights resounded above Ye Yun, forming a dense thunder and lightning net, with the momentum of infinite destruction breaking the fairyland, and then, swiftly and menacingly towards Ye Yun was suppressed and fell down.

"Great Zhou Taiji Formation!"

Ye Yun is cold and indifferent, feeling the destructive aura of the Immortal Realm, chills down his spine, he is worthy of the Immortal Realm, now he is deeply feeling the aura of the Immortal Realm, and let Ye Yun truly know the power of the Immortal Realm, if he did not break through the Heavenly Realm, Ye Yun I will definitely choose to avoid this thunder and lightning net.

With both hands together, one after another mysterious magic seals were cast, and then a Tai Chi portal gushed out directly, and began to protect Ye Yun's surroundings, as stable as a rock.

"It's actually the Great Zhou Taiji Formation of the Gutuo Immortal Academy. Could it be that this kid has some connection with the Gutuo Immortal Academy? Otherwise, how could he have learned the Great Zhou Taiji Formation, and he has completely mastered the essence!"

Hua Jingyu was still very surprised to see Ye Yun displaying the Great Zhou Taiji Formation, but he was still full of confidence: "As you are at the first level, I will see how powerful your Great Zhou Taiji Formation is!"


The thunder and lightning net slammed fiercely on the portal of the Dazhou Taiji Formation, and a dazzling and deafening explosion erupted. The entire Shenluo domain visibly flickered, and the imposing manner of breaking the immortal began to spread.

"Hua Jingyu, although you are at the first level of Poxian, you are still far behind my eighth senior sister. It seems that you are just an idiot!" Suddenly, amidst the explosion, An Ran walked out of a giant shadow.

I saw Ye Yun walking out of the destructive aura calmly, without any injuries on his body, on the contrary, his whole aura is powerful, not weaker than Hua Jingyu at all.

"I won't do it! Impossible... You are the first rank of Tongtian, so you have such strong strength!" Just one move made Hua Jingyu's face change, his face was incredulous, it was shocked, it was stunned.

Hua Jingyu is a majestic immortal student, the supreme powerhouse who can break through the fairyland, and can cross the Taixing plane. With such strength, he even used one move to fight Ye Yun, who is only at the first level of Tongtian, and he can't win or lose. possible.

"Hua Jingyu, I'm not that kind of arrogant person. If I'm arrogant, then I must have the strength. If you can contend with you, I must be sure to compete with you. Today, you have only one dead end. At first you still have hope, but You underestimate me, my Shinra domain is invincible!"

With a wave of his hand, a Holy Spear of Light was born in Ye Yun's hands.

"I don't believe it, how can you be the opponent of the immortal powerhouse at the first level of the sky, let me destroy it!"

Hua Jingyu was completely shocked, his whole body became a frightened bird, he pushed his hands, and bowed his whole body forward, gusts of domineering thunder energy, like a flood, poured out of his body, forming a tsunami world, vast and boundless, Swept towards Ye Yun.

chi chi...

The tsunami world made the sound of tearing space, the Shinra domain was trembling, and the balance of power in the entire domain was also affected by the tsunami world and became chaotic.

"Okay, this is the power to break the fairyland, it is really extraordinary and powerful!" Ye Yun felt the tsunami world, facing a taste of heaven and earth, in the tsunami world, there is the supreme power to break the fairy, If you were an ordinary first-rank cultivator, you would have already been bombarded and killed by this divine power.

"My strongest blow, boy, you will die with regret!"

After unleashing unbelievable power to attack, Hua Jingyu was exhausted, he was already going all out to kill Ye Yun with one move, he didn't want any accidents to happen.

"The aura of breaking immortals actually caused the strength of Shenluo's domain to be confused, losing its attack power, and destroying a lot of restrictions. Fortunately, the crystal wall of the domain is strong, otherwise, the aura of breaking immortals in the domain will explode at the beginning!"

Ye Yun felt that the layers of restrictions in the domain were being destroyed. Almost all of the inside of the domain was destroyed by Hua Jingyu's power. It was amazing. You must know these energies, you can suppress the powerhouses of the Heaven-reaching Realm at will, but they are too weak under the first-order power of Poxian.

"Break it for me, Holy Spear of Light, I can't help but break it!"

Facing the domineering tsunami world full of lightning power, Ye Yun suddenly jumped up, facing the center of the tsunami world, grasping the Holy Spear of Light, and stabbed fiercely against the sky. It was released for a moment, and erupted as the Holy Spear of Light pierced towards the tsunami world.

boom boom boom…

As soon as the holy gun of light came into contact with the tsunami world, it exploded violently. The sound pierced the clouds and cracked rocks. A huge explosion occurred on the contact surface, and then a hole was blasted, and the holy gun of light quickly shot into the interior of the tsunami world.

Suddenly, the world of the tsunami trembled wildly, and the holy gun of light was released instantly, like a meat grinder, it began to stir randomly inside the tsunami, destroying it!


In the distance, Hua Jingyu took a step back, spat out a stream of blood, bent his body, his eyes were bloodshot: "What kind of freak is he, he can fight me with a full blow, and..."

"Damn it, I didn't read the yellow calendar when I went out today... I didn't expect that I, a student of the immortal rank, would not be a match for a student of the rank of yellow... Ye Yun, you remember, if you don't take revenge, you are not a gentleman. One day, I will come back to fetch you The head on the neck, the sword of Tianxin!"


Hua Jingyu roared in embarrassment and hatred, then turned his hand and grabbed it. In the palm of his right hand, a one-meter-long holy light shining with a sword condensed by true energy appeared. , flew frantically, and flew frantically towards the crystal wall system with the sword of the sick Tianxin with his right hand.

"Want to go?"

Just when Hua Jingyu pushed the Tianxin sword into the air, Ye Yun suddenly flashed in front of him, holding a holy spear of light. This holy spear of light was filled with mysterious and ancient runes. Holding the Holy Spear of Light, he collided head-on with Hua Jingyu.



Hua Jingyu's complexion was distorted, like a devil, extremely deformed, staring at Ye Yun, violently pushed the Tianxin Sword and the Holy Spear of Light into the void, and they collided in an instant, puffy... There was a violent shock, and the void was blown out. The opening, and the opening healed immediately, and a big hand blocked the opening.

And Hua Jingyu flew out of the explosion in embarrassment in an instant, Ye Yun also flew out, he pierced Hua Jingyu's chest with a single shot, and flew into the air.

", how, I am a giant who broke the fairyland, a majestic fairy student, how could I be defeated by you, how could I die by your hands!"

The two flew ten thousand meters, and finally stopped, Hua Jingyu was powerless, his whole body had been shattered, and one foot had already stepped into the gate of death.

"Hua Jingyu, there is indeed a big gap between me and you. I am a mere Heaven-reaching Realm, and at most I am a student of the throne, but you are a student of the Immortal position, with a noble status. Originally, you have a bright future, but when you met me, you became my student." enemy!"

Facing the completely collapsed Hua Jingyu, Ye Yun showed no compassion at all, and said decisively: "As for my enemies, no matter who they are, I will kill them with my own hands. Hua Jingyu, you will die, your entire Hua family, It will also follow you and me against each other, and finally shatter."

" must die!"

Hearing these words, Hua Jingyu let the Buddha come back to life, trembling and resisting, but under the suppression of Ye Yunwei's power, even immortals could not resist.

"I don't want to die... It's not up to you, but you, I can decide that you don't want to die. Your physical body, the essence of your life's cultivation, your strength, and your finances are all mine!"

Puchi smiled, seeing that Hua Jingyu was still resisting, Ye Yun gave a disdainful smile.


The Holy Spear of Light was pulled out from Hua Jingyu's chest in an instant, and Hua Jingyu lost his vitality in an instant. With a big hand, Ye Yun sealed Hua Jingyu's body in the domain.Ye Yun, who came riding the clouds, was wearing a yellow cloud Taoist robe and fluttered in the strong wind. Standing on the colorful clouds, his figure was tall and straight, exuding the aura of dominance, and his whole person was an invincible war god who came from the sky.

"Ye Yun..."

Facing Ye Yun who was rushing in, Hua Jingyu was startled suddenly, as if he didn't believe it was Ye Yun, and immediately, his expression returned to cold, Xiao Sa, and with a wave of his hand, all the black-clothed monks immediately surrounded Ye Yun, Hua Jingyu Jing Yu laughed triumphantly: "Boy, you actually took the initiative to send it to your door. Well, I have been looking for you for more than ten years, and you can send it to your door. I will make your death easier."

"Hua Jingyu, didn't you see that I deliberately showed my flaws and waited for you here?"

Ye Yun stood behind his back with his hands behind his back, the wind was light and calm, he could see through everything, and stood still in the strong wind: "You think... I, Ye Yun, would be afraid of you? I was everywhere in the central dojo, because I killed you at the exchange event. Huatian, you attacked me in disregard of the Immortal Court's regulations, but did you succeed that time?"

"So what... I know you are waiting for me here on purpose, Ye Yun, I am very puzzled, what kind of confidence do you have, what do you rely on, to confront me head-on, it is impossible, you will wishful thinking, relying on you Also my opponent?"

In fact, Hua Jingyu had already seen that Ye Yun was using his domain here, so suddenly, it proved that an ambush had been set long ago, and even Hua Jingyu hadn't sensed it, but although he understood that this was a trap set by Ye Yun, Hua Jingyu was a little flustered, in his eyes, Ye Yun, who was just a mere Ye Yun, was no match for a fairy student like him.

It was perfectly normal for him to think like this, even the other black-clothed monks also thought that Ye Yun was looking for death now, not to mention that the tenth level of Tongtian couldn't fight against the broken fairyland, how can Ye Yun, a student of the throne, be able to fight against it.

There is no such thing in the world, even Di Tian, ​​it is impossible to fight against the Immortal Realm before breaking through the Immortal Realm.

"Whether I am your opponent or not, you will know after a while. Hua Jingyu, you seem to have spent a lot of thought to kill me. It's okay, you hide your identity and come to kill me. I can kill you, so no one will kill you." Knowing that you have been here before, come on, let me see if I can fight against your first-level Poxian with my first-level cultivation of Heaven-reaching!"

At this time, Ye Yun didn't care about other things at all. There was a guardian in the Shenluo domain on the outer layer, even if it was a strong person who broke the fairyland, he couldn't break through it with a few moves.


Ye Yun suddenly looked at the more than 300 Heaven-reaching Realm powerhouses, and originally wanted to kill them all, but the more than 300 Heaven-reaching Realm powerhouses were all powerhouses ranging from the third to tenth ranks. Not a weak force, beheaded, it's a pity, in Ye Yun's eyes, all of them will be handed over to the avatar to build the Taiyi Starfield, so that resources will not be wasted.

Resources are precious and must be fully utilized.

On Taiyi planet, there are tens of thousands of people who are strong in the sky-reaching realm, but there are very few people who have cultivated to the fifth level of the sky-reaching realm, and these 300 people are almost all high-level sky-reaching powerhouses. It can also increase the power of the Taiyi Empire.


One by one big hands, following Ye Yun's expression, came out with aura, and stretched out from the mysterious void of the Shenluo domain. Hundreds of big hands, before the strong man in the sky-reaching realm could react, let out a thud, and were instantly caught by the big hands. Controlled, suppressed, lost fighting power, and became like a shriveled old man.

"Old Ancestor... help us!!!"

One by one, the powerhouses in the sky-reaching realm were tightly grasped by big hands, and any resistance would be useless. It felt like the power of the entire space was imprisoning and suppressing them.

"Good way..."

Hua Jingyu didn't make a move. Although he was a little surprised and stunned, he didn't do anything else. He clapped his hands and applauded: "You are indeed a leader in the exchange event. With the cooperation of the field, you can suppress such a monk in the sky in an instant. With your first-level master Cultivation, to have this kind of means, simply surpasses Di Tian..."

"God help me too, so that I didn't meet you before you broke through the fairyland...haha, I will kill you and deprive you of your body. You are such a genius, and your luck must be extraordinary. I want to take away your body." Everything, and then reborn, will surpass Di Tian, ​​will surpass any character, and become a peerless venerable!"

Hua Jingyu raised his hands high, shouted with greedy eyes, not afraid of the Shenluo domain, and didn't take Ye Yun seriously at all, completely immersed in his own world.

"Hua Jingyu... I'm afraid I'll take the lead, you're just a bamboo basket to fetch water in vain..." Ye Yun said calmly, ready to fight Hua Jingyu at any time.

"Boy, last time you made me ashamed in front of all the principals, die!"

Hua Jingyu grabbed it suddenly, and with the tip of his five fingers, he released streaks of thunder light, as if he practiced the most powerful thunder-type qigong, he flipped his hand and hit Ye Yun.


With one palm strike and five fingers grasping, the entire Shenluo domain lost its luster, and five thunder lights resounded above Ye Yun, forming a dense thunder and lightning net, with the momentum of infinite destruction breaking the fairyland, and then, swiftly and menacingly towards Ye Yun was suppressed and fell down.

"Great Zhou Taiji Formation!"

Ye Yun is cold and indifferent, feeling the destructive aura of the Immortal Realm, chills down his spine, he is worthy of the Immortal Realm, now he is deeply feeling the aura of the Immortal Realm, and let Ye Yun truly know the power of the Immortal Realm, if he did not break through the Heavenly Realm, Ye Yun I will definitely choose to avoid this thunder and lightning net.

With both hands together, one after another mysterious magic seals were cast, and then a Tai Chi portal gushed out directly, and began to protect Ye Yun's surroundings, as stable as a rock.

"It's actually the Great Zhou Taiji Formation of the Gutuo Immortal Academy. Could it be that this kid has some connection with the Gutuo Immortal Academy? Otherwise, how could he have learned the Great Zhou Taiji Formation, and he has completely mastered the essence!"

Hua Jingyu was still very surprised to see Ye Yun displaying the Great Zhou Taiji Formation, but he was still full of confidence: "As you are at the first level, I will see how powerful your Great Zhou Taiji Formation is!"


The thunder and lightning net slammed fiercely on the portal of the Dazhou Taiji Formation, and a dazzling and deafening explosion erupted. The entire Shenluo domain visibly flickered, and the imposing manner of breaking the immortal began to spread.

"Hua Jingyu, although you are at the first level of Poxian, you are still far behind my eighth senior sister. It seems that you are just an idiot!" Suddenly, amidst the explosion, An Ran walked out of a giant shadow.

I saw Ye Yun walking out of the destructive aura calmly, without any injuries on his body, on the contrary, his whole aura is powerful, not weaker than Hua Jingyu at all.

"I won't do it! Impossible... You are the first rank of Tongtian, so you have such strong strength!" Just one move made Hua Jingyu's face change, his face was incredulous, it was shocked, it was stunned.

Hua Jingyu is a majestic immortal student, the supreme powerhouse who can break through the fairyland, and can cross the Taixing plane. With such strength, he even used one move to fight Ye Yun, who is only at the first level of Tongtian, and he can't win or lose. possible.

"Hua Jingyu, I'm not that kind of arrogant person. If I'm arrogant, then I must have the strength. If you can contend with you, I must be sure to compete with you. Today, you have only one dead end. At first you still have hope, but You underestimate me, my Shinra domain is invincible!"

With a wave of his hand, a Holy Spear of Light was born in Ye Yun's hands.

"I don't believe it, how can you be the opponent of the immortal powerhouse at the first level of the sky, let me destroy it!"

Hua Jingyu was completely shocked, his whole body became a frightened bird, he pushed his hands, and bowed his whole body forward, gusts of domineering thunder energy, like a flood, poured out of his body, forming a tsunami world, vast and boundless, Swept towards Ye Yun.

chi chi...

The tsunami world made the sound of tearing space, the Shinra domain was trembling, and the balance of power in the entire domain was also affected by the tsunami world and became chaotic.

"Okay, this is the power to break the fairyland, it is really extraordinary and powerful!" Ye Yun felt the tsunami world, facing a taste of heaven and earth, in the tsunami world, there is the supreme power to break the fairy, If you were an ordinary first-rank cultivator, you would have already been bombarded and killed by this divine power.

"My strongest blow, boy, you will die with regret!"

After unleashing unbelievable power to attack, Hua Jingyu was exhausted, he was already going all out to kill Ye Yun with one move, he didn't want any accidents to happen.

"The aura of breaking immortals actually caused the strength of Shenluo's domain to be confused, losing its attack power, and destroying a lot of restrictions. Fortunately, the crystal wall of the domain is strong, otherwise, the aura of breaking immortals in the domain will explode at the beginning!"

Ye Yun felt that the layers of restrictions in the domain were being destroyed. Almost all of the inside of the domain was destroyed by Hua Jingyu's power. It was amazing. You must know these energies, you can suppress the powerhouses of the Heaven-reaching Realm at will, but they are too weak under the first-order power of Poxian.

"Break it for me, Holy Spear of Light, I can't help but break it!"

Facing the domineering tsunami world full of lightning power, Ye Yun suddenly jumped up, facing the center of the tsunami world, grasping the Holy Spear of Light, and stabbed fiercely against the sky. It was released for a moment, and erupted as the Holy Spear of Light pierced towards the tsunami world.

boom boom boom…

As soon as the holy gun of light came into contact with the tsunami world, it exploded violently. The sound pierced the clouds and cracked rocks. A huge explosion occurred on the contact surface, and then a hole was blasted, and the holy gun of light quickly shot into the interior of the tsunami world.

Suddenly, the world of the tsunami trembled wildly, and the holy gun of light was released instantly, like a meat grinder, it began to stir randomly inside the tsunami, destroying it!


In the distance, Hua Jingyu took a step back, spat out a stream of blood, bent his body, his eyes were bloodshot: "What kind of freak is he, he can fight me with a full blow, and..."

"Damn it, I didn't read the yellow calendar when I went out today... I didn't expect that I, a student of the immortal rank, would not be a match for a student of the rank of yellow... Ye Yun, you remember, if you don't take revenge, you are not a gentleman. One day, I will come back to fetch you The head on the neck, the sword of Tianxin!"


Hua Jingyu roared in embarrassment and hatred, then turned his hand and grabbed it. In the palm of his right hand, a one-meter-long holy light shining with a sword condensed by true energy appeared. , flew frantically, and flew frantically towards the crystal wall system with the sword of the sick Tianxin with his right hand.

"Want to go?"

Just when Hua Jingyu pushed the Tianxin sword into the air, Ye Yun suddenly flashed in front of him, holding a holy spear of light. This holy spear of light was filled with mysterious and ancient runes. Holding the Holy Spear of Light, he collided head-on with Hua Jingyu.



Hua Jingyu's complexion was distorted, like a devil, extremely deformed, staring at Ye Yun, violently pushed the Tianxin Sword and the Holy Spear of Light into the void, and they collided in an instant, puffy... There was a violent shock, and the void was blown out. The opening, and the opening healed immediately, and a big hand blocked the opening.

And Hua Jingyu flew out of the explosion in embarrassment in an instant, Ye Yun also flew out, he pierced Hua Jingyu's chest with a single shot, and flew into the air.

", how, I am a giant who broke the fairyland, a majestic fairy student, how could I be defeated by you, how could I die by your hands!"

The two flew ten thousand meters, and finally stopped, Hua Jingyu was powerless, his whole body had been shattered, and one foot had already stepped into the gate of death.

"Hua Jingyu, there is indeed a big gap between me and you. I am a mere Heaven-reaching Realm, and at most I am a student of the throne, but you are a student of the Immortal position, with a noble status. Originally, you have a bright future, but when you met me, you became my student." enemy!"

Facing the completely collapsed Hua Jingyu, Ye Yun showed no compassion at all, and said decisively: "As for my enemies, no matter who they are, I will kill them with my own hands. Hua Jingyu, you will die, your entire Hua family, It will also follow you and me against each other, and finally shatter."

" must die!"

Hearing these words, Hua Jingyu let the Buddha come back to life, trembling and resisting, but under the suppression of Ye Yunwei's power, even immortals could not resist.

"I don't want to die... It's not up to you, but you, I can decide that you don't want to die. Your physical body, the essence of your life's cultivation, your strength, and your finances are all mine!"

Puchi smiled, seeing that Hua Jingyu was still resisting, Ye Yun gave a disdainful smile.


The Holy Spear of Light was pulled out from Hua Jingyu's chest in an instant, and Hua Jingyu lost his vitality in an instant. With a big hand, Ye Yun sealed Hua Jingyu's body in the domain.

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