The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 380 Veteran vs Altar Master

In the time and space of the ruined ruins, there was a sudden sound of a sword coming out of its sheath. This sound came from the void of Xuanhuang Star, and the entire planet trembled.

"Be careful everyone, Mr. Yu is about to attack!"

More than 100 masters of immortality in Shenzhou Xianyuan were silent. Suddenly, Fu Daoji opened his eyes, looked into the sky deep in the ruins, and said to everyone nervously.

The sixth-level peerless master fighting method of Poxian, even the fifth-level powerhouse of Poxian must avoid it. The sixth level has reached the highest state of mortal energy. Every move, every move, and even a look, can instantly shatter mountains and ground.The strong man who came out of the miracle 380

"Chi Chi..."

As soon as the words were spoken, thunder suddenly appeared from the void of the ruins. It seemed that Fangfu did not come from the sky, but tore from mid-air abruptly. The thunder after another was as sharp as a sword, as fierce as a tiger, roaring and screaming. , The sky is full of thunder and lightning.

Boom boom boom...

A series of thunders fell into the ruined land. In an instant, a square of land was blasted by the thunders with cracks, which were bottomless. The torn earth began to press on each other, and in the blink of an eye, the entire ruined land began to shatter completely, extending inch by inch.

Seeing this scene, Qiu Shuihan nodded with Fu Daoji, turned around and waved his hands: "We retreat a hundred thousand miles!"

The four strong men led more than 100 immortal students to leave the world of Benlei in a mighty way, and the world of Benlei continued to expand, and the earth was broken inch by inch. They must all be shattered under the rushing thunder, and the sixth-level power of the Immortal Breaker is enough to shatter a spiritual weapon, or even a fairy weapon.

At this moment, not only the masters of Shenzhou Xianyuan are evacuating, but countless monks of Xuanhuang Star are also teleporting away, and they don't want to become cannon fodder for masters.

"Haha, Yu Yuanting, kill me if you have the ability, let me see what qualifications your Shenzhou Xianyuan has, based on the Taixing plane!"

Suddenly, a domineering voice appeared thousands of miles away from the world of Benlei in the blink of an eye. This voice was clearly heard by all the monks on Xuanhuang Star.

Soon, Yu Yuanting's voice also came out: "Cultist, you won't be rampant for long!"

"These two are peerless masters. I don't know how long it will take to fight. I can take this opportunity to practice hard and strive to reach the peak of the fifth-order peak of Tongtian. I will completely refine the energy of Bai Wudao. Breaking through the fifth-order is not a problem!"

In Lingzhou City, millions of students from Shenzhou Xianyuan gathered in the city. The strong stood on the city, protected by the two hall masters of Fu Daoji, Qiu Shuihan, and Law Enforcement Hall.

Now many monks in Lingzhou City have left, and some strong people are curious to stay. Fortunately, there are millions of students from Shenzhou Immortal Academy guarding here, so that they have the confidence to escape this catastrophe, and they can also see peerless masters. But big opportunity.

Ye Yun was sitting cross-legged above the city at this time, unremarkable among the crowd, but he was wearing a gold star white robe, and all the students knew that he was a fairy student. In addition, Ye Yun challenged the two fairy students, and one by one Beheading, this matter has long been spread in the Shenzhou Starfield, and Ye Yunjing is regarded as the number one genius.

Today, Ye Yun has already gained a great reputation in the Shenzhou Starfield.

Boom boom boom….

Above the nine heavens of Xuanhuang Star, in the depths of time and space, the sound of destruction explosions came out one after another. Every big explosion in the void was a destruction to the earth. The figures of the two peerless masters came and went without a trace. It cannot be locked, and only the masters of breaking the fairyland can clearly feel it.

"Bai Wudao's energy is really good. This person is a genuine old antique from Shenzhou Xianyuan. His power is stronger than Wang Chuantian, an old antique from Tianjun Xianyuan. If it was in the past, it would allow me to break through again and again, but now my body is too strong. It is Bai Wudao. For a master like Enlightenment, the energy can only allow me to break through to the sixth level!"

On the one hand, Ye Yun was paying attention to the fighting skills of the two masters, on the other hand, he was condensing the energy of Bai Wudao in the Shenzhou domain, preparing for the sprint to the sixth level of Tongtian.The strong man who came out of the miracle 380

In the Shenluo domain, Ye Yun saw Wen Jing practicing quietly, but she could also feel what happened outside, so she understood what Ye Yun was doing, no longer doubted Ye Yun, but calmed down in Ye Yun's heart. Even in the powerful field, practice.

Refreshing luck, Bai Wudao's energy began to come from the Shenluo domain like a torrent, and at the same time, Ye Yun also began to release the Yanjiao energy Qihai, which was fused by the body, and the Qihai energy absorbed the Yanjiao Lu Xu's high-level energy, Not to be underestimated, now with the energy of Bai Wudao, the fusion of the two, Ye Yun began to attack the sixth level of the sky.

Once stepping into the sixth level of the sky, Ye Yun's strength will have a great leap forward. Currently, Ye Yun can kill the third level of Poxian with his own strength. After breaking through the sixth level of Poxian, Ye Yun can easily kill the fourth level of Poxian. Even going all out can kill the fifth level of Poxian, but the cost is very high.

Stepping into the Heaven-reaching Realm, Ye Yun's leapfrog killing will no longer be as fast and terrifying as before. The more than a dozen levels to kill the enemy, from now on, Ye Yun can only surpass the tenth level with his own strength. level, beheading the supreme powerhouse of the fifth level of Poxian.

Although it is only tenth level, it is already an unprecedented myth. According to this speed calculation, once Ye Yun enters the Immortal-breaking Realm, he can use the first-level Poxian to fight against the tenth-level Poxian, and then cooperate with the Great Thousand Gods Map, Burying Sky Bow, It is not a delusion to kill the immortal with the means of the immortal weapon array in the Shenluo domain.

"This secret mission has finally been successfully completed, and I have become the vice-principal. I believe that Tai Dayan will change his attitude towards cooperation with me in the future. As the vice-principal, I can go to Shengguo, and even have a great deal with Tai Dayan and Yaohuangshan masters." , I will definitely kill the Yaohuang Mountain, and when I break through the Immortal Realm, even the days of the Yaohuang Mountain will come to an end!"

While cultivating, Ye Yun was also thinking about the next step. After much deliberation, the next thing to do is to find the holy fruit and revive Suyiren. Competing with the three great fairy courtyards, the era of war on the Taixing plane has come.

With the advent of the era of war, the structure of the Taixing plane will also change. The destruction of the three great fairy courtyards is doomed. As for who can have the last laugh, it depends on the means and strength.

"Became the master and successfully cooperated with Tedayan again. As long as I figure out his purpose, I will have a way to deal with him. When the era of war comes, I can return to the Taiyi planet at any time and start to conquer the star fields outside the Taiyi star field, step by step. Thai star plane!"

"Becoming the master of the plane, all the monks and creatures of the plane must believe in me. At that time, my power will reach the point where even the immortals are afraid. As the master of the plane, I will ascend to the fairy world, which is different from ordinary immortals. My power is higher than that of the immortals. In the midst of it, it is also the ultimate existence!"

Thinking of this, Ye Yun accelerated the absorption of two streams of energy.

"As expected of the elder of Shenzhou Xianyuan, you are the No. 1 person who "forced" me to this point, and now I will let you taste the power of this seat's 'Nine Ways of Killing the Dao and Crossing the Boundary'!"

Between the Xuanhuang star sky, Lu Xu was dressed in a fiery black robe, with scars all over his body. In front of him, thousands of miles away, Yu Yuanting quietly floated in the void, like a green pine, standing motionless on Cangshan Mountain.

They have fought countless times in the past few years, and the two are on par. Generally speaking, Yu Yuanting is slightly better. Yu Yuanting's cultivation base is too strong, while Lu Xu is domineering and fierce. The two have already caused the land of Xuanhuang Star to become ruins. In the barrenness, how many souls have become wronged souls under the power of the two.

Yu Yuanting held his breath, and shot a beam of light from thousands of miles away, sweeping across Lu Xu: "Nine ways to kill and cross the boundary!"

Lu Xu was dressed in a black robe, hunting and hunting, and made a series of magic seals with both hands. For a while, a killing spirit began to be born on Xuanhuang Star, and Lu Xu's long howling sound from nine days away: "Kill the way!" The Nine Forms of Crossing the Boundary is the supreme immortal technique bestowed on me by the supreme messenger, I admit that your strength is not as strong as yours, but you are not an opponent of the Nine Forms of Killing Dao and Crossing the Boundary at all, prepare to fall!"

"Extermination of Heavenly Thunder Jue!" Yu Yuanting was also preparing to perform Shenzhou Xianyuan's highest deep qigong.

"The nine ways of killing and crossing the boundary, the first way is to kill!"

Lu Xu, the master of the Yanjiao altar, shot out a murderous aura that pierced the sky from his pupils, and his whole body was like a god of killing, fused with the Xuanhuang star. Slashed towards Yu Yuanting.


With a palm strike, the world became dead silent for a moment, and a desolate, sad, and cold sound began to descend, and all the power turned into a world of killing, and rushed towards Yu Yuanting.

Violent murderous aura, blowing Yu Yuanting's gray hair, his eyebrows frowned, his face slightly apprehensive, suddenly stretched out a finger, Ling Tian's finger, piercing the sky like a sharp sword: "Exterminate the Heavenly Thunder Jue, the thunder blows all directions !” The strong man who came out of the miracle 380

"What a shocking battle!"

Above Lingzhou City, Fu Daoji, Qiu Shuihan and other countless masters saw this scene, their breathing stopped, and they felt that the world was quiet, except for the killing and shattering, it was thunder and sound.

The clouds surge, the wind blows, and the world dies.

Slaughter enveloped Xuanhuang Star, the aura of killing permeated every corner, the cold, solitary aura began to solidify, and all living beings trembled.


The ultimate killing and a piece of destructive sky thunder erupted in the sky of Xuanhuang Star. In an instant, this breaking power made countless creatures feel that death was communicating with them, and the destructive power not only extended in the void.

"The sixth level of Poxian is really powerful. With my current cultivation base and my own strength, I am no match for them. I am afraid that I will fall under this ferocious force..."

Ye Yun slowly opened his eyes. He felt that the world was being shattered, and the air was full of killing spirit. Just a slight touch would make his whole body paralyzed. It's just as simple as power, which is full of will and the law of heaven.

No matter how powerful a person is, he can only destroy a little bit. If the power contains the law of will, everything can be destroyed. When a law of will comes, all living things in the entire Xuanhuang star will be wiped out. The unrivaled power of the strong.

There is no doubt that Yu Yuanting and Lu Xu, the sixth-level powerhouses who have broken the immortals, have begun to discover the way of law, comprehend the law of heaven, integrate the law with the law, and the law and the body, so as to achieve the unity of heaven, earth, people, and the three. One, with the power of one person, he can dominate the world, comparable to an immortal.

Ye Yun is currently very powerful, but it is purely domineering and has no laws. If there are laws, Ye Yun can instantly kill the fifth level of Poxian with a single aura. Unfortunately, Ye Yun's realm is too low. If he does not reach a certain realm, he cannot comprehend the law The power can only continue to increase the domineering degree of power.

Of course, with a certain level of strength, it can also fight against the law, but the law is always above the power. The law is a bundle of chopsticks, but the power is just a chopstick. A person facing countless masters is naturally not an opponent.

Of course, it's different for Ye Yun to use the Great Thousand God Map and the Burial Sky Bow.

"Yu Yuanting, I didn't expect you to be able to compete with the first five moves of the ninth style of killing the way and crossing the boundary... The elder of Shenzhou Xianyuan really deserves his reputation. Next, how are you going to fight against the power of the last five moves of the ninth style of killing the way and crossing the boundary? Ten times five times!"

From the depths of Xuanhuang Star came Lu Xu's frenzied and ferocious smile: "The nine ways of killing and crossing the boundary, the sixth style, boundless!"

"Lei Fen!" Immediately, at the moment when the heaven and the earth were shrouded in the aura of killing, the sound of Yu Yuanting's vicissitudes and emptiness came out, and a penetrating and tearing sky thunder began to burst out in the depths.

Everyone in Fu Daoji discovered that the entire void formed a world, but it was not a world, as if it did not belong to Xuanhuang Star, and the power of destruction began to sweep in like a flood in the void world.

chi chi...

In an instant, the sound of countless thunders flickered at the end of the sky, mixed with the smashing and killing nothingness world, the sky thunder tore the world, and the world was nothingness, sometimes real, sometimes illusory, it was simply not the means of mortals.

"Old Yu!" Fu Daoji, as a sixth-level master of breaking immortals, knew more about how powerful Lu Xu's attack was than anyone else, and he couldn't help showing a slightly worried look on his face.

At the end of the turbulent, lightning-thundering sky, Lu Xuling's domineering cry came again: "Nine forms of killing and crossing the boundary, seventh form, breaking the boundary!"

In an instant, in front of countless masters, the void of Xuanhuang Star was jumping and twisting, like a mass of paste, and the countless twisted and overlapping voids began to disintegrate and shatter inch by inch.

"Northern sky and dark change!"

From the depths of the sky, Yu Yuanting's unnecessary voice suddenly came out, as if he was weak, and it seemed that Xuanhuang Star did not exist, drifting like a Buddha in the eternity.


Ye Yun's complexion changed, his eyes shot out, and he looked towards the end of the sky: "Beiyun Tianmingbian, this is the supreme leader of Shenzhou Xianyuan, the peerless qigong practiced by Jiang Xiaoyun, and also the leader of Shenzhou Xianyuan. The most powerful qigong, I didn't expect... Yu Yuanting seems to use the ultimate move in advance, otherwise, let Lu Xu perform the last three forms of the nine forms of killing and crossing the boundary, then Yu Yuanting will be passive and may be beheaded by Lu Xu, it is better to perform it in advance Ultimate move!"

Beiyun Tianmingchang, Ye Yun entered Jiang Xiaoyun Temple at that time, and saw him practicing this qigong, carving evolution, releasing Buddhas to transform the way of heaven, and the image of stars, it is indeed a domineering and profound fairy-level qigong.

The Nine Forms of Killing Dao and Crossing the Boundaries performed by Lu Xu are equally powerful. The Beiyun Tianming Bian is full of phenomena in the sky, but the Nine Forms of Killing the Way and Crossing the Boundaries are mainly about killing. The two qigong are completely different.

Fu Daoji's voice suddenly became sharp, and with a wave of his big hand, a sixth-level power that broke the immortals protected the entire Lingzhou City: "Everyone, be careful, Mr. Yu has used the strongest move!"

"What kind of qigong is this... In front of the Nine Ways of Killing Dao and Crossing the Boundary, there is no world, only smashing. How did you evolve a world?"


Time seemed to be frozen, and at this moment, Lu Xu's trembling voice suddenly came out, not because of fear, but because he surrendered to the mysterious mysteries of heaven and earth presented in front of him.

Immediately, an explosion that destroyed everything began to descend from the depths of the nine heavens, like the wrath of the heavens, to descend on the earth, and sparks continued to fall.

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