
Piao Miao Xing, Shenzhou Xianyuan, Qiankun Holy Land, in a mysterious space, there is an ancient altar floating, on the altar, floating a huge golden book, this is the generation of Shusheng of Shenzhou Xianyuan. Over the past few years, I have absorbed the beliefs of countless scholars and cultivated my own spiritual knowledge.

A crisp cracking sound erupted from the inside of the giant golden book, and in the blink of an eye, the golden tome turned into a young man, about ten years old, sitting cross-legged in the void of the altar, his body filled with the avenue of civilization.

"Something is wrong..."

The book sage boy suddenly opened his eyes. His pupils were silvery white, as if he had no eyeballs. The book sage boy sighed lightly. Immediately, projections of majestic towers landed on the altar.

There are ten people in total. These ten giants guard the most mysterious holy land of heaven and earth in Shenzhou Xianyuan.

A veteran projection asked: "Book Saint, what happened?"

"Everyone, just now, the throne of Bai Wudao's master is shattered, with no breath, and the primordial spirit disappeared... Bai Wudao's master has fallen!"

The juvenile scholar slowly looked at the ten elders, and said vicissitudes of life like an old boy.

"What!" The ten elders sighed in astonishment in an instant.

The juvenile scholar said indifferently without emotion: "The planet where Bai Wudao disappeared is Xuanhuang Star. My clone can clearly sense that he didn't fall inside Xuanhuang Star. I don't know the exact location. Only let the elders calculate their whereabouts!"

"Bai Wudao is not as good as breaking the fifth level of immortal cultivation. He will soon be promoted to the sixth level and become a veteran. In my Shenzhou Xianyuan, he is one of the few old antiques. In this world, who is it that can kill so quietly? I left him, and not even a single message was sent!" A senior elder sighed.

"Bai Wudao has fallen!"

Suddenly, a majestic figure was the leader of Shenzhou, Jiang Xiaoyun came to the altar, he looked directly at the young scholar, and asked: "Scholar, you are the oldest existence in my Shenzhou Xianyuan, can you still find out?" Where did Bai Wudao fall?"

"Leader, although I am ancient, I am a book spirit, majoring in the way of civilization, and my civilization has not yet formed. It's very short, presumably, it's around Xuanhuang Star!" The young scholar saluted slightly, and the young scholar still had an indifferent expression towards Jiang Xiaoyun, the leader of Shenzhou.

"Even you can't sense it, and we people naturally have no hope... Seniors, Master Enlightenment volunteered to participate in the mission of Xuanhuang Star, but he didn't expect to fall. Complete victory, most of the disciples of the Yan Sect were beheaded, only Mr. Yu and the master of the Yan Sect's altar hadn't done anything. You have to act in time, just in case!"

Jiang Xiaoyun looked at the ten elders.

"Yes, the supreme leader!" The ten elders replied respectfully, and then disappeared into the mysterious space one by one.

The young scholar saw the ten elders leave, and there were no outsiders in the four directions, and immediately looked at Jiang Xiaoyun: "Leader, I feel a slightly familiar aura, and it is this aura that attacked Bai Wudao, but this person hides It is too deep, it is very possible that this person is a student of this academy, and he has been lurking in the fairy courtyard all the time. He is powerful and can easily kill Bai Wudao. Only the elders can fight against this person!"

"Is there such a thing?"

When Jiang Xiaoyun moved his body, it seemed that the entire Piao Miao Xing was changing with his aura.

"If I can sense it, it's naturally the students of this academy. Besides the students of this academy, who can enter the Shenzhou Immortal Academy, leader, you should pay more attention!"

After saying these words, the juvenile book sage turned into himself again, becoming the divine book, floating quietly on the altar, as if he was in a deep sleep.

"There is such a person hiding in the fairy courtyard..." Jiang Xiaoyun's breathing became serious. A strong man who has always been calm and sees through the vicissitudes of life will have this expression at this moment.

Monarch star.


"Who is it? Who is it? Bai Wudao... You just fell silently like this. No matter who kills you, I will let him die!"

In the center of Diwang Star, the sacred throne was crushed by the Diwang's punch. Ditian was filled with resentment. Bai Wudao was his master, but he fell like this, and he couldn't even sense it.

Suddenly, an old man wearing an ancient Taoist robe appeared in one side sitting cross-legged quietly, and looked at Ditian calmly: "Master, Bai Wudao has fallen?"

"That's right... I went to Xuanhuang Star to destroy a sub-altar of the Yan Sect this time. I didn't expect... It seems that he is a master of the Yan Sect. I killed him, could it be..."

Di Tian turned to look at the old man, frowned and asked: "Protector Qing Yi, could it be that Yan Sect master you mentioned did it?"

Protector Qingyi shook his head: "It's hard to say, this Yanjiao is in the plane of the fairy world, not the same plane as us, and it is really ambitious to send immortals to conquer the mortal world. It seems that the Yanjiao is not something we can deal with." , with the ability of Yanjiao, it can create a lot of powerful immortals, as long as they are at the sixth or seventh level of immortality, they can absolutely kill Bai Wudao!"

"The hateful Yan Cult... actually wants to destroy my unified plane. I want to merge with the Taixing plane, so that the plane can be promoted to the fairy world, and help me reshape the immortal body. The Yan Cult actually interferes and must be destroyed. The Yan Cult is the overlord in the Immortal Realm, but this is not the Immortal Realm!" Di Tian was furious.

Protector Qingyi persuaded: "We have to regard the Yanjiao as the greatest resistance. Master, if you really can't successfully advance to the plane, you can simply become a fairy and ascend, and return to the fairy world, and you can make a comeback!"

"A comeback? It's not easy. It's easy to become an immortal, but it's not so easy to restore the previous strength. I have to deal with Yanjiao and all enemies. I want to get the plane, promote successfully, and help me achieve the supreme immortal body!"

Di Tian looked at the void world, and his whole body released a strong imperial air. Fang Buddha was born to be a ruler, an emperor, descended from heaven, and does not belong to the human world.

Xuanhuang star.

"It's only been five years, and the battle is coming to an end..."

As soon as he entered Xuanhuang Star, Ye Yun sensed a large battlefield and found that there were only sporadic battles in the ruined land. Hundreds of thousands of students from Shenzhou Xianyuan were cleaning the battlefield, and they dared not enter the battlefield, because in the depths, the two Yu Yuanting and Lu Xu, two superpowers, still didn't make a move.

Once a sixth-level powerhouse makes a move, it will be earth-shattering after all, and the students of Shenzhou Xianyuan began to retreat and set off to the center of Xuanhuang Star. Xuanhuang Star has already become a hot soup pot, scorching countless monks, leaving Xuanhuang one after another star.

A peak battle is about to break out on this ancient planet, and I don't know how many people will be affected.

"Chenhang, hasn't Ye Yun gone yet?"

Among the few ruins, more than 100 immortal students, under the command of Fu Daoji, Qiu Shuihan and the two masters of the Hall of Law Enforcement, waited motionlessly.

Fu Daoji waved his hand slightly, and Yun Chenhang came out from the side. As a fourth-level cultivator of Poxian, Yun Chenhang naturally had a higher status among these immortal students.

Yun Chenhang bowed to Fu Daoji and said: "Old Fu, there is no whereabouts of Junior Brother Ye for the time being. Since the moment Junior Brother Ye sent the news from inside, there has been no contact. Maybe... How many masters in the Yanjiao branch? The moment the younger brother started working inside, he was naturally discovered by countless experts, I'm afraid..."

Fu Daoji, Qiu Shuihan, and the two masters of the Hall of Law Enforcement heard Yun Chenhang's words, and the four of them immediately understood, and Buddha Daoji said affirmatively: "It's really difficult for him this time. For the sake of the fairy courtyard, we must go to Do it, otherwise, how could we have such a smooth attack this time, how many students will fall in the storm, Ye Yun did a good job, and he was able to hold back countless strong people from the Yanjiao branch, so that the Yanjiao could not stop it in the first place Let me wait, if it wasn't Ye Yun, there would be a confrontation, that would be reckless, and the price is hard to estimate...!"

"Ye Yun did a great job this time, and made great contributions to the Immortal Academy. Before coming here, Master Xuanji also explained to me, take good care of Ye Yun...!" The chief Qiu Shuihan sighed slightly.

Suddenly, the two masters of the Hall of Law Enforcement looked at each other, and one of them said numbly, "Our Hall of Law Enforcement will bestow credit on Master Xuanji, who is nothing more than a disciple. It is his honor to die for the Immortal Academy!"

"The two hall masters, Ye Yun made such a contribution. It is not up to the law enforcement hall to decide, but to the elders and leaders to make promises. You law enforcement hall should not take yourself too seriously. What do you think of Fu Lao and our master? When Qiu Shuihan heard this, he was immediately dissatisfied and retorted to the two palace masters.

"Ah, that's great, Mr. Fu, Mr. Qiu, there's news about Ye Yun, and he's coming to us now..." Yun Chenhang excitedly interrupted the open and secret struggle of several supreme beings, and said to Fu Daoji with surprise in his eyes .

Fu Daoji immediately clapped his hands and applauded: "Haha, good, good, I've always been optimistic about Ye Yun, it really is a good job, he is worthy of being a figure favored by the leader, and he can escape from countless masters of the Yan Sect!"

Qiu Shuihan was very pleasantly surprised, and coldly glanced at the two palace masters, and said loudly: "This kind of genius is the great luck of the Immortal Academy!"


A sound of breaking wind resounded from the void, and hundreds of immortal students from Shenzhou Immortal Academy looked at it for an instant, and in their eyes, a figure covered in blood and in a state of distress gradually appeared, and after a further step, they could see the face, it was Ye Yun.

Ye Yun clutched his chest, covered in blood, as if he had just rewarded a life-and-death fight, escaped from the hands of death, and flew towards Shenzhou Xianyuan with surprise and joy.

"it is good!"

All the masters of Xianyuan clapped their hands and applauded. They knew very well that if it wasn't for Ye Yun, they would definitely not be able to stand here properly. Students will die under the hands of Yanjiao masters.

These people have all seen the methods of Yan Sect masters, fought against them, and fully experienced the horror of Yan Sect, so they thanked Ye Yun from the bottom of their hearts.

"Participate, fellow seniors, Mr. Fu, master, hall master!"

After rushing back, Ye Yun excitedly saluted everyone, panting heavily, and looked much better than before.

Fu Daoji stepped down from the throne in person and greeted Ye Yun: "Ye Yun, you survived a catastrophe, and you will have future blessings. This time you have made extraordinary achievements for the fairy courtyard. According to the regulations, it is already an ironclad order for you to become the vice-principal." It's a nail thing, take a good rest, there will be a big battle soon!"


Ye Yun didn't say much, and returned to the team honestly. Many students immediately came up to show their concern and greetings. Ye Yun started to get affirmation from the immortal students through this mission without knowing it.

"Those two masters of the Law Enforcement Hall actually disregarded my life and death. It seems that the entire Law Enforcement Hall is my enemy!"

Returning to the team, Ye Yun had already had a conversation with Fu Daoji and the others, he heard it clearly, his eyes swept slightly, and fell behind the two masters of the Hall of Law Enforcement, full of murderous intent.


Suddenly, Fu Daoji let out an icy cry, with a desolate and solemn aura, the powerful aura of the sixth-order Poxian, and the deterrence dispersed, making all the immortal students tremble with fear.

Fu Daoji stood up slowly, looking at the puzzled students, Fu Daoji slowly shook his head and sighed: "Master Bai Wudao... has fallen!"


More than 100 fairy students suddenly exploded, amazed again and again, and various expressions appeared on the faces of the fairy students.

Qiu Shuihan was taken aback, his breath froze instantly: "Bai Wudao, the master, has fallen!"

"How could this be? A good leader, who was in charge, fell like this?" Even though the two masters of the Hall of Law Enforcement have always been fighting openly and secretly with the camp in charge, it is not a private matter now, but it is about the entire fairy courtyard. Don't let go of barriers.

"Our great master has fallen! Impossible!"

Immortal students, at this moment, began to calm down, but they were still shocked in their hearts. For many years, hundreds of thousands of years, the Shenzhou Immortal Academy has not lost its principal.

Bai Wudao is a powerful old antique of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy. He is high and high. All the immortal students respect, respect, and even serve as their spiritual pillar. Bring a huge blow.

Moreover, the master is still the strongest force in Xianyuan, and the strength represented is invincible.

"It seems that the senior management of Shenzhou Xianyuan has sensed the disappearance of Bai Wudao's natal soul..."

On the other side of the crowd, Ye Yun sat cross-legged quietly in the void, recovering, he didn't react as strongly as others, he sat cross-legged lightly, but he was watching the excitement in his heart.

All the immortal students began to be silent, silent, and let the Buddha see Bai Wudao off!

The corner of Ye Yun's mouth twitched indifferently: "Bai Wudao is immortal, how can he let the fairy courtyard choose a new master to replenish his strength, and I just finished the task again, it seems... this time it really kills two birds with one stone, and the benefits come a lot!" Click...

Piao Miao Xing, Shenzhou Xianyuan, Qiankun Holy Land, in a mysterious space, there is an ancient altar floating, on the altar, floating a huge golden book, this is the generation of Shusheng of Shenzhou Xianyuan. Over the past few years, I have absorbed the beliefs of countless scholars and cultivated my own spiritual knowledge.

A crisp cracking sound erupted from the inside of the giant golden book, and in the blink of an eye, the golden tome turned into a young man, about ten years old, sitting cross-legged in the void of the altar, his body filled with the avenue of civilization.

"Something is wrong..."

The book sage boy suddenly opened his eyes. His pupils were silvery white, as if he had no eyeballs. The book sage boy sighed lightly. Immediately, projections of majestic towers landed on the altar.

There are ten people in total. These ten giants guard the most mysterious holy land of heaven and earth in Shenzhou Xianyuan.

A veteran projection asked: "Book Saint, what happened?"

"Everyone, just now, the throne of Bai Wudao's master is shattered, with no breath, and the primordial spirit disappeared... Bai Wudao's master has fallen!"

The juvenile scholar slowly looked at the ten elders, and said vicissitudes of life like an old boy.

"What!" The ten elders sighed in astonishment in an instant.

The juvenile scholar said indifferently without emotion: "The planet where Bai Wudao disappeared is Xuanhuang Star. My clone can clearly sense that he didn't fall inside Xuanhuang Star. I don't know the exact location. Only let the elders calculate their whereabouts!"

"Bai Wudao is not as good as breaking the fifth level of immortal cultivation. He will soon be promoted to the sixth level and become a veteran. In my Shenzhou Xianyuan, he is one of the few old antiques. In this world, who is it that can kill so quietly? I left him, and not even a single message was sent!" A senior elder sighed.

"Bai Wudao has fallen!"

Suddenly, a majestic figure was the leader of Shenzhou, Jiang Xiaoyun came to the altar, he looked directly at the young scholar, and asked: "Scholar, you are the oldest existence in my Shenzhou Xianyuan, can you still find out?" Where did Bai Wudao fall?"

"Leader, although I am ancient, I am a book spirit, majoring in the way of civilization, and my civilization has not yet formed. It's very short, presumably, it's around Xuanhuang Star!" The young scholar saluted slightly, and the young scholar still had an indifferent expression towards Jiang Xiaoyun, the leader of Shenzhou.

"Even you can't sense it, and we people naturally have no hope... Seniors, Master Enlightenment volunteered to participate in the mission of Xuanhuang Star, but he didn't expect to fall. Complete victory, most of the disciples of the Yan Sect were beheaded, only Mr. Yu and the master of the Yan Sect's altar hadn't done anything. You have to act in time, just in case!"

Jiang Xiaoyun looked at the ten elders.

"Yes, the supreme leader!" The ten elders replied respectfully, and then disappeared into the mysterious space one by one.

The young scholar saw the ten elders leave, and there were no outsiders in the four directions, and immediately looked at Jiang Xiaoyun: "Leader, I feel a slightly familiar aura, and it is this aura that attacked Bai Wudao, but this person hides It is too deep, it is very possible that this person is a student of this academy, and he has been lurking in the fairy courtyard all the time. He is powerful and can easily kill Bai Wudao. Only the elders can fight against this person!"

"Is there such a thing?"

When Jiang Xiaoyun moved his body, it seemed that the entire Piao Miao Xing was changing with his aura.

"If I can sense it, it's naturally the students of this academy. Besides the students of this academy, who can enter the Shenzhou Immortal Academy, leader, you should pay more attention!"

After saying these words, the juvenile book sage turned into himself again, becoming the divine book, floating quietly on the altar, as if he was in a deep sleep.

"There is such a person hiding in the fairy courtyard..." Jiang Xiaoyun's breathing became serious. A strong man who has always been calm and sees through the vicissitudes of life will have this expression at this moment.

Monarch star.


"Who is it? Who is it? Bai Wudao... You just fell silently like this. No matter who kills you, I will let him die!"

In the center of Diwang Star, the sacred throne was crushed by the Diwang's punch. Ditian was filled with resentment. Bai Wudao was his master, but he fell like this, and he couldn't even sense it.

Suddenly, an old man wearing an ancient Taoist robe appeared in one side sitting cross-legged quietly, and looked at Ditian calmly: "Master, Bai Wudao has fallen?"

"That's right... I went to Xuanhuang Star to destroy a sub-altar of the Yan Sect this time. I didn't expect... It seems that he is a master of the Yan Sect. I killed him, could it be..."

Di Tian turned to look at the old man, frowned and asked: "Protector Qing Yi, could it be that Yan Sect master you mentioned did it?"

Protector Qingyi shook his head: "It's hard to say, this Yanjiao is in the plane of the fairy world, not the same plane as us, and it is really ambitious to send immortals to conquer the mortal world. It seems that the Yanjiao is not something we can deal with." , with the ability of Yanjiao, it can create a lot of powerful immortals, as long as they are at the sixth or seventh level of immortality, they can absolutely kill Bai Wudao!"

"The hateful Yan Cult... actually wants to destroy my unified plane. I want to merge with the Taixing plane, so that the plane can be promoted to the fairy world, and help me reshape the immortal body. The Yan Cult actually interferes and must be destroyed. The Yan Cult is the overlord in the Immortal Realm, but this is not the Immortal Realm!" Di Tian was furious.

Protector Qingyi persuaded: "We have to regard the Yanjiao as the greatest resistance. Master, if you really can't successfully advance to the plane, you can simply become a fairy and ascend, and return to the fairy world, and you can make a comeback!"

"A comeback? It's not easy. It's easy to become an immortal, but it's not so easy to restore the previous strength. I have to deal with Yanjiao and all enemies. I want to get the plane, promote successfully, and help me achieve the supreme immortal body!"

Di Tian looked at the void world, and his whole body released a strong imperial air. Fang Buddha was born to be a ruler, an emperor, descended from heaven, and does not belong to the human world.

Xuanhuang star.

"It's only been five years, and the battle is coming to an end..."

As soon as he entered Xuanhuang Star, Ye Yun sensed a large battlefield and found that there were only sporadic battles in the ruined land. Hundreds of thousands of students from Shenzhou Xianyuan were cleaning the battlefield, and they dared not enter the battlefield, because in the depths, the two Yu Yuanting and Lu Xu, two superpowers, still didn't make a move.

Once a sixth-level powerhouse makes a move, it will be earth-shattering after all, and the students of Shenzhou Xianyuan began to retreat and set off to the center of Xuanhuang Star. Xuanhuang Star has already become a hot soup pot, scorching countless monks, leaving Xuanhuang one after another star.

A peak battle is about to break out on this ancient planet, and I don't know how many people will be affected.

"Chenhang, hasn't Ye Yun gone yet?"

Among the few ruins, more than 100 immortal students, under the command of Fu Daoji, Qiu Shuihan and the two masters of the Hall of Law Enforcement, waited motionlessly.

Fu Daoji waved his hand slightly, and Yun Chenhang came out from the side. As a fourth-level cultivator of Poxian, Yun Chenhang naturally had a higher status among these immortal students.

Yun Chenhang bowed to Fu Daoji and said: "Old Fu, there is no whereabouts of Junior Brother Ye for the time being. Since the moment Junior Brother Ye sent the news from inside, there has been no contact. Maybe... How many masters in the Yanjiao branch? The moment the younger brother started working inside, he was naturally discovered by countless experts, I'm afraid..."

Fu Daoji, Qiu Shuihan, and the two masters of the Hall of Law Enforcement heard Yun Chenhang's words, and the four of them immediately understood, and Buddha Daoji said affirmatively: "It's really difficult for him this time. For the sake of the fairy courtyard, we must go to Do it, otherwise, how could we have such a smooth attack this time, how many students will fall in the storm, Ye Yun did a good job, and he was able to hold back countless strong people from the Yanjiao branch, so that the Yanjiao could not stop it in the first place Let me wait, if it wasn't Ye Yun, there would be a confrontation, that would be reckless, and the price is hard to estimate...!"

"Ye Yun did a great job this time, and made great contributions to the Immortal Academy. Before coming here, Master Xuanji also explained to me, take good care of Ye Yun...!" The chief Qiu Shuihan sighed slightly.

Suddenly, the two masters of the Hall of Law Enforcement looked at each other, and one of them said numbly, "Our Hall of Law Enforcement will bestow credit on Master Xuanji, who is nothing more than a disciple. It is his honor to die for the Immortal Academy!"

"The two hall masters, Ye Yun made such a contribution. It is not up to the law enforcement hall to decide, but to the elders and leaders to make promises. You law enforcement hall should not take yourself too seriously. What do you think of Fu Lao and our master? When Qiu Shuihan heard this, he was immediately dissatisfied and retorted to the two palace masters.

"Ah, that's great, Mr. Fu, Mr. Qiu, there's news about Ye Yun, and he's coming to us now..." Yun Chenhang excitedly interrupted the open and secret struggle of several supreme beings, and said to Fu Daoji with surprise in his eyes .

Fu Daoji immediately clapped his hands and applauded: "Haha, good, good, I've always been optimistic about Ye Yun, it really is a good job, he is worthy of being a figure favored by the leader, and he can escape from countless masters of the Yan Sect!"

Qiu Shuihan was very pleasantly surprised, and coldly glanced at the two palace masters, and said loudly: "This kind of genius is the great luck of the Immortal Academy!"


A sound of breaking wind resounded from the void, and hundreds of immortal students from Shenzhou Immortal Academy looked at it for an instant, and in their eyes, a figure covered in blood and in a state of distress gradually appeared, and after a further step, they could see the face, it was Ye Yun.

Ye Yun clutched his chest, covered in blood, as if he had just rewarded a life-and-death fight, escaped from the hands of death, and flew towards Shenzhou Xianyuan with surprise and joy.

"it is good!"

All the masters of Xianyuan clapped their hands and applauded. They knew very well that if it wasn't for Ye Yun, they would definitely not be able to stand here properly. Students will die under the hands of Yanjiao masters.

These people have all seen the methods of Yan Sect masters, fought against them, and fully experienced the horror of Yan Sect, so they thanked Ye Yun from the bottom of their hearts.

"Participate, fellow seniors, Mr. Fu, master, hall master!"

After rushing back, Ye Yun excitedly saluted everyone, panting heavily, and looked much better than before.

Fu Daoji stepped down from the throne in person and greeted Ye Yun: "Ye Yun, you survived a catastrophe, and you will have future blessings. This time you have made extraordinary achievements for the fairy courtyard. According to the regulations, it is already an ironclad order for you to become the vice-principal." It's a nail thing, take a good rest, there will be a big battle soon!"


Ye Yun didn't say much, and returned to the team honestly. Many students immediately came up to show their concern and greetings. Ye Yun started to get affirmation from the immortal students through this mission without knowing it.

"Those two masters of the Law Enforcement Hall actually disregarded my life and death. It seems that the entire Law Enforcement Hall is my enemy!"

Returning to the team, Ye Yun had already had a conversation with Fu Daoji and the others, he heard it clearly, his eyes swept slightly, and fell behind the two masters of the Hall of Law Enforcement, full of murderous intent.


Suddenly, Fu Daoji let out an icy cry, with a desolate and solemn aura, the powerful aura of the sixth-order Poxian, and the deterrence dispersed, making all the immortal students tremble with fear.

Fu Daoji stood up slowly, looking at the puzzled students, Fu Daoji slowly shook his head and sighed: "Master Bai Wudao... has fallen!"


More than 100 fairy students suddenly exploded, amazed again and again, and various expressions appeared on the faces of the fairy students.

Qiu Shuihan was taken aback, his breath froze instantly: "Bai Wudao, the master, has fallen!"

"How could this be? A good leader, who was in charge, fell like this?" Even though the two masters of the Hall of Law Enforcement have always been fighting openly and secretly with the camp in charge, it is not a private matter now, but it is about the entire fairy courtyard. Don't let go of barriers.

"Our great master has fallen! Impossible!"

Immortal students, at this moment, began to calm down, but they were still shocked in their hearts. For many years, hundreds of thousands of years, the Shenzhou Immortal Academy has not lost its principal.

Bai Wudao is a powerful old antique of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy. He is high and high. All the immortal students respect, respect, and even serve as their spiritual pillar. Bring a huge blow.

Moreover, the master is still the strongest force in Xianyuan, and the strength represented is invincible.

"It seems that the senior management of Shenzhou Xianyuan has sensed the disappearance of Bai Wudao's natal soul..."

On the other side of the crowd, Ye Yun sat cross-legged quietly in the void, recovering, he didn't react as strongly as others, he sat cross-legged lightly, but he was watching the excitement in his heart.

All the immortal students began to be silent, silent, and let the Buddha see Bai Wudao off!

The corner of Ye Yun's mouth twitched indifferently: "Bai Wudao is immortal, how can he let the fairy courtyard choose a new master to replenish his strength, and I just finished the task again, it seems... this time it really kills two birds with one stone, and the benefits come a lot!"

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