Seeing Wu Tianhuang's expression, he seemed to be looking for Ye Yun in his dreams, but now, Ye Yun suddenly yelled, which made him a little at a loss.

Wu Tianhuang is an old man, he reacted immediately, his shock gradually turned into astonishment, and he raised his luck and said: "Junior Ye, you are truly invincible, thank you for helping me kill the cultists of the Yan Sect, this credit belongs to my junior! "

"Haha, Wu Tianhuang, stop acting. In front of me, what tricks do you want to stir up?"

Ye Yun immediately yelled down: "You think I don't know, this time I represent Shenzhou Xianyuan, come to Xuanhuang Star to carry out a secret mission, you are probably coming to kill me at the wish of your master, right?"

Wu Tianhuang pretended to be pitiful, and was so wronged that he almost burst into tears, and said earnestly: "Senior Brother, Junior Brother, what are you talking about, Senior Brother has come all the way to obey the decree of the Law Enforcement Hall, Coming here with other senior brothers to help you complete the task is absolutely not like what you said, we are brothers from the same sect, how can I harm my junior brother, isn’t it unreasonable!?”

"Don't act in front of me, Wu Tianhuang, you are really a character, you never thought I was strong, didn't you look for me everywhere these years? I showed up, don't you have the guts to admit it?"

Ye Yun said: "Your master, you want to kill me wholeheartedly, especially after I became a student of the immortal, I'm afraid you don't understand why Bai Wudao wants to kill me, but you are his disciple, you can only obey orders, Both you and your master have lost sight of me, how can I be a little fairy student!"

"very good……"

It seemed that Ye Yun's words moved Wu Tianhuang, his expression changed, and he stood behind his back with his hands behind his back, not like the submissive look just now, showing the powerful aura of a fairy student: "Since you know all this, what can you do, Do you want to kill me? Ye Yun, you really let the world look at you astray, but I understand who Tianhuang is, the master disciple, how many people support me in Shenzhou Xianyuan, even the elders look at me highly, you killed me I, don't stay in Shenzhou Xianyuan in the future, my master will not let you go!"

"The reason why I didn't kill you right away is because I wanted to know what kind of conspiracy Di Tian and your master had, and what kind of relationship they had. Otherwise, you would have been a dead person long ago. Tell me, and I may consider letting you go!"

Wu Tianhuang finally showed his true colors, so Ye Yun didn't need to waste any more words, and asked directly, his face was still calm, and he didn't regard Wu Tianhuang as a threat at all.

"Ditian? Ditian is my younger brother, a disciple of the master. Now that he has established the Emperor Star, he is the number one genius on the Taixing plane. His real strength is not as simple as it appears on the surface. It turns out that you are afraid of Ditian, haha, then Even better, I'm Senior Brother Ditian, you'd better let me go!" Hearing this, Wu Tianhuang became complacent, as if grasping at straws.


Suddenly, a big hand stretched out from the void and slapped Wu Tianhuang's head violently. Wu Tianhuang didn't have any resistance at all, and the body protection was shattered. The key point was that the seven orifices were bleeding, and he stared at Ye Yun in disbelief. , spit out the last few words: "You... you, you will die!"

With a slap, Wu Tianhuang's neck tilted, and his whole body lost all vitality. He died completely. The dignified third-level immortal cultivator, especially the master disciple, died just like that.

Suddenly -.

Ye Yun was like a gust of wind, swiftly and violently swept towards Wu Tianhuang, before the blink of an eye, Wu Tianhuang had become a skeleton, and Ye Yun had turned into Wu Tianhuang's appearance, with the same attire, no flaws could be seen at all, and the breath was also It is exactly the same as Wu Tianhuang.

"Originally, I wanted to find out from Wu Tianhuang's mouth what the relationship between Bai Wudao and Ditian is, and what conspiracy Bai Wudao has, but this person knows nothing at all, he is a waste!"

With a cold smile, Ye Yun should find something to kill Wu Tianhuang, wasting time.

For Ye Yun, the purpose of killing Bai Wudao is to eliminate the threat, and the biggest purpose is to know the relationship between Bai Wudao and Ditian from Bai Wudao, and to know what Ditian's plan is through Bai Wudao. The two are teachers. Bai Wudao has cultivated Ditian, so he will definitely know about it.

Ditian is also a person. It is said that he is the reincarnation of an ancient great immortal. Although he is not as good as a real immortal, once he regains the power of his previous life, Ditian will be very terrifying, equal to an immortal. Make a plan and tell the emperor to kill.

I'm afraid that this battle on Xuanhuang Star will officially expose the Yanjiao to the Taixing plane, which means that the Taixing plane is no longer peaceful, but has entered an era of war, and Ye Yun needs to eradicate the enemies one by one as soon as possible.

"Bai Wudao, just wait, I'll set up a cover for you to sneak in now, I believe that after you know my whereabouts, you will remain indifferent!!!"

Duoshe Wu Tianhuang pretended to be the other party, from the appearance to the true energy, they were exactly the same, just looking at the appearance and true energy, it was impossible to tell the authenticity of Wu Tianhuang's identity.


As soon as the body moved, Ye Yun disappeared.

"This place is not bad, there is a vast wilderness for thousands of miles around!"

After three breaths, Ye Yun appeared in the sky above the vast and wild land, which is far away from the main battlefield of the Yunji Mountain Range, but the Immortal Realm Breaker will rush over within ten breaths.

Boom boom boom….

A destructive sky thunder descended on the wild land. Countless mountains, heavy mountains, rivers, lakes, and grasslands became ruins under the power of the sky thunder, and the area continued to spread.

"Master, hurry up and kill Ye Yun. The second son is not only cunning, but also extremely powerful. The disciple was seriously injured by him..."

Ye Yun sent out a call for help with Bai Wudao's special token with Wu Tianhuang's divine sense.

"Bai Wudao, it's a pity that you think I'm too weak. When I was fledgling, you didn't attack me. Now that I am full-fledged, I will kill you as soon as possible!"

Snorting a few times, Ye Yun is really pitiful for Bai Wudao now, no matter how hard he calculates, he can't calculate that he has the means to kill the fifth level of Poxian. Originally, Bai Wudao knew the hatred between Ye Yun and Ditian , but didn't attack Ye Yun early. The Ye Yun of today is no longer the Ye Yun who had a grudge against Di Tian back then.

Immediately cast the power of the Great Thousand Gods Map, cast formations on the entire ruins, arrange a barrier, completely isolate the entire ruins from the Xuanhuang Star, and perfectly integrate them. Anyone who steps into Ye Yun's trap will be Jiang Xiaoyun. It is also impossible to escape, unless an immortal has that kind of power and the speed of traveling through space.

Otherwise, at the moment when Ye Yun used the Great Thousand Gods Diagram to escape from Xuanhuang Star, no one could escape between the two big spaces. There is no such speed in the Immortal Realm, only immortals have the speed. Between the gap, escape.

Ye Yun is currently in the Xuanhuang Star, using the power of the Great Thousand Gods Chart is based on the Xuanhuang Star, not directly under the control of the power of the Great Thousand Gods Chart, unless he completely breaks away from the Xuanhuang Star and shuttles out, then even a fairy Unable to escape the power of Daqian Shentu.

"Ye Yun..."

On the central battlefield, Bai Wudao was alone. He had just killed two third-level monks who had broken the immortals. When he was about to reunite with other immortal masters, he suddenly received a plea for help from Ye Yun through Wu Tianhuang.

After learning about it, Bai Wudao became murderous: "Tianhuang's strength is so powerful that it can be compared to the fourth level of Poxian, but he can't take down Ye Yun... What kind of monster is the second son? To be able to fight against the fourth rank of Poxian, isn't he even more genius than Di Tian!!?"

"We must not allow him to grow any longer. If we give him another few decades of effort, wouldn't even this old man be his opponent... He must be completely killed before he is so strong!"

All of a sudden, Bai Wudao Fangfo saw that Ye Yun was no longer the small person in his eyes, but regarded him as an equal master and a huge threat.

"Now I finally understand why Ditian wanted to kill Ye Yun with all his heart. This person is indeed a freak. Ditian is really far-sighted. He has long seen that Ye Yun is a threat. Back then, he directly attacked Ye Yun..."

Immediately, Bai Wudao cast out countless seals with his hands, scattered them in all directions, then he turned around, his gaze suddenly pierced through the depths of the sea of ​​clouds, his whole body turned into a fright, and he flew through the space in a blink of an eye.

"finally come!!!"

Yuanshen moved slightly, and Ye Yun suddenly opened his eyes. He sat cross-legged in the void, and in front of him was a large formation, which was a formation that only third-tier immortal students like Wu Tianhuang could practice. A blindfold used to confuse Bai Wudao.

With Bai Wudao's cultivation level, he can see Ye Yun's situation with just a glance of his eyes. If he sees a flaw, he will naturally have to be on guard. In order to deal with Bai Wudao, Ye Yun has also worked hard.


The space actually distorted, and immediately, Bai Wudao came through the air, with the powerful power of the sixth-order Poxian, his speed was surprisingly fast, combined with the supernatural power of space, he rushed over within three breaths, the speed was almost as fast as Ye Yun, far away Far beyond the general Tier [-] or even Tier [-] giants.

Bai Wudao unleashed his tyrannical murderous aura, and flew towards Ye Yun, who was sitting in the spirit gathering formation, who seemed to be recuperating, and asked urgently, "Tian Huang, where is that son Ye Yun!!?"

Ye Yun immediately withdrew the Spirit Gathering Formation, and respectfully said to Wu Tianhuang: "Master...Master, that guy Ye Yun is in the formation. He is so powerful that he can fight his disciples regardless of the outcome. Master, And entered the formation to kill him!"

"As a teacher, check first, this person seems to be still among them!"

As expected of an old Jianghu, Wu Tianhuang didn't rush in to kill people as soon as his brain got hot, but lightly swiped his hands in the void, as if the whole world was being sensed by him, suddenly, his eyes and pupils were intense. Murderous Qi: "Sure enough, it's Ye Yun's breath. True Qi can't be wrong. It's hiding in it. Hurry up and kill him as a teacher. You must not let Ye Yun escape alive. The second son has to kill him. If you give him another chance, he will be killed by then." Let's attack us!"

Wu Tianhuang took Ye Yun and began to fly towards the formation, and Ye Yun was also ready to make a move. Just before the formation, Wu Tianhuang was about to step into it, when suddenly his expression changed, and he flew towards the void beside him .


Ye Yun really didn't expect the sudden change, but in order to deal with Bai Wudao, all the space is controlled, as long as he doesn't take a breath, Bai Wudao can't escape.

With a loud roar, the entire void shrank suddenly. Wu Tianhuang was terrified. Seeing the space changing, he seemed to see something. It didn't work, but at this moment, the best time was missed, and in the blink of an eye, the scene changed, and he came to the infinite starry sky.

"To actually create an independent space in the star field..."

Bai Wudao actually calmed down, regained his aloof and aloof aura, quietly looked at the infinite starry sky, and watched the dangerous interstellar storm, as if it could swallow him at any time, which made people shudder.

At this time, Ye Yun appeared in the space, looked at Bai Wudao in surprise, and said, "Bai Wudao, I didn't expect you to be in a hurry now!"

Bai Wudao turned around. Although he didn't look shocked, his heart had already exploded. He was a five-level immortal, so he naturally knew how shocking the opponent's method was, so he could only pretend not to be surprised. Change: "Who are you?"

"Who am I? I'm afraid you have already guessed it!" Ye Yun slowly waved his hand, and his whole body changed from Wu Tianhuang to his original appearance, wearing a blue robe, floating quietly in the void.

"Ye really is you!" Bai Wudao was astonished, but just as Ye Yun said, although he didn't believe it, he had already guessed who the person who put him in a desperate situation was.

Ye Yun admired that this person was still stable, and suddenly changed his previous plan: "Bai Wudao, why did I attack you, why did you appear here, you and I are very clear, now you only have two choices, the first , Surrender to me, second, there is a dead end, choose, I have no patience for enemies!"

"I didn't expect that I, Bai Wudao, would always plot against others, but now, you plot against me..."

Bai Wudao finally couldn't hold on anymore, the whole portrait was a few years older, showing old age, decadence and lack of energy, even if he is the master, he has the highest level of cultivation of the fifth level of Poxian, and he is ambitious in the Taixing plane Great, but now, he has no choice.

"Bai Wudao, in this small plane, you are also a venerable party. You have cultivated for many years before you are today. Don't you want to see everything go to waste?" Ye Yun knew that Bai Wudao must be very entangled now. Painful, so began to add salt and vinegar.

As the principal, with an earth-shattering cultivation, Bai Wudao was originally the supreme, and now it is a shame for him to bow his head and ears to Ye Yun. Why is a giant like him willing to suffer this kind of humiliation? Surrender is tantamount to letting him commit suicide.

In the silent and endless starry sky, the two faced each other like this. For a full month, Ye Yun continued: "One must know how to bend and stretch. You have lived for so many years, so you naturally know better than me that your path of cultivation will not end here. ..."

Suddenly, Bai Wudao sat up cross-legged and closed his eyes quietly: "Needless to say, do it!"

"It seems that your Dao heart is really firm. I can tell that you died for Ditian. Do you think Ditian is my opponent? Even if he is a heavenly genius, or he is really the reincarnation of an ancient immortal, so what? , Bai Wudao, you have cultivated for so many years in vain, since you are going to die, I will give you a ride!"

Ye Yun couldn't help shaking his head, he really didn't expect Bai Wudao to make such a choice, beyond his expectation, there is only one answer, that is, in Bai Wudao's eyes, Ye Yun still can't stand shoulder to shoulder with Di Tian, ​​Bai Wudao would rather submit to the strong , will never yield to a weak person like Ye Yun.

This is the choice of human nature.


A force of nothingness pierced through Bai Wudao's chest sharply. Bai Wudao thumped a few times, frothing at the mouth, and when his neck tilted, he lost his vitality.

"It's a pity that a generation of strong men has fallen like this..."

"There are talents from generation to generation in the country, and a new generation replaces the old ones. At any rate, it is the fifth-level body of the broken immortal. It is the powerful energy I need. After refining you, I can break through the sixth level of the sky and reach the high level of the sky!"

With a slight movement of Ye Yun's eyes, Bai Wudao's corpse floated over, facing the body, the essence of Bai Wudao's body was absorbed into the palm of his hand in the blink of an eye, and turned into a white bone.Seeing Wu Tianhuang's expression, he seemed to be looking for Ye Yun in his dreams, but now, Ye Yun suddenly yelled, which made him a little at a loss.

Wu Tianhuang is an old man, he reacted immediately, his shock gradually turned into astonishment, and he raised his luck and said: "Junior Ye, you are truly invincible, thank you for helping me kill the cultists of the Yan Sect, this credit belongs to my junior! "

"Haha, Wu Tianhuang, stop acting. In front of me, what tricks do you want to stir up?"

Ye Yun immediately yelled down: "You think I don't know, this time I represent Shenzhou Xianyuan, come to Xuanhuang Star to carry out a secret mission, you are probably coming to kill me at the wish of your master, right?"

Wu Tianhuang pretended to be pitiful, and was so wronged that he almost burst into tears, and said earnestly: "Senior Brother, Junior Brother, what are you talking about, Senior Brother has come all the way to obey the decree of the Law Enforcement Hall, Coming here with other senior brothers to help you complete the task is absolutely not like what you said, we are brothers from the same sect, how can I harm my junior brother, isn’t it unreasonable!?”

"Don't act in front of me, Wu Tianhuang, you are really a character, you never thought I was strong, didn't you look for me everywhere these years? I showed up, don't you have the guts to admit it?"

Ye Yun said: "Your master, you want to kill me wholeheartedly, especially after I became a student of the immortal, I'm afraid you don't understand why Bai Wudao wants to kill me, but you are his disciple, you can only obey orders, Both you and your master have lost sight of me, how can I be a little fairy student!"

"very good……"

It seemed that Ye Yun's words moved Wu Tianhuang, his expression changed, and he stood behind his back with his hands behind his back, not like the submissive look just now, showing the powerful aura of a fairy student: "Since you know all this, what can you do, Do you want to kill me? Ye Yun, you really let the world look at you astray, but I understand who Tianhuang is, the master disciple, how many people support me in Shenzhou Xianyuan, even the elders look at me highly, you killed me I, don't stay in Shenzhou Xianyuan in the future, my master will not let you go!"

"The reason why I didn't kill you right away is because I wanted to know what kind of conspiracy Di Tian and your master had, and what kind of relationship they had. Otherwise, you would have been a dead person long ago. Tell me, and I may consider letting you go!"

Wu Tianhuang finally showed his true colors, so Ye Yun didn't need to waste any more words, and asked directly, his face was still calm, and he didn't regard Wu Tianhuang as a threat at all.

"Ditian? Ditian is my younger brother, a disciple of the master. Now that he has established the Emperor Star, he is the number one genius on the Taixing plane. His real strength is not as simple as it appears on the surface. It turns out that you are afraid of Ditian, haha, then Even better, I'm Senior Brother Ditian, you'd better let me go!" Hearing this, Wu Tianhuang became complacent, as if grasping at straws.


Suddenly, a big hand stretched out from the void and slapped Wu Tianhuang's head violently. Wu Tianhuang didn't have any resistance at all, and the body protection was shattered. The key point was that the seven orifices were bleeding, and he stared at Ye Yun in disbelief. , spit out the last few words: "You... you, you will die!"

With a slap, Wu Tianhuang's neck tilted, and his whole body lost all vitality. He died completely. The dignified third-level immortal cultivator, especially the master disciple, died just like that.

Suddenly -.

Ye Yun was like a gust of wind, swiftly and violently swept towards Wu Tianhuang, before the blink of an eye, Wu Tianhuang had become a skeleton, and Ye Yun had turned into Wu Tianhuang's appearance, with the same attire, no flaws could be seen at all, and the breath was also It is exactly the same as Wu Tianhuang.

"Originally, I wanted to find out from Wu Tianhuang's mouth what the relationship between Bai Wudao and Ditian is, and what conspiracy Bai Wudao has, but this person knows nothing at all, he is a waste!"

With a cold smile, Ye Yun should find something to kill Wu Tianhuang, wasting time.

For Ye Yun, the purpose of killing Bai Wudao is to eliminate the threat, and the biggest purpose is to know the relationship between Bai Wudao and Ditian from Bai Wudao, and to know what Ditian's plan is through Bai Wudao. The two are teachers. Bai Wudao has cultivated Ditian, so he will definitely know about it.

Ditian is also a person. It is said that he is the reincarnation of an ancient great immortal. Although he is not as good as a real immortal, once he regains the power of his previous life, Ditian will be very terrifying, equal to an immortal. Make a plan and tell the emperor to kill.

I'm afraid that this battle on Xuanhuang Star will officially expose the Yanjiao to the Taixing plane, which means that the Taixing plane is no longer peaceful, but has entered an era of war, and Ye Yun needs to eradicate the enemies one by one as soon as possible.

"Bai Wudao, just wait, I'll set up a cover for you to sneak in now, I believe that after you know my whereabouts, you will remain indifferent!!!"

Duoshe Wu Tianhuang pretended to be the other party, from the appearance to the true energy, they were exactly the same, just looking at the appearance and true energy, it was impossible to tell the authenticity of Wu Tianhuang's identity.


As soon as the body moved, Ye Yun disappeared.

"This place is not bad, there is a vast wilderness for thousands of miles around!"

After three breaths, Ye Yun appeared in the sky above the vast and wild land, which is far away from the main battlefield of the Yunji Mountain Range, but the Immortal Realm Breaker will rush over within ten breaths.

Boom boom boom….

A destructive sky thunder descended on the wild land. Countless mountains, heavy mountains, rivers, lakes, and grasslands became ruins under the power of the sky thunder, and the area continued to spread.

"Master, hurry up and kill Ye Yun. The second son is not only cunning, but also extremely powerful. The disciple was seriously injured by him..."

Ye Yun sent out a call for help with Bai Wudao's special token with Wu Tianhuang's divine sense.

"Bai Wudao, it's a pity that you think I'm too weak. When I was fledgling, you didn't attack me. Now that I am full-fledged, I will kill you as soon as possible!"

Snorting a few times, Ye Yun is really pitiful for Bai Wudao now, no matter how hard he calculates, he can't calculate that he has the means to kill the fifth level of Poxian. Originally, Bai Wudao knew the hatred between Ye Yun and Ditian , but didn't attack Ye Yun early. The Ye Yun of today is no longer the Ye Yun who had a grudge against Di Tian back then.

Immediately cast the power of the Great Thousand Gods Map, cast formations on the entire ruins, arrange a barrier, completely isolate the entire ruins from the Xuanhuang Star, and perfectly integrate them. Anyone who steps into Ye Yun's trap will be Jiang Xiaoyun. It is also impossible to escape, unless an immortal has that kind of power and the speed of traveling through space.

Otherwise, at the moment when Ye Yun used the Great Thousand Gods Diagram to escape from Xuanhuang Star, no one could escape between the two big spaces. There is no such speed in the Immortal Realm, only immortals have the speed. Between the gap, escape.

Ye Yun is currently in the Xuanhuang Star, using the power of the Great Thousand Gods Chart is based on the Xuanhuang Star, not directly under the control of the power of the Great Thousand Gods Chart, unless he completely breaks away from the Xuanhuang Star and shuttles out, then even a fairy Unable to escape the power of Daqian Shentu.

"Ye Yun..."

On the central battlefield, Bai Wudao was alone. He had just killed two third-level monks who had broken the immortals. When he was about to reunite with other immortal masters, he suddenly received a plea for help from Ye Yun through Wu Tianhuang.

After learning about it, Bai Wudao became murderous: "Tianhuang's strength is so powerful that it can be compared to the fourth level of Poxian, but he can't take down Ye Yun... What kind of monster is the second son? To be able to fight against the fourth rank of Poxian, isn't he even more genius than Di Tian!!?"

"We must not allow him to grow any longer. If we give him another few decades of effort, wouldn't even this old man be his opponent... He must be completely killed before he is so strong!"

All of a sudden, Bai Wudao Fangfo saw that Ye Yun was no longer the small person in his eyes, but regarded him as an equal master and a huge threat.

"Now I finally understand why Ditian wanted to kill Ye Yun with all his heart. This person is indeed a freak. Ditian is really far-sighted. He has long seen that Ye Yun is a threat. Back then, he directly attacked Ye Yun..."

Immediately, Bai Wudao cast out countless seals with his hands, scattered them in all directions, then he turned around, his gaze suddenly pierced through the depths of the sea of ​​clouds, his whole body turned into a fright, and he flew through the space in a blink of an eye.

"finally come!!!"

Yuanshen moved slightly, and Ye Yun suddenly opened his eyes. He sat cross-legged in the void, and in front of him was a large formation, which was a formation that only third-tier immortal students like Wu Tianhuang could practice. A blindfold used to confuse Bai Wudao.

With Bai Wudao's cultivation level, he can see Ye Yun's situation with just a glance of his eyes. If he sees a flaw, he will naturally have to be on guard. In order to deal with Bai Wudao, Ye Yun has also worked hard.


The space actually distorted, and immediately, Bai Wudao came through the air, with the powerful power of the sixth-order Poxian, his speed was surprisingly fast, combined with the supernatural power of space, he rushed over within three breaths, the speed was almost as fast as Ye Yun, far away Far beyond the general Tier [-] or even Tier [-] giants.

Bai Wudao unleashed his tyrannical murderous aura, and flew towards Ye Yun, who was sitting in the spirit gathering formation, who seemed to be recuperating, and asked urgently, "Tian Huang, where is that son Ye Yun!!?"

Ye Yun immediately withdrew the Spirit Gathering Formation, and respectfully said to Wu Tianhuang: "Master...Master, that guy Ye Yun is in the formation. He is so powerful that he can fight his disciples regardless of the outcome. Master, And entered the formation to kill him!"

"As a teacher, check first, this person seems to be still among them!"

As expected of an old Jianghu, Wu Tianhuang didn't rush in to kill people as soon as his brain got hot, but lightly swiped his hands in the void, as if the whole world was being sensed by him, suddenly, his eyes and pupils were intense. Murderous Qi: "Sure enough, it's Ye Yun's breath. True Qi can't be wrong. It's hiding in it. Hurry up and kill him as a teacher. You must not let Ye Yun escape alive. The second son has to kill him. If you give him another chance, he will be killed by then." Let's attack us!"

Wu Tianhuang took Ye Yun and began to fly towards the formation, and Ye Yun was also ready to make a move. Just before the formation, Wu Tianhuang was about to step into it, when suddenly his expression changed, and he flew towards the void beside him .


Ye Yun really didn't expect the sudden change, but in order to deal with Bai Wudao, all the space is controlled, as long as he doesn't take a breath, Bai Wudao can't escape.

With a loud roar, the entire void shrank suddenly. Wu Tianhuang was terrified. Seeing the space changing, he seemed to see something. It didn't work, but at this moment, the best time was missed, and in the blink of an eye, the scene changed, and he came to the infinite starry sky.

"To actually create an independent space in the star field..."

Bai Wudao actually calmed down, regained his aloof and aloof aura, quietly looked at the infinite starry sky, and watched the dangerous interstellar storm, as if it could swallow him at any time, which made people shudder.

At this time, Ye Yun appeared in the space, looked at Bai Wudao in surprise, and said, "Bai Wudao, I didn't expect you to be in a hurry now!"

Bai Wudao turned around. Although he didn't look shocked, his heart had already exploded. He was a five-level immortal, so he naturally knew how shocking the opponent's method was, so he could only pretend not to be surprised. Change: "Who are you?"

"Who am I? I'm afraid you have already guessed it!" Ye Yun slowly waved his hand, and his whole body changed from Wu Tianhuang to his original appearance, wearing a blue robe, floating quietly in the void.

"Ye really is you!" Bai Wudao was astonished, but just as Ye Yun said, although he didn't believe it, he had already guessed who the person who put him in a desperate situation was.

Ye Yun admired that this person was still stable, and suddenly changed his previous plan: "Bai Wudao, why did I attack you, why did you appear here, you and I are very clear, now you only have two choices, the first , Surrender to me, second, there is a dead end, choose, I have no patience for enemies!"

"I didn't expect that I, Bai Wudao, would always plot against others, but now, you plot against me..."

Bai Wudao finally couldn't hold on anymore, the whole portrait was a few years older, showing old age, decadence and lack of energy, even if he is the master, he has the highest level of cultivation of the fifth level of Poxian, and he is ambitious in the Taixing plane Great, but now, he has no choice.

"Bai Wudao, in this small plane, you are also a venerable party. You have cultivated for many years before you are today. Don't you want to see everything go to waste?" Ye Yun knew that Bai Wudao must be very entangled now. Painful, so began to add salt and vinegar.

As the principal, with an earth-shattering cultivation, Bai Wudao was originally the supreme, and now it is a shame for him to bow his head and ears to Ye Yun. Why is a giant like him willing to suffer this kind of humiliation? Surrender is tantamount to letting him commit suicide.

In the silent and endless starry sky, the two faced each other like this. For a full month, Ye Yun continued: "One must know how to bend and stretch. You have lived for so many years, so you naturally know better than me that your path of cultivation will not end here. ..."

Suddenly, Bai Wudao sat up cross-legged and closed his eyes quietly: "Needless to say, do it!"

"It seems that your Dao heart is really firm. I can tell that you died for Ditian. Do you think Ditian is my opponent? Even if he is a heavenly genius, or he is really the reincarnation of an ancient immortal, so what? , Bai Wudao, you have cultivated for so many years in vain, since you are going to die, I will give you a ride!"

Ye Yun couldn't help shaking his head, he really didn't expect Bai Wudao to make such a choice, beyond his expectation, there is only one answer, that is, in Bai Wudao's eyes, Ye Yun still can't stand shoulder to shoulder with Di Tian, ​​Bai Wudao would rather submit to the strong , will never yield to a weak person like Ye Yun.

This is the choice of human nature.


A force of nothingness pierced through Bai Wudao's chest sharply. Bai Wudao thumped a few times, frothing at the mouth, and when his neck tilted, he lost his vitality.

"It's a pity that a generation of strong men has fallen like this..."

"There are talents from generation to generation in the country, and a new generation replaces the old ones. At any rate, it is the fifth-level body of the broken immortal. It is the powerful energy I need. After refining you, I can break through the sixth level of the sky and reach the high level of the sky!"

With a slight movement of Ye Yun's eyes, Bai Wudao's corpse floated over, facing the body, the essence of Bai Wudao's body was absorbed into the palm of his hand in the blink of an eye, and turned into a white bone.

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