"I am the principal and an ordinary student. From now on, Xianyuan is my home. I will treat Xianyuan as my home, and you are my family!"

Respected by hundreds of millions of students, Ye Yun strode out and saluted all the students. After speaking, Ye Yun's golden star white robe became a star Taoist robe, which was exactly the same as the attire of the principal and hall master.

"With the blessing of so much faith, Piaomiao Xingyuan has begun to merge with me. It's amazing. In the future, my cultivation speed will accelerate again, and I will soon step into the fairyland. At that time, there will be no one in the world?"

Ye Yun sneered, and finally accomplished the task.

A Dharma protector of the Law Enforcement Palace invited Ye Yun politely: "Please, Master Ye, be on the throne of Master Master!"

Turning around and looking, Ye Yun found a throne appeared in the main camp. Ye Yun's body flashed, and countless people didn't see clearly. Ye Yun was already sitting on the throne, and the whole thing seemed to be nothing.


Under the eyes of countless people, Ye Yun sat on the throne, but said slowly: "This seat has just become the master, so naturally I have to show something for the fairy courtyard. This time, I can successfully complete the secret mission and build an immortal for the fairy courtyard." Merit, experience difficulties that ordinary people can't imagine!"

Hearing Ye Yun's words, countless immortal students were very curious, especially the hall master and principal, and even Fu Daoji was very curious. They all wanted to know that Ye Yun had just become the deputy principal, so why don't they have anything else to offer to the fairy courtyard?

"This time when I sneaked into the Yanjiao sub-forum, I accidentally met a strong man. This strong man is a fellow of mine. However, he is a spy of the Yanjiao lurking in the same way. Only by making Yanjiao's high-level suspect him, can I find an opportunity to send a signal to the Immortal Academy for help!"

"And when they were fighting each other, I risked my life and snatched this person from the masters of the Yan Sect. At that time, he was about to be killed by the masters of the Yan Sect and fell into my hands. , One move, but this person is really advanced, and when he is dying of serious injuries, he can still explode his strength. This seat almost died with him. Please look at this person, the majestic head of the Tianjun Immortal Academy, Wang Chuantian !!!”

With a grasping hand, Wang Chuantian's body suddenly appeared in front of hundreds of millions of students.

Many immortal students shouted loudly when they saw the corpse, shaking their heads in disbelief: "Oh my God!! It is indeed the master of Tianjun Immortal Academy!"

"It is indeed the head of the Tianjun Immortal Academy, Wang Chuantian, I have had contacts with him, and he is actually dressed in a fire cloud black robe, and he is indeed a member of the Yan Sect!" said one head.

"The majestic head of the Tianjun Immortal Academy turned out to be the son of the Yan Sect and a cult member, damn it, really damn it!"

"Boss Ye is truly invincible, good kill!"

The students began to cheer. They all know one thing well. The three great immortal courtyards seem to be harmonious on the surface, but in fact they are fighting openly and secretly. How many times have they killed each other? Although the master took advantage of people's unpreparedness, he really killed people's hearts with joy.

In an instant, Ye Yun's status in the hearts of all the students continued to rise.

"I didn't expect Wang Chuantian to become a Yan Sect spy!"

As soon as Fu Daoji grabbed Wang Chuantian's body, he sucked Wang Chuantian's body into his palm, and a stalwart force penetrated into Wang Chuantian's body. Then several hall masters also came to check together, nodded to each other, and one hall master said: "Through Our hall masters and Fu Lao tested it, and Wang Chuantian's body does indeed have the power of a cult!"

All the students immediately clapped their hands and applauded Ye Yun: "Good kill!!!"

Ye Yun stood up, saluted slowly, and sang righteously with his sword in hand, which spread throughout Shenzhou Xianyuan: "Although Wang Chuantian is the high-ranking principal of Tianjun Xianyuan, he is a spy of Yan Sect. There is no doubt that I will take action!" When killing him, I was quite afraid of Tianjun Immortal Academy. What if they deal with me? My strength is not up to the standard of the master, and I am not their opponent at all, but I will not let this opportunity go. I believe Gutuo Immortal Academy Will support me too!"

Qiu Shuihan looked at Ye Yun, and shouted: "Master Ye is the master of my Immortal Academy, how dare Tianjun Immortal Academy do anything to you? Our executive team will never allow them to do this!"

"Yanjiao killed so many of my students and embezzled the Immortal Academy. Such spies deserve to die. Everyone should be punished. I think we should let Tianjun Immortal Academy take Wang Chuantian's body by themselves, and see if they can do it themselves." They blushed and wanted to take action against Master Ye, which is simply treachery, they should thank Master Ye for helping them clear up the traitor, otherwise, Wang Chuantian, a traitor, would have cost Tianjun Immortal Academy many students!" Another chief stood beside Ye Yun Said on the side.

However, what I said in charge is fair, so that all the students will cheer for Ye Yun after hearing it.

Fu Daoji asked the Hall of Law Enforcement to seal Wang Chuantian's body. He turned to all the students and said, "Master Ye was only promoted to deputy head, and he has brought such a huge contribution to the Immortal Academy. Hall of Law Enforcement, take note of Mr. Ye's contribution. If Director Ye makes other contributions, he will be directly promoted to Director!"

"Shenzhou Shuling..."

Ye Yun was sitting on the throne, his whole person was uncertain, but he had already sensed two strange spiritual thoughts, and he had been secretly overlooking every move that happened here, and Ye Yun was sure that it was the leader Jiang Xiaoyun, There is also Shenzhou Shuling.

"Bringing out Wang Chuantian's body, on the one hand, can increase my prestige. After all, I have just become the vice-principal, and most people will not recognize me, but it is different now. On the other hand, I can complete the secret mission this time. There were too many accidents, and Bai Wudao’s bizarre death, maybe some people would suspect me, so I just took Wang Chuantian out to let people know that I have the strength to kill the fourth-order powerhouse of Poxian. At first glance, it seems that I am exposing myself and making people suspect me, but in fact it is a cover-up and falsehood. Even if someone doubts me, they cannot be sure that I am the one who killed Bai Wudao. If I killed Bai Wudao , won’t take Wang Chuantian out and expose himself!”

"Right now, the senior executives of Shenzhou Xianyuan haven't informed the students of the news of Bai Wudao's fall. Presumably, the elders and Jiang Xiaoyun are investigating who killed Bai Wudao. Instead of letting them secretly suspect me, it's better for me to expose myself and be false. Fake, so that they can't figure out the truth!"

The powerful sensory force allowed Ye Yun to see the existence of Jiang Xiaoyun and Shenzhou Shuling in another time and space.

In less than ten years, Ye Yun has suddenly become the focus of attention from being unknown, which naturally arouses many people's curiosity and suspicion. After all, there are many people who are popular, and Bai Wudao has fallen. Shenzhou high-level attention, and thus began to doubt.

"Everyone, now I have to tell you a bad news..."

At this moment, Fu Daoji was standing on the throne, his body was filled with an aura of silence, which was sensed by countless people, and they all fell silent immediately. Fu Daoji said with infinite regret: "Your great master, Bai Wudao, Master Wu Dao has fallen during this campaign to wipe out the Yan Sect!!!"

"The Master of Enlightenment has fallen!!!"

All the immortal students were stunned, and countless honorable, emperor, king, and holy students also felt that the heaven was crying at this moment, and a sad prayer rose in their hearts.

"The master has fallen!"

Even the law enforcers in the Palace of Law Enforcement couldn't believe this news. The principal was superior, and Bai Wudao was the supreme among the principals. How could he fall like this? What a blow to Shenzhou Xianyuan.

The main thing is the spiritual pillar of the belief of one billion students. Now it has fallen, and the pillar collapsed. The powerful luck of Shenzhou Xianyuan has been lost with the depression of countless students. The main thing is related to the future luck of the entire Shenzhou Xianyuan.

In the history of Shenzhou Xianyuan, the first master to fall was tens of thousands of years ago, but now, another master has fallen, which is definitely a huge blow to Shenzhou Xianyuan.

"The deceased is gone, but the master will live forever. The Immortal Courtyard will be the resting place of the master's soul. Students, let's start to mourn for the master of enlightenment now!"

A hall master shook his head. Although he was against the master, but the loss of a master might change the structure of the three immortal courtyards, and no one could predict the impact on the immortal courtyard.

"My master won't die in vain...You all did pay him a silent tribute!"

Just when hundreds of millions of students lowered their heads and prepared to mourn in silence, suddenly, a majestic and domineering voice rolled from the heaven and earth Hong Yin, shocking people's hearts, everyone looked into the void, and a tall figure descended.

"Di Tian!"

The palace master frowned and snorted coldly.

"Ditian is back. That's right. Master Ditian is in charge of enlightenment. He should come back now. If he doesn't come, it will be disrespectful!"

"It's been rumored that Ditian wanted to leave the fairy courtyard a long time ago, but he will come back on his own initiative!"

Everyone looked at the void, and Di Tianwei'an, dressed in a golden star white robe, descended, standing with his hands behind his back, and his robe swayed slightly in the wind. He seemed to dominate the void, with an extremely powerful imposing manner.

"Ditian...didn't expect you to show up!!!"

On the throne, Ye Yun's expression changed, he was slightly surprised, he seemed to think well, the relationship between Bai Wudao and Ditian was by no means simple, it was far from a master-student relationship.

Fu Daoji looked at Ditian indifferently: "Ditian, it's just right for you to come back. You are the disciple of the Master of Enlightenment. According to the rules, you have to lead the disciples of the sect of Enlightenment to guard the spirit of the Master of Enlightenment for a hundred years!"

"The Master of Enlightenment is my master, so I naturally want to guard his spirit, let's not talk about this..."

Ditian's face suddenly turned cold, and countless people felt this. They didn't know why Ditian had such a change, and they could even feel the strong murderous aura on him.

Ditian suddenly punched the principal camp, and the circle was full of imperial power: "Ye Yun, die for me..."


Because Ditian's speed was so fast and he struck out suddenly, no one expected that Ditian would attack Ye Yun at the party in front of so many high-level officials. Only then did he suddenly realize that Di Tian's strength was too amazing, too powerful, comparable to the master.

And Ye Yun's throne exploded, and Ye Yun fell down in embarrassment. He was covered in wounds, his body was bloody, and he looked like he was about to die. He tremblingly asked Di Tian, ​​"We are all from the same sect, why did you attack me?" ?”

"Ye Yun, I didn't expect you to be a character now. In my eyes, you were always an ant. You were very weak. If you give you a chance, you will become a character. My master, you killed me, right?" Di Tian suddenly said to me. In front of hundreds of millions of students, Shenzhou Xianyuan broke out a sentence that shocked the whole world.

"Ditian, are you crazy? I'm no match for you. I can kill Master Wudao? You're not afraid of others laughing your ass off. All of you from the same sect can testify that for the sake of our personal enmity, Ditian, you don't care about immortals. You really want to rebel against the law of the court, provoking the Hall of Law Enforcement, disrespecting the elders, and attacking fellow disciples!" Ye Yun said tremblingly, holding his chest in pain.

"Die to me!" Di Tian unexpectedly punched Ye Yun again.

"Dare to kill him!"

"This is Shenzhou Xianyuan, not Diwangxing, Ditian, you are simply going too far, you don't take Xianyuan seriously!"

Just as Ditian punched, Yu Xuanji rushed out, blocking Ye Yun, and then, Fu Daoji also flashed his body, directly breaking Ditian's power in the void, and smashing into other time and space.

Whoosh whoosh!

Law enforcers from the Hall of Law Enforcement began to descend and surrounded Di Tian.

"Thank you Master Xuanji and Mr. Fu for your rescue. If it weren't for you, I would have died in Ditian's hands!" Ye Yun pretended to be excited.

Several masters of the Law Enforcement Palace led the guardians to come and stopped Ditian: "Ditian, what are you going to do? You are an immortal student, and Master Ye is already the master, so you can't be disrespectful!"

"Ditian is going to rebel, he is openly flouting the law, take him down quickly!"

Among the hundreds of millions of students, many students who had suffered humiliation under Ditian's hands unexpectedly gathered together and began to denounce Ditian.

"A group of ants!"

Di Tian disdainfully glanced at the group of students, and then looked at the countless strong men in the Hall of Law Enforcement: "I suspect that my master was killed by Ye Yun, the second son must die today!"

"Ditian, you said that I would kill your master, fellow disciples, you have all seen it just now, Ditian seriously injured me with one move, if not for the power of the throne to protect me, I might have died by his hands, I just To be promoted to the position of immortal, and now to become the vice-principal, in fact, most of it depends on luck, not strength, I believe everyone in the same sect can see it!"

Ye Yun stood up, not afraid of Ditian at all, but Yu Xuanji followed immediately, and many law enforcement officers also protected the surroundings, Ye Yun continued to be upright, with aggrieved expression: "Ditian and I came from the mainland of China at the same time, Ditian Domineering in the mainland of China, he killed many of my people. If I did not submit to him, he would always hold a grudge against me. Now that he knows that I have become the master, he uses the death of the master of enlightenment to try to kill me. He has wronged me so much , and ask Xianyuan to give me justice."

"Ditian is too much, really, he must have watched Master Ye become the master, and he is a student of the immortal rank, and he did it because of jealousy. Master Ye is not Ye Yun's opponent at all!"

"Ditian, you are respecting a student, so you established the Emperor Star. I heard that you are recruiting troops everywhere. Do you want to learn from those vassal kings in ancient times, and want to break away from Ditian and replace them?"

These, many immortal students flew out, in front of hundreds of millions of students, in front of the hall master, master, and Fu Daoji, they began to question Ditian. "I am the principal and an ordinary student. From now on, Xianyuan is my home. I will treat Xianyuan as my home, and you are my family!"

Respected by hundreds of millions of students, Ye Yun strode out and saluted all the students. After speaking, Ye Yun's golden star white robe became a star Taoist robe, which was exactly the same as the attire of the principal and hall master.

"With the blessing of so much faith, Piaomiao Xingyuan has begun to merge with me. It's amazing. In the future, my cultivation speed will accelerate again, and I will soon step into the fairyland. At that time, there will be no one in the world?"

Ye Yun sneered, and finally accomplished the task.

A Dharma protector of the Law Enforcement Palace invited Ye Yun politely: "Please, Master Ye, be on the throne of Master Master!"

Turning around and looking, Ye Yun found a throne appeared in the main camp. Ye Yun's body flashed, and countless people didn't see clearly. Ye Yun was already sitting on the throne, and the whole thing seemed to be nothing.


Under the eyes of countless people, Ye Yun sat on the throne, but said slowly: "This seat has just become the master, so naturally I have to show something for the fairy courtyard. This time, I can successfully complete the secret mission and build an immortal for the fairy courtyard." Merit, experience difficulties that ordinary people can't imagine!"

Hearing Ye Yun's words, countless immortal students were very curious, especially the hall master and principal, and even Fu Daoji was very curious. They all wanted to know that Ye Yun had just become the deputy principal, so why don't they have anything else to offer to the fairy courtyard?

"This time when I sneaked into the Yanjiao sub-forum, I accidentally met a strong man. This strong man is a fellow of mine. However, he is a spy of the Yanjiao lurking in the same way. Only by making Yanjiao's high-level suspect him, can I find an opportunity to send a signal to the Immortal Academy for help!"

"And when they were fighting each other, I risked my life and snatched this person from the masters of the Yan Sect. At that time, he was about to be killed by the masters of the Yan Sect and fell into my hands. , One move, but this person is really advanced, and when he is dying of serious injuries, he can still explode his strength. This seat almost died with him. Please look at this person, the majestic head of the Tianjun Immortal Academy, Wang Chuantian !!!”

With a grasping hand, Wang Chuantian's body suddenly appeared in front of hundreds of millions of students.

Many immortal students shouted loudly when they saw the corpse, shaking their heads in disbelief: "Oh my God!! It is indeed the master of Tianjun Immortal Academy!"

"It is indeed the head of the Tianjun Immortal Academy, Wang Chuantian, I have had contacts with him, and he is actually dressed in a fire cloud black robe, and he is indeed a member of the Yan Sect!" said one head.

"The majestic head of the Tianjun Immortal Academy turned out to be the son of the Yan Sect and a cult member, damn it, really damn it!"

"Boss Ye is truly invincible, good kill!"

The students began to cheer. They all know one thing well. The three great immortal courtyards seem to be harmonious on the surface, but in fact they are fighting openly and secretly. How many times have they killed each other? Although the master took advantage of people's unpreparedness, he really killed people's hearts with joy.

In an instant, Ye Yun's status in the hearts of all the students continued to rise.

"I didn't expect Wang Chuantian to become a Yan Sect spy!"

As soon as Fu Daoji grabbed Wang Chuantian's body, he sucked Wang Chuantian's body into his palm, and a stalwart force penetrated into Wang Chuantian's body. Then several hall masters also came to check together, nodded to each other, and one hall master said: "Through Our hall masters and Fu Lao tested it, and Wang Chuantian's body does indeed have the power of a cult!"

All the students immediately clapped their hands and applauded Ye Yun: "Good kill!!!"

Ye Yun stood up, saluted slowly, and sang righteously with his sword in hand, which spread throughout Shenzhou Xianyuan: "Although Wang Chuantian is the high-ranking principal of Tianjun Xianyuan, he is a spy of Yan Sect. There is no doubt that I will take action!" When killing him, I was quite afraid of Tianjun Immortal Academy. What if they deal with me? My strength is not up to the standard of the master, and I am not their opponent at all, but I will not let this opportunity go. I believe Gutuo Immortal Academy Will support me too!"

Qiu Shuihan looked at Ye Yun, and shouted: "Master Ye is the master of my Immortal Academy, how dare Tianjun Immortal Academy do anything to you? Our executive team will never allow them to do this!"

"Yanjiao killed so many of my students and embezzled the Immortal Academy. Such spies deserve to die. Everyone should be punished. I think we should let Tianjun Immortal Academy take Wang Chuantian's body by themselves, and see if they can do it themselves." They blushed and wanted to take action against Master Ye, which is simply treachery, they should thank Master Ye for helping them clear up the traitor, otherwise, Wang Chuantian, a traitor, would have cost Tianjun Immortal Academy many students!" Another chief stood beside Ye Yun Said on the side.

However, what I said in charge is fair, so that all the students will cheer for Ye Yun after hearing it.

Fu Daoji asked the Hall of Law Enforcement to seal Wang Chuantian's body. He turned to all the students and said, "Master Ye was only promoted to deputy head, and he has brought such a huge contribution to the Immortal Academy. Hall of Law Enforcement, take note of Mr. Ye's contribution. If Director Ye makes other contributions, he will be directly promoted to Director!"

"Shenzhou Shuling..."

Ye Yun was sitting on the throne, his whole person was uncertain, but he had already sensed two strange spiritual thoughts, and he had been secretly overlooking every move that happened here, and Ye Yun was sure that it was the leader Jiang Xiaoyun, There is also Shenzhou Shuling.

"Bringing out Wang Chuantian's body, on the one hand, can increase my prestige. After all, I have just become the vice-principal, and most people will not recognize me, but it is different now. On the other hand, I can complete the secret mission this time. There were too many accidents, and Bai Wudao’s bizarre death, maybe some people would suspect me, so I just took Wang Chuantian out to let people know that I have the strength to kill the fourth-order powerhouse of Poxian. At first glance, it seems that I am exposing myself and making people suspect me, but in fact it is a cover-up and falsehood. Even if someone doubts me, they cannot be sure that I am the one who killed Bai Wudao. If I killed Bai Wudao , won’t take Wang Chuantian out and expose himself!”

"Right now, the senior executives of Shenzhou Xianyuan haven't informed the students of the news of Bai Wudao's fall. Presumably, the elders and Jiang Xiaoyun are investigating who killed Bai Wudao. Instead of letting them secretly suspect me, it's better for me to expose myself and be false. Fake, so that they can't figure out the truth!"

The powerful sensory force allowed Ye Yun to see the existence of Jiang Xiaoyun and Shenzhou Shuling in another time and space.

In less than ten years, Ye Yun has suddenly become the focus of attention from being unknown, which naturally arouses many people's curiosity and suspicion. After all, there are many people who are popular, and Bai Wudao has fallen. Shenzhou high-level attention, and thus began to doubt.

"Everyone, now I have to tell you a bad news..."

At this moment, Fu Daoji was standing on the throne, his body was filled with an aura of silence, which was sensed by countless people, and they all fell silent immediately. Fu Daoji said with infinite regret: "Your great master, Bai Wudao, Master Wu Dao has fallen during this campaign to wipe out the Yan Sect!!!"

"The Master of Enlightenment has fallen!!!"

All the immortal students were stunned, and countless honorable, emperor, king, and holy students also felt that the heaven was crying at this moment, and a sad prayer rose in their hearts.

"The master has fallen!"

Even the law enforcers in the Palace of Law Enforcement couldn't believe this news. The principal was superior, and Bai Wudao was the supreme among the principals. How could he fall like this? What a blow to Shenzhou Xianyuan.

The main thing is the spiritual pillar of the belief of one billion students. Now it has fallen, and the pillar collapsed. The powerful luck of Shenzhou Xianyuan has been lost with the depression of countless students. The main thing is related to the future luck of the entire Shenzhou Xianyuan.

In the history of Shenzhou Xianyuan, the first master to fall was tens of thousands of years ago, but now, another master has fallen, which is definitely a huge blow to Shenzhou Xianyuan.

"The deceased is gone, but the master will live forever. The Immortal Courtyard will be the resting place of the master's soul. Students, let's start to mourn for the master of enlightenment now!"

A hall master shook his head. Although he was against the master, but the loss of a master might change the structure of the three immortal courtyards, and no one could predict the impact on the immortal courtyard.

"My master won't die in vain...You all did pay him a silent tribute!"

Just when hundreds of millions of students lowered their heads and prepared to mourn in silence, suddenly, a majestic and domineering voice rolled from the heaven and earth Hong Yin, shocking people's hearts, everyone looked into the void, and a tall figure descended.

"Di Tian!"

The palace master frowned and snorted coldly.

"Ditian is back. That's right. Master Ditian is in charge of enlightenment. He should come back now. If he doesn't come, it will be disrespectful!"

"It's been rumored that Ditian wanted to leave the fairy courtyard a long time ago, but he will come back on his own initiative!"

Everyone looked at the void, and Di Tianwei'an, dressed in a golden star white robe, descended, standing with his hands behind his back, and his robe swayed slightly in the wind. He seemed to dominate the void, with an extremely powerful imposing manner.

"Ditian...didn't expect you to show up!!!"

On the throne, Ye Yun's expression changed, he was slightly surprised, he seemed to think well, the relationship between Bai Wudao and Ditian was by no means simple, it was far from a master-student relationship.

Fu Daoji looked at Ditian indifferently: "Ditian, it's just right for you to come back. You are the disciple of the Master of Enlightenment. According to the rules, you have to lead the disciples of the sect of Enlightenment to guard the spirit of the Master of Enlightenment for a hundred years!"

"The Master of Enlightenment is my master, so I naturally want to guard his spirit, let's not talk about this..."

Ditian's face suddenly turned cold, and countless people felt this. They didn't know why Ditian had such a change, and they could even feel the strong murderous aura on him.

Ditian suddenly punched the principal camp, and the circle was full of imperial power: "Ye Yun, die for me..."


Because Ditian's speed was so fast and he struck out suddenly, no one expected that Ditian would attack Ye Yun at the party in front of so many high-level officials. Only then did he suddenly realize that Di Tian's strength was too amazing, too powerful, comparable to the master.

And Ye Yun's throne exploded, and Ye Yun fell down in embarrassment. He was covered in wounds, his body was bloody, and he looked like he was about to die. He tremblingly asked Di Tian, ​​"We are all from the same sect, why did you attack me?" ?”

"Ye Yun, I didn't expect you to be a character now. In my eyes, you were always an ant. You were very weak. If you give you a chance, you will become a character. My master, you killed me, right?" Di Tian suddenly said to me. In front of hundreds of millions of students, Shenzhou Xianyuan broke out a sentence that shocked the whole world.

"Ditian, are you crazy? I'm no match for you. I can kill Master Wudao? You're not afraid of others laughing your ass off. All of you from the same sect can testify that for the sake of our personal enmity, Ditian, you don't care about immortals. You really want to rebel against the law of the court, provoking the Hall of Law Enforcement, disrespecting the elders, and attacking fellow disciples!" Ye Yun said tremblingly, holding his chest in pain.

"Die to me!" Di Tian unexpectedly punched Ye Yun again.

"Dare to kill him!"

"This is Shenzhou Xianyuan, not Diwangxing, Ditian, you are simply going too far, you don't take Xianyuan seriously!"

Just as Ditian punched, Yu Xuanji rushed out, blocking Ye Yun, and then, Fu Daoji also flashed his body, directly breaking Ditian's power in the void, and smashing into other time and space.

Whoosh whoosh!

Law enforcers from the Hall of Law Enforcement began to descend and surrounded Di Tian.

"Thank you Master Xuanji and Mr. Fu for your rescue. If it weren't for you, I would have died in Ditian's hands!" Ye Yun pretended to be excited.

Several masters of the Law Enforcement Palace led the guardians to come and stopped Ditian: "Ditian, what are you going to do? You are an immortal student, and Master Ye is already the master, so you can't be disrespectful!"

"Ditian is going to rebel, he is openly flouting the law, take him down quickly!"

Among the hundreds of millions of students, many students who had suffered humiliation under Ditian's hands unexpectedly gathered together and began to denounce Ditian.

"A group of ants!"

Di Tian disdainfully glanced at the group of students, and then looked at the countless strong men in the Hall of Law Enforcement: "I suspect that my master was killed by Ye Yun, the second son must die today!"

"Ditian, you said that I would kill your master, fellow disciples, you have all seen it just now, Ditian seriously injured me with one move, if not for the power of the throne to protect me, I might have died by his hands, I just To be promoted to the position of immortal, and now to become the vice-principal, in fact, most of it depends on luck, not strength, I believe everyone in the same sect can see it!"

Ye Yun stood up, not afraid of Ditian at all, but Yu Xuanji followed immediately, and many law enforcement officers also protected the surroundings, Ye Yun continued to be upright, with aggrieved expression: "Ditian and I came from the mainland of China at the same time, Ditian Domineering in the mainland of China, he killed many of my people. If I did not submit to him, he would always hold a grudge against me. Now that he knows that I have become the master, he uses the death of the master of enlightenment to try to kill me. He has wronged me so much , and ask Xianyuan to give me justice."

"Ditian is too much, really, he must have watched Master Ye become the master, and he is a student of the immortal rank, and he did it because of jealousy. Master Ye is not Ye Yun's opponent at all!"

"Ditian, you are respecting a student, so you established the Emperor Star. I heard that you are recruiting troops everywhere. Do you want to learn from those vassal kings in ancient times, and want to break away from Ditian and replace them?"

These, many immortal students flew out, in front of hundreds of millions of students, in front of the hall master, master, and Fu Daoji, they began to question Ditian.

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